Here’s What’s Comin’

1.The only way to make sense of Democrat plans for Americans is to see those plans through a prism of bizarro world. They’ve announced that they stand for the same evils that Americans once fought against, such as racism, and they see their path to power via a paradigm of anti-white racism. And whites will become slaves via reparations.
I dare ya' to say 'impossible!'

PC is regretting that blepharoplasty she got to look more white.

Look, we are already slaves to the One Percenters... I'm just not worrying all that much that we might spend a little money on reparations. Frankly, I just don't see a problem with it. We paid reparations to Japanese Americans interned during WWII, and it was fine.
1.The only way to make sense of Democrat plans for Americans is to see those plans through a prism of bizarro world. They’ve announced that they stand for the same evils that Americans once fought against, such as racism, and they see their path to power via a paradigm of anti-white racism. And whites will become slaves via reparations.
I dare ya' to say 'impossible!'

2. “Slavery reparations.
During a June 10 “virtual town hall” hosted by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Biden opened the door to reparations for slavery, saying, “If, in fact, there are ways to get direct payments for reparations, I want to see it. Why are we waiting around for the study? We can deal with this stuff.” Some might say that Biden, as is so often the case, said a lot without actually saying anything. Others might say that slavery reparations would make a good subject for a tangibilizing video.

You can bet that if Biden wins, there will be reparations, even though reparations have already been paid….in blood. It was called the Civil War.

3. It wasn’t long ago that if you Liberals said men could become women, you’d be met with eye rolls. No matter how insane, absurd, comical, or illegal, Democrats will be for it, and their argument will mirror something Robert Kennedy was supposed to have said: There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?

The Left even uses that as their basis for what they deem science…..and they will punish any who don’t go along.

4. And that brings us to reparations. “(CNN)If you feel like you're hearing more about slavery reparations these days, it's not your imagination. Compensating the descendants of American slaves is suddenly a hot topic on the campaign trail, with presidential candidates voicing support for slavery reparations.”

5. The argument is presented in “From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century by William A. Darity and A. Kirsten Mullen. It is important to read for several reasons, not the least of which is that one need know the enemy. The Right needs to be prepared as the inmates run the asylum. Know what they have planned, and know how to defeat them.

6. He writes: “…restitution for African Americans would eliminate racial disparities in wealth, income, education, health, sentencing and incarceration, political participation, and subsequent opportunities to engage in American political and social life. It will require not only an endeavor to compensate for past repression and exploitation but also an endeavor to offset stubborn existing obstacles to full black participation in American political and social life.”

In order to consider this argument as reality-based, one need to agree that there is transgenerational racial guilt. Basically, it is the central thesis for every government school grad, every American who has been trained to believe that America is evil, and built on genocide and racism. Trump explained why there are so many misled in his insightful Independence Day speech at Mt. Rushmore:

“The violent mayhem we have seen in the streets of cities that are run by liberal Democrats, in every case, is the predictable result of years of extreme indoctrination and bias in education, journalism, and other cultural institutions. Against every law of society and nature, our children are taught in school to hate their own country, and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes, but that were villains. The radical view of American history is a web of lies — all perspective is removed, every virtue is obscured, every motive is twisted, every fact is distorted, and every flaw is magnified until the history is purged and the record is disfigured beyond all recognition."

The demand for reparations is but one more attack on America and Americans, on our heritage and our history.

The answer to the reparations argument begins here: there never was any genocide by Americans, nor on this continent by our Founders, nor is there any systemic racism, nor reason for white guilt.

There is opportunity for every individual born in America.
White race marginalization fear only influences the weak minded. Liberalism is about choice and freedom. Conservatism is about the shackles and chain of fear and contempt.

Conservatives were forced to break the physical chains of oppression from the legs of blacks by the northern liberals who thought slavery was wrong. Conservatives were forced to break the legal oppression over blacks by liberals who pushed for civil rights in the 60’s. Conservatives will be forced to break the economic and systemic oppression of blacks by liberals who have seen enough. Be warned that history has shown conservatives lose the fight to oppress others to righteous liberals who support freedom.

"White race marginalization fear only influences the weak minded ..."

Speaking of weak minds, you appear to have missed this:

Sen. Schumer Proposes $350 Billion COVID Aid Package, But Not for White People

It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics

It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics

"With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

… Mr. Perez is a dedicated Social Justice Warrior, a key enforcer of the Obama administration’s anti-white programswhen serving in key positions in the Justice Department and the Department of Labor across almost all of the eight Obama years."
With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

“White men are now the Democratic Party's punching bag. That's a dangerous bet to make.”

NYT Pulitzer Prize Winner: White Race ‘Barbaric’
Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times writer Nikole Hannah-Jones once penned a polemical letter to her college newspaper denouncing the white race as "barbaric."
"The white race is the biggest murderer, rapist, pillager, and thief of the modern world," she wrote in a 1995 letter published in the Notre Dame Observer, according to a report by the Federalist. She added that white Europeans "committed genocide … in their greed and insatiable desire to destroy every non-white culture." NYT Pulitzer Prize Winner: White Race ‘Barbaric’

“NYC official promotes division on MLK Day, tells white people ‘go back to Iowa’ in fear-mongering speech

More and more, it seems Democrats are proving to be exactly who many conservatives always thought they were.

Offering a disturbingly divisive message Monday to mark the Martin Luther King Jr. national holiday, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams let newcomers know that they are not welcome in New York City, according to the New York Post.

White newcomers from the nation’s heartland, of course — as those coming illegally from south of the border continue to receive a warm embrace in the sanctuary city. NYC official promotes division on MLK Day, tells white people ‘go back to Iowa’ in fear-mongering speech

"The Lawless Anti-White Identity Politics of the Democratic Party Is on Full Display in Philly"

"Democrats Unify Around Shutting Down White People"

This, the result of the work of Democrats and their apologists.

