Here’s the number one concern for us Americans. Homeownership rate among young Americans is considerably lower than it was during the baby boomer era

my would allude to social interconnectability..... ;) ~S~
That trenching sure looks like it was done with a backhoe ... are those excavator trackways behind that really good-looking fella? ... the footings' total pussy ... no gravel underneath the concrete? ... do you own a level? ... the styrofoam is for termite channels? ... how thoughtful ...

You're leaving the taillings on-site ... what a scab ...
lol!, you sound like one of my GC's Reiny.....~S~
getting rid of your kind of mental rejects will be more satisfying. You support the Police State, the criminal corrupt regime installed with help of Communist China and the virus launch. You are Evil. Or you are too dumb to tie your shoes? Probably both. We can no longer Vote Evil out, but we can watch your type destroyed quickly upon full collapse.
Seek help! :cuckoo:
Today's young Americans are different from the baby boom generation. Few seem interested in getting married and raising a family and for the most part they are content to live in their parent's basement playing video games. What's the point anyway? Do liberals want hard working taxpayers to buy them a freaking house as well as pay off their student loans?
It's not Biden inflation that caused the entire world to be suffering from inflation, and it's silly to think so.... Sure, it's easy to say and repeat and blame Biden for all of it, but if you had any self awareness of what is going on in the world, you would know that in this horrible, and suffering inflation state that we are in, the USA is doing better than most in our circle of allies and others... NOT that this is much of a consolation prize!

As far as more boomers owning homes than recent generations,

Boomer parents had the GI BILL, where all those that served our nation during world war, were guaranteed a VA Mortgage with no money needed as a down payment. Boomer parents that served also were given a college education if they wanted one, free with the GI BILL..... Making it easier to fund and advance their own boomer children's home ownership and education.... Many boomers had the GI Bill too with Vietnam service via the draft...

Before the boomer generation, we were not crowded, with plenty of land to and land were a dime a so we have all of the new regulations on building homes hurricane safe, flood safe, etc. and protecting our water and wild life, and ourselves with building codes on arsenic water and radon gas etc....raising prices of homes and land....

Then, decades of our incomes not keeping up with the Jones's and inflation, and here we are.....the present dilemma..... :(
Bidens social and economic policies have worsened things. He is like a Herbert Hoover or Jimmy Carter type president. You’re talking about one of the worst economies in American history today…. I get it even Hoover and Carter still had supporters.

Also The lockdowns brought to us by both Republicans and Democrats that was a bigger cause perhaps. The economic lockdowns in light of the virus, which did not kill 1 million people but we have now learned that it killed about 120,000 people. The faulty vaccination killed over a half million people in America.

the lockdowns were brutal. Did you see what they did to the price of homes we were already having some problems and it made it astronomically worse. You’re talking home prices increasing from 40 to 100% sometimes if not more in such a short period of time. And it only negatively affected the working class in middle class. For the wealthy elite it means nothing they don’t care about it. So what did they have to pay four dollars a gallon for gas instead of two dollars it really doesn’t make a difference for them.

We can only hope for a better future. And certainly the country has been through the Great Depression, but is always the problem now is anti-Americanism among young Americans….data shows younger generations of American are the least patriotic they have ever been. That wasn’t a problem in the great depression. People still loved the country and they worked through it.

And we also have the TikTok generation, people on their phones and computers all day, drug usage…. Record numbers of young Americans are single, so these are problems we did not have during the great depression. It’s going to make it all the more difficult to climb out of the hole we are in.
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Seek help! :cuckoo:

You and your klan are responsible for the on-going destruction of the US. The crime is unforgivable. How can you people even look at the Children playing in the park after what you have bestowed on them since Obiden 1.

You are too ignorant to understand. You will understand if you live long enough to reap what you sew. Armed revolution or Communist takeover will not be pretty. If not here you will be “compensated” in the afterlife. Too bad you aren’t a bowler? Would be one less problem to deal with going forward. The immediate tragedy is you think you’re smart to “educate” the board. You’re not.
Today's young Americans are different from the baby boom generation. Few seem interested in getting married and raising a family and for the most part they are content to live in their parent's basement playing video games. What's the point anyway? Do liberals want hard working taxpayers to buy them a freaking house as well as pay off their student loans?
This is what I was thinking and pretty much what I posted.

