Here’s What’s Comin’

11. One more example of how disingenuous the argument for reparations is.

“Reparations demonstrably would be effective if an improved position for blacks is associated with sharp and enduring reductions in racial disparities, particularly economic disparities like racial wealth inequality, and corresponding sharp and enduring improvements in black well-being.”

Focus on the word ‘enduring.’

Why would handing a huge check over to a person who hasn’t managed to progress financially, and how would same make that person permanently....enduringly.... financially secure?

Of course it wouldn’t. The same things would happen to the government largesse that happened to any other money they had before.

“…. by the end of the first year, some people will have more than others. Guaranteed. Some people, you see, will be careful with what they have. Others won’t. Some people will gamble, others will save. Some will spend lavishly, others will be frugal.

Besides that, some people simply have more of the kind of wealth that can’t be redistributed. Intelligence; education; ambition. Drive, as opposed to: aw, we’re gonna get what we’re gonna get anyway, so let’s just stay on the couch and watch TV. Some people will put a little giddy-up in their get-alongs, and will find ways to improve their own lives.

Some of that will be “unfair,” because some people have more and better resources to tap. Intelligence; talent; family. Even accounting for such differences, though: some people will turn what they have into more, while others will not. Therefore, by the end of the very first year (not to mention the first five or ten) “haves” and “have-nots” will appear.” What if we just gave everybody the same amount of wealth? | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Clearly, the reparations thing has some hidden agenda behind it.

Reparations…..meaningless. It is values, upbringing, character that makes the difference.
Veiled racism.

where do you see racism? What do you imagine would be the outcome if every person "of color" got a reparation check of $50,000 ? THE END OF THE
11. One more example of how disingenuous the argument for reparations is.

“Reparations demonstrably would be effective if an improved position for blacks is associated with sharp and enduring reductions in racial disparities, particularly economic disparities like racial wealth inequality, and corresponding sharp and enduring improvements in black well-being.”

Focus on the word ‘enduring.’

Why would handing a huge check over to a person who hasn’t managed to progress financially, and how would same make that person permanently....enduringly.... financially secure?

Of course it wouldn’t. The same things would happen to the government largesse that happened to any other money they had before.

“…. by the end of the first year, some people will have more than others. Guaranteed. Some people, you see, will be careful with what they have. Others won’t. Some people will gamble, others will save. Some will spend lavishly, others will be frugal.

Besides that, some people simply have more of the kind of wealth that can’t be redistributed. Intelligence; education; ambition. Drive, as opposed to: aw, we’re gonna get what we’re gonna get anyway, so let’s just stay on the couch and watch TV. Some people will put a little giddy-up in their get-alongs, and will find ways to improve their own lives.

Some of that will be “unfair,” because some people have more and better resources to tap. Intelligence; talent; family. Even accounting for such differences, though: some people will turn what they have into more, while others will not. Therefore, by the end of the very first year (not to mention the first five or ten) “haves” and “have-nots” will appear.” What if we just gave everybody the same amount of wealth? | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Clearly, the reparations thing has some hidden agenda behind it.

Reparations…..meaningless. It is values, upbringing, character that makes the difference.
Again, they couldn’t prosper when the white folk left. Why would they if they got money now
When confronted with a complicated issue, normally an intelligent adult carefully examines all of its elements and makes adjustments across the board as needed.

Tell you what.......we will give reperations to all people alive today that were actually slaves......

GOOD LUCK..........BS is now dismissed.
This Trumpian/talk radio paranoia is hurting this country.
Awe.............Air America sucked and couldn't stay on the radio......poor thing...

BLM, Antifa, and the DNC are destroying America.

Get back to me when people start running to their greatness in Cali......and New York..........people are running away now.
Faux-African slave-wannabes can get in line for reparations behind Native Americans...

They should learn reparations are never coming....perhaps they should think about opening up some casinos....

When confronted with a complicated issue, normally an intelligent adult carefully examines all of its elements and makes adjustments across the board as needed.

Tell you what.......we will give reperations to all people alive today that were actually slaves......

GOOD LUCK..........BS is now dismissed.
Well said
Faux-African slave-wannabes can get in line for reparations behind Native Americans...