BLM rioters shout 'Beat up every white person!' and 'Black power!'

"Shoot the white folks!!"

“BLM Leader: We'll 'Burn' the System Down If U.S. Won't Give Us What We Want”

“We are Trained Marxists,” says BLM Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors
“We are trained Marxists,” Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said, during an interview with Real News Network, further adding to the parallels between her movement and the rise of Mao Zedong’s Marxist movement in China."

"We are Trained Marxists," says BLM Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors - Back to Jerusalem

“We are trained Marxists,” Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said, during an interview with Real News Network, further adding to the parallels between her movement and the rise of Mao Zedong’s Marxist movement in China. Marxism is important for Christians to understand, because it...

This, the result of the work of Democrats and their apologists.
1.The only way to make sense of Democrat plans for Americans is to see those plans through a prism of bizarro world. They’ve announced that they stand for the same evils that Americans once fought against, such as racism, and they see their path to power via a paradigm of anti-white racism. And whites will become slaves via reparations.
I dare ya' to say 'impossible!'

2. “Slavery reparations.
During a June 10 “virtual town hall” hosted by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Biden opened the door to reparations for slavery, saying, “If, in fact, there are ways to get direct payments for reparations, I want to see it. Why are we waiting around for the study? We can deal with this stuff.” Some might say that Biden, as is so often the case, said a lot without actually saying anything. Others might say that slavery reparations would make a good subject for a tangibilizing video.

You can bet that if Biden wins, there will be reparations, even though reparations have already been paid….in blood. It was called the Civil War.

3. It wasn’t long ago that if you Liberals said men could become women, you’d be met with eye rolls. No matter how insane, absurd, comical, or illegal, Democrats will be for it, and their argument will mirror something Robert Kennedy was supposed to have said: There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?

The Left even uses that as their basis for what they deem science…..and they will punish any who don’t go along.

4. And that brings us to reparations. “(CNN)If you feel like you're hearing more about slavery reparations these days, it's not your imagination. Compensating the descendants of American slaves is suddenly a hot topic on the campaign trail, with presidential candidates voicing support for slavery reparations.”

5. The argument is presented in “From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century by William A. Darity and A. Kirsten Mullen. It is important to read for several reasons, not the least of which is that one need know the enemy. The Right needs to be prepared as the inmates run the asylum. Know what they have planned, and know how to defeat them.

6. He writes: “…restitution for African Americans would eliminate racial disparities in wealth, income, education, health, sentencing and incarceration, political participation, and subsequent opportunities to engage in American political and social life. It will require not only an endeavor to compensate for past repression and exploitation but also an endeavor to offset stubborn existing obstacles to full black participation in American political and social life.”

In order to consider this argument as reality-based, one need to agree that there is transgenerational racial guilt. Basically, it is the central thesis for every government school grad, every American who has been trained to believe that America is evil, and built on genocide and racism. Trump explained why there are so many misled in his insightful Independence Day speech at Mt. Rushmore:

“The violent mayhem we have seen in the streets of cities that are run by liberal Democrats, in every case, is the predictable result of years of extreme indoctrination and bias in education, journalism, and other cultural institutions. Against every law of society and nature, our children are taught in school to hate their own country, and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes, but that were villains. The radical view of American history is a web of lies — all perspective is removed, every virtue is obscured, every motive is twisted, every fact is distorted, and every flaw is magnified until the history is purged and the record is disfigured beyond all recognition."

The demand for reparations is but one more attack on America and Americans, on our heritage and our history.

The answer to the reparations argument begins here: there never was any genocide by Americans, nor on this continent by our Founders, nor is there any systemic racism, nor reason for white guilt.

There is opportunity for every individual born in America.
White race marginalization fear only influences the weak minded. Liberalism is about choice and freedom. Conservatism is about the shackles and chain of fear and contempt.

Conservatives were forced to break the physical chains of oppression from the legs of blacks by the northern liberals who thought slavery was wrong. Conservatives were forced to break the legal oppression over blacks by liberals who pushed for civil rights in the 60’s. Conservatives will be forced to break the economic and systemic oppression of blacks by liberals who have seen enough. Be warned that history has shown conservatives lose the fight to oppress others to righteous liberals who support freedom.

So you are simply one more lying low-life apologist for the Democrat Party.
1.The only way to make sense of Democrat plans for Americans is to see those plans through a prism of bizarro world. They’ve announced that they stand for the same evils that Americans once fought against, such as racism, and they see their path to power via a paradigm of anti-white racism. And whites will become slaves via reparations.
I dare ya' to say 'impossible!'

2. “Slavery reparations.
During a June 10 “virtual town hall” hosted by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Biden opened the door to reparations for slavery, saying, “If, in fact, there are ways to get direct payments for reparations, I want to see it. Why are we waiting around for the study? We can deal with this stuff.” Some might say that Biden, as is so often the case, said a lot without actually saying anything. Others might say that slavery reparations would make a good subject for a tangibilizing video.

You can bet that if Biden wins, there will be reparations, even though reparations have already been paid….in blood. It was called the Civil War.

3. It wasn’t long ago that if you Liberals said men could become women, you’d be met with eye rolls. No matter how insane, absurd, comical, or illegal, Democrats will be for it, and their argument will mirror something Robert Kennedy was supposed to have said: There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?

The Left even uses that as their basis for what they deem science…..and they will punish any who don’t go along.

4. And that brings us to reparations. “(CNN)If you feel like you're hearing more about slavery reparations these days, it's not your imagination. Compensating the descendants of American slaves is suddenly a hot topic on the campaign trail, with presidential candidates voicing support for slavery reparations.”

5. The argument is presented in “From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century by William A. Darity and A. Kirsten Mullen. It is important to read for several reasons, not the least of which is that one need know the enemy. The Right needs to be prepared as the inmates run the asylum. Know what they have planned, and know how to defeat them.

