Here is a picture of the new wall at the Southern Border!!!

Actually not 1 inch of his wall has been built...

And I'm fine with order security. Which is why I'm pissed that Trump rewards illegals for coming into the US . Then tweets left and right and instead builds less border fencing in border security than Obama.

And people buy this con... So sad.
Curious...where is your slum located?

Not sure what you mean by that. I live in America myself. So sorry you think my country is a slum. What nation do you hail from?
You hate your country.
Don't feel bad; many people need cheap labor to think they're doing better than they actually are.
Myself...I'd rather defer dignity to my fellow citizens than kiss international ass.

Nope I fought for my country. I love my country.

And you are right. What was the name of that company just found to have been using illegal labor for years? Trump properties? Who was that guy who was sued for hiring illegal immigrants to build his buildings? Trump.

Do you actually think Trump hires manual labor?

No he just runs his companies that way.

It's like putting El Chapo in charge of keeping drugs out of the US. And then defending him by saying "do you actually think he brings them over himself?" Lol
Curious...where is your slum located?

Not sure what you mean by that. I live in America myself. So sorry you think my country is a slum. What nation do you hail from?
You hate your country.
Don't feel bad; many people need cheap labor to think they're doing better than they actually are.
Myself...I'd rather defer dignity to my fellow citizens than kiss international ass.

Nope I fought for my country. I love my country.

And you are right. What was the name of that company just found to have been using illegal labor for years? Trump properties? Who was that guy who was sued for hiring illegal immigrants to build his buildings? Trump.

Do you actually think Trump hires manual labor?

No he just runs his companies that way.

It's like putting El Chapo in charge of keeping drugs out of the US. And then defending him by saying "do you actually think he brings them over himself?" Lol

Apples and Oranges....
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Now if we could just have it electrified? Do you know how much money that would cost per year?

Would it be less than the $100 billion per year that we're currently paying the brown cockroaches to fuck the place all up?

There is no valid evidence that illegal immigration is costing taxpayers $100 billion per year, and MUCH evidence that they contribute much more to the economy than they take out, 15% withholding, contributions to GDP, consumer spending in the local economies where they live, etc., etc., but you fools ignore all of this because the alt-right has to keep you blaming "others" for your own inability to compete in today's economy.

So, how much did your illegal ass contribute to our GDP? We all know you don't really live in Canada, so why continue the lie?
Well, since Trump has been building his wall all along, and plans to finishing it, no matter what, then we democrats assume that he no longer needs the money, and to prevent waste, we see that he does not get it.
Isn't it amazing how the Leftards on here immediately try to poke holes in the achievements of our president?

big F'n deal -

he's giving mexico 1 year to clean up their act or he hits them with a tariff.


And our tariffs with China have taken us to an all time high in trade disparity with them. Now we want to do that with Mexico as well?

Wasn't his original plan he ran on supposed to start 100 days into his time in office. Then once elected he dropped that idea and immediately decided Americans would play...

Seems legit .hahahaha

Another things you Libtards conveniently forget.
From the moment he announced he was running, President Trump has railed against the trade disparity with China claiming - rightly - that they've made chumps oout of the USA for years.

Isn't that now an all-time high due to his tariffs?? Maybe picked the wrong guy on that.

Ask Canada and Mehico how they fared trying to beat Trump in a trade war....

it looks like pretty poorly. Last year in December we hit 80 billion dollars in trade deficit for the month with the world. The first time we ever crossed that mark.

Obama's last 4 years that deficit hit 70 billion once. We've now crossed that mark in 10 of the last 14 months according to the US Census bureau.

How is this something that you like?

we just had our largest trade deficit adjusted for inflation for a year in the history of the United States in 2018. And started 2019 with the highest month on record.
Isn't it amazing how the Leftards on here immediately try to poke holes in the achievements of our president?

You mean like poking holes in the fence that we are trying to rewrite the English language to pretend it's a wall?

That's fucking brilliant

I had a chain link fence in my backyard just like the taller fences they had on the border. No one in their right mind would call it a wall.which means every liberal thinks it is a wall. You could cut through it with a pair of cutters and your bare hands.

The "wall" or "fence" in the picture is nothing like that, call it a fence or a wall, either way, you aren't getting over or through it!
big F'n deal -

he's giving mexico 1 year to clean up their act or he hits them with a tariff.


And our tariffs with China have taken us to an all time high in trade disparity with them. Now we want to do that with Mexico as well?

Wasn't his original plan he ran on supposed to start 100 days into his time in office. Then once elected he dropped that idea and immediately decided Americans would play...

Seems legit .hahahaha
I bet you approve of inter-generational welfare.

No fucking clue what that is so no.

