Here’s What’s Comin’

There’s lots of examples. The one used in this thread a few times is that the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks who were never able to build equity through home ownership through generations leaving us with 15% of the population with 2.4% of its wealth.
actually incorrect. The discussion was about black vets from WWII who didn't apply for veteran benefits that would have given them the ability to receive the same benefits as those who did submit. failure to fill out paperwork is not whites failures. so factually to the discussion in here, you're wrong.
Whites have been given everything by the government and your hands stay extended ask for more.
There’s lots of examples. The one used in this thread a few times is that the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks who were never able to build equity through home ownership through generations leaving us with 15% of the population with 2.4% of its wealth.

"... the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

Quote the statement or you're lying again, Corky.
Whites have been given everything by the government and your hands stay extended ask for more.
There’s lots of examples. The one used in this thread a few times is that the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks who were never able to build equity through home ownership through generations leaving us with 15% of the population with 2.4% of its wealth.

So there is no such quote????

Looks like I put a cork in your pie hole again, huh?

Here you go. Again, you’re looking for some cigar filled meeting on video with hand shakes to screw blackAmericans. That’s not what happened. Here is a perfect example of blacks not getting mortgages because their areas were “red” not “green” only because of skin color.

“In 1933, to rescue households that were about to default, the administration created the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC). It purchased existing mortgages that were subject to imminent foreclosure and then issued new mortgages with repayment schedules of up to fifteen years (later extended to twenty-five years). In addition, HOLC mortgages were amortized, meaning that each month’s payment included some principal as well as interest, so when the loan was paid off, the borrower would own the home. Thus, for the first time, working- and middle-class home-owners could gradually gain equity while their properties were still mortgaged. If a family with an amortized mortgage sold its home, the equity (including any appreciation) would be the family’s to keep.

HOLC mortgages had low interest rates, but the borrowers still were obligated to make regular payments. The HOLC, therefore, had to exercise prudence about its borrowers’ abilities to avoid default. To assess risk, the HOLC wanted to know something about the condition of the house and of surrounding houses in the neighborhood to see whether the property would likely maintain its value. The HOLC hired local real estate agents to make the appraisals on which refinancing decisions could be based. With these agents required by their national ethics code to maintain segregation, it’s not surprising that in gauging risk HOLC considered the racial composition of neighborhoods.

For example, in St. Louis, the white middle-class suburb of Ladue was colored green because, according to an HOLC appraiser in 1940, it had “not a single foreigner or negro.” The similarly middle-class suburban area of Lincoln Terrace was colored red because it had “little or no value today . . . due to the colored element now controlling the district. Although the HOLC did not always decline to rescue homeowners in neighborhoods colored red on its maps (i.e., redlined neighborhoods), the maps had a huge impact and put the federal government on record as judging that African Americans, simply because of their race, were poor risks.”

Excerpt From
The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America
Richard Rothstein

Where is a quote from government that states "the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

You provided the usual Leftist propaganda.

If there is no such statute, regulation, or law......well, that makes you a low-life liar.

Now, get to work, Corky.
Here you go. I stopping a few minutes from making bank to post this for you. ;)

It is literally class 101 in the history of loans in the US.


....lots of tap dancing, but no proof of your claim.

Where is a quote from government that states "the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

Either you can provide a law, regulation, statute that said what you've claimed, or you can't.

It better include the word, 'black,' or 'African American,' or Negro.. ....or you are simply a low-life lying Liberal.

Get to it, Corky.
Fuck you. ;) Show me where a company's guidelines says to discriminate against women in hiring, dumbshit.
post her claim they do.
You guys are retarded.
Here you go. I stopping a few minutes from making bank to post this for you. ;)

It is literally class 101 in the history of loans in the US.

pull out the quote from your link.

" For decades, many banks in the U.S. denied mortgages to people, mostly people of color in urban areas, preventing them from buying a home in certain neighborhoods or getting a loan to renovate their house. The practice — once backed by the U.S. government — started in the 1930s and took place across the country. That includes in many of the nation's largest cities, such as Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Tampa and others with large minority populations. "
I don't see any mention of WWII vets who didn't sign up for VA benefits like mortgages? That was the discussion point. The rest of what you post is so much nonsense it isn't worth the white background I have on my screen.
Here you go...

