Have You Thanked Your President This Week?

Our President has continually demonstrated that he is in over his head

He is ill-prepared on the issues, ignores his advisors, has a poorly formed executive branch which he cannot keep together

Globally, he is destroying our alliances and causing havoc with our trade policies
Thank the POS in the Oval Office for what? He's hasn't dropped dead yet.

I don't wish bad luck on anybody, but old fat people fall and break their hip all the time. Just sayin.

Normally, I wouldn't wish bad luck on anyone. But when someone is in a position to cause harm intentionally to so many thousands or millions of other people and wishes to destroy an entire country, and is actively doing so to the best of his ability, I have to think that the well-being of the people whom he is intent on harming far outweighs any concern for the life of this one particularly evil person.

How dare you speak of Obama in such terms!

Obama isn't in the Oval Office. It now has another occupant. Can't you keep up?

He is the de facto leader of the Democratic Party. He's not sitting around whistling Dixie.

Did you appoint him to that position, cause I don't know anyone else who did.
Our President has access to the latest intelligence that is unavailable anywhere else

He appears to sleep through his intelligence briefings and instead sets his policy based on what he sees on Fox News
I don't wish bad luck on anybody, but old fat people fall and break their hip all the time. Just sayin.

Normally, I wouldn't wish bad luck on anyone. But when someone is in a position to cause harm intentionally to so many thousands or millions of other people and wishes to destroy an entire country, and is actively doing so to the best of his ability, I have to think that the well-being of the people whom he is intent on harming far outweighs any concern for the life of this one particularly evil person.

How dare you speak of Obama in such terms!

Obama isn't in the Oval Office. It now has another occupant. Can't you keep up?

He is the de facto leader of the Democratic Party. He's not sitting around whistling Dixie.

Did you appoint him to that position, cause I don't know anyone else who did.

You are either exceedingly naive or hideously uninformed.
Thank the POS in the Oval Office for what? He's hasn't dropped dead yet.

I don't wish bad luck on anybody, but old fat people fall and break their hip all the time. Just sayin.

Normally, I wouldn't wish bad luck on anyone. But when someone is in a position to cause harm intentionally to so many thousands or millions of other people and wishes to destroy an entire country, and is actively doing so to the best of his ability, I have to think that the well-being of the people whom he is intent on harming far outweighs any concern for the life of this one particularly evil person.

How dare you speak of Obama in such terms!

Obama isn't in the Oval Office. It now has another occupant. Can't you keep up?

He is the de facto leader of the Democratic Party. He's not sitting around whistling Dixie.

The headline refers to "your president" and the OP refers specifically to "president trump." Ah, reading comprehension.
I don't wish bad luck on anybody, but old fat people fall and break their hip all the time. Just sayin.

Normally, I wouldn't wish bad luck on anyone. But when someone is in a position to cause harm intentionally to so many thousands or millions of other people and wishes to destroy an entire country, and is actively doing so to the best of his ability, I have to think that the well-being of the people whom he is intent on harming far outweighs any concern for the life of this one particularly evil person.

How dare you speak of Obama in such terms!

Obama isn't in the Oval Office. It now has another occupant. Can't you keep up?

He is the de facto leader of the Democratic Party. He's not sitting around whistling Dixie.

The headline refers to "your president" and the OP refers specifically to "president trump." Ah, reading comprehension.

Too funny. Talk about reading comprehension. Public school victim?
I thank the President every week that he is able to stay in office.


As a fair-minded moderate, I realize that his chances of finishing his term are slim, for many selfish forces are at work to stop him from saving our country.


I think that objective historians one hundred years from now will honor him for having at least tried his best.


The liberals are right: They will soon be back in office and will then continue dismantling the United States of America.
One day, when all hell breaks loose in this country, the market crashes, jobs start to disappear again, and we're on the brink of WWlll, I'm gonna get down on my knees and thank Trump for finally waking up rednecks to Trump world.
You have got to love these immigrant hating red white vomit mf's.....these people would never enter this country if red white and vomit mf's wouldn't hire them for their cheap labor. Go to any work site in this country, there's a white boss with Mexican workers...go to any kitchen in this country, a white boss, Mexican workers, and so on and so on and so on.
One day, when all hell breaks loose in this country, the market crashes, jobs start to disappear again, and we're on the brink of WWlll, I'm gonna get down on my knees and thank Trump for finally waking up rednecks to Trump world.
No, it will take a lot more than that to enlighten the Deplorables.
Fortunately, The Orange Klown has already poisoned the well sufficient to get smart people out to vote, and November will see a Republican rout.
Just look at all the elections recently where Repubs have gone down, big-time.
Why Democrats keep winning special elections
Thank you Mr. President...

Tariffs ensure aluminum and steel jobs are here to stay


By Evan Bayh | Fox News

Tariffs ensure aluminum and steel jobs are here to stay

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