The Democrat party used to tackle these issues 75 years ago. Now they’re distracting us with race issues, when we have tons of homeless, white and Black people, they pull in the race crap. Along with LGBT stuff, foreign wars. Seems like it’s all being done on purpose to distract poor and working class people from their low quality life.

In fact, the median cost of a typical 20% down payment was about 85% of the average millennial household's salary last year. That's considerably higher than the 75% for Gen X and 64% for baby boomers when they were the same age.

The numbers say at all. We obviously had better leader ship, and one can see it better population 75 or even 50 years ago.
The median cost of a home in 1970 was $23,400.00 The median cost of a home in 2023 was $410,200.00.

The median income for all families in the US, in 1970, was $9,870. The median income in 2020 was $44,225.00.

Pay people more and they will buy homes.

The biggest enemy of our manufacturing jobs has always been automation. But as long as politicians can point to tens of thousands of minimum wage jobs they "created", nothing will change.
Wetbacks are Americas biggest problem…trade work wages drive white collar wages and wages all across the spectrum …If a journeyman drywall hanger was making $45 per hour what would a cop have to be paid? What would an engineer have to earn?
Drywall hangers are being paid what they were being paid in 1990 thanks to the brown cockroach invasion.
Fix that and then bitch about wages.
But these young people don't want t buy a 1200 sf home do they ?
Because they can’t afford it.

In fact, the median cost of a typical 20% down payment was about 85% of the average millennial household's salary last year. That's considerably higher than the 75% for Gen X and 64% for baby boomers when they were the same age.
The reason that young Americans are struggling to achieve the American Dream is that they refuse to start at the bottom, sharing small apartments in marginal areas, and work their way up. They want to remain with their parents until they earn enough to buy a luxury condo or townhouse, and that ain’t happening.
Young Americans can’t afford a starter home. Back in the 1950s my grandfather and many people like him his age worked at a steel job or an auto job… at a young age him and his wife got a starter home. Maybe it was 900 ft.² or 1100 ft.². Those homes are now astronomical in price.

Perhaps to your point, the problem with young Americans is many of them are anti-American, patriotism, is an all time low among young Americans. But also plenty of them are pro American, but either way they cannot afford a home in this country in 2023 when they could have in the 1950s.

We used to have those manufacturing jobs in the millions. And then our politicians and business leaders failed us. For 50 or 75 years it wasn’t like that we had a great thing in America where everyone was doing great middle class and wealthy class. We simply don’t have have it anymore …maybe Ramaswamy can bring back the American middle class.

In fact, the median cost of a typical 20% down payment was about 85% of the average millennial household's salary last year. That's considerably higher than the 75% for Gen X and 64% for baby boomers when they were the same age.
Why are you upset?
Rich people owning all the resources is the very heart of capitalism.
You should be proud of what you've accomplished by destroying unions, minimally taxing the wealthy, and ensuring all legislation protects the collection of wealth.

good for you!
Mission accomplished.

I’m a traditional Democrat. And the Democrat party of the 1940s and 1960s gave us the greatest middle class in American history. Today’s Democrat party is about waving a BLM flag, supporting foreign wars, giving our money away. They’re talking a lot about race and LGBT issues when they are not legit issues. When in reality the problem is the economic struggle of many Americans

The coronavirus lockdowns helped to wreck our economy. They were unnecessary.

At least when Trump was in office we had lower prices and a better country with no major foreign wars.
School shoes are $15 a pair at Walmart ... are you suggesting an American worker can make these from scratch in 45 minutes? ... or did Cambodians working for 50¢ a day? ...

I've worked construction my whole life and it's crystal clear to me why homeownership is down ... the cost of construction materials is skyrocketing ... I'll give you the date ...

August 29th, 2005 ...

Plywood is 10 times as expensive today, less than twenty years later ... and we use a fuck-load of plywood in our buildings ... drywall is only 8 times as expensive than twenty years ago ... and there's a fuck-load of drywall in our buildings ... that will never backtrack ...

Construction is dangerous ... the final cost of the home will include the workman's compensation costs, and we all know which direction medical costs are going ...

