Hello my fellow "EASTER WORSHIPPERS" [Obama and Hillary won't say "Christians".]

You new to Engrish?

Obviously "Easter" here is a time reference. If it had been May Day they would have been "May Day worshipers". Wouldn't even involve a Maypole.
"Easter worshippers" are Christians.

But Democrats don't like to say the C-word.

Oh, and "May Day worshippers" are "fucking Commies".

Glad I could clear that up for you.

Apparently this time an entire Maypole flew over your head. Not easy to do, that.

The pole should have been a giant screaming clue that May Day referred to Beltane, not some wankfest political obsession of your'n.
You know, just as "Easter" refers to its ancient roots.

Once again I have overestimated the intelligence of my readership. Judging by post 6 I have done so on a giant scale.

""Easter worshippers" are Christians"? Rilly? I've never ever heard of anybody "worshiping Easter". Did you mean Ishtar?
You're attacking me, when it was your leftist masters who used the term?

Oh, that's right, you're a devout leftist. You will not commit heresy by criticizing your little tin gods.

And you sure did take the "fucking Commie" comment personally.
What in God's name is an Easter Worshipper? I know these scum are all anti-Christian, but really , not to be able even to say the word...


Everyone who was killed was not necessarily Christian. Some of those killed were killed in hotels, not churches.

You have to be pretty deserperate to disparage something that Clinton has said to sink this low.

:rolleyes:What is with you people? Easter worshipers are Christians..the attack was against Christians.....People like you are pathetic

Aren't you Jewish?
Here's a clue for ya --- nobody "worships Easter". There's no such thing.

There are however those who worship (eat, drink, travel, whatever) ON the day called Easter.
So, Hillary and Barack fuck something up...and you blame other people.

I'm sure they appreciate the passionate ass-licking.
You new to Engrish?

Obviously "Easter" here is a time reference. If it had been May Day they would have been "May Day worshipers". Wouldn't even involve a Maypole.

Exactly and I'm sure when Ramadan rolls around Obama and Hillary will give a shout out to Ramadan worshipers...:eusa_think: It's also interesting there is no mention of who committed the attacks.

Ramadan isn't a day, Einstein. Easter is.

Wait -- do you think the "Easter rebellion" was when the bunnies protested the church taking their holiday away? :lmao:

Ever heard of "Christmas cactus"?
How 'bout "Christmas Island"? Guess what day it was when that place was "discovered".
Bonus points --- guess what day it was when "Easter Island" was sighted by Europeans.

"Hallowe'en candy"? Ever hear of that?

What does the length of days have to do with my comment? The point is Obama and Hillary used a phrase to slight Christians while also refusing to acknowledge a terrorist attack injuring hundreds and killing over 200 Christian was committed by Muslim jihadist.

The point is, you appear to be a drone following parrot orders instead of breaking a brain sweat.

Also interesting that you have motivations while no one else does.
That's funny, coming from a guy who's slavishly defending the use of a newly-invented term you never heard before you were told to defend it.
Why should they say 'Christians'?

Christians - like all major, God Clud followers - are either weak and/or ignorant and/or desperate.

I mean...you have to be pretty, fucking stupid to base your life on some old book that espouses slavery, murder, rape, mass pedophelia and a whole bunch of other shit.

God is a piece of shit. I am not mad at him...I just think he is a piece of excrement. And if I am wrong...I dare the fucker to strike me dead in the next 10 seconds.


Nope...still here.

What a loser this fraud is.
Ooooh. You so edgy.
You new to Engrish?

Obviously "Easter" here is a time reference. If it had been May Day they would have been "May Day worshipers". Wouldn't even involve a Maypole.
Go figure, pogo is an Asian? Huh, I thought those people were smart.
And there we have it.....identity politics by CRCs. What does a poster being "Asian" have to do with this?

So I'm "Asian" now?? :wtf:

I can't keep up. I've been assigned "female", "genius", "tard", "Democrat", "Pol Pot", "Alinskyite", "gay", "old", "young", "****", and now, inexplicably, "Asian". Apparently I gotta lot on my plate. :dunno:

OK to be honest my plate does contain curry a lot of the time...

LOL, you're the only one who thinks you're a genius.
Easter is not Christian. It's a damned pagan fertility celebration of the goddess Ishtar. No self respecting Christian should be hunting for eggs or celebrating the 'Easter bunny'.

Okay, look, dimwit. Let me see if I can put this in words you can understand.

