Hey LibLiars! I thought it was the TeaParty that was violent! Libs calls for violence

Slice it and dice it however you want, it still comes out as armed revolt.

The Plum Line - Sharron Angle floated possibility of armed insurrection

Asked by the host, Lars Larson of Portland, Oregon, where she stands on Second Amendment issues, Angle replied:

You know, our Founding Fathers, they put that Second Amendment in there for a good reason and that was for the people to protect themselves against a tyrannical government. And in fact Thomas Jefferson said it's good for a country to have a revolution every 20 years.

I hope that's not where we're going, but, you know, if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness what can we do to turn this country around? I'll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out.
So what makes that so terrible, and the OP so good?
The Left doesn't have the strength, conviction, or fortitude to revolt.

They don't have the guns either.

Which totally misses Ted Rall's point.

Gosh..now you guys are paying attention? Rall's been a cartoonist for quite some time.

He's not calling for guns and bombs..he's calling for strikes...and protest. Like they do in France.

Yeah those protests in France have been soooooooooooo peaceful!

You really want to go there?



They are destroying things..not people. If anything, it's the protestors that get hurt from getting shot with rubber bullets.

Workers in France do not get pushed around like they do here.

The company I work for is a multi national..and we have offices in France. They fare far better off then we do here.
fear the cartoonist



The wingnuts are getting upset about a cartoonist??? :lol::lol::lol:

Don't they think it's dumb when the muslims get upset over cartoonists?:cuckoo:

When you can show we are asking for Ted Rall to be CENSORED let me know.

Every time liberals try to show hypocrisy, they have to IGNORE THE SUBSTANCE of the issue, to make such a lie.

No one is saying Ted Rall's book should be censored, as the muslims called for with the Mohammed cartoons.

Quite the contrary. I want Rall's book to be seen. I want everyone to see what hypocrites liberals are, for trying to falsely smear the Tea Party with violence for two years, and the minute the liberals become sore losers, look who's starts calling for violence.

Nice try, but not even close.


How does what Rall do reflect in any way on anyone besides Ted Rall?

" I want everyone to see what hypocrites liberals are, for trying to falsely smear the Tea Party with violence for two years, and the minute the liberals become sore losers, look who's starts calling for violence."

So you admit that your real intent is to tar liberals, and has nothing to do with whether anyone agrees with Rall.

How many liberals have voted for Ted Rall, and how many rightwingers have voted for teabaggers who have advocated 2nd amend solutions? Which liberal threatened to take a baseball bat to govt?
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So after 2 years of rightwingers spouting off about how armed revolution is a perfectly acceptable means to resort to against 'tyranny' blah blah,

now this liberal clown comes out and says exactly the same thing and HE'S the moron?


Rightwing irony just never ends does it?
So after a year of the left denouncing calls from the right for revolution, a leftist does it, and it's just dandy.

Leftwing irony just never ends, does it?

Fact is, they don't have a problem with violence unless it's convenient politically.

But if someone actively calls for non-violence, they will be condemned for inciting violence by these guys because it's politically convenient for them.
Indeed. And pursuit of political power is all-consuming.
I see TPS ignored my links.

Get back to me when the people wetting their pants about violent right-wingers in your links condemn the violent left-winger in the OP.

My point is that the rhetoric is from both sides. Neither have a monopoly or clean hands. TPS wringing her hands over one cartoonists comments is funny considering she can totally overlook her side doing the same thing. In short, she is a hypocrite. For the record, I'm a conservative libertarian.......I'm just honest about the shortcomings of both sides. She never will be as she is obviously unbalanced.
I think we can agree on all that.
"If that commentator had been Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity, YOU libs would have said it proved conservatives/Tea Partiers are violent."

of course one must take into consideration the probable fact that, when limbaugh DOES suggest violence (which he has), millions of dittoheads would have said "megga dittos!"

voicing their agreement that violence against liberals IS a good idea.

and we must also note that after agreeing with limbaugh that violence against liberals in defense of conservative beliefs is the proper tact I have no doubt YOU would have said "you can't blame all conservatives for the acts of just one conservative no matter how much most conservatives justify that act"

after all these months you continue to accuse your enemies of your own crimes.
I see TPS ignored my links.

Get back to me when the people wetting their pants about violent right-wingers in your links condemn the violent left-winger in the OP.

My point is that the rhetoric is from both sides. Neither have a monopoly or clean hands. TPS wringing her hands over one cartoonists comments is funny considering she can totally overlook her side doing the same thing. In short, she is a hypocrite. For the record, I'm a conservative libertarian.......I'm just honest about the shortcomings of both sides. She never will be as she is obviously unbalanced.

