Hello my fellow "EASTER WORSHIPPERS" [Obama and Hillary won't say "Christians".]

Here christians, let me cry you a river because no one specifically recognized you all as the only people suffering or celebrating on another pagan holiday..
You live off the Christian's good will. I want so much for your Islamic friends to start getting you I can taste it. Its fun. And more then that, funny. If you are not Islamic you are being warned by their actions and still do not get it. It is a shame there are very peaceful Islamic people who are grouped in to this.
Oh look.....a threat. How typical for the other side of the radical patriarchal religion coin from muslims.
What threat? Just watching it happen is their threat to mostly you. Now go produce a 1980 Ford Pinto. You hurt mostly yourselves. And most of the people you hate know will now watch you get destroyed with little remorse. That is what has changed in the last decade or so to now. You used the Alinsky radical book to push guilt on people who did you no wrong. Who the ph uk are you?
I left my book on Alinsky in my Ford Pinto station wagon while I was smuggling illegals the gas tank exploded and I lost my load...If you know what I mean? And it happened on Easter...
I see you still have yours, how about "The Anarchist Cookbook"?
Anarchist! We can not pay for the social programs we already have. And you want to massively increase it. Do you ever listen to people who warned over the decades? Boomers are retiring and that federal tax and 15% social security tax and medicare tax is not going into the general fund anymore. Resources are needed to keep the living standards from decreasing. It is far more a possibility a stock market collapse can then the fraud global warming agenda you love being caused by humans. Now go watch "the day after tomorrow" as it is one of your college degree courses.
Social Security and Medicare are off budget items it doesn't go into the general fund as you call it....and Ford Pintos went up in smoke....I own the DVD of the movie you mentioned, eh it was half assed attempt Cage needed money..
Here christians, let me cry you a river because no one specifically recognized you all as the only people suffering or celebrating on another pagan holiday..
You live off the Christian's good will. I want so much for your Islamic friends to start getting you I can taste it. Its fun. And more then that, funny. If you are not Islamic you are being warned by their actions and still do not get it. It is a shame there are very peaceful Islamic people who are grouped in to this.
Oh look.....a threat. How typical for the other side of the radical patriarchal religion coin from muslims.
What threat? Just watching it happen is their threat to mostly you. Now go produce a 1980 Ford Pinto. You hurt mostly yourselves. And most of the people you hate know will now watch you get destroyed with little remorse. That is what has changed in the last decade or so to now. You used the Alinsky radical book to push guilt on people who did you no wrong. Who the ph uk are you?
I left my book on Alinsky in my Ford Pinto station wagon while I was smuggling illegals the gas tank exploded and I lost my load...If you know what I mean? And it happened on Easter...
I see you still have yours, how about "The Anarchist Cookbook"?

Onliest Belinsky I ever knew before the knuckledraggers came online was a lefthanded pitcher from 1965. :dunno:


Apparently I have sci-fi books I've never seen too. Also I'm "Asian".
You're an enigma beyond your own imagination...
Imagine their posts if this had happened in a mosque.

Holy crap. A little different, I'd guess.

Are you aware it did not just happen at a church but also hotels and shops...and Sri Lanka is less than 8% Christian.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Yes, I am aware of that.

Yet your continue to perpetrate the idea that not mentioning Christians is an attack on Christianity itself.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Nope, never said that.

What I have said, many times, is that the Left has adopted Islam as its pet constituent oppressed victim religion, and that the hypocrisies and inconsistencies in the way they treat the two religions are blatantly transparent and obvious.

I uh, think you got that backward. Literally 180 degrees. "The left" is not concerned with Islam or any other religion, because religion is not politics. They have no relationship. Now let's look at what really did happen, and for once be honest about it.

