Have You Ever Noticed...?


Oh, what the hell, here's the latest example. Please notice that Trump is engaging in what is commonly referred to as 'steepling' with his hands (which is generally considered to be a sign of extreme confidence and/or dominance) even as both men (HHS Secretary Tom Price and VP Pence) look on as if instructed to pay deference to President Trump. By the way, do you notice how both men's hands are virtually hugging their trousers as if they're at attention?

Actually that's only because his hands are above the table. Normally he keeps them down in his crotch with the inverted pyramid vagina thing. In fact he's downright obsessed with posing it. See this thread, particularly the last post (85) for an interesting theory. TONS of photos in there.

Interesting that he appears to be asleep in this photo above. I didn't think he slept at all.
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I notice Trump has his VP around more than any other president ever.

He has Pence doing things, too.

What did Biden do?

What did Cheney do? (besides shoot his hunting partner)

What did Gore do as VP?

Oh, what the hell, here's the latest example. Please notice that Trump is engaging in what is commonly referred to as 'steepling' with his hands (which is generally considered to be a sign of extreme confidence and/or dominance) even as both men (HHS Secretary Tom Price and VP Pence) look on as if instructed to pay deference to President Trump. By the way, do you notice how both men's hands are virtually hugging their trousers as if they're at attention?

Sorry, I notice that there hands seem to be relaxed and when I stood at attention I looked straight ahead. Were you ever in the service?

Yes, I was in the US Army. I guess that's why I noticed the placement of their hands and knuckles.

But not their heads, huh. Even the Army looked straight ahead when at attention.

Agreed. But they're not looking at the camera either, are they. They're looking at President Trump like a couple of love sick girls.


Oh, what the hell, here's the latest example. Please notice that Trump is engaging in what is commonly referred to as 'steepling' with his hands (which is generally considered to be a sign of extreme confidence and/or dominance) even as both men (HHS Secretary Tom Price and VP Pence) look on as if instructed to pay deference to President Trump. By the way, do you notice how both men's hands are virtually hugging their trousers as if they're at attention?

Sorry, I notice that there hands seem to be relaxed and when I stood at attention I looked straight ahead. Were you ever in the service?

Yes, I was in the US Army. I guess that's why I noticed the placement of their hands and knuckles.

But not their heads, huh. Even the Army looked straight ahead when at attention.

Agreed. But they're not looking at the camera either, are they. They're looking at President Trump like a couple of love sick girls.

Now that we have established that they were not standing at attention, we can discuss the two and 1/2 hands that are visible. VP Pence appears to be making a fist with the one hand that can be seen, but his hand is not along the inseam and Sec Price's left hand appears to be open and the left is only half seen. If you want to see some lovesick puppies, check out the photops of Obama in post #3.
The difference is that Trump likes to do the show and tell with his executive orders, flashing his signature, as if to tell us that he at least knows how to spell his own name
Over a period of decades, I've seen quite a few photos of presidents in the Oval Office meant to commemorate certain occasions whether formal or informal. Sometimes the president is alone, and sometimes there are other people present.

However, there is something I first noticed with President Trump several times many weeks ago in his photo ops which I don't recall seeing with prior presidents,.at least not on any kind of regular basis. And it continues to this day!

I won't bother to include a photo since there are so many that it won't be difficult for anyone to find one.

It's this: President Trump is sitting at his desk in the Oval Office even as two people (one is usually the VP) are standing directly to Trump's left and right and both appear to be standing at attention. Considering the sheer number of times I've seen this, I can't help but believe that Trump has instructed these men to stand that way in what is essentially a moment of stagecraft which he has orchestrated in an effort to show both support of what he says and subservience to him as the leader.

Anyone else ever notice this? If not, please pay attention to see if this continues in the future.

Yep, they look like Stepford men. Kushner looks like a Martian. Space invaders!

Over a period of decades, I've seen quite a few photos of presidents in the Oval Office meant to commemorate certain occasions whether formal or informal. Sometimes the president is alone, and sometimes there are other people present.

However, there is something I first noticed with President Trump several times many weeks ago in his photo ops which I don't recall seeing with prior presidents,.at least not on any kind of regular basis. And it continues to this day!

I won't bother to include a photo since there are so many that it won't be difficult for anyone to find one.