While the GI Bill’s language did not specifically exclude African-American veterans from its benefits, it was structured in a way that ultimately shut doors for the 1.2 million Black veteranswho had bravely served their country during World War II, in segregated ranks.
There’s lots of examples. The one used in this thread a few times is that the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks who were never able to build equity through home ownership through generations leaving us with 15% of the population with 2.4% of its wealth.
actually incorrect. The discussion was about black vets from WWII who didn't apply for veteran benefits that would have given them the ability to receive the same benefits as those who did submit. failure to fill out paperwork is not whites failures. so factually to the discussion in here, you're wrong.
Whites have been given everything by the government and your hands stay extended ask for more.
There’s lots of examples. The one used in this thread a few times is that the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks who were never able to build equity through home ownership through generations leaving us with 15% of the population with 2.4% of its wealth.

"... the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

Quote the statement or you're lying again, Corky.
Whites have been given everything by the government and your hands stay extended ask for more.
There’s lots of examples. The one used in this thread a few times is that the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks who were never able to build equity through home ownership through generations leaving us with 15% of the population with 2.4% of its wealth.

So there is no such quote????

Looks like I put a cork in your pie hole again, huh?

Here you go. Again, you’re looking for some cigar filled meeting on video with hand shakes to screw blackAmericans. That’s not what happened. Here is a perfect example of blacks not getting mortgages because their areas were “red” not “green” only because of skin color.

“In 1933, to rescue households that were about to default, the administration created the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC). It purchased existing mortgages that were subject to imminent foreclosure and then issued new mortgages with repayment schedules of up to fifteen years (later extended to twenty-five years). In addition, HOLC mortgages were amortized, meaning that each month’s payment included some principal as well as interest, so when the loan was paid off, the borrower would own the home. Thus, for the first time, working- and middle-class home-owners could gradually gain equity while their properties were still mortgaged. If a family with an amortized mortgage sold its home, the equity (including any appreciation) would be the family’s to keep.

HOLC mortgages had low interest rates, but the borrowers still were obligated to make regular payments. The HOLC, therefore, had to exercise prudence about its borrowers’ abilities to avoid default. To assess risk, the HOLC wanted to know something about the condition of the house and of surrounding houses in the neighborhood to see whether the property would likely maintain its value. The HOLC hired local real estate agents to make the appraisals on which refinancing decisions could be based. With these agents required by their national ethics code to maintain segregation, it’s not surprising that in gauging risk HOLC considered the racial composition of neighborhoods.

For example, in St. Louis, the white middle-class suburb of Ladue was colored green because, according to an HOLC appraiser in 1940, it had “not a single foreigner or negro.” The similarly middle-class suburban area of Lincoln Terrace was colored red because it had “little or no value today . . . due to the colored element now controlling the district. Although the HOLC did not always decline to rescue homeowners in neighborhoods colored red on its maps (i.e., redlined neighborhoods), the maps had a huge impact and put the federal government on record as judging that African Americans, simply because of their race, were poor risks.”

Excerpt From
The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America
Richard Rothstein

Where is a quote from government that states "the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

You provided the usual Leftist propaganda.

If there is no such statute, regulation, or law......well, that makes you a low-life liar.

Now, get to work, Corky.
Here you go. I stopping a few minutes from making bank to post this for you. ;)

It is literally class 101 in the history of loans in the US.


....lots of tap dancing, but no proof of your claim.

Where is a quote from government that states "the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

Either you can provide a law, regulation, statute that said what you've claimed, or you can't.

It better include the word, 'black,' or 'African American,' or Negro.. ....or you are simply a low-life lying Liberal.

Get to it, Corky.
Fuck you. ;) Show me where a company's guidelines says to discriminate against women in hiring, dumbshit.
post her claim they do.
You guys are retarded.
You’re just a liar
Here you go. I stopping a few minutes from making bank to post this for you. ;)

It is literally class 101 in the history of loans in the US.

pull out the quote from your link.

" For decades, many banks in the U.S. denied mortgages to people, mostly people of color in urban areas, preventing them from buying a home in certain neighborhoods or getting a loan to renovate their house. The practice — once backed by the U.S. government — started in the 1930s and took place across the country. That includes in many of the nation's largest cities, such as Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Tampa and others with large minority populations. "
I don't see any mention of WWII vets who didn't sign up for VA benefits like mortgages? That was the discussion point. The rest of what you post is so much nonsense it isn't worth the white background I have on my screen.
Here you go...

While the GI Bill’s language did not specifically exclude African-American veterans from its benefits, it was structured in a way that ultimately shut doors for the 1.2 million Black veteranswho had bravely served their country during World War II, in segregated ranks.
Can’t make it up. You conceded
Here you go. I stopping a few minutes from making bank to post this for you. ;)

It is literally class 101 in the history of loans in the US.

pull out the quote from your link.

