Have The Videos Given You Pause?

If it's just "fear of the situation", why is it that unarmed black people get shot far more often than unarmed white people? Are the police pulling their guns for every traffic stop when a white person is pulled over. That poor man with the broken down car. I've had highway breakdowns before. The cops didn't approach me or the car with weapons drawn.

It seems that when the member of the public is black, the police shoot to kill first and then ask questions later. If it's fear of black men, then yes, it's racism.

I think it is fear of black men

Pull over a group of church ladies and its all smiles and jokes. Pull over a car full of young black males and they have their gun at the ready
that's an assumption based on ignorance.
Do tell....
took a short training course that police go through, it teaches them to not make assumptions or they will get killed.

And they ignore it once they get into the field

You don't see them drawing their weapons on a bunch of church ladies
you also don't see them drawing their weapons on a care full of black men.
so enforcing rape, murder, assault, theft, spouse abuse laws are unjust and cruel.

It is the piece of paper that is the problem, and those that adhere to a code of operating under the pretense of what is written on those pieces of paper.

There is nothing wrong with putting a bullet in the head of a rapist or violent aggressor.

On the contrary, there is something very wrong about electing yourself to serve a machine system of injustice and cruelty

or did you not think for yourself when you posted that?

The very fact that I am not a partisan hack shows I think for myself.

You are the one who will vote for rulers to do the thinking for you.
so you are an anarchist?
Most cops are good, but it only takes a small percentage of bad ones to destroy the trust that cops and citizens need for our system to work. Instead of becoming more militant and confrontational, they should police their own to bring some sanity back into the situation.
they do police their own.

how do you not know this?

Then they suck at it
Most cops are good, but it only takes a small percentage of bad ones to destroy the trust that cops and citizens need for our system to work. Instead of becoming more militant and confrontational, they should police their own to bring some sanity back into the situation.
they do police their own.

how do you not know this?

Then they suck at it
considering how few shootings there are, in reality, I'd say they are doing a bang up job.
that's a response, not an answer.

The answer is yes.

I believe in freedom and not slavery. I believe in doing away with a system that exists to be exploited. I believe in a world without an artificial geopolitical peace, where the clock to nuclear annihilation stops ticking.
I'm a liberal guy who has.....since I was a teenager....known that our criminal justice system doesn't deliver justice in a fair and equitable manner. Still.....I never thought that most or even a significant number of police shootings were things that needed to be more vigorously questioned. When I heard of a police shooting, my first reaction was that it was a good shoot.

I've got several law enforcement professionals in my family...including my son....and I know for a fact that the the profession is not rife with vile racists and bigots.

However, since we have so much caught on video these days...and we see that unarmed men are being shot or killed by law enforcement officers, I've learned to wait for evidence before making the judgment. I am now aware that the odds of a bad shoot are much higher than I ever imagined.

I wonder if any other USMB members have undergone a similar change in thought?

I am a health care worker and as such had dealings with
the cops. My answer is "NO"------cops have to make
split second decisions----and they are, themselves, IN DANGER-------there are also some (a few) idiots out there---
but IN GENERAL they are not to blame.
Most cops are good, but it only takes a small percentage of bad ones to destroy the trust that cops and citizens need for our system to work. Instead of becoming more militant and confrontational, they should police their own to bring some sanity back into the situation.
A lot of cops seem to need better training. That OK cop panicked, although why I don't know. It isn't necessarily about race as much as losing control. Or the perception of losing control.
There is no doubt that wrongful deaths and unnecessary force happen. Any honest cop will tell you that.

The problem is that some of them
become politically charged like the Brown case and others. Thet demand that there be an investigation and then when the investigation doesnt go their way, they scream about injustice.

My mind hads not changed at all
on this matter. I have always held out judgement until the facts are known.
I never got how some people could say cops are in constant danger.

