Health Care Hearings Fall-Out: GOP Now Publically Anti-Health Care Rights!

Jesus of Nazareth first proposed the the "Make-Work-Pay" Refundable, equal amount tax credit in Matthew 20::1-16. The Laborers in the field got an equal amount, regardless if they had worked all the day, or only the one hour. A work-day was actually shorter. So with the daily cost-of-living amount, then the laborers were off to the market place to get what they needed, or do other business.

The Republicans took Schedule M away. That was the "Make-Work-Pay" $400.00 per adult plan, now not available: This tax season.

Cash-for-Clunkers was similarly modeled, to prime the pump for auto-makers.

Aspects of the Stimulus remain in place.

ObamaCare may yet past muster, or parts of it--into the summer.

So in contrast to the do-nothing Congesses as usual, the Conservatives ran into a legislature that actually did something.

In the midterms, they managed to take some of it away.

Subsequent the midterms, The Republicans managed to get the credit rating of the entire United States downgraded.

Anyone notes that they seem to have plan(?)! Soon there will be a larger turnout of the noticing-as-usual!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Good Ship LollyPop Is Their Plan! Get well on that plan, if you can(?)!)

Paul writes in Thessalonians 3:10-12:

"If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their own work quietly and to earn their own living."
Did the Senate leave anything out in their haste to pass the bill before the 41st vote showed up? As a matter of fact, yes they did: Severability. In the house Bill they included the clause that if any one part of the bill was ruled unconstitutional, the rest would still be in force.

Both chambers' legislative drafting manuals specify, based on Supreme Court precedents, that severability clauses are not required; only non-severability clauses explicitly identifying provisions that can not be severed are needed.

In other words, if they wanted anything to be non-severable from the rest of the law, they had to explicitly say so. The absence of any such clause comes with the presumption that in fact all provisions are severable.

That's why the Eleventh Circuit reversed the district court's ruling out of Florida and severed the individual mandate.

I have gathered that since i wrote this post as many have been talking about what might happen to the body of this bill if the heart is removed.

One of the Justices asked if the Supreme court was being relied upon to go through the 2700 pages of this bill to determine what would stay in and what would be removed.

I had heard in the past that the bill was 2300 pages long and you had corrected me saying that the bill was far fewer pages.

Did they use extra large font to present to the Supremes?
Jesus of Nazareth first proposed the the "Make-Work-Pay" Refundable, equal amount tax credit in Matthew 20::1-16. The Laborers in the field got an equal amount, regardless if they had worked all the day, or only the one hour. A work-day was actually shorter. So with the daily cost-of-living amount, then the laborers were off to the market place to get what they needed, or do other business.

The Republicans took Schedule M away. That was the "Make-Work-Pay" $400.00 per adult plan, now not available: This tax season.

Cash-for-Clunkers was similarly modeled, to prime the pump for auto-makers.

Aspects of the Stimulus remain in place.

ObamaCare may yet past muster, or parts of it--into the summer.

So in contrast to the do-nothing Congesses as usual, the Conservatives ran into a legislature that actually did something.

In the midterms, they managed to take some of it away.

Subsequent the midterms, The Republicans managed to get the credit rating of the entire United States downgraded.

Anyone notes that they seem to have plan(?)! Soon there will be a larger turnout of the noticing-as-usual!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Good Ship LollyPop Is Their Plan! Get well on that plan, if you can(?)!)

Funny, i had the right to purchase health care and health insurance prior to Obamacare being passed. What rights, exactly, was I given by the government telling people what they can or cant do?

If there is a right to health care, it is not satisfied by a right to purchase health care or health insurance, unless those are cheap enough that everyone can afford them.

Purchasing a Rolls-Royce is a privilege, not a right, even though there is no LEGAL obstacle in the way for anyone.

The right to purchase Healthcare Insurance and the right to have healthcare are two separate things.

In Indianapolis, we have several very good hospital organizations. One of them provides services and cost is based on the ability to pay. Nobody is denied healthcare.

The argument that healthcare is denied because insurance is not issued is devious, dishonest and a diversion.
I had heard in the past that the bill was 2300 pages long and you had corrected me saying that the bill was far fewer pages.