They should learn reparations are never coming....perhaps they should think about opening up some casinos....

blacks could make a go of it anytime. Why didn’t they after white flight? What holds them back? There’s an answer, but demofks are too foolish to know
11. One more example of how disingenuous the argument for reparations is.

“Reparations demonstrably would be effective if an improved position for blacks is associated with sharp and enduring reductions in racial disparities, particularly economic disparities like racial wealth inequality, and corresponding sharp and enduring improvements in black well-being.”

Focus on the word ‘enduring.’

Why would handing a huge check over to a person who hasn’t managed to progress financially, and how would same make that person permanently....enduringly.... financially secure?

Of course it wouldn’t. The same things would happen to the government largesse that happened to any other money they had before.

“…. by the end of the first year, some people will have more than others. Guaranteed. Some people, you see, will be careful with what they have. Others won’t. Some people will gamble, others will save. Some will spend lavishly, others will be frugal.

Besides that, some people simply have more of the kind of wealth that can’t be redistributed. Intelligence; education; ambition. Drive, as opposed to: aw, we’re gonna get what we’re gonna get anyway, so let’s just stay on the couch and watch TV. Some people will put a little giddy-up in their get-alongs, and will find ways to improve their own lives.

Some of that will be “unfair,” because some people have more and better resources to tap. Intelligence; talent; family. Even accounting for such differences, though: some people will turn what they have into more, while others will not. Therefore, by the end of the very first year (not to mention the first five or ten) “haves” and “have-nots” will appear.” What if we just gave everybody the same amount of wealth? | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Clearly, the reparations thing has some hidden agenda behind it.

Reparations…..meaningless. It is values, upbringing, character that makes the difference.
Veiled racism.

where do you see racism? What do you imagine would be the outcome if every person "of color" got a reparation check of $50,000 ? THE END OF THE
Dude you could give them all the money in the world, and they’d fail
Amazing how much simplistic, assumptive, linear thinking goes on in politics. If THIS is the condition now, THAT will be the condition later.

When confronted with a complicated issue, normally an intelligent adult carefully examines all of its elements and makes adjustments across the board as needed.

But instead, all we can do now is (a) refuse to look at half the issue and (b) blame the entire complicated problem on the other half. That's it.

We are devolving, unable to address issues honestly and comprehensively. We've lost our most valuable trait: Intellectual curiosity.
If you look at this particular issue completely you don't end up stuck in the middle. There are some matters that a person might be able to, this just is not one of them. What we have in the OP is multiple conflation and a bunch of words that end up making no sense. I won't even use her ignorant claim of anti white racism to argue my point,. That's just how many holes is in that distorted and twisted jumble of letters.

So let's just take her opinion on gender identity. What does she suggest be done? Put trangendered people in institutions? Her opposition to their existence is not going to stop them from existing among us. Her wanting to make everybody name 2 genders is not going to stop those who feel they do not fit the gender they appear to be. We are just going to have to expand our concept of gender identity whether we like it or not. We are going to have to add bathrooms, locker rooms and shower to meet this new reality. We are going to have to expand sports divisions to include transgendered athletes. It doesn't matter if we agree with that or not.

The conservative extremists determination to suppress everything in society they don't like is something they should strongly think about changing. Because what happens when society decides that conservative extremism is not normal and should be purged?
11. One more example of how disingenuous the argument for reparations is.

“Reparations demonstrably would be effective if an improved position for blacks is associated with sharp and enduring reductions in racial disparities, particularly economic disparities like racial wealth inequality, and corresponding sharp and enduring improvements in black well-being.”

Focus on the word ‘enduring.’

Why would handing a huge check over to a person who hasn’t managed to progress financially, and how would same make that person permanently....enduringly.... financially secure?

Of course it wouldn’t. The same things would happen to the government largesse that happened to any other money they had before.

“…. by the end of the first year, some people will have more than others. Guaranteed. Some people, you see, will be careful with what they have. Others won’t. Some people will gamble, others will save. Some will spend lavishly, others will be frugal.

Besides that, some people simply have more of the kind of wealth that can’t be redistributed. Intelligence; education; ambition. Drive, as opposed to: aw, we’re gonna get what we’re gonna get anyway, so let’s just stay on the couch and watch TV. Some people will put a little giddy-up in their get-alongs, and will find ways to improve their own lives.