" For decades, many banks in the U.S. denied mortgages to people, mostly people of color in urban areas, preventing them from buying a home in certain neighborhoods or getting a loan to renovate their house. The practice — once backed by the U.S. government — started in the 1930s and took place across the country. That includes in many of the nation's largest cities, such as Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Tampa and others with large minority populations. "
I don't see any mention of WWII vets who didn't sign up for VA benefits like mortgages? That was the discussion point. The rest of what you post is so much nonsense it isn't worth the white background I have on my screen.
Here you go...

While the GI Bill’s language did not specifically exclude African-American veterans from its benefits, it was structured in a way that ultimately shut doors for the 1.2 million Black veteranswho had bravely served their country during World War II, in segregated ranks.
Can’t make it up. You conceded
So your point and politicalshitheadchic's point is that discrimination can't occur if it isnt written in a law? Do you know how disingenuous... or a lie more accurately.. that is? Let's face you you and her wont settle for anything short of your racist opinions that black people are in their current level of disenfranchisement because they are inferior and make inferior decision. You conceded.
There’s lots of examples. The one used in this thread a few times is that the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks who were never able to build equity through home ownership through generations leaving us with 15% of the population with 2.4% of its wealth.
actually incorrect. The discussion was about black vets from WWII who didn't apply for veteran benefits that would have given them the ability to receive the same benefits as those who did submit. failure to fill out paperwork is not whites failures. so factually to the discussion in here, you're wrong.
Whites have been given everything by the government and your hands stay extended ask for more.
There’s lots of examples. The one used in this thread a few times is that the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks who were never able to build equity through home ownership through generations leaving us with 15% of the population with 2.4% of its wealth.

"... the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

Quote the statement or you're lying again, Corky.
Whites have been given everything by the government and your hands stay extended ask for more.
There’s lots of examples. The one used in this thread a few times is that the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks who were never able to build equity through home ownership through generations leaving us with 15% of the population with 2.4% of its wealth.

So there is no such quote????

Looks like I put a cork in your pie hole again, huh?

Here you go. Again, you’re looking for some cigar filled meeting on video with hand shakes to screw blackAmericans. That’s not what happened. Here is a perfect example of blacks not getting mortgages because their areas were “red” not “green” only because of skin color.

“In 1933, to rescue households that were about to default, the administration created the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC). It purchased existing mortgages that were subject to imminent foreclosure and then issued new mortgages with repayment schedules of up to fifteen years (later extended to twenty-five years). In addition, HOLC mortgages were amortized, meaning that each month’s payment included some principal as well as interest, so when the loan was paid off, the borrower would own the home. Thus, for the first time, working- and middle-class home-owners could gradually gain equity while their properties were still mortgaged. If a family with an amortized mortgage sold its home, the equity (including any appreciation) would be the family’s to keep.

HOLC mortgages had low interest rates, but the borrowers still were obligated to make regular payments. The HOLC, therefore, had to exercise prudence about its borrowers’ abilities to avoid default. To assess risk, the HOLC wanted to know something about the condition of the house and of surrounding houses in the neighborhood to see whether the property would likely maintain its value. The HOLC hired local real estate agents to make the appraisals on which refinancing decisions could be based. With these agents required by their national ethics code to maintain segregation, it’s not surprising that in gauging risk HOLC considered the racial composition of neighborhoods.

For example, in St. Louis, the white middle-class suburb of Ladue was colored green because, according to an HOLC appraiser in 1940, it had “not a single foreigner or negro.” The similarly middle-class suburban area of Lincoln Terrace was colored red because it had “little or no value today . . . due to the colored element now controlling the district. Although the HOLC did not always decline to rescue homeowners in neighborhoods colored red on its maps (i.e., redlined neighborhoods), the maps had a huge impact and put the federal government on record as judging that African Americans, simply because of their race, were poor risks.”

Excerpt From
The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America
Richard Rothstein

Where is a quote from government that states "the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

You provided the usual Leftist propaganda.

If there is no such statute, regulation, or law......well, that makes you a low-life liar.

Now, get to work, Corky.
Here you go. I stopping a few minutes from making bank to post this for you. ;)

It is literally class 101 in the history of loans in the US.


....lots of tap dancing, but no proof of your claim.

Where is a quote from government that states "the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

Either you can provide a law, regulation, statute that said what you've claimed, or you can't.

It better include the word, 'black,' or 'African American,' or Negro.. ....or you are simply a low-life lying Liberal.

Get to it, Corky.
Fuck you. ;) Show me where a company's guidelines says to discriminate against women in hiring, dumbshit.

I have a gift for making dopes leap to vulgarity. It’s one of the hoops I make Liberals jump through. Shall I make you roll over and play dead?