What I don't approve of is that instead of Mexico paying for a wall, we are paying for less fencing and border security hiring than Obama in the same period of time was able to hire and erect and somehow that's a win.... Like the weakest president on border security in decades here. But he tweets tough so there's that. Lol

It's almost like he wants more open borders to find more employees for his businesses to bring in. Remember he is the guy who was sued and settled for hiring illegals to do the work of Americans.
Total bullshit! Trump is fighting politically correct Democrats, Republicans, and activist judges who are attempting to thwart his every move building it. He's only two years in so he'll surpass Obama building it by the time he's at the end of his second term.
Not based on what he's even proposing now will he get close to Obama. How sad is that. His primary campaign topic. Now his goal is "I'll build less fencing than Obama". Fucking hell. How pathetic

Does lying about him give you sexual pleasure?
Last edited:
There is no effective difference, TDS loser.


Sure was according to Trump....

But when you lose you end up saying instead of building a new international space station like you promised, a bus depot in Omaha is the same thing lol.

And that this con works on some people is the most hilarious bit of that.
Fence or a wall will wok just as well, tds loser.

not according to Trump. He literally ran his campaign saying that there's a huge difference.

but hey I guess some people just want somebody who builds less fencing than Obama...
Hate to say this, loser, but Trump had quite a number of issues on this platform.
And most of them are working out quite well.

Oh yes. Repealing Obamacare in the first hundred days... Check .Lol

The wall. 0 inches made.

Term limits... He literally shot that one down

Hiring freeze. Nope

Lobbying bans that his people actually continued rather than stop.

Promising to push through the offshoring act, The energy and infrastructure act, the school choice act, The restoring national security act, The affordable child Care and elder Care act.

The joy of it is you can just look at his contract with America what he said he would do in 100 days, and see that the majority he hasn't even pushed much less tried to fight for.

But hey who needs to bring out facts right? He's the best at building border security since Obama...
Tell the demotraitors to stop obstructing liar.
Replacing a barbwire fence with a 30 ft barrier is building the wall.

No it isn't... It's renaming the design of fence Obama put up (steel slat bollard style).

Then putting up hundreds of miles less of that fence than Obama.

Then conning people that's something new.

This is too funny.

Fence= able to see through.

Hold up I need to open the gate in my chain link wall to let my dog out.

Refer to my last post......
But i'll reiterate,first of all the Border Patrol wanted a see through wall so they can see whats going on on the otherside.
This is common knowledge.
And I find it funny you want to complain about Trump not building the wall fast enough when you dickheads are doing everything you can to stop it.
You're actions speak volumes.....and they dont reflect love of Country.

He literally ran on the promise that in week 1 he would be working to stop the repatriation of money back to Mexico to force them to fund his wall.

He didn't lift a finger even once to get that done.

But yeah let's blame others because he didn't even try

Let me know when the left agrees and helps facilitate those laws.

Let me know when he even tries to stick to his promise. Haha.

How bad would that have been had he actually fought to fund it in his first years and shut down the government costing billions because his own party didn't agree with it?

Call me when the right actually agrees and facilitates them?

I mean with Obama hundreds more miles of border barriers were built than under Trump . But yeah let's blame the left for doing more???

Why do you lie?
He's putting up the wall despite you leftist shitheads attempts to stym him at every turn.
Get used to it.

Actually not 1 inch of his wall has been built...

And I'm fine with order security. Which is why I'm pissed that Trump rewards illegals for coming into the US . Then tweets left and right and instead builds less border fencing in border security than Obama.

And people buy this con... So sad.
Curious...where is your slum located?

Not sure what you mean by that. I live in America myself. So sorry you think my country is a slum. What nation do you hail from?
You hate your country.
Don't feel bad; many people need cheap labor to think they're doing better than they actually are.
Myself...I'd rather defer dignity to my fellow citizens than kiss international ass.

Nope I fought for my country. I love my country.

And you are right. What was the name of that company just found to have been using illegal labor for years? Trump properties? Who was that guy who was sued for hiring illegal immigrants to build his buildings? Trump.
There are plenty of Liberal bleeding hearts in the military.
Trump hired 300 visas for 3 months.
Please continue making an ass of yourself.
Isn't it amazing how the Leftards on here immediately try to poke holes in the achievements of our president?

big F'n deal -

he's giving mexico 1 year to clean up their act or he hits them with a tariff.


And our tariffs with China have taken us to an all time high in trade disparity with them. Now we want to do that with Mexico as well?

Wasn't his original plan he ran on supposed to start 100 days into his time in office. Then once elected he dropped that idea and immediately decided Americans would play...

Seems legit .hahahaha

Another things you Libtards conveniently forget.
From the moment he announced he was running, President Trump has railed against the trade disparity with China claiming - rightly - that they've made chumps oout of the USA for years.

