Have conservatives proposed an alternative to the nuclear negotiations with Iran?

of coure they did idiot; crippling sanctions

which is exactly what you left-wingers are saying would be the consequences for iran if they break the deal

idiots and hypocrites

so it boils down to why make the deal?
especially considering the last time an inept Progressive President made an "agreement" with a country trying to build nuclear bombs it was Carter, for clinton; with North Korea

how did that turn out?
I hear lots of conservatives criticizing Obama over the nuclear deal with Iran, but I don't see any conservatives offering alternatives. Quite the opposite. Conservatives went so far as to write a letter to Iran threatening to yank any agreement reached with the current administration. Then conservatives went a step further by unilaterally inviting Iran's longtime nemesis to speak before the US Congress.

These are not the actions of people who want a resolution. They are the actions of warmongers.
Hmmmm let me think about that. What is a good alternative to surrender?
Why the hell should they have propose anything this jackoff administration started.

Obama and his team is a danger to us all. I have no idea what their end game is all this but it can't be good for us and other countries

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