Clearly, foul-mouth, I nailed you to the wall proving you simply a lying low-life Liberal.

Every reader knows that you couldn't find any such quote as ""the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

And when you lie again......I'll do the same.
1.The only way to make sense of Democrat plans for Americans is to see those plans through a prism of bizarro world. They’ve announced that they stand for the same evils that Americans once fought against, such as racism, and they see their path to power via a paradigm of anti-white racism. And whites will become slaves via reparations.
I dare ya' to say 'impossible!'

2. “Slavery reparations.
During a June 10 “virtual town hall” hosted by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Biden opened the door to reparations for slavery, saying, “If, in fact, there are ways to get direct payments for reparations, I want to see it. Why are we waiting around for the study? We can deal with this stuff.” Some might say that Biden, as is so often the case, said a lot without actually saying anything. Others might say that slavery reparations would make a good subject for a tangibilizing video.

You can bet that if Biden wins, there will be reparations, even though reparations have already been paid….in blood. It was called the Civil War.

3. It wasn’t long ago that if you Liberals said men could become women, you’d be met with eye rolls. No matter how insane, absurd, comical, or illegal, Democrats will be for it, and their argument will mirror something Robert Kennedy was supposed to have said: There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?

The Left even uses that as their basis for what they deem science…..and they will punish any who don’t go along.

4. And that brings us to reparations. “(CNN)If you feel like you're hearing more about slavery reparations these days, it's not your imagination. Compensating the descendants of American slaves is suddenly a hot topic on the campaign trail, with presidential candidates voicing support for slavery reparations.”

5. The argument is presented in “From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century by William A. Darity and A. Kirsten Mullen. It is important to read for several reasons, not the least of which is that one need know the enemy. The Right needs to be prepared as the inmates run the asylum. Know what they have planned, and know how to defeat them.

6. He writes: “…restitution for African Americans would eliminate racial disparities in wealth, income, education, health, sentencing and incarceration, political participation, and subsequent opportunities to engage in American political and social life. It will require not only an endeavor to compensate for past repression and exploitation but also an endeavor to offset stubborn existing obstacles to full black participation in American political and social life.”

In order to consider this argument as reality-based, one need to agree that there is transgenerational racial guilt. Basically, it is the central thesis for every government school grad, every American who has been trained to believe that America is evil, and built on genocide and racism. Trump explained why there are so many misled in his insightful Independence Day speech at Mt. Rushmore:

“The violent mayhem we have seen in the streets of cities that are run by liberal Democrats, in every case, is the predictable result of years of extreme indoctrination and bias in education, journalism, and other cultural institutions. Against every law of society and nature, our children are taught in school to hate their own country, and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes, but that were villains. The radical view of American history is a web of lies — all perspective is removed, every virtue is obscured, every motive is twisted, every fact is distorted, and every flaw is magnified until the history is purged and the record is disfigured beyond all recognition."

The demand for reparations is but one more attack on America and Americans, on our heritage and our history.

The answer to the reparations argument begins here: there never was any genocide by Americans, nor on this continent by our Founders, nor is there any systemic racism, nor reason for white guilt.

There is opportunity for every individual born in America.

I totally disagree and you are listening to some far right conspiracy theorists who only want to eat up your time and take your money.

There is no 'Far Right' in this nation.....and while you 'disagree,' I am never wrong.
Here you go. I stopping a few minutes from making bank to post this for you. ;)

It is literally class 101 in the history of loans in the US.

pull out the quote from your link.

" For decades, many banks in the U.S. denied mortgages to people, mostly people of color in urban areas, preventing them from buying a home in certain neighborhoods or getting a loan to renovate their house. The practice — once backed by the U.S. government — started in the 1930s and took place across the country. That includes in many of the nation's largest cities, such as Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Tampa and others with large minority populations. "
I don't see any mention of WWII vets who didn't sign up for VA benefits like mortgages? That was the discussion point. The rest of what you post is so much nonsense it isn't worth the white background I have on my screen.
Here you go...

While the GI Bill’s language did not specifically exclude African-American veterans from its benefits, it was structured in a way that ultimately shut doors for the 1.2 million Black veteranswho had bravely served their country during World War II, in segregated ranks.

First you claimed ""the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

....with 'blacks' as the operative term.

Now you claim:

"....did not specifically exclude African-American ...."

You remind me of nothing so much as Confederate General Wise, chased by Union General Cox, referring to his retreat a 'retrograde movement' of his troops.

Nice retrograde movement, there, Corky.
Here you go. I stopping a few minutes from making bank to post this for you. ;)

It is literally class 101 in the history of loans in the US.

pull out the quote from your link.