6. He writes: “…restitution for African Americans would eliminate racial disparities in wealth, income, education, health, sentencing and incarceration, political participation, and subsequent opportunities to engage in American political and social life. It will require not only an endeavor to compensate for past repression and exploitation but also an endeavor to offset stubborn existing obstacles to full black participation in American political and social life.”

In order to consider this argument as reality-based, one need to agree that there is transgenerational racial guilt. Basically, it is the central thesis for every government school grad, every American who has been trained to believe that America is evil, and built on genocide and racism. Trump explained why there are so many misled in his insightful Independence Day speech at Mt. Rushmore:

“The violent mayhem we have seen in the streets of cities that are run by liberal Democrats, in every case, is the predictable result of years of extreme indoctrination and bias in education, journalism, and other cultural institutions. Against every law of society and nature, our children are taught in school to hate their own country, and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes, but that were villains. The radical view of American history is a web of lies — all perspective is removed, every virtue is obscured, every motive is twisted, every fact is distorted, and every flaw is magnified until the history is purged and the record is disfigured beyond all recognition."

The demand for reparations is but one more attack on America and Americans, on our heritage and our history.

The answer to the reparations argument begins here: there never was any genocide by Americans, nor on this continent by our Founders, nor is there any systemic racism, nor reason for white guilt.

There is opportunity for every individual born in America.
White race marginalization fear only influences the weak minded. Liberalism is about choice and freedom. Conservatism is about the shackles and chain of fear and contempt.

Conservatives were forced to break the physical chains of oppression from the legs of blacks by the northern liberals who thought slavery was wrong. Conservatives were forced to break the legal oppression over blacks by liberals who pushed for civil rights in the 60’s. Conservatives will be forced to break the economic and systemic oppression of blacks by liberals who have seen enough. Be warned that history has shown conservatives lose the fight to oppress others to righteous liberals who support freedom.

"White race marginalization fear only influences the weak minded ..."

Speaking of weak minds, you appear to have missed this:

Sen. Schumer Proposes $350 Billion COVID Aid Package, But Not for White People

It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics

It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics

"With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

… Mr. Perez is a dedicated Social Justice Warrior, a key enforcer of the Obama administration’s anti-white programswhen serving in key positions in the Justice Department and the Department of Labor across almost all of the eight Obama years."
With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

“White men are now the Democratic Party's punching bag. That's a dangerous bet to make.”

NYT Pulitzer Prize Winner: White Race ‘Barbaric’
Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times writer Nikole Hannah-Jones once penned a polemical letter to her college newspaper denouncing the white race as "barbaric."
"The white race is the biggest murderer, rapist, pillager, and thief of the modern world," she wrote in a 1995 letter published in the Notre Dame Observer, according to a report by the Federalist. She added that white Europeans "committed genocide … in their greed and insatiable desire to destroy every non-white culture." NYT Pulitzer Prize Winner: White Race ‘Barbaric’

“NYC official promotes division on MLK Day, tells white people ‘go back to Iowa’ in fear-mongering speech

More and more, it seems Democrats are proving to be exactly who many conservatives always thought they were.

Offering a disturbingly divisive message Monday to mark the Martin Luther King Jr. national holiday, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams let newcomers know that they are not welcome in New York City, according to the New York Post.

White newcomers from the nation’s heartland, of course — as those coming illegally from south of the border continue to receive a warm embrace in the sanctuary city. NYC official promotes division on MLK Day, tells white people ‘go back to Iowa’ in fear-mongering speech

"The Lawless Anti-White Identity Politics of the Democratic Party Is on Full Display in Philly"

"Democrats Unify Around Shutting Down White People"

This, the result of the work of Democrats and their apologists.

BLM rioters shout 'Beat up every white person!' and 'Black power!'

"Shoot the white folks!!"

“BLM Leader: We'll 'Burn' the System Down If U.S. Won't Give Us What We Want”

“We are Trained Marxists,” says BLM Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors
“We are trained Marxists,” Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said, during an interview with Real News Network, further adding to the parallels between her movement and the rise of Mao Zedong’s Marxist movement in China."

"We are Trained Marxists," says BLM Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors - Back to Jerusalem

“We are trained Marxists,” Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said, during an interview with Real News Network, further adding to the parallels between her movement and the rise of Mao Zedong’s Marxist movement in China. Marxism is important for Christians to understand, because it...

This, the result of the work of Democrats and their apologists.

BLM rioters shout 'Beat up every white person!' and 'Black power!'

"Shoot the white folks!!"

“BLM Leader: We'll 'Burn' the System Down If U.S. Won't Give Us What We Want”

I didn’t miss the proposal to assist in equalizing systemic oppression and injustice. I support it. Posting random emotional outbursts from frustrated protesters does nothing to prove any points.

Look at your message: helping to equalize historic oppression is bad for white America. How is an America that levels the playing field for people to succeed based on their work and character so we can honor the spirit of America bad?
1.The only way to make sense of Democrat plans for Americans is to see those plans through a prism of bizarro world. They’ve announced that they stand for the same evils that Americans once fought against, such as racism, and they see their path to power via a paradigm of anti-white racism. And whites will become slaves via reparations.
I dare ya' to say 'impossible!'

2. “Slavery reparations.
During a June 10 “virtual town hall” hosted by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Biden opened the door to reparations for slavery, saying, “If, in fact, there are ways to get direct payments for reparations, I want to see it. Why are we waiting around for the study? We can deal with this stuff.” Some might say that Biden, as is so often the case, said a lot without actually saying anything. Others might say that slavery reparations would make a good subject for a tangibilizing video.

You can bet that if Biden wins, there will be reparations, even though reparations have already been paid….in blood. It was called the Civil War.

3. It wasn’t long ago that if you Liberals said men could become women, you’d be met with eye rolls. No matter how insane, absurd, comical, or illegal, Democrats will be for it, and their argument will mirror something Robert Kennedy was supposed to have said: There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?