Those among the Millennials who are smart will figure out how to buy a home, and those Millennials who are stupid won't ... same as my generation ... except we had 12% mortgage interest rates, Millennials don't ... see the stupidity? ...


My children were 10-, 8- and 6-years-old when we moving into our first house with electric light switches on the walls ... all the places before we had to screw the bulb in and out, or have a pull chain if we were lucky ... spoiled brat kids want indoor plumbing, they better be ready to pay for it ...

The entitlement today is outrageous ...
In fact, the median cost of a typical 20% down payment was about 85% of the average millennial household's salary last year. That's considerably higher than the 75% for Gen X and 64% for baby boomers when they were the same age.

You’re speaking to the choir, if you’re talking about young generations of Americans having a host of problems, most worst being anti-Americanism.

There are young Americans who are patriots. But when they have to deal with a much higher down payment on a starter home, compared to previous generations That’s a problem.

Couple that with bad leader ship at the top. Our leaders should be talking about the fact that so many young people are single and glued to their computers all day… instead they’re talking about giving away our money for foreign wars, race issues, LGBT things, and they are dividing working class Americans.

We have one of the worst economies in American history. It affects poor to work in class people and it has no effect on the wealthy elite.

Seems like the blm issues and funding of foreign wars and arguing about them… might be done on purpose to distract us from a bad economy.
Bidens social and economic policies have worsened things. He is like a Herbert Hoover or Jimmy Carter type president. You’re talking about one of the worst economies in American history today…. I get it even Hoover and Carter still had supporters.

Also The lockdowns brought to us by both Republicans and Democrats that was a bigger cause perhaps. The economic lockdowns in light of the virus, which did not kill 1 million people but we have now learned that it killed about 120,000 people. The faulty vaccination killed over a half million people in America.

the lockdowns were brutal. Did you see what they did to the price of homes we were already having some problems and it made it astronomically worse. You’re talking home prices increasing from 40 to 100% sometimes if not more in such a short period of time. And it only negatively affected the working class in middle class. For the wealthy elite it means nothing they don’t care about it. So what did they have to pay four dollars a gallon for gas instead of two dollars it really doesn’t make a difference for them.

We can only hope for a better future. And certainly the country has been through the Great Depression, but is always the problem now is anti-Americanism among young Americans….data shows younger generations of American are the least patriotic they have ever been. That wasn’t a problem in the great depression. People still loved the country and they worked through it.

And we also have the TikTok generation, people on their phones and computers all day, drug usage…. Record numbers of young Americans are single, so these are problems we did not have during the great depression. It’s going to make it all the more difficult to climb out of the hole we are in.
You are mistaken about the economy being crappy, it's actually doing pretty good, and THAT is our PROBLEM with our Inflation woes....the fed is trying to curb our good economy to slow inflation rates, which made them raise interest slow the inflation rate....which has worked some, to bring inflation rate down to about 4%....still double of the 2% we like to see as inflation. And note, we are recovering and lowering inflation rate more than our allies have been able to do.... Comparitively, the USA is doing better than most of them.....

But it still sucks, from here to high heaven!

When I was young, our first mortgage was at 13.5%, about 6% higher than the high interest rate of today! We suffered as y'all are today, and some! We were so mortgaged strapped that we could barely breath!

It ain't fun, I know it isn't! I've been there and lived during a very high inflationary's awful, and scary, and downright depressing!

But fortunately, over time, maybe 5 to 10 years, it all worked out in the end.... I'm older and wiser now, but at the time we were going through higher inflation, it felt like it would never be worked out. :(
The median cost of a home in 1970 was $23,400.00 The median cost of a home in 2023 was $410,200.00.

The median income for all families in the US, in 1970, was $9,870. The median income in 2020 was $44,225.00.

Pay people more and they will buy homes.

That's not going to happen. We sold out when we "advanced" with technology. And Chinese trade, the left's immigration policies, and a global market. Now there are too many people as well.

Note, interest rates were much higher in the 70s, so your numbers are only part of the picture.
That's not going to happen. We sold out when we "advanced" with technology. And Chinese trade, the left's immigration policies, and a global market. Now there are too many people as well.

Note, interest rates were much higher in the 70s, so your numbers are only part of the picture.

The main point of the "picture" is that there is a gap between wages/income (1970 to 2023) and the cost of housing in the same time span.

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