Some of that will be “unfair,” because some people have more and better resources to tap. Intelligence; talent; family. Even accounting for such differences, though: some people will turn what they have into more, while others will not. Therefore, by the end of the very first year (not to mention the first five or ten) “haves” and “have-nots” will appear.” What if we just gave everybody the same amount of wealth? | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Clearly, the reparations thing has some hidden agenda behind it.

Reparations…..meaningless. It is values, upbringing, character that makes the difference.
Veiled racism.

where do you see racism? What do you imagine would be the outcome if every person "of color" got a reparation check of $50,000 ? THE END OF THE
Dude you could give them all the money in the world, and they’d fail
Since whites were given everything, I do believe that if we are given everything whites have got since 1776, whites would be in a hurt locker.
11. One more example of how disingenuous the argument for reparations is.

“Reparations demonstrably would be effective if an improved position for blacks is associated with sharp and enduring reductions in racial disparities, particularly economic disparities like racial wealth inequality, and corresponding sharp and enduring improvements in black well-being.”

Focus on the word ‘enduring.’

Why would handing a huge check over to a person who hasn’t managed to progress financially, and how would same make that person permanently....enduringly.... financially secure?

Of course it wouldn’t. The same things would happen to the government largesse that happened to any other money they had before.

“…. by the end of the first year, some people will have more than others. Guaranteed. Some people, you see, will be careful with what they have. Others won’t. Some people will gamble, others will save. Some will spend lavishly, others will be frugal.

Besides that, some people simply have more of the kind of wealth that can’t be redistributed. Intelligence; education; ambition. Drive, as opposed to: aw, we’re gonna get what we’re gonna get anyway, so let’s just stay on the couch and watch TV. Some people will put a little giddy-up in their get-alongs, and will find ways to improve their own lives.

Some of that will be “unfair,” because some people have more and better resources to tap. Intelligence; talent; family. Even accounting for such differences, though: some people will turn what they have into more, while others will not. Therefore, by the end of the very first year (not to mention the first five or ten) “haves” and “have-nots” will appear.” What if we just gave everybody the same amount of wealth? | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Clearly, the reparations thing has some hidden agenda behind it.

Reparations…..meaningless. It is values, upbringing, character that makes the difference.
Veiled racism.

where do you see racism? What do you imagine would be the outcome if every person "of color" got a reparation check of $50,000 ? THE END OF THE
Dude you could give them all the money in the world, and they’d fail
The Irish are the only ones to deserve it
The entire Civil War was Irish vs Irish
And if they pay repreparations that won't be enough either.

They will need more.

Just a prediction

AA and trillions in welfare !! They already got it and still at the bottom
We didn't get trillions in welfare and white women have benefitted the most from AA. Whites have been given everything by the government and your hands stay extended ask for more.
11. One more example of how disingenuous the argument for reparations is.

“Reparations demonstrably would be effective if an improved position for blacks is associated with sharp and enduring reductions in racial disparities, particularly economic disparities like racial wealth inequality, and corresponding sharp and enduring improvements in black well-being.”

Focus on the word ‘enduring.’

Why would handing a huge check over to a person who hasn’t managed to progress financially, and how would same make that person permanently....enduringly.... financially secure?

Of course it wouldn’t. The same things would happen to the government largesse that happened to any other money they had before.

“…. by the end of the first year, some people will have more than others. Guaranteed. Some people, you see, will be careful with what they have. Others won’t. Some people will gamble, others will save. Some will spend lavishly, others will be frugal.

Besides that, some people simply have more of the kind of wealth that can’t be redistributed. Intelligence; education; ambition. Drive, as opposed to: aw, we’re gonna get what we’re gonna get anyway, so let’s just stay on the couch and watch TV. Some people will put a little giddy-up in their get-alongs, and will find ways to improve their own lives.

Some of that will be “unfair,” because some people have more and better resources to tap. Intelligence; talent; family. Even accounting for such differences, though: some people will turn what they have into more, while others will not. Therefore, by the end of the very first year (not to mention the first five or ten) “haves” and “have-nots” will appear.” What if we just gave everybody the same amount of wealth? | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Clearly, the reparations thing has some hidden agenda behind it.

