Have you seen 2000 Mules yet? Not a trailer. The whole thing?

Yes they have. They said they did in the film. Can you prove they have not?

What makes geotracking one sided?

No, they haven't. Georgia election officials have had to issue subpoenas to gain that information because True The Vote is refusing to cooperate.

True the Vote hasn’t cooperated with Georgia’s election investigations, refusing to disclose the names of people who allegedly harvested ballots. The State Election Board issued subpoenas on the organization last month to seek documents, recordings and names of individuals involved.
I do not believe there was a successful massive voter fraud, but there is a problem.
No electronic voting machines should have ever been used or legal.
The fact judges have not ruled as such, IS a problem.
There IS something wrong with the judiciary, and it is not a case of merit, evidence, or standing.
There simply is no way computerized voting machine can ever remotely be trusted, and are always easily hacked.
There also has never been a voting machine company willing to open source their code, and never will be.
They always have and will have backdoors.

The we shouldn't vote on electronic machines thread is over there -->
The phone pings are evidence. The number of times those people were at different drop boxes is evidence. You, again, have lost the argument and are just plain desperate, which is a very good thing.
The geo tracking data did not place them AT drop boxes it only placed them near drop boxes and it is absolute fact that this geo tracking date is not precise to the one or two meter distance.
How would you know?

Dumbfuck, because a dot on a map doesn't reveal what the dot is doing there.

The phone pings are evidence. The number of times those people were at different drop boxes is evidence. You, again, have lost the argument and are just plain desperate, which is a very good thing.

The phone pings are only evidence of people near drop boxes. It's not evidence of ballet harvesting. To demonstrate ballot harvesting would have required further proof, such as video evidence supported by geotracking.

But 2000 Mules never showed that.

That's why the movie is an utter fail. That's why you're such a complete dupe for accepting their claims (by a proven liar) wholeheartedly despite them failing to prove their claims.
Dumbfuck, because a dot on a map doesn't reveal what the dot is doing there.
They don't seem to understand that, with the law, what COULD have happened, maybe, is not quite the same as what DID happen.

Holy crap.
They don't seem to understand that, with the law, what COULD have happened, maybe, is not quite the same as what DID happen.

Holy crap.
The silly ass reasons you losers have for the multiple drop box and non-profits trips are just that. The only plausible explanation is fraud. Do not tell if situations were reversed you would object to the conclusions. Try being honest for a change.
The silly ass reasons you losers have for the multiple drop box and non-profits trips are just that. The only plausible explanation is fraud. Do not tell if situations were reversed you would object to the conclusions. Try being honest for a change.
Prove it a court of law. With challenges from both sides.

I want to see the whole story. You don't.

Try being honest for a change.
Prove it a court of law. With challenges from both sides.

I want to see the whole story. You don't.

Try being honest for a change.
If it gets to court it will be proven easily. We might have to wait until 2024 but it will be proven.
None. That only proves state officials were complicit. It does not help your argument in anyway shape or form.

Do you not hear yourself? you are just like the flat earthers.

1. NASA is complicit in the lie that the earth is round.

2. Every law enforcement agency in the country is complicit on the stolen election.

These two statements are equally crazy.

You have set up your CT so that you can never be wrong and nothing can ever prove you wrong.
Do you not hear yourself? you are just like the flat earthers.

1. NASA is complicit in the lie that the earth is round.

2. Every law enforcement agency in the country is complicit on the stolen election.

These two statements are equally crazy.

You have set up your CT so that you can never be wrong and nothing can ever prove you wrong.
Tired old excuses do nothing to debunk this new evidence. Fail.

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