Oklahoma became a state on November 16, 1907. I was born on the same day, decades later. Does that mean that every birthday celebration I have is ACTUALLY a celebration of Oklahoma becoming a state? No. A day of celebration is in celebration of whatever the fuck the people celebrating it are celebrating it for. It does not matter what OTHER occasions OTHER people are celebrating, and it sure as shit doesn't matter what other occasions other people USED to celebrate that day so many fucking centuries ago that your stupid ass had to look it up on the Internet in order to piss and moan and attack people over.

And if I like bunny rabbits and eggs filled with candy, then I will frigging HAVE bunny rabbits and candy-filled eggs, and unless you're my pastor or God, I don't answer to you about how I practice my religion.

Hope we've cleared that up.
What in God's name is an Easter Worshipper? I know these scum are all anti-Christian, but really , not to be able even to say the word...


Everyone who was killed was not necessarily Christian. Some of those killed were killed in hotels, not churches.

You have to be pretty deserperate to disparage something that Clinton has said to sink this low.

:rolleyes:What is with you people? Easter worshipers are Christians..the attack was against Christians.....People like you are pathetic

Aren't you Jewish?
Here's a clue for ya --- nobody "worships Easter". There's no such thing.

There are however those who worship (eat, drink, travel, whatever) ON the day called Easter.
So, Hillary and Barack fuck something up...and you blame other people.

I'm sure they appreciate the passionate ass-licking.
I've got it!!

From here forth, pogo shall be called the salad tosser.
Obomit and Killary worship satan

They would never acknowledge the One Immortal GOD ...the GOD of LOVE

Hell awaits those two

Have no doubt. The only question is....who will go first....he or her
You must also think that the Trumping Liar will also go to your fantasy “hell”, so why support him?
He only goes to church to pretend he’s religious (Xmas & Easter), but plays golf MANY times on Sunday.
Why should they say 'Christians'?

Christians - like all major, God Clud followers - are either weak and/or ignorant and/or desperate.

I mean...you have to be pretty, fucking stupid to base your life on some old book that espouses slavery, murder, rape, mass pedophelia and a whole bunch of other shit.

God is a piece of shit. I am not mad at him...I just think he is a piece of excrement. And if I am wrong...I dare the fucker to strike me dead in the next 10 seconds.


Nope...still here.

What a loser this fraud is.
You have a lot of anger towards something you don't believe in. Seems like a mental illness to me, you sick fuck.
Why should they say 'Christians'?

Christians - like all major, God Clud followers - are either weak and/or ignorant and/or desperate.

I mean...you have to be pretty, fucking stupid to base your life on some old book that espouses slavery, murder, rape, mass pedophelia and a whole bunch of other shit.

God is a piece of shit. I am not mad at him...I just think he is a piece of excrement. And if I am wrong...I dare the fucker to strike me dead in the next 10 seconds.


Nope...still here.

What a loser this fraud is.
You have a lot of anger towards something you don't believe in. Seems like a mental illness to me, you sick fuck.
I have a theory about militant atheists.

They're not angry that believers are wrong. They're angry that we may be right -- and they can't tolerate the idea of a power higher than themselves.

See the unmerited arrogance in this thread for examples.
Why should they say 'Christians'?

Christians - like all major, God Clud followers - are either weak and/or ignorant and/or desperate.

I mean...you have to be pretty, fucking stupid to base your life on some old book that espouses slavery, murder, rape, mass pedophelia and a whole bunch of other shit.

God is a piece of shit. I am not mad at him...I just think he is a piece of excrement. And if I am wrong...I dare the fucker to strike me dead in the next 10 seconds.


Nope...still here.

What a loser this fraud is.
You have a lot of anger towards something you don't believe in. Seems like a mental illness to me, you sick fuck.

He's mad at himself. He's got some deep anger.
If you can't even say the word "Christian", I am quite sure that you have Christian-o-phobia.
I never would have thought I'd see a major American party shy about using that word.

This is incredible to watch. The party has completely sold its soul.
Why should they say 'Christians'?

Christians - like all major, God Clud followers - are either weak and/or ignorant and/or desperate.

I mean...you have to be pretty, fucking stupid to base your life on some old book that espouses slavery, murder, rape, mass pedophelia and a whole bunch of other shit.

God is a piece of shit. I am not mad at him...I just think he is a piece of excrement. And if I am wrong...I dare the fucker to strike me dead in the next 10 seconds.


Nope...still here.

What a loser this fraud is.
You have a lot of anger towards something you don't believe in. Seems like a mental illness to me, you sick fuck.
I have a theory about militant atheists.

They're not angry that believers are wrong. They're angry that we may be right -- and they can't tolerate the idea of a power higher than themselves.