" For decades, many banks in the U.S. denied mortgages to people, mostly people of color in urban areas, preventing them from buying a home in certain neighborhoods or getting a loan to renovate their house. The practice — once backed by the U.S. government — started in the 1930s and took place across the country. That includes in many of the nation's largest cities, such as Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Tampa and others with large minority populations. "
I don't see any mention of WWII vets who didn't sign up for VA benefits like mortgages? That was the discussion point. The rest of what you post is so much nonsense it isn't worth the white background I have on my screen.
Here you go...

While the GI Bill’s language did not specifically exclude African-American veterans from its benefits, it was structured in a way that ultimately shut doors for the 1.2 million Black veteranswho had bravely served their country during World War II, in segregated ranks.
Can’t make it up. You conceded
So your point and politicalshitheadchic's point is that discrimination can't occur if it isnt written in a law? Do you know how disingenuous... or a lie more accurately.. that is? Let's face you you and her wont settle for anything short of your racist opinions that black people are in their current level of disenfranchisement because they are inferior and make inferior decision. You conceded.

Re-post sans vulgarity and I'll smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.
So your point and politicalshitheadchic's point is that discrimination can't occur if it isnt written in a law? Do you know how disingenuous... or a lie more accurately.. that is? Let's face you you and her wont settle for anything short of your racist opinions that black people are in their current level of disenfranchisement because they are inferior and make inferior decision. You conceded.
nah, see the point you can't grasp is that when one doesn't file for benefits one is entitled to, then that lack of follow through is on them and not on me. Black's have had mortgages for quite some time through the decades, yours is just an excuse to cover up for the inability to follow the procedures to get what they need, and for the vets deserved. not filing is their issue.

Plus for all to read from your own post you wrote,

“did not specifically exclude African Americans “

your own words! Concession on your part at that moment!
Last edited:
So your point and politicalshitheadchic's point is that discrimination can't occur if it isnt written in a law? Do you know how disingenuous... or a lie more accurately.. that is? Let's face you you and her wont settle for anything short of your racist opinions that black people are in their current level of disenfranchisement because they are inferior and make inferior decision. You conceded.
nah, see the point you can't grasp is that when one doesn't file for benefits one is entitled to, then that lack of follow through is on them and not on me. Black's have had mortgages for quite some time through the decades, yours is just an excuse to cover up for the inability to follow the procedures to get what they need, and for the vets deserved. not filing is their issue.

Plus for all to read from your own post you wrote,

“did not specifically exclude African Americans “

your own words! Concession on your part at that moment!
He's a race baiter plain and simple.
There’s lots of examples. The one used in this thread a few times is that the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks who were never able to build equity through home ownership through generations leaving us with 15% of the population with 2.4% of its wealth.
actually incorrect. The discussion was about black vets from WWII who didn't apply for veteran benefits that would have given them the ability to receive the same benefits as those who did submit. failure to fill out paperwork is not whites failures. so factually to the discussion in here, you're wrong.
Whites have been given everything by the government and your hands stay extended ask for more.
There’s lots of examples. The one used in this thread a few times is that the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks who were never able to build equity through home ownership through generations leaving us with 15% of the population with 2.4% of its wealth.

"... the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

Quote the statement or you're lying again, Corky.
Whites have been given everything by the government and your hands stay extended ask for more.
There’s lots of examples. The one used in this thread a few times is that the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks who were never able to build equity through home ownership through generations leaving us with 15% of the population with 2.4% of its wealth.

So there is no such quote????

Looks like I put a cork in your pie hole again, huh?

Here you go. Again, you’re looking for some cigar filled meeting on video with hand shakes to screw blackAmericans. That’s not what happened. Here is a perfect example of blacks not getting mortgages because their areas were “red” not “green” only because of skin color.

“In 1933, to rescue households that were about to default, the administration created the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC). It purchased existing mortgages that were subject to imminent foreclosure and then issued new mortgages with repayment schedules of up to fifteen years (later extended to twenty-five years). In addition, HOLC mortgages were amortized, meaning that each month’s payment included some principal as well as interest, so when the loan was paid off, the borrower would own the home. Thus, for the first time, working- and middle-class home-owners could gradually gain equity while their properties were still mortgaged. If a family with an amortized mortgage sold its home, the equity (including any appreciation) would be the family’s to keep.

HOLC mortgages had low interest rates, but the borrowers still were obligated to make regular payments. The HOLC, therefore, had to exercise prudence about its borrowers’ abilities to avoid default. To assess risk, the HOLC wanted to know something about the condition of the house and of surrounding houses in the neighborhood to see whether the property would likely maintain its value. The HOLC hired local real estate agents to make the appraisals on which refinancing decisions could be based. With these agents required by their national ethics code to maintain segregation, it’s not surprising that in gauging risk HOLC considered the racial composition of neighborhoods.

