Have Evangelicals Broken Up With Jesus?

Lol, free healthcare? Anyway God said you don't work, you don't eat.
The leftists that love to give the impression that Jesus was a Socialist really have their uniformed heads up their asses, to no one's surprise. Helping your poor neighbors and strangers because it is the Christian thing to do and it honors God is nothing like giving political power to a group of cynical politicians who will take a preponderance of your money
through confiscatory taxes and distribute it in a manner that cements their personal political power.

This is despite the entire historical record of socialism and it's big brother, Communism, that show it's been a breeding ground for dystopic and despotic governments wherever and whenever it's been tried.

Btw, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, are not socialist states. Their social safety net may be much greater than ours but they have free market economies that power their welfare states. Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist
I guess the Danish Prime Minister knows a bit more about his country than imbecile leftists like Bernie and AOC.

Come on, now. Nothing says "loving your neighbor" like a faceless, complicated bureaucracy so that you don't ever have to speak to or acknowledge your neighbor.
According to this video, they have...

Is there any truth to this, or is it totally bogus?

They have abandoned every principle, politically, save for anti-choice. They would elect a retarded ferret, if they thought the retarded ferret would stack the deck in favor of anti-choice.

I dont see that as a basis to criticize them for abandoning their faith or dogma. They arent making choices for themselves and their own, peroanal behavior, but rather political choices to acheive a political goal. Your energy would be better spent addressing this political power than it would trying to prop up a point about "hypocrites!" that will compel exactly nobody.

"They have abandoned every principle . . . as defined by us!"

We haven't abandoned shit, Fart Fun. We never accepted YOUR interpretation of our principles in the first place.

And a retarded ferret would be a better President than any of your suggestions, so maybe you should ponder THAT for a while.
Clinton and Obama supporters have fake outrage about all of this stuff… Truck never acted like this while in office. The same cannot be said for slick Willy, and Obama forcing socialist entitlement programs on people
They have abandoned every principle, politically, save for anti-choice. They would elect a retarded ferret, if they thought the retarded ferret would stack the deck in favor of anti-choice.

I dont see that as a basis to criticize them for abandoning their faith or dogma. They arent making choices for themselves and their own, peroanal behavior, but rather political choices to acheive a political goal. Your energy would be better spent addressing this political power than it would trying to prop up a point about "hypocrites!" that will compel exactly nobody.
The alternative to Trump was a war criminal and epic crook, Hillary Clinton. I'm not abandoning any of my values or
beliefs by voting to keep her out of the White House, an unthinkable disaster.
She was an essential cog in the attempted coup of Trump and I haven't for a second regretted my vote.

I'm not surprised a bunch of amoral shameless clowns don't seem to get it, or pretend they don't.
Haha, yeah, thats how you cultists justify your behavior to yourselves... "Everyone esle is amoral...thats why I voted for the amoral, unethical, classless, ignorant trump"

Good stuff.

"That's how you justify your behavior to yourselves: by citing your ACTUAL beliefs and principles, instead of the invented ones we try to project onto you!"

He didn't say, "Everyone else is amoral", Fart. He said Hillary Clinton was a far worse choice than Trump, which is a completely valid opinion to have.
Haha, yeah, thats how you cultists justify your behavior to yourselves... "Everyone esle is amoral...thats why I voted for the amoral, unethical, classless, ignorant trump"

Good stuff.
I have to agree, even as I throw up a little bit at the thought of agreeing with you.
The choice between Clinton and Trump was as stark and clear as day.
Opinions vary. And I don't think my comments about evangelicals apply to you.

They don't apply to Evangelicals, so what's your point?
Opinions vary. And I don't think my comments about evangelicals apply to you.
My views on religion are nuanced and somewhat out of the mainstream and the one thing I am not is an evangelical.
Well, either way, adulting means not getting everything you want. And the evangelicals, whatever else one thinks about them, kept their eyes on the prize. They happily traded the "moral majority" label for the prospect of legislating anti-choice. Maybe progressives can stop cannibalizing their own and take a lesson from the evangelicals.
You're right! Adulting DOES mean not getting everything you want. In this case, it meant we on the right didn't get an ideal candidate, and you on the left didn't get to win the election.

Glad you're finally grasping this. Now if you could just wrap your head around the fact that YOU are not recognized by a single person on this planet as a moral arbiter in any way, shape, or form, that would be real progress.
According to this video, they have...