See the unmerited arrogance in this thread for examples.
Arrogance cuts both ways, esp yours.
You PRETEND to know, but you know NOTHING about creation of life on Earth.

I am a realist, an agnostic.
Only real experience & common sense drive my beliefs, not sucking up to cultural icons & primitive dogma.
What in God's name is an Easter Worshipper? I know these scum are all anti-Christian, but really , not to be able even to say the word...


Everyone who was killed was not necessarily Christian. Some of those killed were killed in hotels, not churches.

You have to be pretty deserperate to disparage something that Clinton has said to sink this low.

I disagree, I know the agenda.
Why should they say 'Christians'?

Christians - like all major, God Clud followers - are either weak and/or ignorant and/or desperate.

I mean...you have to be pretty, fucking stupid to base your life on some old book that espouses slavery, murder, rape, mass pedophelia and a whole bunch of other shit.

God is a piece of shit. I am not mad at him...I just think he is a piece of excrement. And if I am wrong...I dare the fucker to strike me dead in the next 10 seconds.


Nope...still here.

What a loser this fraud is.
You have a lot of anger towards something you don't believe in. Seems like a mental illness to me, you sick fuck.
I have a theory about militant atheists.

They're not angry that believers are wrong. They're angry that we may be right -- and they can't tolerate the idea of a power higher than themselves.

See the unmerited arrogance in this thread for examples.

Hence, their extreme love for worship of govt. Its all that they have.
Why should they say 'Christians'?

Christians - like all major, God Clud followers - are either weak and/or ignorant and/or desperate.

I mean...you have to be pretty, fucking stupid to base your life on some old book that espouses slavery, murder, rape, mass pedophelia and a whole bunch of other shit.

God is a piece of shit. I am not mad at him...I just think he is a piece of excrement. And if I am wrong...I dare the fucker to strike me dead in the next 10 seconds.


Nope...still here.

What a loser this fraud is.
You have a lot of anger towards something you don't believe in. Seems like a mental illness to me, you sick fuck.
I have a theory about militant atheists.

They're not angry that believers are wrong. They're angry that we may be right -- and they can't tolerate the idea of a power higher than themselves.

See the unmerited arrogance in this thread for examples.
Arrogance cuts both ways, esp yours.
You PRETEND to know, but you know NOTHING about creation of life on Earth.

I am a realist, an agnostic.
Only real experience & common sense drive my beliefs, not sucking up to cultural icons & primitive dogma.
Yes, I'm sure you feel all superior.
Why should they say 'Christians'?

Christians - like all major, God Clud followers - are either weak and/or ignorant and/or desperate.

I mean...you have to be pretty, fucking stupid to base your life on some old book that espouses slavery, murder, rape, mass pedophelia and a whole bunch of other shit.

God is a piece of shit. I am not mad at him...I just think he is a piece of excrement. And if I am wrong...I dare the fucker to strike me dead in the next 10 seconds.


Nope...still here.

What a loser this fraud is.
You have a lot of anger towards something you don't believe in. Seems like a mental illness to me, you sick fuck.
I have a theory about militant atheists.

They're not angry that believers are wrong. They're angry that we may be right -- and they can't tolerate the idea of a power higher than themselves.

See the unmerited arrogance in this thread for examples.
Arrogance cuts both ways, esp yours.
You PRETEND to know, but you know NOTHING about creation of life on Earth.

I am a realist, an agnostic.
Only real experience & common sense drive my beliefs, not sucking up to cultural icons & primitive dogma.
The problem is, you CAN know. You don't want to because knowing requires obedience. So you call yourself an "agnostic."
Why should they say 'Christians'?

Christians - like all major, God Clud followers - are either weak and/or ignorant and/or desperate.

I mean...you have to be pretty, fucking stupid to base your life on some old book that espouses slavery, murder, rape, mass pedophelia and a whole bunch of other shit.

God is a piece of shit. I am not mad at him...I just think he is a piece of excrement. And if I am wrong...I dare the fucker to strike me dead in the next 10 seconds.


Nope...still here.

What a loser this fraud is.
You have a lot of anger towards something you don't believe in. Seems like a mental illness to me, you sick fuck.
I have a theory about militant atheists.

They're not angry that believers are wrong. They're angry that we may be right -- and they can't tolerate the idea of a power higher than themselves.

See the unmerited arrogance in this thread for examples.
Arrogance cuts both ways, esp yours.
You PRETEND to know, but you know NOTHING about creation of life on Earth.

I am a realist, an agnostic.
Only real experience & common sense drive my beliefs, not sucking up to cultural icons & primitive dogma.
Yes, I'm sure you feel all superior.
Intellectually, of course.
Wanna debate?

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