Here’s Proof That the Modern Day GOP Built Itself on Racism

WHy is it that the Dems have promised milk and honey to black Americans for 40 or 50 years and instead -- employment, H.S graduation and incarceration keep going to shit? Don't think they are REALLY focused on solving any of that --- because they KNOW -- some of the successful MIGHT become Republicans. And then their game is exposed.

................. And that's the REAL story of fraud about race-baiting the political landscape.

You knuckleheads have been spinning that bullshit story for decades.

Trump polls at about 1% among black voters .. where oh where are those black republicans? Don't they vote? :lol:

Your party is all white and the rapidly shrinking republican base is made up of angry and under-educated old white men. That's basically all you have.

Republicans made their own bed .. live with it.

First of all -- it's NOT my party. Second of all, it's natural curiousity and you didn't really help my understanding of how LONG it TAKES to get appreciable fixes to chronic problems in Black America from the Dems. When is the H.S. graduation rate or excessive incarceration or bloody stupid LOCAL Dem Black govts gonna get fixed?

Seems like a lot a progress ought to have been made with that special black Prez of yours. I believe you COULD see tangible differences in just 4 years. Nevermind 8.

I don't give a shit about either lunatic meglomaniac in the 2 tyrannical parties. They are in a death spiral.

African-Americans have only been RELATIVELY free in the United States for FIFTY-ONE YEARS (51) .. even though we've been in this country more than 400 years.

There has been much progress in a mere 51 years.

Whites have a 350 year head start on African-Americans .. but they aren't even 20 years ahead of black society today .. and you aren't 10 minutes ahead of me.

If you don't see the progress in a mere 51 years .. that's not my problem.

I see enormous progress in race RELATIONS in my lifetime.

But also I see systemic problems that SHOULD HAVE been addressed by the Dem party that owns your allegiance. Why is it that they've had a lifetime to work on it and yet all the indicators are getting worse?

How is "dumbing down" school curriculum a flattering solution? Giving UP on Advanced Placement or further education or even legitimate paths to vocational training. How does offering a "living min wage" help KEEP students in H.S. school who just want to get the fuck out of there? Seems like 40 or 50 years -- the "system" problems lag WAY the hell behind the social progress.
WHy is it that the Dems have promised milk and honey to black Americans for 40 or 50 years and instead -- employment, H.S graduation and incarceration keep going to shit? Don't think they are REALLY focused on solving any of that --- because they KNOW -- some of the successful MIGHT become Republicans. And then their game is exposed.

................. And that's the REAL story of fraud about race-baiting the political landscape.

You knuckleheads have been spinning that bullshit story for decades.

Trump polls at about 1% among black voters .. where oh where are those black republicans? Don't they vote? :lol:

Your party is all white and the rapidly shrinking republican base is made up of angry and under-educated old white men. That's basically all you have.

Republicans made their own bed .. live with it.

First of all -- it's NOT my party. Second of all, it's natural curiousity and you didn't really help my understanding of how LONG it TAKES to get appreciable fixes to chronic problems in Black America from the Dems. When is the H.S. graduation rate or excessive incarceration or bloody stupid LOCAL Dem Black govts gonna get fixed?

Seems like a lot a progress ought to have been made with that special black Prez of yours. I believe you COULD see tangible differences in just 4 years. Nevermind 8.

I don't give a shit about either lunatic meglomaniac in the 2 tyrannical parties. They are in a death spiral.

African-Americans have only been RELATIVELY free in the United States for FIFTY-ONE YEARS (51) .. even though we've been in this country more than 400 years.

There has been much progress in a mere 51 years.

Whites have a 350 year head start on African-Americans .. but they aren't even 20 years ahead of black society today .. and you aren't 10 minutes ahead of me.

If you don't see the progress in a mere 51 years .. that's not my problem.

I see enormous progress in race RELATIONS in my lifetime.

But also I see systemic problems that SHOULD HAVE been addressed by the Dem party that owns your allegiance. Why is it that they've had a lifetime to work on it and yet all the indicators are getting worse?

How is "dumbing down" school curriculum a flattering solution? Giving UP on Advanced Placement or further education or even legitimate paths to vocational training. How does offering a "living min wage" help KEEP students in H.S. school who just want to get the fuck out of there? Seems like 40 or 50 years -- the "system" problems lag WAY the hell behind the social progress.

First, I'm not a democrat .. but that doesn't prevent me from recognizing the idiocy and racism of the Republican Party .. nor does that prevent me from recognizing the self-serving wet-dreams of Libertarians.

Your political perspectives are not my political perspectives.

A laissez-faire economy doesn't exist anywhere on planet earth .. except in a Libertarians wet dream.
WHy is it that the Dems have promised milk and honey to black Americans for 40 or 50 years and instead -- employment, H.S graduation and incarceration keep going to shit? Don't think they are REALLY focused on solving any of that --- because they KNOW -- some of the successful MIGHT become Republicans. And then their game is exposed.