The knuckledraggers (I won't call them "the right" because that would be just as fallacious a blanket generalization as "the left") that is, the ignorant, the clueless, the bigoted gullibles who ooze among us ---- began assembling vast Association Fallacies conflating "Islam" as a whole with various dastardly acts, from specific terrorism events to cherrypicked personal events, intentionally conflating cultural artifacts with religious principles in a grand Double Standard (when "them" does it they're following their religion but when "we" do it (see Eric Rudolph, Robert Dear, John Salvi, Dylann Roof, the Klan et al) they're just wackos who don't represent their religion).

It's kinda magical, like a light switch. You turn it on when you need it, turn it off when it becomes inconvenient.

In so doing they intentionally conflate correlation with causation, declare negatives that don't exist ("no Muslims denouncing this") and intentionally ignore stark distinctions within their target (e.g. Wahabbi/Sufi) in the same way we would if we ignored distinctions between the Unitarian Universalist Church and the Ku Klux Klan, because hey they're both Christians and that's all my bigot tree needs to grow, therefore same thing.

This week it's "Islam", in a previous time it was "Jews". Or it was blacks. Or it was Irish. Or Italians. Or Chinese. Or Catholics. Or immigrants in general. Or Latinos. Matter of fact it's still concurrently Latinos (pronounced "Mexicans"). Same shit, different target, same M.O.

Whelp --- given a knucledragger standing in front of you spewing as such, what are you gonna do, AGREE with them? "Golly Nimrod, you're sure right, those Catholics/Eye-taliins/Jooze/whatever we're talking about sure are eeeebil".

Sorry, ain't gonna happen. The memory of what happened to those Jews, those blacks, those Asians, those Chinese, etc etc etc is not lost on those who observe their history. There are those among us who choose to learn from those lessons, as opposed to those who waddle around repeating them all over again expecting different results.

And then you waddle in here trying to throw water on that as if the critics are the fire. As if calling out bigotry is some kind of negative. That's kind of special, in a counterintuitive kinda way. Three words: What. The. Fuck.
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Imagine their posts if this had happened in a mosque.

Holy crap. A little different, I'd guess.

Are you aware it did not just happen at a church but also hotels and shops...and Sri Lanka is less than 8% Christian.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Yes, I am aware of that.

Yet your continue to perpetrate the idea that not mentioning Christians is an attack on Christianity itself.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Nope, never said that.

What I have said, many times, is that the Left has adopted Islam as its pet constituent oppressed victim religion, and that the hypocrisies and inconsistencies in the way they treat the two religions are blatantly transparent and obvious.

I uh, think you got that backward. Literally 180 degrees. "The left" is not concerned with Islam or any other religion, because religion is not politics. They have no relationship. Now let's look at what really did happen, and be honest about it.

The knuckledraggers (I won't call them "the right" because that would be just as fallacious a blanket generalization as "the left") that is, the ignorant, the clueless, the bigoted gullibles who ooze among us ---- began assembling vast Association Fallacies conflating "Islam" as a whole with various dastardly acts, from specific terrorism events to cherrypicked personal events, intentionally conflating cultural artifacts with religious principles in a grand Double Standard (when "them" does it they're following their religion but when "we" do it (see Eric Rudolph, Robert Dear, John Salvi, Dylann Roof, the Klan et al) they're just wackos who don't represent their religion. It's kinda magical, like a light switch. You turn it on when you need it, turn it off when it becomes inconvenient.

In so doing they intentionally conflate correlation with causation, declare negatives that don't exist ("no Muslims denouncing this") and intentionally ignore stark distinctions within their target (e.g. Wahabbi/Sufi) in the same way we would if we ignored distinctions between the Unitarian Universalist Church and the Ku Klux Klan, because hey they're both Christians and that's all my bigot tree needs to grow, therefore same thing.

This week it's "Islam", in a previous time it was "Jews". Or it was blacks. Or it was Irish. Or Italians. Or Chinese. Or Catholics. Or immigrants in general. Or Latinos. Matter of fact it's still concurrently Latinos (pronounced "Mexicans"). Same shit, different target, same M.O.