Reparations…..meaningless. It is values, upbringing, character that makes the difference.
Veiled racism.

where do you see racism? What do you imagine would be the outcome if every person "of color" got a reparation check of $50,000 ? THE END OF THE
Dude you could give them all the money in the world, and they’d fail
Since whites were given everything, I do believe that if we are given everything whites have got since 1776, whites would be in a hurt locker.
Most whites in the USA are poor
Many are not getting by
11. One more example of how disingenuous the argument for reparations is.

“Reparations demonstrably would be effective if an improved position for blacks is associated with sharp and enduring reductions in racial disparities, particularly economic disparities like racial wealth inequality, and corresponding sharp and enduring improvements in black well-being.”

Focus on the word ‘enduring.’

Why would handing a huge check over to a person who hasn’t managed to progress financially, and how would same make that person permanently....enduringly.... financially secure?

Of course it wouldn’t. The same things would happen to the government largesse that happened to any other money they had before.

“…. by the end of the first year, some people will have more than others. Guaranteed. Some people, you see, will be careful with what they have. Others won’t. Some people will gamble, others will save. Some will spend lavishly, others will be frugal.

Besides that, some people simply have more of the kind of wealth that can’t be redistributed. Intelligence; education; ambition. Drive, as opposed to: aw, we’re gonna get what we’re gonna get anyway, so let’s just stay on the couch and watch TV. Some people will put a little giddy-up in their get-alongs, and will find ways to improve their own lives.

Some of that will be “unfair,” because some people have more and better resources to tap. Intelligence; talent; family. Even accounting for such differences, though: some people will turn what they have into more, while others will not. Therefore, by the end of the very first year (not to mention the first five or ten) “haves” and “have-nots” will appear.” What if we just gave everybody the same amount of wealth? | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Clearly, the reparations thing has some hidden agenda behind it.

Reparations…..meaningless. It is values, upbringing, character that makes the difference.
Veiled racism.

where do you see racism? What do you imagine would be the outcome if every person "of color" got a reparation check of $50,000 ? THE END OF THE
Dude you could give them all the money in the world, and they’d fail
The Irish are the only ones to deserve it
The entire Civil War was Irish vs Irish
Blacks fought in the civil war and Irish have been given what every other white has got from the government.
11. One more example of how disingenuous the argument for reparations is.

“Reparations demonstrably would be effective if an improved position for blacks is associated with sharp and enduring reductions in racial disparities, particularly economic disparities like racial wealth inequality, and corresponding sharp and enduring improvements in black well-being.”

Focus on the word ‘enduring.’

Why would handing a huge check over to a person who hasn’t managed to progress financially, and how would same make that person permanently....enduringly.... financially secure?

Of course it wouldn’t. The same things would happen to the government largesse that happened to any other money they had before.

“…. by the end of the first year, some people will have more than others. Guaranteed. Some people, you see, will be careful with what they have. Others won’t. Some people will gamble, others will save. Some will spend lavishly, others will be frugal.

Besides that, some people simply have more of the kind of wealth that can’t be redistributed. Intelligence; education; ambition. Drive, as opposed to: aw, we’re gonna get what we’re gonna get anyway, so let’s just stay on the couch and watch TV. Some people will put a little giddy-up in their get-alongs, and will find ways to improve their own lives.

Some of that will be “unfair,” because some people have more and better resources to tap. Intelligence; talent; family. Even accounting for such differences, though: some people will turn what they have into more, while others will not. Therefore, by the end of the very first year (not to mention the first five or ten) “haves” and “have-nots” will appear.” What if we just gave everybody the same amount of wealth? | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Clearly, the reparations thing has some hidden agenda behind it.

Reparations…..meaningless. It is values, upbringing, character that makes the difference.
Veiled racism.

where do you see racism? What do you imagine would be the outcome if every person "of color" got a reparation check of $50,000 ? THE END OF THE
Dude you could give them all the money in the world, and they’d fail
Since whites were given everything, I do believe that if we are given everything whites have got since 1776, whites would be in a hurt locker.
Most whites in the USA are poor
Many are not getting by
The average white family has 15 times the wealth of a black family. I said what I did because the facts support it. Whites like you run your mouth about crime rates, well lets look at this rate-1 out of every 4 blacks live in or under poverty and 1 out of every 9 whites do. When you try your racist arguments do not try them with a black person who spent 32 years doing social work. Every opinion you right wingers have posted in this thread has been wrong.
Last edited:
11. One more example of how disingenuous the argument for reparations is.