The Left even uses that as their basis for what they deem science…..and they will punish any who don’t go along.

4. And that brings us to reparations. “(CNN)If you feel like you're hearing more about slavery reparations these days, it's not your imagination. Compensating the descendants of American slaves is suddenly a hot topic on the campaign trail, with presidential candidates voicing support for slavery reparations.”

5. The argument is presented in “From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century by William A. Darity and A. Kirsten Mullen. It is important to read for several reasons, not the least of which is that one need know the enemy. The Right needs to be prepared as the inmates run the asylum. Know what they have planned, and know how to defeat them.

6. He writes: “…restitution for African Americans would eliminate racial disparities in wealth, income, education, health, sentencing and incarceration, political participation, and subsequent opportunities to engage in American political and social life. It will require not only an endeavor to compensate for past repression and exploitation but also an endeavor to offset stubborn existing obstacles to full black participation in American political and social life.”

In order to consider this argument as reality-based, one need to agree that there is transgenerational racial guilt. Basically, it is the central thesis for every government school grad, every American who has been trained to believe that America is evil, and built on genocide and racism. Trump explained why there are so many misled in his insightful Independence Day speech at Mt. Rushmore:

“The violent mayhem we have seen in the streets of cities that are run by liberal Democrats, in every case, is the predictable result of years of extreme indoctrination and bias in education, journalism, and other cultural institutions. Against every law of society and nature, our children are taught in school to hate their own country, and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes, but that were villains. The radical view of American history is a web of lies — all perspective is removed, every virtue is obscured, every motive is twisted, every fact is distorted, and every flaw is magnified until the history is purged and the record is disfigured beyond all recognition."

The demand for reparations is but one more attack on America and Americans, on our heritage and our history.

The answer to the reparations argument begins here: there never was any genocide by Americans, nor on this continent by our Founders, nor is there any systemic racism, nor reason for white guilt.

There is opportunity for every individual born in America.

Thanks for the great post, PC. A good one to read with my third cup of coffee. Now back to my regularly scheduled day. No reparations, ever.
The "reparations" thing was tried before and the courts rejected the idea! Reparations will not happen, period.
"The case—Alexander v. State of Oklahoma—came before the court after the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last fall that it was too late for riot survivors and their descendants to sue the state. The Supreme Court did not offer any comment on its decision not to hear the case. "

Those courts once claimed slaves were simply property.

Never count on the courts.

If the Left gains power, reparations will be a fact.
PRECEDENT.........Young lady. The USSC should be solidly against reparations according to the Law.
Reparations ain't gonna happen.
5. The Constitution is the only set of laws that the people of this nation have agreed to be governed by. Where does it authorize racial reparations?

Of course, it doesn’t. The beauty of the document is that it doesn’t separate Americans by race, at all.

If the International Left, represented by the Democrat Party, gains control, and the Republican Party hasn’t shown the courage to stand up for America, you can bet that they will either ignore the document, the Constitution, or they will alter it.

Democrat Franklin Roosevelt set the tone, when he suggested ignoring the Constitution:

In July 5, 1935, in a letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill of Washington, the President manifested his contempt for the Constitution. Hill was chairman of the subcommittee studying the Guffey-Vinson bill to regulate the coal industry: the purpose of the legislation was to re-establish, for the coal industry, the NRA code system which the Supreme Court had unanimously declared unconstitutional. Roosevelt wrote: "I hope your committee will not permit doubts as to constitutionality, however reasonable, to block the legislation."

6. The sophist who wrote the book for reparations, “From Here To Equality,” slips lies in as accepted facts. He wrote: “…restitution for African Americans would eliminate racial disparities in wealth, income, education, health, sentencing and incarceration, political participation, and subsequent opportunities to engage in American political and social life.”

Counting on the gullibility of government school grads, and knowing that they haven’t read the Constitution, he is claiming that the federal government is authorized in all of these areas: disparities in wealth, income, education, health, sentencing and incarceration, political participation.

That is false. It is a lie. For proof, read article 1, section 8, which enumerates what the central government can do.

And this? “…subsequent opportunities to engage in American political and social life.” There are no restrictions on those opportunities. Just yesterday was 'John Lewis' day.
1.The only way to make sense of Democrat plans for Americans is to see those plans through a prism of bizarro world. They’ve announced that they stand for the same evils that Americans once fought against, such as racism, and they see their path to power via a paradigm of anti-white racism. And whites will become slaves via reparations.
I dare ya' to say 'impossible!'

2. “Slavery reparations.
During a June 10 “virtual town hall” hosted by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Biden opened the door to reparations for slavery, saying, “If, in fact, there are ways to get direct payments for reparations, I want to see it. Why are we waiting around for the study? We can deal with this stuff.” Some might say that Biden, as is so often the case, said a lot without actually saying anything. Others might say that slavery reparations would make a good subject for a tangibilizing video.

You can bet that if Biden wins, there will be reparations, even though reparations have already been paid….in blood. It was called the Civil War.

3. It wasn’t long ago that if you Liberals said men could become women, you’d be met with eye rolls. No matter how insane, absurd, comical, or illegal, Democrats will be for it, and their argument will mirror something Robert Kennedy was supposed to have said: There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?

The Left even uses that as their basis for what they deem science…..and they will punish any who don’t go along.

4. And that brings us to reparations. “(CNN)If you feel like you're hearing more about slavery reparations these days, it's not your imagination. Compensating the descendants of American slaves is suddenly a hot topic on the campaign trail, with presidential candidates voicing support for slavery reparations.”

5. The argument is presented in “From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century by William A. Darity and A. Kirsten Mullen. It is important to read for several reasons, not the least of which is that one need know the enemy. The Right needs to be prepared as the inmates run the asylum. Know what they have planned, and know how to defeat them.