In just about every community, you are always safer wearing gang colors. If anything, cops are less of a target than normal civilians.
I think it is fear of black men

Pull over a group of church ladies and its all smiles and jokes. Pull over a car full of young black males and they have their gun at the ready
that's an assumption based on ignorance.
Do tell....
took a short training course that police go through, it teaches them to not make assumptions or they will get killed.

And they ignore it once they get into the field

You don't see them drawing their weapons on a bunch of church ladies
you also don't see them drawing their weapons on a care full of black men.

This one had a gun drawn for a bad tail light

that's an assumption based on ignorance.
Do tell....
took a short training course that police go through, it teaches them to not make assumptions or they will get killed.

And they ignore it once they get into the field

You don't see them drawing their weapons on a bunch of church ladies
you also don't see them drawing their weapons on a care full of black men.

This one had a gun drawn for a bad tail light

And where is the follow up on this event?
Since it happened, I haven't really heard anything.
Is that because it doesn't fit a narrative?
Most cops are good, but it only takes a small percentage of bad ones to destroy the trust that cops and citizens need for our system to work. Instead of becoming more militant and confrontational, they should police their own to bring some sanity back into the situation.
A lot of cops seem to need better training. That OK cop panicked, although why I don't know. It isn't necessarily about race as much as losing control. Or the perception of losing control.

"better training" is good for all professions and avocations HOWEVER---"COP PANICKED"-------<<<<< a normal response to danger-------it is hardwired into the brains of
ALL PRIMATES (and lots of lower forms)
I went from not liking government goons to hating them.

Honestly, I never cared much about the discriminate shootings. I believe they are distractions from the real reasons the cops suck.

The goal is to nationalize the police force dingleberry.

George Soros will continue these race riots until it happens.

Then when it does, you will never hear about another police shooting again. In fact, they may just stop reporting them altogether.
I think it is fear of black men

Pull over a group of church ladies and its all smiles and jokes. Pull over a car full of young black males and they have their gun at the ready
that's an assumption based on ignorance.
Do tell....
took a short training course that police go through, it teaches them to not make assumptions or they will get killed.

And they ignore it once they get into the field

You don't see them drawing their weapons on a bunch of church ladies
you also don't see them drawing their weapons on a care full of black men.

No...we keep seeing video of them shooting unarmed black men
The goal is to nationalize the police force dingleberry.

George Soros will continue these race riots until it happens.

Then when it does, you will never hear about another police shooting again. In fact, they may just stop reporting them altogether.

I spoke out against the police, and you start talking about some government conspiracy to nationalize them (the police are already nationalized btw) .

If you wanted to talk about this, you should of made a thread instead of strawmanning my position.
I think the problem is that the videos just prove what black folks have known has been going on all along.

It's just we are seeing more documentation of it

What is needed is a lot of reform of the way police departments are trained. Going for your gun should not be the first response.

I agree with your statements.

I think the reason they shoot first is because many who used to be military end up being a police officer. Those who have been in the military in the last decade also were in war. Wars that they didn't know who would hurt them or not. Wars with suicide bombers who just walked up and exploded. War with situations that you can't think first before you shoot or you're dead.

Those people have been trained to protect their lives that way because those wars were very deadly and not fought in the conventional way.

I think a better screening and training process needs to be developed and implemented.
Most cops are good, but it only takes a small percentage of bad ones to destroy the trust that cops and citizens need for our system to work. Instead of becoming more militant and confrontational, they should police their own to bring some sanity back into the situation.
A lot of cops seem to need better training. That OK cop panicked, although why I don't know. It isn't necessarily about race as much as losing control. Or the perception of losing control.

"better training" is good for all professions and avocations HOWEVER---"COP PANICKED"-------<<<<< a normal response to danger-------it is hardwired into the brains of
ALL PRIMATES (and lots of lower forms)
But do you think, from seeing the videos of the incident, that she should have panicked to that extent? There was no firearm. There were three other cops standing right beside her. I think some people (including me) are not cut out for the job. She is not necessarily a racist, just not steady under pressure.

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