Have Evangelicals Broken Up With Jesus?

They have abandoned every principle, politically, save for anti-choice. They would elect a retarded ferret, if they thought the retarded ferret would stack the deck in favor of anti-choice.

I dont see that as a basis to criticize them for abandoning their faith or dogma. They arent making choices for themselves and their own, peroanal behavior, but rather political choices to acheive a political goal. Your energy would be better spent addressing this political power than it would trying to prop up a point about "hypocrites!" that will compel exactly nobody.
The alternative to Trump was a war criminal and epic crook, Hillary Clinton. I'm not abandoning any of my values or
beliefs by voting to keep her out of the White House, an unthinkable disaster.
She was an essential cog in the attempted coup of Trump and I haven't for a second regretted my vote.

I'm not surprised a bunch of amoral shameless clowns don't seem to get it, or pretend they don't.
They have abandoned every principle, politically, save for anti-choice. They would elect a retarded ferret, if they thought the retarded ferret would stack the deck in favor of anti-choice.

I dont see that as a basis to criticize them for abandoning their faith or dogma. They arent making choices for themselves and their own, peroanal behavior, but rather political choices to acheive a political goal. Your energy would be better spent addressing this political power than it would trying to prop up a point about "hypocrites!" that will compel exactly nobody.
The alternative to Trump was a war criminal and epic crook, Hillary Clinton. I'm not abandoning any of my values or
beliefs by voting to keep her out of the White House, an unthinkable disaster.
She was an essential cog in the attempted coup of Trump and I haven't for a second regretted my vote.

I'm not surprised a bunch of amoral shameless clowns don't seem to get it, or pretend they don't.
Haha, yeah, thats how you cultists justify your behavior to yourselves... "Everyone esle is amoral...thats why I voted for the amoral, unethical, classless, ignorant trump"

Good stuff.
Haha, yeah, thats how you cultists justify your behavior to yourselves... "Everyone esle is amoral...thats why I voted for the amoral, unethical, classless, ignorant trump"

Good stuff.
I have to agree, even as I throw up a little bit at the thought of agreeing with you.
The choice between Clinton and Trump was as stark and clear as day.

Get some Bag Balm for that chapped ass of yours.
Haha, yeah, thats how you cultists justify your behavior to yourselves... "Everyone esle is amoral...thats why I voted for the amoral, unethical, classless, ignorant trump"

Good stuff.
I have to agree, even as I throw up a little bit at the thought of agreeing with you.
The choice between Clinton and Trump was as stark and clear as day.
Opinions vary. And I don't think my comments about evangelicals apply to you.
Opinions vary. And I don't think my comments about evangelicals apply to you.
My views on religion are nuanced and somewhat out of the mainstream and the one thing I am not is an evangelical.
Well, either way, adulting means not getting everything you want. And the evangelicals, whatever else one thinks about them, kept their eyes on the prize. They happily traded the "moral majority" label for the prospect of legislating anti-choice. Maybe progressives can stop cannibalizing their own and take a lesson from the evangelicals.
Well, either way, adulting means not getting everything you want. And the evangelicals, whatever else one thinks about them, kept their eyes on the prize. They happily traded the "moral majority" label for the prospect of legislating anti-choice. Maybe progressives can stop cannibalizing their own and take a lesson from the evangelicals.
Maybe. But it is more likely the Jacobin leftist mob that has taken over the left will not listen to anyone who isn't 100% all in for burning down the system if they don't get their way.

The Green New Deal, the transgender craziness, the attack on the Southern border, the rise of anti Semitism....those are extremist movements.
It will take a while for the left to reclaim their party. I'm afraid they have already shot themselves in the foot in an effort to get rid of Trump and the only question is how many toes they will have to amputate to save the whole foot.

In all likelihood given the economy they have already conceded the presidency for 2020 and the Supreme Court for the next few decades The best they can do is Joe Biden???
The best they can do is Joe Biden???
Sorry, but that shit cracks me up. The best the republicans could do was a retarded old man displaying mental illness, profound ignorance, and a strange affinity for Russian interests.

The dems could nominate anything or anyone, and the key will be to get the sleepy liberals to come out and vote.
Sorry, but that shit cracks me up. The best the republicans could do was a retarded old man displaying mental illness, profound ignorance, and a strange affinity for Russian interests.

The dems could nominate anything or anyone, and the key will be to get the sleepy liberals to come out and vote.
A "strange affinity" that runs counter to Russian interests in Venezuela, but why let facts ruin your blather?

Yes, that's great . Continue to let your hate and deep loathing for the man who is president, who is managing an economic renaissance that Obama friendly economists called impossible.
Record lows for black, Hispanic unemployment, etc.

When the democrats are through tearing themselves apart we will see who is left standing: A literally brain damaged corrupt puppet of the banks who has never ever gained any traction at all as a presidential candidate or a socialist
who already is DOA with about 70% of the country.
A "strange affinity" that runs counter to Russian interests in Venezuela, but why let facts ruin your blather
And aligns with their interests at many other times. No rational person would think this one example makes his point, in livht of all other information. You're kind of embarrassing yourself, there.

