Have Evangelicals Broken Up With Jesus?

The Evangelicals always placed Paul as well as the book of Acts above Jesus..
What were those CHRISTIANS again?
Unfortunately, the Jews influencing Christianity today have not converted. They are politically motivated and are driving religious doctrine. Dispensationalism, a concept which was invented in the 1880's has taken hold. Now, the Jews did not start that movement but they were and are heavy proponents of it.

Dispensationalism, Jews, and Israel | Collin Brendemuehl
Your fear of Judaism is puzzling. Do you believe they will somehow take over the world if we don't step on their necks?
That's rather unlikely.
Is there any truth to this, or is it totally bogus?
Is your question serious? It's totally a bogus Colbert-like attack on the Right and religion in particular (when Colbert's lame bit was pretending to be a conservative, instead of a snarky dick, which is what he actually is).
It's from a Canuck, no less.

Deven Green - Wikipedia
I think it’s a very good question.
Anyone who went to a religious school, the way I did, knows exactly what Jesus stood for. And it is the exact opposite of everything Republicans stand for.


There's nothing so informative as when a Statist tries to lecture us on religion
What were those CHRISTIANS again?
Unfortunately, the Jews influencing Christianity today have not converted. They are politically motivated and are driving religious doctrine. Dispensationalism, a concept which was invented in the 1880's has taken hold. Now, the Jews did not start that movement but they were and are heavy proponents of it.

Dispensationalism, Jews, and Israel | Collin Brendemuehl
Your fear of Judaism is puzzling. Do you believe they will somehow take over the world if we don't step on their necks?
That's rather unlikely.
I don't fear Jews. I am simply stating the current position of modern Christianity and the influences of it, particularly in the US. How is that fearful?
EDITOR’S NOTE: A word from RLC co-founder Shane Claiborne as the #DallasRevival kicks off (November 16-17, 2018).

Christianity in America is in a funk.

The latest evidence of that is the 81 percent of white evangelicals who voted for Trump.

It’s been said that Trump did not change America — he revealed America. It can also be said that he didn’t change evangelicalism, Trump revealed it. And what we see is very disturbing. Many Christians seem more dedicated to Trump than to Jesus, calling him the “dream president.”

It’s not that we are anti-Trump. We are pro-Jesus. But nearly everything Trump has come to stand for, personally and politically, is anti-Jesus. The tweets of Trump sound very unlike Jesus, and so do his policies.

We have come to Dallas to lift up Jesus because we know Jesus is the best corrective to the stuff that’s gone wrong in evangelical Christianity.

Robert Jeffress here in Dallas is one of the Christian leaders who continues to defend the indefensible, forfeiting his moral integrity for the sake of political expediency. He has said that Trump is “on the right side of God” and that he is “the most pro-life president in history.” He’s even argued that Romans 13 gives Trump the “authority to do whatever” he wants, even start a nuclear war. This pro-Trump, nationalistic, anti-Jesus theology is toxic and dangerous. The dream president of Jerry Falwell, Jr., Franklin Graham, and Robert Jeffress is the nightmare president for the poor and marginalized.

Christian Group Plans ‘Revival’ to Protest ‘Toxic Evangelicalism’ – Red Letter Christians
What are RLC, those who put Jesus's words first , above Paul.
Lol, free healthcare? Anyway God said you don't work, you don't eat.
The leftists that love to give the impression that Jesus was a Socialist really have their uniformed heads up their asses, to no one's surprise. Helping your poor neighbors and strangers because it is the Christian thing to do and it honors God is nothing like giving political power to a group of cynical politicians who will take a preponderance of your money
through confiscatory taxes and distribute it in a manner that cements their personal political power.

This is despite the entire historical record of socialism and it's big brother, Communism, that show it's been a breeding ground for dystopic and despotic governments wherever and whenever it's been tried.

Btw, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, are not socialist states. Their social safety net may be much greater than ours but they have free market economies that power their welfare states. Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist
I guess the Danish Prime Minister knows a bit more about his country than imbecile leftists like Bernie and AOC.
Is your question serious? It's totally a bogus Colbert-like attack on the Right and religion in particular (when Colbert's lame bit was pretending to be a conservative, instead of a snarky dick, which is what he actually is).
It's from a Canuck, no less.

Deven Green - Wikipedia
From your source...

"Green was born and raised in Manitoba, Canada and holds dual Canadian-U.S. citizenship."
In the distant past your posts had a slight semblance of intellectual thought to them.

But over time you have devolved into a vapid liberal political hack with zero depth. ... :cuckoo:
If that were true, I'd be where you've been all along.
The leftists that love to give the impression that Jesus was a Socialist really have their uniformed heads up their asses, to no one's surprise. Helping your poor neighbors and strangers because it is the Christian thing to do and it honors God is nothing like giving political power to a group of cynical politicians who will take a preponderance of your money
through confiscatory taxes and distribute it in a manner that cements their personal political power.

This is despite the entire historical record of socialism and it's big brother, Communism, that show it's been a breeding ground for dystopic and despotic governments wherever and whenever it's been tried.

Btw, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, are not socialist states. Their social safety net may be much greater than ours but they have free market economies that power their welfare states. Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist
I guess the Danish Prime Minister knows a bit more about his country than imbecile leftists like Bernie and AOC.
Tee hee...!!!

From your source...

"Green was born and raised in Manitoba, Canada and holds dual Canadian-U.S. citizenship."
And this contradicts my post how? Green lives in LA as countless Canadians do when they are in the show biz.
She is much more Canadian than American and will remain so until she permanently makes the transition to the U.S.

Desperate to disagree much?
Is this more hate speech to inspire violence against Christians? The video shows an unflattering picture of the President. What does that have to with Jesus?
Is this more hate speech to inspire violence against Christians? The video shows an unflattering picture of the President. What does that have to with Jesus?
Explain how this is hate speech.

You really are one snowflake son-of-a-bitch, aren't you?
Is this more hate speech to inspire violence against Christians? The video shows an unflattering picture of the President. What does that have to with Jesus?
Explain how this is hate speech.

You really are one snowflake son-of-a-bitch, aren't you?
They've become a bunch of whiny crybabies just like their Orange Redeemer that pisses, moans and complains incessantly on twitter.
According to this video, they have...

Is there any truth to this, or is it totally bogus?

They have abandoned every principle, politically, save for anti-choice. They would elect a retarded ferret, if they thought the retarded ferret would stack the deck in favor of anti-choice.

I dont see that as a basis to criticize them for abandoning their faith or dogma. They arent making choices for themselves and their own, peroanal behavior, but rather political choices to acheive a political goal. Your energy would be better spent addressing this political power than it would trying to prop up a point about "hypocrites!" that will compel exactly nobody.
According to this video, they have...

Is there any truth to this, or is it totally bogus?

Clinton and Obama supporters have fake outrage about all of this stuff… Truck never acted like this while in office. The same cannot be said for slick Willy, and Obama forcing socialist entitlement programs on people

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