Hey liberals, just a simple question how are you going to impeach Trump when....

....after 7 years the republicans can't even repeal Obamacare care? LMFAO so in your world you think you're going to get republicans to agree on anything?

Much less impeach Trump?

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Don't worry, crybaby. The 2018 election is only a year and a half away.

The average special counsel investigation lasts 3 years, 2 months.

How are you going to stop Russia from stealing the 2018 election rainbow homo?

....after 7 years the republicans can't even repeal Obamacare care? LMFAO so in your world you think you're going to get republicans to agree on anything?

Much less impeach Trump?

View attachment 127001
Don't worry, crybaby. The 2018 election is only a year and a half away.

The average special counsel investigation lasts 3 years, 2 months.

How are you going to stop Russia from stealing the 2018 election rainbow homo?

You know that's Putin in my avatar, right? :lol:

Depict Putin As Gay Clown, Go To Jail
Yes it as for a blow job. A consensual blow job.
Like I said, you need a better history book. A judge who strips a lawyer of his license and fines him $90 K doesn't do it for a BJ.

Tell you what, give us an example of a judge imposing those punishments on someone for consensual sex, and site the law broken.

You know as well as I do that Bubba got himself in trouble for lying under oath and filing false affidavits. Put it this way, had he not done so, would he have lost his license and been fined? Be honest.

Actually Hadit, I don't believe Bulldog knows anything as well as you do, you were much too kind.

Obviously there are lots of things you seem to believe that just aren't true.

I missed your post where you answered Hadit's question about Bubba losing his law license and being fined. Did you say that was over a hummer or for lying under oath?

He lied about a blow job. Big deal. I lied about a couple blow jobs in the past too.

Pretty sure your partner lied too. Get back to us when you become president or sit in front of a grand jury.
Actually Hadit, I don't believe Bulldog knows anything as well as you do, you were much too kind.

Obviously there are lots of things you seem to believe that just aren't true.

I missed your post where you answered Hadit's question about Bubba losing his law license and being fined. Did you say that was over a hummer or for lying under oath?

He lied about a blow job. Big deal. I lied about a couple blow jobs in the past too.

But people knew you were lying, they knew that wasn't mayonnaise on your chin.

Got it. You can't counter what I said so you make a silly joke. Good for you.

You said you lied about bj's, what kind of counter do you want....?
Nixon's party thought the same thing at the very beginning of the Watergate affair.

Point of fact, tricky Dick was not impeached.
Point of fact... his own party was ready to help impeach him... and, realizing that all support for stopping it was gone, Tricky Dick resigned.

Yep, he did the right thing. And if things get to that point I hope Donny will too. I hope it doesn't, but if it does...
....after 7 years the republicans can't even repeal Obamacare care? LMFAO so in your world you think you're going to get republicans to agree on anything?

Much less impeach Trump?

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Once it becomes so damning to the republicans careers to be defending Trump and his scandals du jour, they'll jump at the chance to impeach.
It's self preservation.
....after 7 years the republicans can't even repeal Obamacare care? LMFAO so in your world you think you're going to get republicans to agree on anything?

Much less impeach Trump?

View attachment 127001
Don't worry, crybaby. The 2018 election is only a year and a half away.

The average special counsel investigation lasts 3 years, 2 months.

How are you going to stop Russia from stealing the 2018 election rainbow homo?

You know that's Putin in my avatar, right? :lol:

Depict Putin As Gay Clown, Go To Jail

I know just messing with you

....after 7 years the republicans can't even repeal Obamacare care? LMFAO so in your world you think you're going to get republicans to agree on anything?

Much less impeach Trump?

View attachment 127001
We're much more efficient then repubs, you haven't noticed?

....after 7 years the republicans can't even repeal Obamacare care? LMFAO so in your world you think you're going to get republicans to agree on anything?

Much less impeach Trump?

View attachment 127001
We're much more efficient then repubs, you haven't noticed?

Yea I know , your way more about party then country ...

We seen that with the democrats standing behind Obama care at all cost even losing their own seats because of it.

We seen democrats like Susan go to jail before knarking on Bill ...

Very impressive...

....after 7 years the republicans can't even repeal Obamacare care? LMFAO so in your world you think you're going to get republicans to agree on anything?

Much less impeach Trump?

View attachment 127001
You do make a fair point, I have to admit.

I think the reason any impeachment would take place is because republicans collectively realize Pence could effectively make policy when Trump has proven to be a failure.
....after 7 years the republicans can't even repeal Obamacare care? LMFAO so in your world you think you're going to get republicans to agree on anything?