It's this: President Trump is sitting at his desk in the Oval Office even as two people (one is usually the VP) are standing directly to Trump's left and right and both appear to be standing at attention. Considering the sheer number of times I've seen this, I can't help but believe that Trump has instructed these men to stand that way in what is essentially a moment of stagecraft which he has orchestrated in an effort to show both support of what he says and subservience to him as the leader.

Anyone else ever notice this? If not, please pay attention to see if this continues in the future.

Yep, they look like Stepford men. Kushner looks like a Martian. Space invaders!


I never noticed before but Mike Pence has no eyes. Just black holes.

Fuggin' creepy. :eek:
Over a period of decades, I've seen quite a few photos of presidents in the Oval Office meant to commemorate certain occasions whether formal or informal. Sometimes the president is alone, and sometimes there are other people present.

However, there is something I first noticed with President Trump several times many weeks ago in his photo ops which I don't recall seeing with prior presidents,.at least not on any kind of regular basis. And it continues to this day!

I won't bother to include a photo since there are so many that it won't be difficult for anyone to find one.

It's this: President Trump is sitting at his desk in the Oval Office even as two people (one is usually the VP) are standing directly to Trump's left and right and both appear to be standing at attention. Considering the sheer number of times I've seen this, I can't help but believe that Trump has instructed these men to stand that way in what is essentially a moment of stagecraft which he has orchestrated in an effort to show both support of what he says and subservience to him as the leader.

Anyone else ever notice this? If not, please pay attention to see if this continues in the future.

Yep, they look like Stepford men. Kushner looks like a Martian. Space invaders!


I never noticed before but Mike Pence has no eyes. Just black holes.

Fuggin' creepy. :eek:

Holy shit - you're right.
Presidentin' --- the only occupation that requires a football team worth of people standing behind you to make sure you know how to work the complex specialized technology that is the ballpoint pen.

That's why drumpf does that embarrassing Romper Room Show and Tell after he signs his fake exec orders.

"See mommy? I righted my name again".

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Oh, what the hell, here's the latest example. Please notice that Trump is engaging in what is commonly referred to as 'steepling' with his hands (which is generally considered to be a sign of extreme confidence and/or dominance) even as both men (HHS Secretary Tom Price and VP Pence) look on as if instructed to pay deference to President Trump. By the way, do you notice how both men's hands are virtually hugging their trousers as if they're at attention?

Sorry, I notice that there hands seem to be relaxed and when I stood at attention I looked straight ahead. Were you ever in the service?

Yes, I was in the US Army. I guess that's why I noticed the placement of their hands and knuckles.

But not their heads, huh. Even the Army looked straight ahead when at attention.

Agreed. But they're not looking at the camera either, are they? They're looking at President Trump like a couple of love sick girls.

Is that drool ...?

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Presidentin' --- the only occupation that requires a football team worth of people standing behind you to make sure you know how to work the complex specialized technology that is the ballpoint pen.

That's why drumpf does that embarrassing Romper Room Show and Tell after he signs his fake exec orders.

"See mommy? I righted my name again".

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

In Rump's case I can see why he needs spotters. Tiny fingers. Pens slip away.

Oh, what the hell, here's the latest example. Please notice that Trump is engaging in what is commonly referred to as 'steepling' with his hands (which is generally considered to be a sign of extreme confidence and/or dominance) even as both men (HHS Secretary Tom Price and VP Pence) look on as if instructed to pay deference to President Trump. By the way, do you notice how both men's hands are virtually hugging their trousers as if they're at attention?

I'm no photographer but if I were setting up this pic I'd want to either draw the curtains or wait for another time of day that the daylight wasn't washing everything out. The lighting there is atrocious.
As long as he wipes out GW waste and simplifies the Tax code, I don't care if he has PomPom girls standing behind him.
The guy has been president for about 66 freaking days. Hussein spent his first four years campaigning for his second election.
I challenge everyone here to note what I stated and watch for future examples. Even though I'm not a betting man, I would be willing to wager that it's a photo op that will be replayed time and time again.

Photo ops are a reality in every presidency. You're making a mountain out of a molehill
I challenge everyone here to note what I stated and watch for future examples. Even though I'm not a betting man, I would be willing to wager that it's a photo op that will be replayed time and time again.

Photo ops are a reality in every presidency. You're making a mountain out of a molehill

I think not, and I'll tell you why. There's a huge difference between informing a number of people (many of whom are not gov't officials) to gather behind the president for a signing statement photo op and instructing gov't officials to stand in what is essentially a staged and subservient pose.

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