6. He writes: “…restitution for African Americans would eliminate racial disparities in wealth, income, education, health, sentencing and incarceration, political participation, and subsequent opportunities to engage in American political and social life. It will require not only an endeavor to compensate for past repression and exploitation but also an endeavor to offset stubborn existing obstacles to full black participation in American political and social life.”

In order to consider this argument as reality-based, one need to agree that there is transgenerational racial guilt. Basically, it is the central thesis for every government school grad, every American who has been trained to believe that America is evil, and built on genocide and racism. Trump explained why there are so many misled in his insightful Independence Day speech at Mt. Rushmore:

“The violent mayhem we have seen in the streets of cities that are run by liberal Democrats, in every case, is the predictable result of years of extreme indoctrination and bias in education, journalism, and other cultural institutions. Against every law of society and nature, our children are taught in school to hate their own country, and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes, but that were villains. The radical view of American history is a web of lies — all perspective is removed, every virtue is obscured, every motive is twisted, every fact is distorted, and every flaw is magnified until the history is purged and the record is disfigured beyond all recognition."

The demand for reparations is but one more attack on America and Americans, on our heritage and our history.

The answer to the reparations argument begins here: there never was any genocide by Americans, nor on this continent by our Founders, nor is there any systemic racism, nor reason for white guilt.

There is opportunity for every individual born in America.

Well, that may be what they plan. Whether they get it or not will be the story.
1.The only way to make sense of Democrat plans for Americans is to see those plans through a prism of bizarro world. They’ve announced that they stand for the same evils that Americans once fought against, such as racism, and they see their path to power via a paradigm of anti-white racism. And whites will become slaves via reparations.
I dare ya' to say 'impossible!'

2. “Slavery reparations.
During a June 10 “virtual town hall” hosted by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Biden opened the door to reparations for slavery, saying, “If, in fact, there are ways to get direct payments for reparations, I want to see it. Why are we waiting around for the study? We can deal with this stuff.” Some might say that Biden, as is so often the case, said a lot without actually saying anything. Others might say that slavery reparations would make a good subject for a tangibilizing video.

You can bet that if Biden wins, there will be reparations, even though reparations have already been paid….in blood. It was called the Civil War.

3. It wasn’t long ago that if you Liberals said men could become women, you’d be met with eye rolls. No matter how insane, absurd, comical, or illegal, Democrats will be for it, and their argument will mirror something Robert Kennedy was supposed to have said: There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?

The Left even uses that as their basis for what they deem science…..and they will punish any who don’t go along.

4. And that brings us to reparations. “(CNN)If you feel like you're hearing more about slavery reparations these days, it's not your imagination. Compensating the descendants of American slaves is suddenly a hot topic on the campaign trail, with presidential candidates voicing support for slavery reparations.”

5. The argument is presented in “From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century by William A. Darity and A. Kirsten Mullen. It is important to read for several reasons, not the least of which is that one need know the enemy. The Right needs to be prepared as the inmates run the asylum. Know what they have planned, and know how to defeat them.

6. He writes: “…restitution for African Americans would eliminate racial disparities in wealth, income, education, health, sentencing and incarceration, political participation, and subsequent opportunities to engage in American political and social life. It will require not only an endeavor to compensate for past repression and exploitation but also an endeavor to offset stubborn existing obstacles to full black participation in American political and social life.”

In order to consider this argument as reality-based, one need to agree that there is transgenerational racial guilt. Basically, it is the central thesis for every government school grad, every American who has been trained to believe that America is evil, and built on genocide and racism. Trump explained why there are so many misled in his insightful Independence Day speech at Mt. Rushmore:

“The violent mayhem we have seen in the streets of cities that are run by liberal Democrats, in every case, is the predictable result of years of extreme indoctrination and bias in education, journalism, and other cultural institutions. Against every law of society and nature, our children are taught in school to hate their own country, and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes, but that were villains. The radical view of American history is a web of lies — all perspective is removed, every virtue is obscured, every motive is twisted, every fact is distorted, and every flaw is magnified until the history is purged and the record is disfigured beyond all recognition."

The demand for reparations is but one more attack on America and Americans, on our heritage and our history.

The answer to the reparations argument begins here: there never was any genocide by Americans, nor on this continent by our Founders, nor is there any systemic racism, nor reason for white guilt.

There is opportunity for every individual born in America.
White race marginalization fear only influences the weak minded. Liberalism is about choice and freedom. Conservatism is about the shackles and chain of fear and contempt.

Conservatives were forced to break the physical chains of oppression from the legs of blacks by the northern liberals who thought slavery was wrong. Conservatives were forced to break the legal oppression over blacks by liberals who pushed for civil rights in the 60’s. Conservatives will be forced to break the economic and systemic oppression of blacks by liberals who have seen enough. Be warned that history has shown conservatives lose the fight to oppress others to righteous liberals who support freedom.

"White race marginalization fear only influences the weak minded ..."

Speaking of weak minds, you appear to have missed this:

Sen. Schumer Proposes $350 Billion COVID Aid Package, But Not for White People

It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics

It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics

"With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

… Mr. Perez is a dedicated Social Justice Warrior, a key enforcer of the Obama administration’s anti-white programswhen serving in key positions in the Justice Department and the Department of Labor across almost all of the eight Obama years."
With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

“White men are now the Democratic Party's punching bag. That's a dangerous bet to make.”

NYT Pulitzer Prize Winner: White Race ‘Barbaric’
Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times writer Nikole Hannah-Jones once penned a polemical letter to her college newspaper denouncing the white race as "barbaric."
"The white race is the biggest murderer, rapist, pillager, and thief of the modern world," she wrote in a 1995 letter published in the Notre Dame Observer, according to a report by the Federalist. She added that white Europeans "committed genocide … in their greed and insatiable desire to destroy every non-white culture." NYT Pulitzer Prize Winner: White Race ‘Barbaric’

“NYC official promotes division on MLK Day, tells white people ‘go back to Iowa’ in fear-mongering speech

More and more, it seems Democrats are proving to be exactly who many conservatives always thought they were.