Whelp --- given a knucledragger standing in front of you spewing as such, what are you gonna do, AGREE with them? "Golly Nimrod, you're sure right, those Catholics/Eye-taliins/Jooze/whatever we're talking about sure are eeeebil".

Sorry, ain't gonna happen. The memory of what happened to those Jews, those blacks, those Asians, those Italians, etc etc etc is not lost on those who observe their history.

And then you waddle in here trying to throw water on that as if the critics are the fire. That's kind of special, in a counterintuitive kinda way.

Great Goebbels impersonation, bub.
Are you aware it did not just happen at a church but also hotels and shops...and Sri Lanka is less than 8% Christian.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Yes, I am aware of that.

Yet your continue to perpetrate the idea that not mentioning Christians is an attack on Christianity itself.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Nope, never said that.

What I have said, many times, is that the Left has adopted Islam as its pet constituent oppressed victim religion, and that the hypocrisies and inconsistencies in the way they treat the two religions are blatantly transparent and obvious.

I uh, think you got that backward. Literally 180 degrees. "The left" is not concerned with Islam or any other religion, because religion is not politics. They have no relationship. Now let's look at what really did happen, and be honest about it.

The knuckledraggers (I won't call them "the right" because that would be just as fallacious a blanket generalization as "the left") that is, the ignorant, the clueless, the bigoted gullibles who ooze among us ---- began assembling vast Association Fallacies conflating "Islam" as a whole with various dastardly acts, from specific terrorism events to cherrypicked personal events, intentionally conflating cultural artifacts with religious principles in a grand Double Standard (when "them" does it they're following their religion but when "we" do it (see Eric Rudolph, Robert Dear, John Salvi, Dylann Roof, the Klan et al) they're just wackos who don't represent their religion. It's kinda magical, like a light switch. You turn it on when you need it, turn it off when it becomes inconvenient.

In so doing they intentionally conflate correlation with causation, declare negatives that don't exist ("no Muslims denouncing this") and intentionally ignore stark distinctions within their target (e.g. Wahabbi/Sufi) in the same way we would if we ignored distinctions between the Unitarian Universalist Church and the Ku Klux Klan, because hey they're both Christians and that's all my bigot tree needs to grow, therefore same thing.

This week it's "Islam", in a previous time it was "Jews". Or it was blacks. Or it was Irish. Or Italians. Or Chinese. Or Catholics. Or immigrants in general. Or Latinos. Matter of fact it's still concurrently Latinos (pronounced "Mexicans"). Same shit, different target, same M.O.

Whelp --- given a knucledragger standing in front of you spewing as such, what are you gonna do, AGREE with them? "Golly Nimrod, you're sure right, those Catholics/Eye-taliins/Jooze/whatever we're talking about sure are eeeebil".

Sorry, ain't gonna happen. The memory of what happened to those Jews, those blacks, those Asians, those Italians, etc etc etc is not lost on those who observe their history.

And then you waddle in here trying to throw water on that as if the critics are the fire. That's kind of special, in a counterintuitive kinda way.