................. And that's the REAL story of fraud about race-baiting the political landscape.

You knuckleheads have been spinning that bullshit story for decades.

Trump polls at about 1% among black voters .. where oh where are those black republicans? Don't they vote? :lol:

Your party is all white and the rapidly shrinking republican base is made up of angry and under-educated old white men. That's basically all you have.

Republicans made their own bed .. live with it.

First of all -- it's NOT my party. Second of all, it's natural curiousity and you didn't really help my understanding of how LONG it TAKES to get appreciable fixes to chronic problems in Black America from the Dems. When is the H.S. graduation rate or excessive incarceration or bloody stupid LOCAL Dem Black govts gonna get fixed?

Seems like a lot a progress ought to have been made with that special black Prez of yours. I believe you COULD see tangible differences in just 4 years. Nevermind 8.

I don't give a shit about either lunatic meglomaniac in the 2 tyrannical parties. They are in a death spiral.

African-Americans have only been RELATIVELY free in the United States for FIFTY-ONE YEARS (51) .. even though we've been in this country more than 400 years.

There has been much progress in a mere 51 years.

Whites have a 350 year head start on African-Americans .. but they aren't even 20 years ahead of black society today .. and you aren't 10 minutes ahead of me.

If you don't see the progress in a mere 51 years .. that's not my problem.

I see enormous progress in race RELATIONS in my lifetime.

But also I see systemic problems that SHOULD HAVE been addressed by the Dem party that owns your allegiance. Why is it that they've had a lifetime to work on it and yet all the indicators are getting worse?

How is "dumbing down" school curriculum a flattering solution? Giving UP on Advanced Placement or further education or even legitimate paths to vocational training. How does offering a "living min wage" help KEEP students in H.S. school who just want to get the fuck out of there? Seems like 40 or 50 years -- the "system" problems lag WAY the hell behind the social progress.

First, I'm not a democrat .. but that doesn't prevent me from recognizing the idiocy and racism of the Republican Party .. nor does that prevent me from recognizing the self-serving wet-dreams of Libertarians.

Your political perspectives are not my political perspectives.

A laissez-faire economy doesn't exist anywhere on planet earth .. except in a Libertarians wet dream.

So wait you're not a democrat but hate republicans and you're a communist? Isn't that like a democrat?

While you are doing so much work why don't you just check out these classic American cartoons

WHy is it that the Dems have promised milk and honey to black Americans for 40 or 50 years and instead -- employment, H.S graduation and incarceration keep going to shit? Don't think they are REALLY focused on solving any of that --- because they KNOW -- some of the successful MIGHT become Republicans. And then their game is exposed.

................. And that's the REAL story of fraud about race-baiting the political landscape.

You knuckleheads have been spinning that bullshit story for decades.

Trump polls at about 1% among black voters .. where oh where are those black republicans? Don't they vote? :lol:

Your party is all white and the rapidly shrinking republican base is made up of angry and under-educated old white men. That's basically all you have.

Republicans made their own bed .. live with it.

First of all -- it's NOT my party. Second of all, it's natural curiousity and you didn't really help my understanding of how LONG it TAKES to get appreciable fixes to chronic problems in Black America from the Dems. When is the H.S. graduation rate or excessive incarceration or bloody stupid LOCAL Dem Black govts gonna get fixed?

Seems like a lot a progress ought to have been made with that special black Prez of yours. I believe you COULD see tangible differences in just 4 years. Nevermind 8.

I don't give a shit about either lunatic meglomaniac in the 2 tyrannical parties. They are in a death spiral.

African-Americans have only been RELATIVELY free in the United States for FIFTY-ONE YEARS (51) .. even though we've been in this country more than 400 years.

There has been much progress in a mere 51 years.

Whites have a 350 year head start on African-Americans .. but they aren't even 20 years ahead of black society today .. and you aren't 10 minutes ahead of me.

If you don't see the progress in a mere 51 years .. that's not my problem.

I see enormous progress in race RELATIONS in my lifetime.

But also I see systemic problems that SHOULD HAVE been addressed by the Dem party that owns your allegiance. Why is it that they've had a lifetime to work on it and yet all the indicators are getting worse?

How is "dumbing down" school curriculum a flattering solution? Giving UP on Advanced Placement or further education or even legitimate paths to vocational training. How does offering a "living min wage" help KEEP students in H.S. school who just want to get the fuck out of there? Seems like 40 or 50 years -- the "system" problems lag WAY the hell behind the social progress.

First, I'm not a democrat .. but that doesn't prevent me from recognizing the idiocy and racism of the Republican Party .. nor does that prevent me from recognizing the self-serving wet-dreams of Libertarians.

Your political perspectives are not my political perspectives.

A laissez-faire economy doesn't exist anywhere on planet earth .. except in a Libertarians wet dream.

Oh well. Don't want to explain the diff between Laissez Faire and where we're working from. Thought I'd get some insight into how patient a constituency can be with a party that's had a lifetime to get results.