This isn't something you need to "hear" or take on faith: open the document. The fact that Scalia also seems to have never looked at the text of the law (evidenced not only by his Tea Party-inspired page miscount but also his reference to the non-existent Cornhusker kickback) is similarly disconcerting.
In the Parable of The Foreclosure Crisis, in Matthew 25::14-30--Catholic and KJV Editions--Actually the person without the sufficiency of currency is thrown out of the household, and out of the hospital. The fact that "hospitals" are not in the Bible goes to the matter of what GOP is for(?)--Against Hospitals.

In the Third German Republic, the people famously kept all the money, even as Holocaust was getting under way. The economy was booming, creating the war machine. "Live Long and Prosper(?)" was motto of the day(?)--a generation or so later. The medical services, used in Great Genocide attempt of Abraham Lincoln--were possible known to the Germans(?)!

Then in an even newer generation, rather than "Live Long And Prosper" as a life-lesson: It was back to Matthew 25::14-30--Catholic and KJV editions--with two pitiful attempts at war-making under way. The Moslems were not eradicated, and in fact: Very few Moslem fanatics were eradicated. Israel become nuclear, instead. "Yes We Can!" was uber alles(?)!

The Democrats came on board with the massive stimulus spending, as an alternative to war-machine creating, ostensiibly to eradicate Moslems. Worldwide recovery was under way in the socialist economies of even the rest of civilization. No World War Happened. The Democrats came on board with a major computing change, based on Matthew 20::1-16--Catholic and KJV editions.

The Republicans took the Christian math away, and have set about taking the health care away. The Democrats had come on board with the major health care overhaul.

The new attack is on Medicaid, shown in the arguments before the Supreme Court.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations recall great Early Times, with fondness!)
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"By allowing people to avoid buying insurance until they need it, and then requiring insurers to cover anyone who comes knocking at their door regardless of medical condition, you create a risk pool of exclusively sick people."

"This is a recipe for financial catastrophe, all but ensuring that premiums rocket skyward and thus making health insurance less affordable and accessible for everyone. That's not political ideology talking; it's simple economics."

This is exactly the ridiculous and disastrous situation ObamaCare created in the legislation, yes. That's why Justice Kennedy asked, "Can you create commerce in order to regulate it?"
Get ready for....




"In medicine, physicians use their training and experience to diagnose and treat patient ills. Over the years, I have witnessed a new condition, not covered in any of my medical school lectures or text books, that is at epidemic proportions and worsening. The condition is caused by an out-of-control parasite - the for-profit medical insurance industry.

Decreasing pharmacy benefits, increasing copays and out-of-sight deductibles coupled with diminished coverage for care are the symptoms - and there is no foreseeable cure. The for-profit insurance system covers the healthiest Americans and has perfected the art of sucking more and more money from business/patients (higher premiums) and providers (diminished payments) while increasing profits for their executives and shareholders. The governmental programs (Medicare, Veterans Affairs and Medicaid) that are responsible for our elderly, veterans and poor are also cutting back, but these patients are not experiencing the incredibly large increase in out-of-pocket expenses and rarely see a loss of expected services.

A single-payer system is not a "government takeover of medicine." Rather, it is a shift in the financing of health care and would end the inefficiencies and greed of the for-profit insurance industry. It would be the best option to control medical costs and improve health outcomes. A single-payer health-care system (not for-profit) is essential if America wants to have a sustainable future."

Keep trying to spin it that way OP....but it will not work. Your buffoons screwed around and then shoveled a 2000 page unconstitutional pile of dung down our throats. It needs to burn. burn...
Jesus of Nazareth first proposed the the "Make-Work-Pay" Refundable, equal amount tax credit in Matthew 20::1-16. The Laborers in the field got an equal amount, regardless if they had worked all the day, or only the one hour. A work-day was actually shorter. So with the daily cost-of-living amount, then the laborers were off to the market place to get what they needed, or do other business.

The Republicans took Schedule M away. That was the "Make-Work-Pay" $400.00 per adult plan, now not available: This tax season.

Cash-for-Clunkers was similarly modeled, to prime the pump for auto-makers.

Aspects of the Stimulus remain in place.

ObamaCare may yet past muster, or parts of it--into the summer.

So in contrast to the do-nothing Congesses as usual, the Conservatives ran into a legislature that actually did something.