Great Goebbels impersonation, bub.
The Regressive Left has made its choice, it can live with it.
You live off the Christian's good will. I want so much for your Islamic friends to start getting you I can taste it. Its fun. And more then that, funny. If you are not Islamic you are being warned by their actions and still do not get it. It is a shame there are very peaceful Islamic people who are grouped in to this.
Oh look.....a threat. How typical for the other side of the radical patriarchal religion coin from muslims.
What threat? Just watching it happen is their threat to mostly you. Now go produce a 1980 Ford Pinto. You hurt mostly yourselves. And most of the people you hate know will now watch you get destroyed with little remorse. That is what has changed in the last decade or so to now. You used the Alinsky radical book to push guilt on people who did you no wrong. Who the ph uk are you?
I left my book on Alinsky in my Ford Pinto station wagon while I was smuggling illegals the gas tank exploded and I lost my load...If you know what I mean? And it happened on Easter...
I see you still have yours, how about "The Anarchist Cookbook"?
Anarchist! We can not pay for the social programs we already have. And you want to massively increase it. Do you ever listen to people who warned over the decades? Boomers are retiring and that federal tax and 15% social security tax and medicare tax is not going into the general fund anymore. Resources are needed to keep the living standards from decreasing. It is far more a possibility a stock market collapse can then the fraud global warming agenda you love being caused by humans. Now go watch "the day after tomorrow" as it is one of your college degree courses.
Social Security and Medicare are off budget items it doesn't go into the general fund as you call it....and Ford Pintos went up in smoke....I own the DVD of the movie you mentioned, eh it was half assed attempt Cage needed money..
Yeah it goes goes into the general fund. Lots of IOU's to replace the positive money. Social Security will go negative bankrupt within a decade or so. Medicare sooner. Ooh that smell!
JFC enjoy the holiday and stop making it out to be a victim status Hallmark holiday. It was a beautiful day where I live and the temp was 82 degrees, perfect with a light breeze, ahhhh, life is wonderful when you enjoy the little things, well not the amber colored pollen from the oak trees that discolors everything this time of year......
Oh look.....a threat. How typical for the other side of the radical patriarchal religion coin from muslims.
What threat? Just watching it happen is their threat to mostly you. Now go produce a 1980 Ford Pinto. You hurt mostly yourselves. And most of the people you hate know will now watch you get destroyed with little remorse. That is what has changed in the last decade or so to now. You used the Alinsky radical book to push guilt on people who did you no wrong. Who the ph uk are you?
I left my book on Alinsky in my Ford Pinto station wagon while I was smuggling illegals the gas tank exploded and I lost my load...If you know what I mean? And it happened on Easter...
I see you still have yours, how about "The Anarchist Cookbook"?
Anarchist! We can not pay for the social programs we already have. And you want to massively increase it. Do you ever listen to people who warned over the decades? Boomers are retiring and that federal tax and 15% social security tax and medicare tax is not going into the general fund anymore. Resources are needed to keep the living standards from decreasing. It is far more a possibility a stock market collapse can then the fraud global warming agenda you love being caused by humans. Now go watch "the day after tomorrow" as it is one of your college degree courses.
Social Security and Medicare are off budget items it doesn't go into the general fund as you call it....and Ford Pintos went up in smoke....I own the DVD of the movie you mentioned, eh it was half assed attempt Cage needed money..
Yeah it goes goes into the general fund. Lots of IOU's to replace the positive money. Social Security will go negative bankrupt within a decade or so. Medicare sooner. Ooh that smell!
Sorry bub but you need to read up on how it actually works with bonds bought and sold by the SS dept for use when needed..
Yes, I am aware of that.

Yet your continue to perpetrate the idea that not mentioning Christians is an attack on Christianity itself.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Nope, never said that.

What I have said, many times, is that the Left has adopted Islam as its pet constituent oppressed victim religion, and that the hypocrisies and inconsistencies in the way they treat the two religions are blatantly transparent and obvious.

I uh, think you got that backward. Literally 180 degrees. "The left" is not concerned with Islam or any other religion, because religion is not politics. They have no relationship. Now let's look at what really did happen, and be honest about it.

The knuckledraggers (I won't call them "the right" because that would be just as fallacious a blanket generalization as "the left") that is, the ignorant, the clueless, the bigoted gullibles who ooze among us ---- began assembling vast Association Fallacies conflating "Islam" as a whole with various dastardly acts, from specific terrorism events to cherrypicked personal events, intentionally conflating cultural artifacts with religious principles in a grand Double Standard (when "them" does it they're following their religion but when "we" do it (see Eric Rudolph, Robert Dear, John Salvi, Dylann Roof, the Klan et al) they're just wackos who don't represent their religion. It's kinda magical, like a light switch. You turn it on when you need it, turn it off when it becomes inconvenient.