And remember -- It might have been LESS than 50 years of freedom --- if those racist Republicans hadn't banded together to support the CRAct -- when Johnson's crew of Dems were reluctant to do that.


But again --- I'm not a fan of where BOTH parties have put us. Definitely going downhill pretty fast.
You knuckleheads have been spinning that bullshit story for decades.

Trump polls at about 1% among black voters .. where oh where are those black republicans? Don't they vote? :lol:

Your party is all white and the rapidly shrinking republican base is made up of angry and under-educated old white men. That's basically all you have.

Republicans made their own bed .. live with it.

First of all -- it's NOT my party. Second of all, it's natural curiousity and you didn't really help my understanding of how LONG it TAKES to get appreciable fixes to chronic problems in Black America from the Dems. When is the H.S. graduation rate or excessive incarceration or bloody stupid LOCAL Dem Black govts gonna get fixed?

Seems like a lot a progress ought to have been made with that special black Prez of yours. I believe you COULD see tangible differences in just 4 years. Nevermind 8.

I don't give a shit about either lunatic meglomaniac in the 2 tyrannical parties. They are in a death spiral.

African-Americans have only been RELATIVELY free in the United States for FIFTY-ONE YEARS (51) .. even though we've been in this country more than 400 years.

There has been much progress in a mere 51 years.

Whites have a 350 year head start on African-Americans .. but they aren't even 20 years ahead of black society today .. and you aren't 10 minutes ahead of me.

If you don't see the progress in a mere 51 years .. that's not my problem.

I see enormous progress in race RELATIONS in my lifetime.

But also I see systemic problems that SHOULD HAVE been addressed by the Dem party that owns your allegiance. Why is it that they've had a lifetime to work on it and yet all the indicators are getting worse?

How is "dumbing down" school curriculum a flattering solution? Giving UP on Advanced Placement or further education or even legitimate paths to vocational training. How does offering a "living min wage" help KEEP students in H.S. school who just want to get the fuck out of there? Seems like 40 or 50 years -- the "system" problems lag WAY the hell behind the social progress.

First, I'm not a democrat .. but that doesn't prevent me from recognizing the idiocy and racism of the Republican Party .. nor does that prevent me from recognizing the self-serving wet-dreams of Libertarians.

Your political perspectives are not my political perspectives.

A laissez-faire economy doesn't exist anywhere on planet earth .. except in a Libertarians wet dream.

Oh well. Don't want to explain the diff between Laissez Faire and where we're working from. Thought I'd get some insight into how patient a constituency can be with a party that's had a lifetime to get results.

And remember -- It might have been LESS than 50 years of freedom --- if those racist Republicans hadn't banded together to support the CRAct -- when Johnson's crew of Dems were reluctant to do that.


But again --- I'm not a fan of where BOTH parties have put us. Definitely going downhill pretty fast.

You seem like a bright guy .. I apologize if I've offended you.

I have a question for you .. How long were did the majority African-Americans vote for republicans? What did that accomplish? We didn't even have basic human rights.

Ever hear of Black Wall Street?

Ever Heard Of ‘Black Wall Street’?
Ever Heard Of ‘Black Wall Street’? | The Progressive


As an intellectual, you should take the time to educate yourself on this tragedy, if you aren't already aware. Keep in mind, we were republicans. What did they do about it?

Point being, African-Americans have survived and prospered in a land that has oppressed and denigrated us for over 400 years .. in a land where probably half this board has been alive longer then we've been relatively free in this country.

Like you, I'm an independent .. a Green, although I know there is really no such thing as the Green Party. But unlike you, I don't always have the freedom to be independent. I never voted for Obama because I had the luxury to vote Green. Obama was about symbolism, not much else. In this election, I have no such luxury. Politics isn't about who you like .. it's about purpose. Voting for Hillary Clinton serves the purpose of doing something serious about the terrorism of police. My number ONE issue in this election.

Why do I know Clinton will do it? Because she wants to get re-elected and she will again need energized black voters to help ensure that happens.

You may not see the purpose in black voting good brother, but that doesn't mean there isn't one.
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And remember -- It might have been LESS than 50 years of freedom --- if those racist Republicans hadn't banded together to support the CRAct -- when Johnson's crew of Dems were reluctant to do that.

Once again a gross generalization and wildly inaccurate.
See post number (fittingly) 64 --- it was Southerners (Dem and Rep), not "Democrats" or "Republicans" (South or elsewhere) who opposed the CRA. And it was everybody else who supported it.

It's not even close. It was completely about geography, and the history therein -- not political parties. As demonstrated there.
And remember -- It might have been LESS than 50 years of freedom --- if those racist Republicans hadn't banded together to support the CRAct -- when Johnson's crew of Dems were reluctant to do that.

Once again a gross generalization and wildly inaccurate.
See post number (fittingly) 64 --- it was Southerners (Dem and Rep), not "Democrats" or "Republicans" (South or elsewhere) who opposed the CRA. And it was everybody else who supported it.