For example, in St. Louis, the white middle-class suburb of Ladue was colored green because, according to an HOLC appraiser in 1940, it had “not a single foreigner or negro.” The similarly middle-class suburban area of Lincoln Terrace was colored red because it had “little or no value today . . . due to the colored element now controlling the district. Although the HOLC did not always decline to rescue homeowners in neighborhoods colored red on its maps (i.e., redlined neighborhoods), the maps had a huge impact and put the federal government on record as judging that African Americans, simply because of their race, were poor risks.”

Excerpt From
The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America
Richard Rothstein

Where is a quote from government that states "the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

You provided the usual Leftist propaganda.

If there is no such statute, regulation, or law......well, that makes you a low-life liar.

Now, get to work, Corky.
Here you go. I stopping a few minutes from making bank to post this for you. ;)

It is literally class 101 in the history of loans in the US.


....lots of tap dancing, but no proof of your claim.

Where is a quote from government that states "the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

Either you can provide a law, regulation, statute that said what you've claimed, or you can't.

It better include the word, 'black,' or 'African American,' or Negro.. ....or you are simply a low-life lying Liberal.

Get to it, Corky.
Fuck you. ;) Show me where a company's guidelines says to discriminate against women in hiring, dumbshit.

I have a gift for making dopes leap to vulgarity. It’s one of the hoops I make Liberals jump through. Shall I make you roll over and play dead?

Clearly, foul-mouth, I nailed you to the wall proving you simply a lying low-life Liberal.

Every reader knows that you couldn't find any such quote as ""the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

And when you lie again......I'll do the same.
I just posted 3 sources that explained it. You asked for a legal document passed by congress claiming we are not going to loan blacks money for homes. That doesnt exist of course because it was in practice not written law. You know that. You accept that. You just, for some reason, dont like the nuances in determining what led us to where we are.

As for namecalling, you called me Corky 4-5 times in a row. Feel free to increase the level of decorum in our exchange but I dont mind name calling if you dont, you shithead. ;) Yea, I won that too.
So your point and politicalshitheadchic's point is that discrimination can't occur if it isnt written in a law? Do you know how disingenuous... or a lie more accurately.. that is? Let's face you you and her wont settle for anything short of your racist opinions that black people are in their current level of disenfranchisement because they are inferior and make inferior decision. You conceded.
nah, see the point you can't grasp is that when one doesn't file for benefits one is entitled to, then that lack of follow through is on them and not on me. Black's have had mortgages for quite some time through the decades, yours is just an excuse to cover up for the inability to follow the procedures to get what they need, and for the vets deserved. not filing is their issue.

Plus for all to read from your own post you wrote,

“did not specifically exclude African Americans “

your own words! Concession on your part at that moment!
Answered in response to the other poster. It was in practice not law. If you clip a piece from something I posted why wouldnt you clip this:

"The postwar housing boom almost entirely excluded Black Americans, most of whom remained in cities that received less and less investment from businesses and banks.

Though the GI Bill guaranteed low-interest mortgages and other loans, they were not administered by the VA itself. Thus, the VA could cosign, but not actually guarantee the loans. This gave white-run financial institutions free reign to refuse mortgages and loans to Black people."
So your point and politicalshitheadchic's point is that discrimination can't occur if it isnt written in a law? Do you know how disingenuous... or a lie more accurately.. that is? Let's face you you and her wont settle for anything short of your racist opinions that black people are in their current level of disenfranchisement because they are inferior and make inferior decision. You conceded.
nah, see the point you can't grasp is that when one doesn't file for benefits one is entitled to, then that lack of follow through is on them and not on me. Black's have had mortgages for quite some time through the decades, yours is just an excuse to cover up for the inability to follow the procedures to get what they need, and for the vets deserved. not filing is their issue.

Plus for all to read from your own post you wrote,

“did not specifically exclude African Americans “

your own words! Concession on your part at that moment!
He's a race baiter plain and simple.
Nah. No one here wants to have an honest debate on it. There is no reasonable person who claims African Americans havent been discriminated against in housing and by laws and regulations regulated into segregation which all have limited the wealth accumulation of black families. The real debate is what to do about it. Maybe you have a good argument for doing nothing but there is no argument that what i described didnt occur. We cant have honest debates if we cant at least acknowledge real facts then debate what to do about it even if we disagree.
So your point and politicalshitheadchic's point is that discrimination can't occur if it isnt written in a law? Do you know how disingenuous... or a lie more accurately.. that is? Let's face you you and her wont settle for anything short of your racist opinions that black people are in their current level of disenfranchisement because they are inferior and make inferior decision. You conceded.
nah, see the point you can't grasp is that when one doesn't file for benefits one is entitled to, then that lack of follow through is on them and not on me. Black's have had mortgages for quite some time through the decades, yours is just an excuse to cover up for the inability to follow the procedures to get what they need, and for the vets deserved. not filing is their issue.