In so doing they intentionally conflate correlation with causation, declare negatives that don't exist ("no Muslims denouncing this") and intentionally ignore stark distinctions within their target (e.g. Wahabbi/Sufi) in the same way we would if we ignored distinctions between the Unitarian Universalist Church and the Ku Klux Klan, because hey they're both Christians and that's all my bigot tree needs to grow, therefore same thing.

This week it's "Islam", in a previous time it was "Jews". Or it was blacks. Or it was Irish. Or Italians. Or Chinese. Or Catholics. Or immigrants in general. Or Latinos. Matter of fact it's still concurrently Latinos (pronounced "Mexicans"). Same shit, different target, same M.O.

Whelp --- given a knucledragger standing in front of you spewing as such, what are you gonna do, AGREE with them? "Golly Nimrod, you're sure right, those Catholics/Eye-taliins/Jooze/whatever we're talking about sure are eeeebil".

Sorry, ain't gonna happen. The memory of what happened to those Jews, those blacks, those Asians, those Italians, etc etc etc is not lost on those who observe their history.

And then you waddle in here trying to throw water on that as if the critics are the fire. That's kind of special, in a counterintuitive kinda way.

Great Goebbels impersonation, bub.
The Regressive Left has made its choice, it can live with it.

What you actually have to live with is the fact that you don't have the cojones to stand up to ignorant bigotry. So you cheerlead it.

And I see we've learned absolute Zero about blanket generalization fallacies from the post you spent twelve seconds reading. Because :lalala:
What threat? Just watching it happen is their threat to mostly you. Now go produce a 1980 Ford Pinto. You hurt mostly yourselves. And most of the people you hate know will now watch you get destroyed with little remorse. That is what has changed in the last decade or so to now. You used the Alinsky radical book to push guilt on people who did you no wrong. Who the ph uk are you?
I left my book on Alinsky in my Ford Pinto station wagon while I was smuggling illegals the gas tank exploded and I lost my load...If you know what I mean? And it happened on Easter...
I see you still have yours, how about "The Anarchist Cookbook"?
Anarchist! We can not pay for the social programs we already have. And you want to massively increase it. Do you ever listen to people who warned over the decades? Boomers are retiring and that federal tax and 15% social security tax and medicare tax is not going into the general fund anymore. Resources are needed to keep the living standards from decreasing. It is far more a possibility a stock market collapse can then the fraud global warming agenda you love being caused by humans. Now go watch "the day after tomorrow" as it is one of your college degree courses.
Social Security and Medicare are off budget items it doesn't go into the general fund as you call it....and Ford Pintos went up in smoke....I own the DVD of the movie you mentioned, eh it was half assed attempt Cage needed money..
Yeah it goes goes into the general fund. Lots of IOU's to replace the positive money. Social Security will go negative bankrupt within a decade or so. Medicare sooner. Ooh that smell!
Sorry bub but you need to read up on how it actually works with bonds bought and sold by the SS dept for use when needed..
You need to read up on it. Remember when Gore sewed the lockbox? Will someone drop chemicals on this persons family? I will just watch.
Democrats just cant seem to bring themselves to say the word Christian.

Can't have people thinking christians are under attack anywhere in the world.

View attachment 257235 View attachment 257236 View attachment 257237

That speaks volumes and all we really need to know about Harris.

Her twitter is full of preening and moral grandstanding. She's a completely transparent phony who's always "standing in solidarity" with one group or another. Nobody should take that woman seriously, she's repulsive.
If you can't even say the word "Christian", I am quite sure that you have Christian-o-phobia.
What about the previous buffoon? Lol.

Watch this.

Apparently this time an entire Maypole flew over your head. Not easy to do, that.

The pole should have been a giant screaming clue that May Day referred to Beltane, not some wankfest political obsession of your'n.
You know, just as "Easter" refers to its ancient roots.