It's not even close. It was completely about geography, and the history therein -- not political parties. As demonstrated there.

Ok and how many of those southern DEMOCRATS joined the Republican party?
And remember -- It might have been LESS than 50 years of freedom --- if those racist Republicans hadn't banded together to support the CRAct -- when Johnson's crew of Dems were reluctant to do that.

Once again a gross generalization and wildly inaccurate.
See post number (fittingly) 64 --- it was Southerners (Dem and Rep), not "Democrats" or "Republicans" (South or elsewhere) who opposed the CRA. And it was everybody else who supported it.

It's not even close. It was completely about geography, and the history therein -- not political parties. As demonstrated there.

Ok and how many of those southern DEMOCRATS joined the Republican party?

How the fuck would I know?
What, you want me to look up the biographies of the entire Congress? Fuck you. The point stands.
And remember -- It might have been LESS than 50 years of freedom --- if those racist Republicans hadn't banded together to support the CRAct -- when Johnson's crew of Dems were reluctant to do that.

Once again a gross generalization and wildly inaccurate.
See post number (fittingly) 64 --- it was Southerners (Dem and Rep), not "Democrats" or "Republicans" (South or elsewhere) who opposed the CRA. And it was everybody else who supported it.

It's not even close. It was completely about geography, and the history therein -- not political parties. As demonstrated there.

Ok and how many of those southern DEMOCRATS joined the Republican party?

How the fuck would I know?
What, you want me to look up the biographies of the entire Congress? Fuck you. The point stands.

It's easy of the 23 senators only one. So this mass exodus is......drum roll......bullshit
And remember -- It might have been LESS than 50 years of freedom --- if those racist Republicans hadn't banded together to support the CRAct -- when Johnson's crew of Dems were reluctant to do that.

Once again a gross generalization and wildly inaccurate.
See post number (fittingly) 64 --- it was Southerners (Dem and Rep), not "Democrats" or "Republicans" (South or elsewhere) who opposed the CRA. And it was everybody else who supported it.

It's not even close. It was completely about geography, and the history therein -- not political parties. As demonstrated there.

Ok and how many of those southern DEMOCRATS joined the Republican party?

How the fuck would I know?
What, you want me to look up the biographies of the entire Congress? Fuck you. The point stands.

It's easy of the 23 senators only one. So this mass exodus is......drum roll......bullshit

Are you completely illiterate in the English language?

That passage ---- which wasn't even addressed to you anyway, Dumbass ---- was not about any kind of "exodus". If you had got up off your lazy fuck ass and read post 64 as directed you would have figured that out.
And remember -- It might have been LESS than 50 years of freedom --- if those racist Republicans hadn't banded together to support the CRAct -- when Johnson's crew of Dems were reluctant to do that.

Once again a gross generalization and wildly inaccurate.
See post number (fittingly) 64 --- it was Southerners (Dem and Rep), not "Democrats" or "Republicans" (South or elsewhere) who opposed the CRA. And it was everybody else who supported it.

It's not even close. It was completely about geography, and the history therein -- not political parties. As demonstrated there.

Ok and how many of those southern DEMOCRATS joined the Republican party?

How the fuck would I know?
What, you want me to look up the biographies of the entire Congress? Fuck you. The point stands.

It's easy of the 23 senators only one. So this mass exodus is......drum roll......bullshit

Are you completely illiterate in the English language?

That passage ---- which wasn't even addressed to you anyway, Dumbass ---- was not about any kind of "exodus". If you had got up off your lazy fuck ass and read post 64 as directed you would have figured
And remember -- It might have been LESS than 50 years of freedom --- if those racist Republicans hadn't banded together to support the CRAct -- when Johnson's crew of Dems were reluctant to do that.

Once again a gross generalization and wildly inaccurate.
See post number (fittingly) 64 --- it was Southerners (Dem and Rep), not "Democrats" or "Republicans" (South or elsewhere) who opposed the CRA. And it was everybody else who supported it.

It's not even close. It was completely about geography, and the history therein -- not political parties. As demonstrated there.

Ok and how many of those southern DEMOCRATS joined the Republican party?

How the fuck would I know?
What, you want me to look up the biographies of the entire Congress? Fuck you. The point stands.

It's easy of the 23 senators only one. So this mass exodus is......drum roll......bullshit

Are you completely illiterate in the English language?

That passage ---- which wasn't even addressed to you anyway, Dumbass ---- was not about any kind of "exodus". If you had got up off your lazy fuck ass and read post 64 as directed you would have figured that out.

So the southern strategy wasn't about members changing parties....well we agree....and tell your lefty friends that
And remember -- It might have been LESS than 50 years of freedom --- if those racist Republicans hadn't banded together to support the CRAct -- when Johnson's crew of Dems were reluctant to do that.

Once again a gross generalization and wildly inaccurate.
See post number (fittingly) 64 --- it was Southerners (Dem and Rep), not "Democrats" or "Republicans" (South or elsewhere) who opposed the CRA. And it was everybody else who supported it.