Continue to let your hate and deep loathing for the man who is president, who is managing an economic renaissance that Obama friendly economists called impossible.
Record lows for black, Hispanic unemployment, etc.
I believe that happened in spite of trump, not because of him. While i dont disagree with 100% of his ideas, I still feel he is unfit for office, and we can get those ideas elsewhere. You confuse your own basal,simpleton reasoning for that of others. "Hillary bad, therefore trump". You already said it. You can keep your simpleton's reasoning,i have no use for it.
And aligns with their interests at many other times. No rational person would think this one example makes his point, in livht of all other information. You're kind of embarrassing yourself, there.
List all those other times.
I believe that happened in spite of trump, not because of him. While i dont disagree with 100% of his ideas, I still feel he is unfit for office, and we can get those ideas elsewhere. You confuse your own basal,simpleton reasoning for that of others. "Hillary bad, therefore trump". You already said it. You can keep your simpleton's reasoning,i have no use for it
Just as you can keep your biased opinionated belief that no matter what happens for the good while Trump is in office and starts an amazing economic renaissance it's all despite of him and not because of his policies which magically, according to you, make zero difference at all.

You embarrass yourself. Don't worry about me.
According to this video, they have...

Is there any truth to this, or is it totally bogus?

Absolutely BRILLIANT! I have been saying since decades before any idiot proposed trump for president that so many people who call themselves "Christians" managed to evolve a "Christian" religion with absolutely NOTHING about Jesus in it: a religion that clearly rejects the teachings of Jesus. They just use the name of Jesus and the accompanying imagery to hide behind. They quote everyone else, but they never, ever quote Jesus.
Just as you can keep your biased opinionated belief that no matter what happens for the good while Trump is in office and starts an amazing economic renaissance it's all despite of him and not because of his policies which magically, according to you, make zero difference at all.
Correct. His only policy one might point at as even being successful is a reduction on corporate tax, and that has been successful only for a very few people. In reality, wages are still stagnant. record deficits and trade deficits, both directly thanks to that moron's policies.

Started a renaissance? haha, how fucking stupid. Overheating the economy in the short term has been tied before, and it fails. And he was handed an economy trending up. He literally could have done nothing but lick his own arse, and the economy would have continued to grow.

Anyhoo, back on topic...
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According to this video, they have...

Is there any truth to this, or is it totally bogus?

That video perfectly describes the relationship between current day GOP politics & the Jesus they prostitute in the name of GOP politics.

Religion & politics should never meet BUT the GOP has whored Jesus for several decades & many are just now catching on to the fact.

The message of Jesus was all about caring for the poor, the down trodden, and the less fortunate.
Jesus said blessed are those that show mercy for they shall receive mercy.

The GOP is all about taking care of the billionaires, the wealthy corporations, and of course the 'military incestuous complex.'
The GOP talking point is 'too bad you're broke, you dumb ass; go get a fucking job.'
Lol, free healthcare? Anyway God said you don't work, you don't eat.
The leftists that love to give the impression that Jesus was a Socialist really have their uniformed heads up their asses, to no one's surprise. Helping your poor neighbors and strangers because it is the Christian thing to do and it honors God is nothing like giving political power to a group of cynical politicians who will take a preponderance of your money
through confiscatory taxes and distribute it in a manner that cements their personal political power.

This is despite the entire historical record of socialism and it's big brother, Communism, that show it's been a breeding ground for dystopic and despotic governments wherever and whenever it's been tried.

Btw, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, are not socialist states. Their social safety net may be much greater than ours but they have free market economies that power their welfare states. Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist
I guess the Danish Prime Minister knows a bit more about his country than imbecile leftists like Bernie and AOC.
Let's not forget probably around 40% goes to help and the other to government.
Trump is not actively hostile to Evangelicals. Liberals, as demonstrated in this very thread, are.

The choice for them was obvious, and there was nothing wrong with it.
The Jew has infiltrated Christianity
Beginning with that JEW we call "Jesus" and then those 12 Jews we call the apostles.

And all the other thousands of Jews mentioned in the Bible. If a person has a problem with Jews, they might want to stay as far away from Christianity as possible (Pssst, mainstream Christian churches teach that the Jews are "God's chosen people". Run away!!!).
What were those CHRISTIANS again?
Unfortunately, the Jews influencing Christianity today have not converted. They are politically motivated and are driving religious doctrine. Dispensationalism, a concept which was invented in the 1880's has taken hold. Now, the Jews did not start that movement but they were and are heavy proponents of it.

Dispensationalism, Jews, and Israel | Collin Brendemuehl
Your fear of Judaism is puzzling. Do you believe they will somehow take over the world if we don't step on their necks?
That's rather unlikely.

Frankly, if they DID take over the world, I'm not sure we wouldn't be better off. Definitely can't see how we'd be WORSE off.
Is there any truth to this, or is it totally bogus?
Is your question serious? It's totally a bogus Colbert-like attack on the Right and religion in particular (when Colbert's lame bit was pretending to be a conservative, instead of a snarky dick, which is what he actually is).
It's from a Canuck, no less.

Deven Green - Wikipedia
I think it’s a very good question.
Anyone who went to a religious school, the way I did, knows exactly what Jesus stood for. And it is the exact opposite of everything Republicans stand for.


There's nothing so informative as when a Statist tries to lecture us on religion

Informs me that the person speaking is a pompous, ignorant blowhard.

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