Much less impeach Trump?

View attachment 127001
You do make a fair point, I have to admit.

I think the reason any impeachment would take place is because republicans collectively realize Pence could effectively make policy when Trump has proven to be a failure.

That's a possibility but I have a feeling he will step down, after listening to his buddy Howard Stern a few weeks ago that's probably what will happen.


Having Trump stand for re-election in 2020 may be preferable.
God no. Who the fuck knows what will happen before 2020 while Trump is president. NO ONE can predict such a thing and it could be disastrous.

Well, I was speaking from a strictly political standpoint.

One has to remember that Clinton wasn’t supposed to win given the time honored tradition of the US electorate not awarding a 3rd term to the same party. There have been 15 Presidential elections since 1960. Enough for a good sample I think. Only once has the US electorate awarded 12 years of control of the Oval office to the same Party and that was Bush I in 1988; the follow up act to arguably the most popular President of the last Century.

Still, given this historical trend, she lost three states that would have turned the election by about 100,000 votes; PA, MI, and WI.

Screen Shot 2017-05-19 at 3.34.59 AM.png

This far, Trump’s record on fulfilling high profile campaign promises has been dismal. One would think that the negatives of whomever the Dems nominate in 2020 would not be so pronounced.
Having Trump stand for re-election in 2020 may be preferable.
God no. Who the fuck knows what will happen before 2020 while Trump is president. NO ONE can predict such a thing and it could be disastrous.

Well, I was speaking from a strictly political standpoint.

One has to remember that Clinton wasn’t supposed to win given the time honored tradition of the US electorate not awarding a 3rd term to the same party. There have been 15 Presidential elections since 1960. Enough for a good sample I think. Only once has the US electorate awarded 12 years of control of the Oval office to the same Party and that was Bush I in 1988; the follow up act to arguably the most popular President of the last Century.

Still, given this historical trend, she lost three states that would have turned the election by about 100,000 votes; PA, MI, and WI.

View attachment 127465

This far, Trump’s record on fulfilling high profile campaign promises has been dismal. One would think that the negatives of whomever the Dems nominate in 2020 would not be so pronounced.
Having Trump stand for re-election in 2020 may be preferable.
God no. Who the fuck knows what will happen before 2020 while Trump is president. NO ONE can predict such a thing and it could be disastrous.

Well, I was speaking from a strictly political standpoint.

One has to remember that Clinton wasn’t supposed to win given the time honored tradition of the US electorate not awarding a 3rd term to the same party. There have been 15 Presidential elections since 1960. Enough for a good sample I think. Only once has the US electorate awarded 12 years of control of the Oval office to the same Party and that was Bush I in 1988; the follow up act to arguably the most popular President of the last Century.

Still, given this historical trend, she lost three states that would have turned the election by about 100,000 votes; PA, MI, and WI.

View attachment 127465

This far, Trump’s record on fulfilling high profile campaign promises has been dismal. One would think that the negatives of whomever the Dems nominate in 2020 would not be so pronounced.
I'm more worried about his control over nuclear weapons.
If it reaches the point where enough Republican Congressmen are willing to vote for impeachment, the Republicans in the Senate will be in the uncomfortable position of either having to vote to convict Trump, or go on record voting to let him off.
Having Trump stand for re-election in 2020 may be preferable.
God no. Who the fuck knows what will happen before 2020 while Trump is president. NO ONE can predict such a thing and it could be disastrous.

Well, I was speaking from a strictly political standpoint.

One has to remember that Clinton wasn’t supposed to win given the time honored tradition of the US electorate not awarding a 3rd term to the same party. There have been 15 Presidential elections since 1960. Enough for a good sample I think. Only once has the US electorate awarded 12 years of control of the Oval office to the same Party and that was Bush I in 1988; the follow up act to arguably the most popular President of the last Century.

Still, given this historical trend, she lost three states that would have turned the election by about 100,000 votes; PA, MI, and WI.

View attachment 127465

This far, Trump’s record on fulfilling high profile campaign promises has been dismal. One would think that the negatives of whomever the Dems nominate in 2020 would not be so pronounced.

Can you imagine all the things we WOULDN'T be talking about for the last six months if the GOP had been their normal self and nominated a normal candidate like say, Bush, or Rubio,

and then beat the very vulnerable, baggage ridden, bad candidate Hillary Clinton?

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