It's not even close. It was completely about geography, and the history therein -- not political parties. As demonstrated there.

Ok and how many of those southern DEMOCRATS joined the Republican party?

How many names do you want? Here's a few...

Party switching in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And remember -- It might have been LESS than 50 years of freedom --- if those racist Republicans hadn't banded together to support the CRAct -- when Johnson's crew of Dems were reluctant to do that.

Once again a gross generalization and wildly inaccurate.
See post number (fittingly) 64 --- it was Southerners (Dem and Rep), not "Democrats" or "Republicans" (South or elsewhere) who opposed the CRA. And it was everybody else who supported it.

It's not even close. It was completely about geography, and the history therein -- not political parties. As demonstrated there.

Ok and how many of those southern DEMOCRATS joined the Republican party?

How many names do you want? Here's a few...

Party switching in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Uh that's this context were talking about specific people.
And remember -- It might have been LESS than 50 years of freedom --- if those racist Republicans hadn't banded together to support the CRAct -- when Johnson's crew of Dems were reluctant to do that.

Once again a gross generalization and wildly inaccurate.
See post number (fittingly) 64 --- it was Southerners (Dem and Rep), not "Democrats" or "Republicans" (South or elsewhere) who opposed the CRA. And it was everybody else who supported it.

It's not even close. It was completely about geography, and the history therein -- not political parties. As demonstrated there.

Ok and how many of those southern DEMOCRATS joined the Republican party?

How many names do you want? Here's a few...

Party switching in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Uh that's this context were talking about specific people.

You mean all those "specific" names listed in the link aren't relevant?
And remember -- It might have been LESS than 50 years of freedom --- if those racist Republicans hadn't banded together to support the CRAct -- when Johnson's crew of Dems were reluctant to do that.

Once again a gross generalization and wildly inaccurate.
See post number (fittingly) 64 --- it was Southerners (Dem and Rep), not "Democrats" or "Republicans" (South or elsewhere) who opposed the CRA. And it was everybody else who supported it.

It's not even close. It was completely about geography, and the history therein -- not political parties. As demonstrated there.

Ok and how many of those southern DEMOCRATS joined the Republican party?

How many names do you want? Here's a few...

Party switching in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Uh that's this context were talking about specific people.

You mean all those "specific" names listed in the link aren't relevant?

No because Bob barr, Bill Bennett, ect are not part of the sham called the southern strategy.

Pogo backed it and I want her to give me what racist Democrats became republicans....if she can't give me more than a few names.....the whole concept of the southern strategy falls like a house of card's....I'll spot younone...Strom thurmond....who else ya got?
The usual “go-to” rhetoric from many conservatives and Republicans regarding racism harkens back to the fact that during the days of the Civil War, the creation and rise of the Ku Klux Klan and the decades of segregation, the Democratic party was mostly behind all of that.

Well, that much is true; there’s no denying that Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and overrun with racists.

The problem, of course, is that there’s a distinction which is often overlooked by these modern day Republicans who often use this rhetoric: When the Democratic party was the party of racism, they were considered conservatives while Republicans were considered the liberals. It’s why Republicans mostly flourished in the North while Democrats ruled the South.

That all began to change around the mid-40’s during President Truman’s time in office. He was the first Democratic president who really began to push civil rights into the Democratic platform. It was a move which was so controversial among Southern Democrats that it briefly spawned the “Dixiecrats” in 1948, which was a segregationist party that picked renowned racist Strom Thurmond as its presidential candidate, winning the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia.

I would like to point out that those are all former Confederate states and are currently states considered “strongly Republican.”

By the way, the staunch racist and segregationist Thurmond, who was furious that Democrats were embracing equality, denounced his allegiance to the party in 1964 and joined the Republicans. You know, the same year the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed, officially ending segregation. This was also around the same time that the GOP was implementing what’s known as the “Southern Strategy” – a strategic ploy to pander to white racism to lure in voters as more African-Americans began aligning with Democrats.

Interesting fact: Between the Senate and the House, only 9 of the 124 politicians from “Confederate states” (all Democrats) voted for the Civil Rights Act. It didn’t get a single Southern Republican vote – not one.

There’s a reason why when we look at our nation’s history, practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and in turn supported slavery (and are today “red”/Republican states), are also the same ones that:
  • Opposed women’s suffrage.
  • Supported segregation.
  • Banned interracial marriage.
  • Opposed the Civil Rights Act.
As The Guardian points out concerning the vote on the Civil Rights Act:

You can see that geography was far more predictive of voting coalitions on the Civil Rights than party affiliation.

And why is that? Because this was right in the middle of the transition where Republicans began to embrace racism and Democrats were pushing for civil rights and equality. And once again, the “constant” in determining which states were on the “right side of history” on these issues came down to who fought for the North and who fought for the South – regardless of party affiliation.

While some Democrats remained in the South through the 70’s and 80’s, most of them were leftovers from the past as Republicans continued to gain a stronghold over most of these former Confederate states. And as we all know, Republicans are now the unheralded political force in most of the former Confederate South.