Offering a disturbingly divisive message Monday to mark the Martin Luther King Jr. national holiday, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams let newcomers know that they are not welcome in New York City, according to the New York Post.

White newcomers from the nation’s heartland, of course — as those coming illegally from south of the border continue to receive a warm embrace in the sanctuary city. NYC official promotes division on MLK Day, tells white people ‘go back to Iowa’ in fear-mongering speech

"The Lawless Anti-White Identity Politics of the Democratic Party Is on Full Display in Philly"

"Democrats Unify Around Shutting Down White People"

This, the result of the work of Democrats and their apologists.

BLM rioters shout 'Beat up every white person!' and 'Black power!'

"Shoot the white folks!!"

“BLM Leader: We'll 'Burn' the System Down If U.S. Won't Give Us What We Want”

“We are Trained Marxists,” says BLM Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors
“We are trained Marxists,” Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said, during an interview with Real News Network, further adding to the parallels between her movement and the rise of Mao Zedong’s Marxist movement in China."

"We are Trained Marxists," says BLM Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors - Back to Jerusalem

“We are trained Marxists,” Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said, during an interview with Real News Network, further adding to the parallels between her movement and the rise of Mao Zedong’s Marxist movement in China. Marxism is important for Christians to understand, because it...

This, the result of the work of Democrats and their apologists.

BLM rioters shout 'Beat up every white person!' and 'Black power!'

"Shoot the white folks!!"

“BLM Leader: We'll 'Burn' the System Down If U.S. Won't Give Us What We Want”

I didn’t miss the proposal to assist in equalizing systemic oppression and injustice. I support it. Posting random emotional outbursts from frustrated protesters does nothing to prove any points.

Look at your message: helping to equalize historic oppression is bad for white America. How is an America that levels the playing field for people to succeed based on their work and character so we can honor the spirit of America bad?

"..systemic oppression and injustice..."

Show any such, you dunce.
The "reparations" thing was tried before and the courts rejected the idea! Reparations will not happen, period.
"The case—Alexander v. State of Oklahoma—came before the court after the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last fall that it was too late for riot survivors and their descendants to sue the state. The Supreme Court did not offer any comment on its decision not to hear the case. "

Those courts once claimed slaves were simply property.

Never count on the courts.

If the Left gains power, reparations will be a fact.
PRECEDENT.........Young lady. The USSC should be solidly against reparations according to the Law.
Reparations ain't gonna happen.

There is no such thing as precedent, nor stare decisis.

The Supreme Court has overruled itself 125 times in its history, usually after much time had passed and public sentiment changed, or because new appointments to the Court caused an ideological shift on the bench itself.⁴

The Court has also been overruled by Congress passing new (and sometimes clarifying) laws 59 times, in areas widely ranging from tax law to immigration to education and crime.⁵

4. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia List_of_over-ruled_U-ed_States_Supreme_Court_decisions 5. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia List_of_abro-gat-ed_Ued_States_Supreme_Court_decisions

With Democrats in power, the only thing that counts is them getting their way.
1.The only way to make sense of Democrat plans for Americans is to see those plans through a prism of bizarro world. They’ve announced that they stand for the same evils that Americans once fought against, such as racism, and they see their path to power via a paradigm of anti-white racism. And whites will become slaves via reparations.
I dare ya' to say 'impossible!'

2. “Slavery reparations.
During a June 10 “virtual town hall” hosted by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Biden opened the door to reparations for slavery, saying, “If, in fact, there are ways to get direct payments for reparations, I want to see it. Why are we waiting around for the study? We can deal with this stuff.” Some might say that Biden, as is so often the case, said a lot without actually saying anything. Others might say that slavery reparations would make a good subject for a tangibilizing video.

You can bet that if Biden wins, there will be reparations, even though reparations have already been paid….in blood. It was called the Civil War.

3. It wasn’t long ago that if you Liberals said men could become women, you’d be met with eye rolls. No matter how insane, absurd, comical, or illegal, Democrats will be for it, and their argument will mirror something Robert Kennedy was supposed to have said: There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?

The Left even uses that as their basis for what they deem science…..and they will punish any who don’t go along.

4. And that brings us to reparations. “(CNN)If you feel like you're hearing more about slavery reparations these days, it's not your imagination. Compensating the descendants of American slaves is suddenly a hot topic on the campaign trail, with presidential candidates voicing support for slavery reparations.”

5. The argument is presented in “From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century by William A. Darity and A. Kirsten Mullen. It is important to read for several reasons, not the least of which is that one need know the enemy. The Right needs to be prepared as the inmates run the asylum. Know what they have planned, and know how to defeat them.

6. He writes: “…restitution for African Americans would eliminate racial disparities in wealth, income, education, health, sentencing and incarceration, political participation, and subsequent opportunities to engage in American political and social life. It will require not only an endeavor to compensate for past repression and exploitation but also an endeavor to offset stubborn existing obstacles to full black participation in American political and social life.”

In order to consider this argument as reality-based, one need to agree that there is transgenerational racial guilt. Basically, it is the central thesis for every government school grad, every American who has been trained to believe that America is evil, and built on genocide and racism. Trump explained why there are so many misled in his insightful Independence Day speech at Mt. Rushmore:

“The violent mayhem we have seen in the streets of cities that are run by liberal Democrats, in every case, is the predictable result of years of extreme indoctrination and bias in education, journalism, and other cultural institutions. Against every law of society and nature, our children are taught in school to hate their own country, and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes, but that were villains. The radical view of American history is a web of lies — all perspective is removed, every virtue is obscured, every motive is twisted, every fact is distorted, and every flaw is magnified until the history is purged and the record is disfigured beyond all recognition."

The demand for reparations is but one more attack on America and Americans, on our heritage and our history.

The answer to the reparations argument begins here: there never was any genocide by Americans, nor on this continent by our Founders, nor is there any systemic racism, nor reason for white guilt.