Isn't that now an all-time high due to his tariffs?? Maybe picked the wrong guy on that.

Ask Canada and Mehico how they fared trying to beat Trump in a trade war....
But let's see.

According to the us census data on trade.

2018 81 billion dollar deficit.
2017 71 billion
2016 64 billion
2015 60 billion

Largest deficit in US history... Last year with Mexico.

And Jan 2019 was the highest January ever and 20% bigger deficit.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Mexico

I have a question. Are you just ignorant on this? Or are you lying to pretend?

I mean the government tracks these numbers.
There is no effective difference, TDS loser.


Sure was according to Trump....

But when you lose you end up saying instead of building a new international space station like you promised, a bus depot in Omaha is the same thing lol.

And that this con works on some people is the most hilarious bit of that.
Fence or a wall will wok just as well, tds loser.

not according to Trump. He literally ran his campaign saying that there's a huge difference.

but hey I guess some people just want somebody who builds less fencing than Obama...
Hate to say this, loser, but Trump had quite a number of issues on this platform.
And most of them are working out quite well.

Oh yes. Repealing Obamacare in the first hundred days... Check .Lol

The wall. 0 inches made.

Term limits... He literally shot that one down

Hiring freeze. Nope

Lobbying bans that his people actually continued rather than stop.

Promising to push through the offshoring act, The energy and infrastructure act, the school choice act, The restoring national security act, The affordable child Care and elder Care act.

The joy of it is you can just look at his contract with America what he said he would do in 100 days, and see that the majority he hasn't even pushed much less tried to fight for.

But hey who needs to bring out facts right? He's the best at building border security since Obama...
It’s the economy, stupid.
He's putting up the wall despite you leftist shitheads attempts to stym him at every turn.
Get used to it.

Actually not 1 inch of his wall has been built...

And I'm fine with order security. Which is why I'm pissed that Trump rewards illegals for coming into the US . Then tweets left and right and instead builds less border fencing in border security than Obama.

And people buy this con... So sad.
Curious...where is your slum located?

Not sure what you mean by that. I live in America myself. So sorry you think my country is a slum. What nation do you hail from?
You hate your country.
Don't feel bad; many people need cheap labor to think they're doing better than they actually are.
Myself...I'd rather defer dignity to my fellow citizens than kiss international ass.

^^^^ That is too intellectual for the average Leftist with an IQ of 240 or whatever to comprehend :rolleyes-41:

You do know how to get an IQ of 240 with leftists?

Sew three of them together!
Actually not 1 inch of his wall has been built...

And I'm fine with order security. Which is why I'm pissed that Trump rewards illegals for coming into the US . Then tweets left and right and instead builds less border fencing in border security than Obama.

And people buy this con... So sad.
Curious...where is your slum located?

Not sure what you mean by that. I live in America myself. So sorry you think my country is a slum. What nation do you hail from?
You hate your country.
Don't feel bad; many people need cheap labor to think they're doing better than they actually are.
Myself...I'd rather defer dignity to my fellow citizens than kiss international ass.

Nope I fought for my country. I love my country.

And you are right. What was the name of that company just found to have been using illegal labor for years? Trump properties? Who was that guy who was sued for hiring illegal immigrants to build his buildings? Trump.
There are plenty of Liberal bleeding hearts in the military.
Trump hired 300 visas for 3 months.
Please continue making an ass of yourself.

No actually none of those polish workers had visas. The person who made his bed didn't have a visa. Most of his companies STILL do not use everify even.

Do you just like making random shit up that isn't true?
big F'n deal -

he's giving mexico 1 year to clean up their act or he hits them with a tariff.


And our tariffs with China have taken us to an all time high in trade disparity with them. Now we want to do that with Mexico as well?

Wasn't his original plan he ran on supposed to start 100 days into his time in office. Then once elected he dropped that idea and immediately decided Americans would play...

Seems legit .hahahaha

Another things you Libtards conveniently forget.
From the moment he announced he was running, President Trump has railed against the trade disparity with China claiming - rightly - that they've made chumps oout of the USA for years.

Isn't that now an all-time high due to his tariffs?? Maybe picked the wrong guy on that.

Ask Canada and Mehico how they fared trying to beat Trump in a trade war....
But let's see.

According to the us census data on trade.

2018 81 billion dollar deficit.
2017 71 billion
2016 64 billion
2015 60 billion

Largest deficit in US history... Last year with Mexico.

And Jan 2019 was the highest January ever and 20% bigger deficit.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Mexico

I have a question. Are you just ignorant on this? Or are you lying to pretend?

I mean the government tracks these numbers.
GW...worst president ever.
Curious...where is your slum located?