So, it’s not exactly difficult to follow the historical pattern that began during the 40’s to see where the dynamics of the parties switched, as Democrats embraced equality and civil rights while the Republican party was quick to embrace the racism and hate Democrats were leaving behind.

That’s why when I encounter one of these Republicans who ignores this clear historic shift between the parties (which is almost always) I ask these three questions:
  1. What party do white supremacists and the KKK vote for today?
  2. Which party elected former Grand Wizard of the KKK, David Duke, in 1989?
  3. Which party had one of its highest ranking member speak in front of a white supremacist group in 2001?
Typically you won’t get many of these folks to give you a straight answer to any of those, if they’ll even answer them at all. They usually just deflect back to 50+ years ago because they know the answers to those questions are all the same: The Republican party.

Oh, and let me debunk a quick myth that’s been going around about Bill Clinton and a campaign button from his 1992 election depicting the Confederate flag. While the button apparently did exist, it was never sanctioned by the Clinton campaign and was basically just something someone made on their own. It “proves” nothing because it has no ties or affiliation with the former president’s campaign in any way.

Like I’ve said plenty of times before, denial is a powerful thing. Conservatives will continue to cling to their myths, folklores and delusions because that’s what they’ve been told their whole lives and no amount of factual evidence will ever matter to the overwhelming majority of these people.

But the indisputable facts remain that practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and supported some of the most horrific policies in our nation’s history, today are all “strongly Republican,” and the modern day GOP is supported by white supremacist groups and the KKK.

And while conservatives can twist all of this however they like (and I’m sure they will) that doesn’t change the reality they seem determined to pretend doesn’t exist.

No Longer the Party of Lincoln: Here's Proof That the Modern Day GOP Built Itself on Racism

Although Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and racism - the Party of Lincoln now owns that legacy.

Very good article and also true. The Republican party of today is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. You watch a Trump rally and it is very reminiscent of an all white, ignorant, angry mob that came right out of the 1960's civil rights movement.

Blacks used to be in the Republican column all the way up until President Hoover. He promised them lots of things over the Great Mississippi flood that he didn't deliver, and they have been in the Democrat column ever since. Oddly enough the south is still predominately registered Democrats but over the last several decades vote Republican.

The grand ol party has been hijacked by the far Reich wing that started with the Tea Party insurgence in the 2008/2009 era. Extremists came running into this group and they have taken the reins. Their leaders are Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin and all the rest on FOX News. Who fill their audiences with 3 or more daily hours, of Reich wing hyperbole, 1/2 truths, misconceptions, and enough conspiracy theories (usually about Hillary Clinton) to fill the Capital building from floor to ceiling. They have continually violated Reagan's 11th commandment--"thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican." They have been very effective at shattering the Republican party into pieces. All for political entertainment, ratings and those obscene profit breaks.

After this election the Republican party will be reduced to an all white, mostly male, ignorant, angry focus group. Republicans are leaving the party in hoards. For the first time in 60 years white educated voters are moving over to the Democrat side of the isle. The Republican party is now the Trump Party--which represents ignorance, bigotry & extremism. Their 2016 platform is more extreme & divisive than ever.
Trump sends unprecedented numbers of GOP fleeing to Clinton
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

It really couldn't be better stated than from a friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan. He says it all in 3 minutes.

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The usual “go-to” rhetoric from many conservatives and Republicans regarding racism harkens back to the fact that during the days of the Civil War, the creation and rise of the Ku Klux Klan and the decades of segregation, the Democratic party was mostly behind all of that.

Well, that much is true; there’s no denying that Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and overrun with racists.

The problem, of course, is that there’s a distinction which is often overlooked by these modern day Republicans who often use this rhetoric: When the Democratic party was the party of racism, they were considered conservatives while Republicans were considered the liberals. It’s why Republicans mostly flourished in the North while Democrats ruled the South.

That all began to change around the mid-40’s during President Truman’s time in office. He was the first Democratic president who really began to push civil rights into the Democratic platform. It was a move which was so controversial among Southern Democrats that it briefly spawned the “Dixiecrats” in 1948, which was a segregationist party that picked renowned racist Strom Thurmond as its presidential candidate, winning the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia.

I would like to point out that those are all former Confederate states and are currently states considered “strongly Republican.”

By the way, the staunch racist and segregationist Thurmond, who was furious that Democrats were embracing equality, denounced his allegiance to the party in 1964 and joined the Republicans. You know, the same year the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed, officially ending segregation. This was also around the same time that the GOP was implementing what’s known as the “Southern Strategy” – a strategic ploy to pander to white racism to lure in voters as more African-Americans began aligning with Democrats.

Interesting fact: Between the Senate and the House, only 9 of the 124 politicians from “Confederate states” (all Democrats) voted for the Civil Rights Act. It didn’t get a single Southern Republican vote – not one.