In the midterms, they managed to take some of it away.

Subsequent the midterms, The Republicans managed to get the credit rating of the entire United States downgraded.

Anyone notes that they seem to have plan(?)! Soon there will be a larger turnout of the noticing-as-usual!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Good Ship LollyPop Is Their Plan! Get well on that plan, if you can(?)!)

Paul writes in Thessalonians 3:10-12:

"If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their own work quietly and to earn their own living."

....But, leave END-Of-Life planning/decisions up to the "moralists"!!!!


....Just the way God wants it.​

March 30, 2012

Doc Kevorkian's Not Here

"On a recent Christmas, Charles and Adrienne sent out cards that showed them walking hand in hand with their backs to the camera, according to a close friend. It said, “going home."
I had heard in the past that the bill was 2300 pages long and you had corrected me saying that the bill was far fewer pages.

This isn't something you need to "hear" or take on faith: open the document. The fact that Scalia also seems to have never looked at the text of the law (evidenced not only by his Tea Party-inspired page miscount but also his reference to the non-existent Cornhusker kickback) is similarly disconcerting.

The line between 1000 and 3000 is a narrow one knowing that most of our lawmakers didn't read the thing regardless of how many pages comprised it.
All of which supposes that the health care bill was popular and desired by the public. Which isn't true.

Actually when you ask people if they approve of the separate provisions of the health care bill they overwhelming approve of it.
Paul is actually pro-human rights, which includes to Health and to Material Well-being, aka, socialism:

6 In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers and sisters, to keep away from every believer who is idle and disruptive and does not live according to the teaching[a] you received from us. 7 For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, 8 nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. 9 We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you to imitate. 10 For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”
11 We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies. 12 Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the food they eat. 13 And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good.

14 Take special note of anyone who does not obey our instruction in this letter. Do not associate with them, in order that they may feel ashamed. 15 Yet do not regard them as an enemy, but warn them as you would a fellow believer.

"We did this not because we do not have the right to such help. . . ."

In Christian World, Which Bachmann Opposes, and McConnell opposes, and Boehner opposes--and clearly, Cantor opposes, And Paul, Paul, et. al., clearly oppose: There actually are human rights! Ginrich opposes Christian Rights. Santorum opposes Christian Rights. Romney is from an apprent cult, and therefore believes that Irish Catholics have no opinion(?).

The Holy Father's own Christian Hitler Youth, was clearly of no opinion. German Catholics apparently also drink, and apparently starting at an early age.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(On Lands of Many Nations, in America: Early Times there, is not forgotten, either!)
All of which supposes that the health care bill was popular and desired by the public. Which isn't true.

Actually when you ask people if they approve of the separate provisions of the health care bill they overwhelming approve of it.

How about the part where they have to pay for it twice? First they have to pay out of pocket, then they have to pay for it as a part of their increased taxes.

Those little details are often left out of the surveys.

If the question is, would you like to have a free car and which one is it, most people will say Porsche or Cadillac or whatever means the best to them

If you asks what their car payment per month should amount to, that answer might not line up with the first answer.

Separating the cost question from the benefit question is what has inflated the cost of medicine to the levels of today.
The car is free. It is a Porsche or Cadillac or a Whatever(?). Clearly there should be no monthly payment. So if they suggest a monthly payment, then that would not line up with their first answer(?)!

That sounds like something religious: And maybe from a 7-11 store, or something.

"Crow: James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!:
(Now, in America, even black teenagers are turning to the more appropriate tuxedo attire!)
Funny, i had the right to purchase health care and health insurance prior to Obamacare being passed. What rights, exactly, was I given by the government telling people what they can or cant do?

If there is a right to health care, it is not satisfied by a right to purchase health care or health insurance, unless those are cheap enough that everyone can afford them.

Purchasing a Rolls-Royce is a privilege, not a right, even though there is no LEGAL obstacle in the way for anyone.

The right to purchase Healthcare Insurance and the right to have healthcare are two separate things.

In Indianapolis, we have several very good hospital organizations. One of them provides services and cost is based on the ability to pay. Nobody is denied healthcare.

The argument that healthcare is denied because insurance is not issued is devious, dishonest and a diversion.
And those who cannot pay as much get care that's paid for by those who can.

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