Not sure what you mean by that. I live in America myself. So sorry you think my country is a slum. What nation do you hail from?
You hate your country.
Don't feel bad; many people need cheap labor to think they're doing better than they actually are.
Myself...I'd rather defer dignity to my fellow citizens than kiss international ass.

Nope I fought for my country. I love my country.

And you are right. What was the name of that company just found to have been using illegal labor for years? Trump properties? Who was that guy who was sued for hiring illegal immigrants to build his buildings? Trump.
There are plenty of Liberal bleeding hearts in the military.
Trump hired 300 visas for 3 months.
Please continue making an ass of yourself.

No actually none of those polish workers had visas. The person who made his bed didn't have a visa. Most of his companies STILL do not use everify even.

Do you just like making random shit up that isn't true?
300 business visas for 3 months.
Nice try.
Curious...where is your slum located?

Not sure what you mean by that. I live in America myself. So sorry you think my country is a slum. What nation do you hail from?
You hate your country.
Don't feel bad; many people need cheap labor to think they're doing better than they actually are.
Myself...I'd rather defer dignity to my fellow citizens than kiss international ass.

Nope I fought for my country. I love my country.

And you are right. What was the name of that company just found to have been using illegal labor for years? Trump properties? Who was that guy who was sued for hiring illegal immigrants to build his buildings? Trump.
There are plenty of Liberal bleeding hearts in the military.
Trump hired 300 visas for 3 months.
Please continue making an ass of yourself.

No actually none of those polish workers had visas. The person who made his bed didn't have a visa. Most of his companies STILL do not use everify even.

Do you just like making random shit up that isn't true?
Ooh; one guy without a visa!!!
Ok can you make it over it and through both strands of razor wire?
We told you a wall was a waste. We were right. Now you are just too cowardly to admit we were right so you lamely call a fence a wall. We have been using fencing on our southern border for decades.
Answer my question! Can you make it over it and through both strands of razor wire?
We've literally dropped from Mexico paying for a wall to we ran a couple strands of wire. This is fucking hilarious.

It's like if he promised NASA is getting us to the moon and instead we get a flight to Wichita. And people would try and show that as a success..

Fucking hilarious

You do understand that keeping illegals out will pay for the wall right?
And of course cutting US aid to those shitholes will also help.

And cutting off aid will drive more North.

Newsflash. I could cut a hole in that fence big enough to drive a truck through in two hours with just the tools in my garage

Yeah, but you would have been under arrest for about an hour and half before that two hours ever occurred. Also, your truck would never make it to where you could drive it through!
He's putting up the wall despite you leftist shitheads attempts to stym him at every turn.
Get used to it.

Actually not 1 inch of his wall has been built...

And I'm fine with order security. Which is why I'm pissed that Trump rewards illegals for coming into the US . Then tweets left and right and instead builds less border fencing in border security than Obama.

And people buy this con... So sad.
Curious...where is your slum located?

Not sure what you mean by that. I live in America myself. So sorry you think my country is a slum. What nation do you hail from?
You hate your country.
Don't feel bad; many people need cheap labor to think they're doing better than they actually are.
Myself...I'd rather defer dignity to my fellow citizens than kiss international ass.

Nope I fought for my country. I love my country.

And you are right. What was the name of that company just found to have been using illegal labor for years? Trump properties? Who was that guy who was sued for hiring illegal immigrants to build his buildings? Trump.

The only thing you have probably ever fought for is air after you farted in an elevator!

Sure was according to Trump....

But when you lose you end up saying instead of building a new international space station like you promised, a bus depot in Omaha is the same thing lol.

And that this con works on some people is the most hilarious bit of that.
Fence or a wall will wok just as well, tds loser.

not according to Trump. He literally ran his campaign saying that there's a huge difference.

but hey I guess some people just want somebody who builds less fencing than Obama...
Hate to say this, loser, but Trump had quite a number of issues on this platform.
And most of them are working out quite well.

Oh yes. Repealing Obamacare in the first hundred days... Check .Lol

The wall. 0 inches made.

Term limits... He literally shot that one down

Hiring freeze. Nope

Lobbying bans that his people actually continued rather than stop.

Promising to push through the offshoring act, The energy and infrastructure act, the school choice act, The restoring national security act, The affordable child Care and elder Care act.

The joy of it is you can just look at his contract with America what he said he would do in 100 days, and see that the majority he hasn't even pushed much less tried to fight for.

But hey who needs to bring out facts right? He's the best at building border security since Obama...
It’s the economy, stupid.

Oh yes.

Let's just pretend everything else he promised he never said anything about.

Unemployment rate flat now, fell more in Obama's last year than the past 2.5. stock market stagnant for a year and a half. Wages for blue collar workers not moving. But those CEOs are doing well.

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