Plus for all to read from your own post you wrote,

“did not specifically exclude African Americans “

your own words! Concession on your part at that moment!
Answered in response to the other poster. It was in practice not law. If you clip a piece from something I posted why wouldnt you clip this:

"The postwar housing boom almost entirely excluded Black Americans, most of whom remained in cities that received less and less investment from businesses and banks.

Though the GI Bill guaranteed low-interest mortgages and other loans, they were not administered by the VA itself. Thus, the VA could cosign, but not actually guarantee the loans. This gave white-run financial institutions free reign to refuse mortgages and loans to Black people."
but the problem is you wrote this

“did not specifically exclude African Americans “

So you're factually wrong. so you concede that there was no policy.
So your point and politicalshitheadchic's point is that discrimination can't occur if it isnt written in a law? Do you know how disingenuous... or a lie more accurately.. that is? Let's face you you and her wont settle for anything short of your racist opinions that black people are in their current level of disenfranchisement because they are inferior and make inferior decision. You conceded.
nah, see the point you can't grasp is that when one doesn't file for benefits one is entitled to, then that lack of follow through is on them and not on me. Black's have had mortgages for quite some time through the decades, yours is just an excuse to cover up for the inability to follow the procedures to get what they need, and for the vets deserved. not filing is their issue.

Plus for all to read from your own post you wrote,

“did not specifically exclude African Americans “

your own words! Concession on your part at that moment!
He's a race baiter plain and simple.
Nah. No one here wants to have an honest debate on it. There is no reasonable person who claims African Americans havent been discriminated against in housing and by laws and regulations regulated into segregation which all have limited the wealth accumulation of black families. The real debate is what to do about it. Maybe you have a good argument for doing nothing but there is no argument that what i described didnt occur. We cant have honest debates if we cant at least acknowledge real facts then debate what to do about it even if we disagree.
the discussion in this thread concerned black's being denied VA benefits for mortgages, the statement was they didn't apply because, with no explanation. Blacks sought out no way forward on their own. no one held them back. The fact is there are many black family successes. how is that possible if your conditions were true?
So your point and politicalshitheadchic's point is that discrimination can't occur if it isnt written in a law? Do you know how disingenuous... or a lie more accurately.. that is? Let's face you you and her wont settle for anything short of your racist opinions that black people are in their current level of disenfranchisement because they are inferior and make inferior decision. You conceded.
nah, see the point you can't grasp is that when one doesn't file for benefits one is entitled to, then that lack of follow through is on them and not on me. Black's have had mortgages for quite some time through the decades, yours is just an excuse to cover up for the inability to follow the procedures to get what they need, and for the vets deserved. not filing is their issue.

Plus for all to read from your own post you wrote,

“did not specifically exclude African Americans “

your own words! Concession on your part at that moment!
He's a race baiter plain and simple.
Nah. No one here wants to have an honest debate on it. There is no reasonable person who claims African Americans havent been discriminated against in housing and by laws and regulations regulated into segregation which all have limited the wealth accumulation of black families. The real debate is what to do about it. Maybe you have a good argument for doing nothing but there is no argument that what i described didnt occur. We cant have honest debates if we cant at least acknowledge real facts then debate what to do about it even if we disagree.
the discussion in this thread concerned black's being denied VA benefits for mortgages, the statement was they didn't apply because, with no explanation. Blacks sought out no way forward on their own. no one held them back. The fact is there are many black family successes. how is that possible if your conditions were true?
The entire story is available in countless studies and books. I have been referencing one that a poster mentioned that I read: the Color of Law. The fact is that even liberals in very liberal towns like San Francisco didnt want blacks living in their neighborhoods and thus used unscrupulous measures to limit their ability to get mortgages in areas where housing would appreciate or even at all. It wasnt like one political party was the sinister party. It was systemic in all matters related to housing everywhere, yes, including modern strongholds of liberals.
There’s lots of examples. The one used in this thread a few times is that the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks who were never able to build equity through home ownership through generations leaving us with 15% of the population with 2.4% of its wealth.
actually incorrect. The discussion was about black vets from WWII who didn't apply for veteran benefits that would have given them the ability to receive the same benefits as those who did submit. failure to fill out paperwork is not whites failures. so factually to the discussion in here, you're wrong.
Whites have been given everything by the government and your hands stay extended ask for more.
There’s lots of examples. The one used in this thread a few times is that the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks who were never able to build equity through home ownership through generations leaving us with 15% of the population with 2.4% of its wealth.