Once again I have overestimated the intelligence of my readership. Judging by post 6 I have done so on a giant scale.

""Easter worshippers" are Christians"? Rilly? I've never ever heard of anybody "worshiping Easter". Did you mean Ishtar?
It is because the Progressive Socialist Party is anti Christian. No matter what anyone ever says inside that party. You deserve sharia law and you might get it. It will be funny.

Sorry, there's no such thing as "the Progressive Socialist Party" and politics ain't got nothing to do with religion anyway unless you live in a theocracy.

You must not have been alive before the early 1970's. Christianity in America was not a theocracy and never was. It just had more input how people react and live in responsible situations. That Saul Alinsky crap means nothing to me. You believe in the Handmaids Tale which is a Sci Fi book and yet you hob nob with Islamic people who believe in sharia law. It would be funny to watch it gain traction here and see the humiliation, death and destruction that occurs and how you would be tamed or die. There are a lot of people who have been screwed with by others of all political persuasions. Many have not forgotten and you may have not either.

You seem to own a special kind of Reality Disconnection, as your posts never make a lick of sense.

I did not post that "Christianity was a theocracy", number one, or that the US was. READ the post.

Number two, how you think you can attribute some sci-fi book I've never heard of and declare I "believe in" something I've never even seen, just defies every definition of reality extant in the universe. You live in a hallucination.

^^ "My sci-fi book".

That'll be $873.52
Shouldn't be that much but it's a yuge penalty for acting stoopid.

That's a fiction book. That video was non fiction. You sell expensive BS. Lol.
Well, several things here..................

First off, Easter is a uniquely Christian celebration. No other religion that I'm aware of celebrates Easter like Christians do.

The attacks were done on churches when they were having their Easter service.

The people celebrating Easter in those Christian churches were attacked during the service.

So no, there isn't much of a problem with calling them Easter worshipers. They were worshiping at the Easter service.

If you are butt hurt over them being called Easter worshipers instead of Christians, congratulations, you have just made snowflake status.
You new to Engrish?

Obviously "Easter" here is a time reference. If it had been May Day they would have been "May Day worshipers". Wouldn't even involve a Maypole.

What the fuck is a Easter worshiper ?

It's a Christian attending an Easter service. And, you know it's a Christian attending the service, because Easter is a uniquely Christian holiday.
You new to Engrish?

Obviously "Easter" here is a time reference. If it had been May Day they would have been "May Day worshipers". Wouldn't even involve a Maypole.

What the fuck is a Easter worshiper ?

It's a Christian attending an Easter service. And, you know it's a Christian attending the service, because Easter is a uniquely Christian holiday.

No its not, No Christians worships Easter.

Easter, also called Pascha (Greek, Latin) or Resurrection Sunday, is a festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day of his burial after his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary c. 30 AD.

Because pieces of excrement like Obamaggot and Hillary don't want Islam to be mentally associated with massacring Christians - even though that's exactly what Pisslam inbred pond-life have been doing for 1400 years. In fact, Pisslam has committed genocides against all major religions many times over. That's why I get so pissed off at those touchy-feely liberal "Co-exist" bumper stickers including Islam. Because due to it's murderous ideology against non-muslims, these ass-lifting non-humans have NEVER peacefully co-existed with anybody. Everywhere these massively inbreeding muslim sewer rats have gone, they've caused a long list of problems in every society this evil has infested.

I also get pissed off at liberal ignorami who think that terrorism is Pisslam's only problem; terrorism is one of DOZENS of miseries that this sadistic religion of evil thugs in every society. Logically, Islam needs to be destroyed.
Easter is not Christian. It's a damned pagan fertility celebration of the goddess Ishtar. No self respecting Christian should be hunting for eggs or celebrating the 'Easter bunny'.
I'm a Christian. On Easter, I celebrate my Savior's resurrection.

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