Hey liberals, just a simple question how are you going to impeach Trump when....

some one should ask Maxine Waters if she can name all 66 senators who will vote to impeach
I'd like to see if she can remember her own name.
id like to see someone axe maxine if she knows what is the capital of California.
Maxine Waters? What? whats the capital of california? ahh,,is that a state?

Then explain why you're all so proud of your ignorance, your complete lack of very basic education.

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All the fake news Attacks on President Trump is an attempt by the liberal elite who run the beauracracy inside WashingtonDC to overthrow the proper elected champion of the common people ( white racist peasants in the eyes of NY City news media) Donald J. Trump. Washington DC has become an authoritarian regime ran by liberal ideology at the expense of all the little people in flyover country who don't matter. Liberal ideology is an Orwellian nightmare. But it will fail them in the end. The people are not stupid.
Don't Dismiss Trump's Attacks on the Media as Mere Stupidity
Nixon's party thought the same thing at the very beginning of the Watergate affair.

Point of fact, tricky Dick was not impeached.

No, he wasn't. He ran at the last minute. There was no doubt that he would have been though.

True, he was going down for the cover up, which we have learned is usually worse than the crime. Ask slick Willie, who was impeached.

For a blow job

Strictly speaking, for lying about a blowjob.

If he were a modern day Repub, these yahoos would revere him, just as they now do for a criminal who bragged about being a serial sexual predator. Even his daughter called him that.

The most important fact is that Clinton was a good president.

The pussy grabber is good at Pay For Play and lying.

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All the fake news Attacks on President Trump is an attempt by the liberal elite who run the beauracracy inside WashingtonDC to overthrow the proper elected champion of the common people ( white racist peasants in the eyes of NY City news media) Donald J. Trump. Washington DC has become an authoritarian regime ran by liberal ideology at the expense of all the little people in flyover country who don't matter. Liberal ideology is an Orwellian nightmare. But it will fail them in the end. The people are not stupid.
Don't Dismiss Trump's Attacks on the Media as Mere Stupidity

Yeah cuz, just like his childish attacks on everyone else, it's served him and the country so well.

The trumpkins should be forced to read 1984. It's a play book for trumpery's trumpery.

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Impeachment will have to be initiated by Republicans, at least before 2018. When they start losing elections they'll begin whispering "impeachment". Watch the results of the GA race...

Still will need the Senate to Convict and Schumer is not that insane to help McConnell!

Of course you will want impeachment while not understanding that Pence will be more of a nightmare for you, but please cut your nose off to spite your face or as Rahm once said " fucking retards! "....
No, Pence will not be "more of a nightmare" than the narcissistic, authoritarian loving, tantrum throwing, orange buffoon that currently holds the office.
Anyone see the hot brunette Democrat on Tucker Carlson last night? She "provided reasons to justify" impeachment. Tucker treated her much better than he could have. Even she seemed to realize her thought process was high on desire, & low on justification.
Nixon's party thought the same thing at the very beginning of the Watergate affair.

Point of fact, tricky Dick was not impeached.

No, he wasn't. He ran at the last minute. There was no doubt that he would have been though.

True, he was going down for the cover up, which we have learned is usually worse than the crime. Ask slick Willie, who was impeached.

For a blow job
Get a better history book. You don't lose your law license for 5 years and bill your handlers for almost 6 figures in fines for getting a BJ.
After Trump is removed, start on Pence.
And therein lies the true heart of the left wing/democrat party (but I repeat myself). They have no desire to get the best leadership for the country, they just want to destroy, destroy, destroy anyone and everyone who denies them their birthright access to power.
Nixon's party thought the same thing at the very beginning of the Watergate affair.

Point of fact, tricky Dick was not impeached.

No, he wasn't. He ran at the last minute. There was no doubt that he would have been though.

True, he was going down for the cover up, which we have learned is usually worse than the crime. Ask slick Willie, who was impeached.

For a blow job
Get a better history book. You don't lose your law license for 5 years and bill your handlers for almost 6 figures in fines for getting a BJ.

Yes it as for a blow job. A consensual blow job.
After Trump is removed, start on Pence.
And therein lies the true heart of the left wing/democrat party (but I repeat myself). They have no desire to get the best leadership for the country, they just want to destroy, destroy, destroy anyone and everyone who denies them their birthright access to power.

Right wing crap isn't the best leadership for the country.
some one should ask Maxine Waters if she can name all 66 senators who will vote to impeach

You think she can name 66 senators? She is one of the dumbest fucking oxygen thieves in the world.

Point of fact, tricky Dick was not impeached.

No, he wasn't. He ran at the last minute. There was no doubt that he would have been though.

True, he was going down for the cover up, which we have learned is usually worse than the crime. Ask slick Willie, who was impeached.

For a blow job
Get a better history book. You don't lose your law license for 5 years and bill your handlers for almost 6 figures in fines for getting a BJ.

Yes it as for a blow job. A consensual blow job.
Like I said, you need a better history book. A judge who strips a lawyer of his license and fines him $90 K doesn't do it for a BJ.

Tell you what, give us an example of a judge imposing those punishments on someone for consensual sex, and site the law broken.

You know as well as I do that Bubba got himself in trouble for lying under oath and filing false affidavits. Put it this way, had he not done so, would he have lost his license and been fined? Be honest.
After Trump is removed, start on Pence.
And therein lies the true heart of the left wing/democrat party (but I repeat myself). They have no desire to get the best leadership for the country, they just want to destroy, destroy, destroy anyone and everyone who denies them their birthright access to power.

Right wing crap isn't the best leadership for the country.

Then grow some balls and kick.your Obama and Hillary types to the curb and nominate another JFK type
After Trump is removed, start on Pence.
And therein lies the true heart of the left wing/democrat party (but I repeat myself). They have no desire to get the best leadership for the country, they just want to destroy, destroy, destroy anyone and everyone who denies them their birthright access to power.

Right wing crap isn't the best leadership for the country.

Yet Left Wing crap is?

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