There is opportunity for every individual born in America.

Well, that may be what they plan. Whether they get it or not will be the story.

Are costumed men now legally allowed in the little girls bathrooms?

See what I'm getting at.

Democrat power.

We should give up the fairy tales about justice and legality.

It's them or America.
1.The only way to make sense of Democrat plans for Americans is to see those plans through a prism of bizarro world. They’ve announced that they stand for the same evils that Americans once fought against, such as racism, and they see their path to power via a paradigm of anti-white racism. And whites will become slaves via reparations.
I dare ya' to say 'impossible!'

2. “Slavery reparations.
During a June 10 “virtual town hall” hosted by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Biden opened the door to reparations for slavery, saying, “If, in fact, there are ways to get direct payments for reparations, I want to see it. Why are we waiting around for the study? We can deal with this stuff.” Some might say that Biden, as is so often the case, said a lot without actually saying anything. Others might say that slavery reparations would make a good subject for a tangibilizing video.

You can bet that if Biden wins, there will be reparations, even though reparations have already been paid….in blood. It was called the Civil War.

3. It wasn’t long ago that if you Liberals said men could become women, you’d be met with eye rolls. No matter how insane, absurd, comical, or illegal, Democrats will be for it, and their argument will mirror something Robert Kennedy was supposed to have said: There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?

The Left even uses that as their basis for what they deem science…..and they will punish any who don’t go along.

4. And that brings us to reparations. “(CNN)If you feel like you're hearing more about slavery reparations these days, it's not your imagination. Compensating the descendants of American slaves is suddenly a hot topic on the campaign trail, with presidential candidates voicing support for slavery reparations.”

5. The argument is presented in “From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century by William A. Darity and A. Kirsten Mullen. It is important to read for several reasons, not the least of which is that one need know the enemy. The Right needs to be prepared as the inmates run the asylum. Know what they have planned, and know how to defeat them.

6. He writes: “…restitution for African Americans would eliminate racial disparities in wealth, income, education, health, sentencing and incarceration, political participation, and subsequent opportunities to engage in American political and social life. It will require not only an endeavor to compensate for past repression and exploitation but also an endeavor to offset stubborn existing obstacles to full black participation in American political and social life.”

In order to consider this argument as reality-based, one need to agree that there is transgenerational racial guilt. Basically, it is the central thesis for every government school grad, every American who has been trained to believe that America is evil, and built on genocide and racism. Trump explained why there are so many misled in his insightful Independence Day speech at Mt. Rushmore:

“The violent mayhem we have seen in the streets of cities that are run by liberal Democrats, in every case, is the predictable result of years of extreme indoctrination and bias in education, journalism, and other cultural institutions. Against every law of society and nature, our children are taught in school to hate their own country, and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes, but that were villains. The radical view of American history is a web of lies — all perspective is removed, every virtue is obscured, every motive is twisted, every fact is distorted, and every flaw is magnified until the history is purged and the record is disfigured beyond all recognition."

The demand for reparations is but one more attack on America and Americans, on our heritage and our history.

The answer to the reparations argument begins here: there never was any genocide by Americans, nor on this continent by our Founders, nor is there any systemic racism, nor reason for white guilt.

There is opportunity for every individual born in America.
Here's a thought. Take a break from your compulsive need to continuously spew horseshit on this board 24/7 and expose yourself to ideas outside of your comfort zone.

The Case for Reparations
The "reparations" thing was tried before and the courts rejected the idea! Reparations will not happen, period.
"The case—Alexander v. State of Oklahoma—came before the court after the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last fall that it was too late for riot survivors and their descendants to sue the state. The Supreme Court did not offer any comment on its decision not to hear the case. "

Those courts once claimed slaves were simply property.

Never count on the courts.

If the Left gains power, reparations will be a fact.
PRECEDENT.........Young lady. The USSC should be solidly against reparations according to the Law.
Reparations ain't gonna happen.
There is no such thing as precedent, nor stare decisis.

The Supreme Court has overruled itself 125 times in its history, usually after much time had passed and public sentiment changed, or because new appointments to the Court caused an ideological shift on the bench itself.⁴

The Court has also been overruled by Congress passing new (and sometimes clarifying) laws 59 times, in areas widely ranging from tax law to immigration to education and crime.⁵

4. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia List_of_over-ruled_U-ed_States_Supreme_Court_decisions 5. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia List_of_abro-gat-ed_Ued_States_Supreme_Court_decisions

With Democrats in power, the only thing that counts is them getting their way.
This is one of those rare times when we disagree. Here are a few concerns:
1. How do you determine who gets money? There were black slave owners as well as slaves.
2. What about blacks that came to the US after slavery ended?
3. What about blacks that aren't that black? Do "mixed race" people get money too? The "one drop rule"?
4. The lawsuits opposing reparations will be endless,
5. Good luck getting Congress, the Senate, and a president to agree on anything.
Amazing how much simplistic, assumptive, linear thinking goes on in politics. If THIS is the condition now, THAT will be the condition later.

When confronted with a complicated issue, normally an intelligent adult carefully examines all of its elements and makes adjustments across the board as needed.

But instead, all we can do now is (a) refuse to look at half the issue and (b) blame the entire complicated problem on the other half. That's it.

We are devolving, unable to address issues honestly and comprehensively. We've lost our most valuable trait: Intellectual curiosity.

So you are in favor of reparations.

Any bad idea, any there you are stumping for it.
I'm against reparations.

Ladies and gentlemen, I offer you Exhibit A.

But you just claimed it was a complicated it appears you find it simple.

Maybe it is you that is 'simple,' Jack Horner.
Reparations are but one piece of a much larger and much more complicated issue.

It saddens me to have to point out something so obvious.

And, of course, the personal insults from you.