Is there any truth to this, or is it totally bogus?

Frozen Mexicans
Frozen Mexicans :21: and frozen frogs
the majority of Americans forget Canada even exists .
Millennials dont know what a Canada is
which is just a can of ada
Ada is used for treating indigestion and the main ingredient in in alka seltzer
According to this video, they have...

Is there any truth to this, or is it totally bogus?

Neither, its a Comedy Routine. The broad performing is what we call a "comedienne", and her remarks are what are known as "jokes".
According to this video, they have...

Is there any truth to this, or is it totally bogus?

Judas was apart of the body of Christ. And he sold his portion for thirty pieces of silver. There is a lot of church leaders that are doing the will of the devil. There is one that never posted anything about God on her Youtube channel. Until after her dad a prophet has died. Now she portraying herself as a good Christian in her dad's name, spreading false lies for her pieces of silver. And there are more that are being paid by the Globalist, to spread a false doctrine. But since the spirit of Truth has came. The true followers are leaving these false teachers congregations.

Neither, its a Comedy Routine. The broad performing is what we call a "comedienne", and her remarks are what are known as "jokes".
And I asked what's known as a "question", kinda based on an "analogy."

Again, the question was..."Is there any truth to this, or is it totally bogus?"
Judas was apart of the body of Christ. And he sold his portion for thirty pieces of silver. There is a lot of church leaders that are doing the will of the devil. There is one that never posted anything about God on her Youtube channel. Until after her dad a prophet has died. Now she portraying herself as a good Christian in her dad's name, spreading false lies for her pieces of silver. And there are more that are being paid by the Globalist, to spread a false doctrine. But since the spirit of Truth has came. The true followers are leaving these false teachers congregations.

Seems that you're providing evidence that supports the OP.
Neither, its a Comedy Routine. The broad performing is what we call a "comedienne", and her remarks are what are known as "jokes".
And I asked what's known as a "question", kinda based on an "analogy."

Again, the question was..."Is there any truth to this, or is it totally bogus?"

Its a joke, if it made someone laugh, I guess it succeeded as a joke, so does that make it "bogus"? The broad wasn't trying to be serious.

Anyone who thinks there is any truth to the routine is just pulling your leg.
Its a joke, if it made someone laugh, I guess it succeeded as a joke, so does that make it "bogus"? The broad wasn't trying to be serious.

Anyone who thinks there is any truth to the routine is just pulling your leg.
Interesting tactic you're applying.

Well, a good joke is based on truth.

Is there any truth to the "broad's" joke?
Judas was apart of the body of Christ. And he sold his portion for thirty pieces of silver. There is a lot of church leaders that are doing the will of the devil. There is one that never posted anything about God on her Youtube channel. Until after her dad a prophet has died. Now she portraying herself as a good Christian in her dad's name, spreading false lies for her pieces of silver. And there are more that are being paid by the Globalist, to spread a false doctrine. But since the spirit of Truth has came. The true followers are leaving these false teachers congregations.

Seems that you're providing evidence that supports the OP.

It was mentioned 2,000 years ago that when the Truth enters into the world. That everyone's nakedness will be unveiled. That a great falling away will come. That will destroy the things that man has created. But this falling away will bring them closer to God.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,

Matthew 26:54 But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?”

John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Matthew 24:27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
Its a joke, if it made someone laugh, I guess it succeeded as a joke, so does that make it "bogus"? The broad wasn't trying to be serious.

Anyone who thinks there is any truth to the routine is just pulling your leg.
Interesting tactic you're applying.

Well, a good joke is based on truth.

Is there any truth to the "broad's" joke?

There is no truth in her joke at all. Its a quip designed to pander to liberals who really don't know any Christians and only know the stereotypes.
“I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have any strange gods before Me.” ...

(Other than St Trumpy of course.)
According to this video, they have...

Is there any truth to this, or is it totally bogus?

Absolutely BRILLIANT! I have been saying since decades before any idiot proposed trump for president that so many people who call themselves "Christians" managed to evolve a "Christian" religion with absolutely NOTHING about Jesus in it: a religion that clearly rejects the teachings of Jesus. They just use the name of Jesus and the accompanying imagery to hide behind. They quote everyone else, but they never, ever quote Jesus.

Yeah, because I'm sure you spend oodles of time associating with and talking to Christians, outside of this board. :rolleyes:

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