There’s a reason why when we look at our nation’s history, practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and in turn supported slavery (and are today “red”/Republican states), are also the same ones that:
  • Opposed women’s suffrage.
  • Supported segregation.
  • Banned interracial marriage.
  • Opposed the Civil Rights Act.
As The Guardian points out concerning the vote on the Civil Rights Act:

You can see that geography was far more predictive of voting coalitions on the Civil Rights than party affiliation.

And why is that? Because this was right in the middle of the transition where Republicans began to embrace racism and Democrats were pushing for civil rights and equality. And once again, the “constant” in determining which states were on the “right side of history” on these issues came down to who fought for the North and who fought for the South – regardless of party affiliation.

While some Democrats remained in the South through the 70’s and 80’s, most of them were leftovers from the past as Republicans continued to gain a stronghold over most of these former Confederate states. And as we all know, Republicans are now the unheralded political force in most of the former Confederate South.

So, it’s not exactly difficult to follow the historical pattern that began during the 40’s to see where the dynamics of the parties switched, as Democrats embraced equality and civil rights while the Republican party was quick to embrace the racism and hate Democrats were leaving behind.

That’s why when I encounter one of these Republicans who ignores this clear historic shift between the parties (which is almost always) I ask these three questions:
  1. What party do white supremacists and the KKK vote for today?
  2. Which party elected former Grand Wizard of the KKK, David Duke, in 1989?
  3. Which party had one of its highest ranking member speak in front of a white supremacist group in 2001?
Typically you won’t get many of these folks to give you a straight answer to any of those, if they’ll even answer them at all. They usually just deflect back to 50+ years ago because they know the answers to those questions are all the same: The Republican party.

Oh, and let me debunk a quick myth that’s been going around about Bill Clinton and a campaign button from his 1992 election depicting the Confederate flag. While the button apparently did exist, it was never sanctioned by the Clinton campaign and was basically just something someone made on their own. It “proves” nothing because it has no ties or affiliation with the former president’s campaign in any way.

Like I’ve said plenty of times before, denial is a powerful thing. Conservatives will continue to cling to their myths, folklores and delusions because that’s what they’ve been told their whole lives and no amount of factual evidence will ever matter to the overwhelming majority of these people.

But the indisputable facts remain that practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and supported some of the most horrific policies in our nation’s history, today are all “strongly Republican,” and the modern day GOP is supported by white supremacist groups and the KKK.

And while conservatives can twist all of this however they like (and I’m sure they will) that doesn’t change the reality they seem determined to pretend doesn’t exist.

No Longer the Party of Lincoln: Here's Proof That the Modern Day GOP Built Itself on Racism

Although Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and racism - the Party of Lincoln now owns that legacy.

Very good article and also true. The Republican party of today is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. You watch a Trump rally and it is very reminiscent of an all white, ignorant, angry mob that came right out of the 1960's civil rights movement.

Blacks used to be in the Republican column all the way up until President Hoover. He promised them lots of things over the Great Mississippi flood that he didn't deliver, and they have been in the Democrat column ever since. Oddly enough the south is still predominately registered Democrats but over the last several decades vote Republican.

The grand ol party has been hijacked by the far Reich wing that started with the Tea Party insurgence in the 2008/2009 era. Extremists came running into this group and they have taken the reins. Their leaders are Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin and all the rest on FOX News. Who fill their audiences with 3 or more daily hours, of Reich wing hyperbole, 1/2 truths, misconceptions, and enough conspiracy theories (usually about Hillary Clinton) to fill the Capital building from floor to ceiling. They have continually violated Reagan's 11th commandment--"thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican." They have been very effective at shattering the Republican party into pieces. All for political entertainment, ratings and those obscene profit breaks.

After this election the Republican party will be reduced to a mostly white male, ignorant, angry focus group. Republicans are leaving the party in hoards. For the first time in 60 year white educated voters are moving over to the Democrat side of the isle. The Republican party is now the Trump Party--which represents ignorance, bigotry & extremism. Their 2016 platform is more extreme than ever.
Trump sends unprecedented numbers of GOP fleeing to Clinton
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

It really couldn't be better stated that from a former friend and staffer of Ronald Reagan.


Again names people names
The usual “go-to” rhetoric from many conservatives and Republicans regarding racism harkens back to the fact that during the days of the Civil War, the creation and rise of the Ku Klux Klan and the decades of segregation, the Democratic party was mostly behind all of that.

Well, that much is true; there’s no denying that Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and overrun with racists.

The problem, of course, is that there’s a distinction which is often overlooked by these modern day Republicans who often use this rhetoric: When the Democratic party was the party of racism, they were considered conservatives while Republicans were considered the liberals. It’s why Republicans mostly flourished in the North while Democrats ruled the South.

That all began to change around the mid-40’s during President Truman’s time in office. He was the first Democratic president who really began to push civil rights into the Democratic platform. It was a move which was so controversial among Southern Democrats that it briefly spawned the “Dixiecrats” in 1948, which was a segregationist party that picked renowned racist Strom Thurmond as its presidential candidate, winning the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia.