“Reparations demonstrably would be effective if an improved position for blacks is associated with sharp and enduring reductions in racial disparities, particularly economic disparities like racial wealth inequality, and corresponding sharp and enduring improvements in black well-being.”

Focus on the word ‘enduring.’

Why would handing a huge check over to a person who hasn’t managed to progress financially, and how would same make that person permanently....enduringly.... financially secure?

Of course it wouldn’t. The same things would happen to the government largesse that happened to any other money they had before.

“…. by the end of the first year, some people will have more than others. Guaranteed. Some people, you see, will be careful with what they have. Others won’t. Some people will gamble, others will save. Some will spend lavishly, others will be frugal.

Besides that, some people simply have more of the kind of wealth that can’t be redistributed. Intelligence; education; ambition. Drive, as opposed to: aw, we’re gonna get what we’re gonna get anyway, so let’s just stay on the couch and watch TV. Some people will put a little giddy-up in their get-alongs, and will find ways to improve their own lives.

Some of that will be “unfair,” because some people have more and better resources to tap. Intelligence; talent; family. Even accounting for such differences, though: some people will turn what they have into more, while others will not. Therefore, by the end of the very first year (not to mention the first five or ten) “haves” and “have-nots” will appear.” What if we just gave everybody the same amount of wealth? | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Clearly, the reparations thing has some hidden agenda behind it.

Reparations…..meaningless. It is values, upbringing, character that makes the difference.
Veiled racism.

where do you see racism? What do you imagine would be the outcome if every person "of color" got a reparation check of $50,000 ? THE END OF THE
Dude you could give them all the money in the world, and they’d fail
The Irish are the only ones to deserve it
The entire Civil War was Irish vs Irish
Blacks fought in the civil war and Irish have been given what every other white has got from the government.
BLM is not helping the black cause !!!
This group is out of control
11. One more example of how disingenuous the argument for reparations is.

“Reparations demonstrably would be effective if an improved position for blacks is associated with sharp and enduring reductions in racial disparities, particularly economic disparities like racial wealth inequality, and corresponding sharp and enduring improvements in black well-being.”

Focus on the word ‘enduring.’

Why would handing a huge check over to a person who hasn’t managed to progress financially, and how would same make that person permanently....enduringly.... financially secure?

Of course it wouldn’t. The same things would happen to the government largesse that happened to any other money they had before.

“…. by the end of the first year, some people will have more than others. Guaranteed. Some people, you see, will be careful with what they have. Others won’t. Some people will gamble, others will save. Some will spend lavishly, others will be frugal.

Besides that, some people simply have more of the kind of wealth that can’t be redistributed. Intelligence; education; ambition. Drive, as opposed to: aw, we’re gonna get what we’re gonna get anyway, so let’s just stay on the couch and watch TV. Some people will put a little giddy-up in their get-alongs, and will find ways to improve their own lives.

Some of that will be “unfair,” because some people have more and better resources to tap. Intelligence; talent; family. Even accounting for such differences, though: some people will turn what they have into more, while others will not. Therefore, by the end of the very first year (not to mention the first five or ten) “haves” and “have-nots” will appear.” What if we just gave everybody the same amount of wealth? | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Clearly, the reparations thing has some hidden agenda behind it.

Reparations…..meaningless. It is values, upbringing, character that makes the difference.
Veiled racism.

where do you see racism? What do you imagine would be the outcome if every person "of color" got a reparation check of $50,000 ? THE END OF THE
Dude you could give them all the money in the world, and they’d fail
Since whites were given everything, I do believe that if we are given everything whites have got since 1776, whites would be in a hurt locker.
Most whites in the USA are poor
Many are not getting by
The average white family has 15 times the wealth of a black family. I said what I did because the facts support it. Whites like you run your mouth about crime rates, well lets look at this rate-1 out of every 4 blacks live in or under poverty and 1 out of every 9 whites do. When you try your racist arguments do not try them with a black person who spent 32 years doing social work. Every opinion you guys have posted in this thread has been wrong.
Blacks are more successful in USA than anywhere on the planet
. Much of the poor black community Is poor based on “ bad decisions “

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