You're lost, and I'll bet that some level you know it. That explains the insults. You've illustrated my point beautifully for me. Again. Thank you.
The only point you ever have is Trump bad.
Amazing how much simplistic, assumptive, linear thinking goes on in politics. If THIS is the condition now, THAT will be the condition later.

When confronted with a complicated issue, normally an intelligent adult carefully examines all of its elements and makes adjustments across the board as needed.

But instead, all we can do now is (a) refuse to look at half the issue and (b) blame the entire complicated problem on the other half. That's it.

We are devolving, unable to address issues honestly and comprehensively. We've lost our most valuable trait: Intellectual curiosity.

So you are in favor of reparations.

Any bad idea, any there you are stumping for it.
I'm against reparations.

Ladies and gentlemen, I offer you Exhibit A.

But you just claimed it was a complicated it appears you find it simple.

Maybe it is you that is 'simple,' Jack Horner.
Reparations are but one piece of a much larger and much more complicated issue.

It saddens me to have to point out something so obvious.

And, of course, the personal insults from you.

You're lost, and I'll bet that some level you know it. That explains the insults. You've illustrated my point beautifully for me. Again. Thank you.
The only point you ever have is Trump bad.
Well, of course, that's a lie. My comments in this thread are a vivid example.

But, trapped in your ideological cocoon as you are, I don't expect much more.
Amazing how much simplistic, assumptive, linear thinking goes on in politics. If THIS is the condition now, THAT will be the condition later.

When confronted with a complicated issue, normally an intelligent adult carefully examines all of its elements and makes adjustments across the board as needed.

But instead, all we can do now is (a) refuse to look at half the issue and (b) blame the entire complicated problem on the other half. That's it.

We are devolving, unable to address issues honestly and comprehensively. We've lost our most valuable trait: Intellectual curiosity.
Shut up hypocrite
The "reparations" thing was tried before and the courts rejected the idea! Reparations will not happen, period.
"The case—Alexander v. State of Oklahoma—came before the court after the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last fall that it was too late for riot survivors and their descendants to sue the state. The Supreme Court did not offer any comment on its decision not to hear the case. "

Those courts once claimed slaves were simply property.

Never count on the courts.

If the Left gains power, reparations will be a fact.
PRECEDENT.........Young lady. The USSC should be solidly against reparations according to the Law.
Reparations ain't gonna happen.
There is no such thing as precedent, nor stare decisis.

The Supreme Court has overruled itself 125 times in its history, usually after much time had passed and public sentiment changed, or because new appointments to the Court caused an ideological shift on the bench itself.⁴

The Court has also been overruled by Congress passing new (and sometimes clarifying) laws 59 times, in areas widely ranging from tax law to immigration to education and crime.⁵

4. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia List_of_over-ruled_U-ed_States_Supreme_Court_decisions 5. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia List_of_abro-gat-ed_Ued_States_Supreme_Court_decisions

With Democrats in power, the only thing that counts is them getting their way.
This is one of those rare times when we disagree. Here are a few concerns:
1. How do you determine who gets money? There were black slave owners as well as slaves.
2. What about blacks that came to the US after slavery ended?
3. What about blacks that aren't that black? Do "mixed race" people get money too? The "one drop rule"?
4. The lawsuits opposing reparations will be endless,
5. Good luck getting Congress, the Senate, and a president to agree on anything.

I don't believe we disagree, big picture.

I assume that you, as I do, see 'reparations' as simply a scam.

I wrote this in another thread:
Say two men are waiting on line in a bakery, and the one second in line attacks the man ahead of him. A third man intercedes to protect the man being attacked.
Police detain all three, sorting out the details, and the result is a civil suit for damages.
Who has damages? Black folks
Who is responsible for those damages? The Democrat Party
Who is blameless, and/or should receive a commendation? The Republican Party

Clearly, no Republicans should be responsible for paying reparations. In fact, the debt was paid off by the nation in the mid-nineteenth century.

"At least 620,000 combatants died during the four-year struggle; recent estimates put the total closer to 750,000, or more than 2 percent of the nation’s population at that time. More soldiers died in prison camps alone than America lost during the entire Vietnam War. Perhaps more to the point, some 350,000 Union soldiers died during the conflict, abolitionists in effect if not always in intent. Adjusted for population, that would amount to almost 5 million service deaths today, amounting to a blood sacrifice more than sufficient to redeem whatever moral or intellectual inconsistencies there are to be found in America’s founding documents.

And if that’s not sufficient? Well, then, nothing will be. But for most Americans—and for much of the rest of the world—it is more than enough. "
Blood Redemption

But.....if there is a fiduciary falls on the Democrats.
Now, for the accounting: Once the monetary figure due is determined, the voter rolls should be consulted, and the total number of registered Democrats should be divided into that dollar amount. And the bills sent.
Amazing how much simplistic, assumptive, linear thinking goes on in politics. If THIS is the condition now, THAT will be the condition later.

When confronted with a complicated issue, normally an intelligent adult carefully examines all of its elements and makes adjustments across the board as needed.

But instead, all we can do now is (a) refuse to look at half the issue and (b) blame the entire complicated problem on the other half. That's it.

We are devolving, unable to address issues honestly and comprehensively. We've lost our most valuable trait: Intellectual curiosity.

So you are in favor of reparations.

Any bad idea, any there you are stumping for it.
I'm against reparations.

Ladies and gentlemen, I offer you Exhibit A.

But you just claimed it was a complicated it appears you find it simple.

Maybe it is you that is 'simple,' Jack Horner.
Reparations are but one piece of a much larger and much more complicated issue.

It saddens me to have to point out something so obvious.

And, of course, the personal insults from you.

You're lost, and I'll bet that some level you know it. That explains the insults. You've illustrated my point beautifully for me. Again. Thank you.
The only point you ever have is Trump bad.
Well, of course, that's a lie. My comments in this thread are a vivid example.

But, trapped in your ideological cocoon as you are, I don't expect much more.

Looks like folks have caught on to you, Jack.

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