I would like to point out that those are all former Confederate states and are currently states considered “strongly Republican.”

By the way, the staunch racist and segregationist Thurmond, who was furious that Democrats were embracing equality, denounced his allegiance to the party in 1964 and joined the Republicans. You know, the same year the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed, officially ending segregation. This was also around the same time that the GOP was implementing what’s known as the “Southern Strategy” – a strategic ploy to pander to white racism to lure in voters as more African-Americans began aligning with Democrats.

Interesting fact: Between the Senate and the House, only 9 of the 124 politicians from “Confederate states” (all Democrats) voted for the Civil Rights Act. It didn’t get a single Southern Republican vote – not one.

There’s a reason why when we look at our nation’s history, practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and in turn supported slavery (and are today “red”/Republican states), are also the same ones that:
  • Opposed women’s suffrage.
  • Supported segregation.
  • Banned interracial marriage.
  • Opposed the Civil Rights Act.
As The Guardian points out concerning the vote on the Civil Rights Act:

You can see that geography was far more predictive of voting coalitions on the Civil Rights than party affiliation.

And why is that? Because this was right in the middle of the transition where Republicans began to embrace racism and Democrats were pushing for civil rights and equality. And once again, the “constant” in determining which states were on the “right side of history” on these issues came down to who fought for the North and who fought for the South – regardless of party affiliation.

While some Democrats remained in the South through the 70’s and 80’s, most of them were leftovers from the past as Republicans continued to gain a stronghold over most of these former Confederate states. And as we all know, Republicans are now the unheralded political force in most of the former Confederate South.

So, it’s not exactly difficult to follow the historical pattern that began during the 40’s to see where the dynamics of the parties switched, as Democrats embraced equality and civil rights while the Republican party was quick to embrace the racism and hate Democrats were leaving behind.

That’s why when I encounter one of these Republicans who ignores this clear historic shift between the parties (which is almost always) I ask these three questions:
  1. What party do white supremacists and the KKK vote for today?
  2. Which party elected former Grand Wizard of the KKK, David Duke, in 1989?
  3. Which party had one of its highest ranking member speak in front of a white supremacist group in 2001?
Typically you won’t get many of these folks to give you a straight answer to any of those, if they’ll even answer them at all. They usually just deflect back to 50+ years ago because they know the answers to those questions are all the same: The Republican party.

Oh, and let me debunk a quick myth that’s been going around about Bill Clinton and a campaign button from his 1992 election depicting the Confederate flag. While the button apparently did exist, it was never sanctioned by the Clinton campaign and was basically just something someone made on their own. It “proves” nothing because it has no ties or affiliation with the former president’s campaign in any way.

Like I’ve said plenty of times before, denial is a powerful thing. Conservatives will continue to cling to their myths, folklores and delusions because that’s what they’ve been told their whole lives and no amount of factual evidence will ever matter to the overwhelming majority of these people.

But the indisputable facts remain that practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and supported some of the most horrific policies in our nation’s history, today are all “strongly Republican,” and the modern day GOP is supported by white supremacist groups and the KKK.

And while conservatives can twist all of this however they like (and I’m sure they will) that doesn’t change the reality they seem determined to pretend doesn’t exist.

No Longer the Party of Lincoln: Here's Proof That the Modern Day GOP Built Itself on Racism

Although Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and racism - the Party of Lincoln now owns that legacy.

Very good article and also true. The Republican party of today is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. You watch a Trump rally and it is very reminiscent of an all white, ignorant, angry mob that came right out of the 1960's civil rights movement.

Blacks used to be in the Republican column all the way up until President Hoover. He promised them lots of things over the Great Mississippi flood that he didn't deliver, and they have been in the Democrat column ever since. Oddly enough the south is still predominately registered Democrats but over the last several decades vote Republican.

The grand ol party has been hijacked by the far Reich wing that started with the Tea Party insurgence in the 2008/2009 era. Extremists came running into this group and they have taken the reins. Their leaders are Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin and all the rest on FOX News. Who fill their audiences with 3 or more daily hours, of Reich wing hyperbole, 1/2 truths, misconceptions, and enough conspiracy theories (usually about Hillary Clinton) to fill the Capital building from floor to ceiling. They have continually violated Reagan's 11th commandment--"thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican." They have been very effective at shattering the Republican party into pieces. All for political entertainment, ratings and those obscene profit breaks.

After this election the Republican party will be reduced to a mostly white male, ignorant, angry focus group. Republicans are leaving the party in hoards. For the first time in 60 year white educated voters are moving over to the Democrat side of the isle. The Republican party is now the Trump Party--which represents ignorance, bigotry & extremism. Their 2016 platform is more extreme than ever.
Trump sends unprecedented numbers of GOP fleeing to Clinton
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

It really couldn't be better stated that from a former friend and staffer of Ronald Reagan.


Again names people names

I gave you plenty of links to read, you might want to click on one. That is, if you can read?

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