"... the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

Quote the statement or you're lying again, Corky.
Whites have been given everything by the government and your hands stay extended ask for more.
There’s lots of examples. The one used in this thread a few times is that the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks who were never able to build equity through home ownership through generations leaving us with 15% of the population with 2.4% of its wealth.

So there is no such quote????

Looks like I put a cork in your pie hole again, huh?

Here you go. Again, you’re looking for some cigar filled meeting on video with hand shakes to screw blackAmericans. That’s not what happened. Here is a perfect example of blacks not getting mortgages because their areas were “red” not “green” only because of skin color.

“In 1933, to rescue households that were about to default, the administration created the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC). It purchased existing mortgages that were subject to imminent foreclosure and then issued new mortgages with repayment schedules of up to fifteen years (later extended to twenty-five years). In addition, HOLC mortgages were amortized, meaning that each month’s payment included some principal as well as interest, so when the loan was paid off, the borrower would own the home. Thus, for the first time, working- and middle-class home-owners could gradually gain equity while their properties were still mortgaged. If a family with an amortized mortgage sold its home, the equity (including any appreciation) would be the family’s to keep.

HOLC mortgages had low interest rates, but the borrowers still were obligated to make regular payments. The HOLC, therefore, had to exercise prudence about its borrowers’ abilities to avoid default. To assess risk, the HOLC wanted to know something about the condition of the house and of surrounding houses in the neighborhood to see whether the property would likely maintain its value. The HOLC hired local real estate agents to make the appraisals on which refinancing decisions could be based. With these agents required by their national ethics code to maintain segregation, it’s not surprising that in gauging risk HOLC considered the racial composition of neighborhoods.

For example, in St. Louis, the white middle-class suburb of Ladue was colored green because, according to an HOLC appraiser in 1940, it had “not a single foreigner or negro.” The similarly middle-class suburban area of Lincoln Terrace was colored red because it had “little or no value today . . . due to the colored element now controlling the district. Although the HOLC did not always decline to rescue homeowners in neighborhoods colored red on its maps (i.e., redlined neighborhoods), the maps had a huge impact and put the federal government on record as judging that African Americans, simply because of their race, were poor risks.”

Excerpt From
The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America
Richard Rothstein

Where is a quote from government that states "the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

You provided the usual Leftist propaganda.

If there is no such statute, regulation, or law......well, that makes you a low-life liar.

Now, get to work, Corky.
Here you go. I stopping a few minutes from making bank to post this for you. ;)

It is literally class 101 in the history of loans in the US.


....lots of tap dancing, but no proof of your claim.

Where is a quote from government that states "the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

Either you can provide a law, regulation, statute that said what you've claimed, or you can't.

It better include the word, 'black,' or 'African American,' or Negro.. ....or you are simply a low-life lying Liberal.

Get to it, Corky.
Fuck you. ;) Show me where a company's guidelines says to discriminate against women in hiring, dumbshit.

I have a gift for making dopes leap to vulgarity. It’s one of the hoops I make Liberals jump through. Shall I make you roll over and play dead?

Clearly, foul-mouth, I nailed you to the wall proving you simply a lying low-life Liberal.

Every reader knows that you couldn't find any such quote as ""the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

And when you lie again......I'll do the same.
I just posted 3 sources that explained it. You asked for a legal document passed by congress claiming we are not going to loan blacks money for homes. That doesnt exist of course because it was in practice not written law. You know that. You accept that. You just, for some reason, dont like the nuances in determining what led us to where we are.

As for namecalling, you called me Corky 4-5 times in a row. Feel free to increase the level of decorum in our exchange but I dont mind name calling if you dont, you shithead. ;) Yea, I won that too.

No juvenile matter how embarrassed I make you.

Try again.....and I'll even let you keep searching for proof of your claim: "the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."
The entire story is available in countless studies and books. I have been referencing one that a poster mentioned that I read: the Color of Law. The fact is that even liberals in very liberal towns like San Francisco didnt want blacks living in their neighborhoods and thus used unscrupulous measures to limit their ability to get mortgages in areas where housing would appreciate or even at all. It wasnt like one political party was the sinister party. It was systemic in all matters related to housing everywhere, yes, including modern strongholds of liberals.
none of it supports your claim..."the US wouldn’t insure mortgage loans for blacks ..."

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