And my point is that liberals don't vote for people who advocate violence and rebellion, while rightwingers do vote for people who advocate violence and rebellion

No one voted for Ted Rall. How many votes did Angle get?
I love the RW Fringe echo chamber, their stupidity and hypocrisy is without peer.
Lumping all 'liberals" as violent based on one interview, one in which no overt violence was advocated, is without a doubt stupid.
Forgetting intentionally calls for Second Amendment remedies, oft repeated even by candidates for Federal Office by those on the right is without a doubt hypocrisy.
Suggesting that the murderer of Dr. Tiller, and the Atlanta Olympic bomber and murderer and the bomber of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City were single acts and not part of the conservative agenda of terrorism is both stupid and hypocritical.
Slice it and dice it however you want, it still comes out as armed revolt.

The Plum Line - Sharron Angle floated possibility of armed insurrection

Asked by the host, Lars Larson of Portland, Oregon, where she stands on Second Amendment issues, Angle replied:

You know, our Founding Fathers, they put that Second Amendment in there for a good reason and that was for the people to protect themselves against a tyrannical government. And in fact Thomas Jefferson said it's good for a country to have a revolution every 20 years.

I hope that's not where we're going, but, you know, if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness what can we do to turn this country around? I'll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out.
So what makes that so terrible, and the OP so good?

Nothing, but liberals didn't vote for Rall, while wingnuts voted for traitors like Angle
I love the RW Fringe echo chamber, their stupidity and hypocrisy is without peer.
Lumping all 'liberals" as violent based on one interview, one in which no overt violence was advocated, is without a doubt stupid.
Forgetting intentionally calls for Second Amendment remedies, oft repeated even by candidates for Federal Office by those on the right is without a doubt hypocrisy.
Suggesting that the murderer of Dr. Tiller, and the Atlanta Olympic bomber and murderer and the bomber of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City were single acts and not part of the conservative agenda of terrorism is both stupid and hypocritical.
Speaking of stupidity and hypocrisy, you're lumping all conservatives together.
Bashing MSNBC but not bashing Fox News (or visa versa) equals hypocrisy. BOTH are ideological propagandists. BOTH news networks are sad jokes. People who use these networks to form their political opinions are simply tools of propaganda.
We know for a fact that politicans from the right were talking about a violent revolution and now there is some talk of the left for a violent revolution. People on both sides of the aisle should have the intelligence and the balls to admit that those who promote/favor a violent revolution have no place in their ideology's leadership.
Finally, those who promote/favor a violent revolution have the right to speak their mind as our country has freedom of speech.
I love the RW Fringe echo chamber, their stupidity and hypocrisy is without peer.
Lumping all 'liberals" as violent based on one interview, one in which no overt violence was advocated, is without a doubt stupid.
Forgetting intentionally calls for Second Amendment remedies, oft repeated even by candidates for Federal Office by those on the right is without a doubt hypocrisy.
Suggesting that the murderer of Dr. Tiller, and the Atlanta Olympic bomber and murderer and the bomber of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City were single acts and not part of the conservative agenda of terrorism is both stupid and hypocritical.
Speaking of stupidity and hypocrisy, you're lumping all conservatives together.

Maybe, but there is an important difference. Rall gets no votes from liberals for this and no elected dem supports his position. Wingnuts who advocate violence and rebellion get elected by the right. Elected rightwing politicians support the organizations that these murderers and bombers belong to.
I love the RW Fringe echo chamber, their stupidity and hypocrisy is without peer.
Lumping all 'liberals" as violent based on one interview, one in which no overt violence was advocated, is without a doubt stupid.
Forgetting intentionally calls for Second Amendment remedies, oft repeated even by candidates for Federal Office by those on the right is without a doubt hypocrisy.
Suggesting that the murderer of Dr. Tiller, and the Atlanta Olympic bomber and murderer and the bomber of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City were single acts and not part of the conservative agenda of terrorism is both stupid and hypocritical.
Speaking of stupidity and hypocrisy, you're lumping all conservatives together.

Maybe, but there is an important difference. Rall gets no votes from liberals for this and no elected dem supports his position. Wingnuts who advocate violence and rebellion get elected by the right. Elected rightwing politicians support the organizations that these murderers and bombers belong to.
Can you show me the position paper on the GOP website that advocates killing abortion doctors and domestic terrorism?


Well, looks like you're wrong, then.
Speaking of stupidity and hypocrisy, you're lumping all conservatives together.

Maybe, but there is an important difference. Rall gets no votes from liberals for this and no elected dem supports his position. Wingnuts who advocate violence and rebellion get elected by the right. Elected rightwing politicians support the organizations that these murderers and bombers belong to.
Can you show me the position paper on the GOP website that advocates killing abortion doctors and domestic terrorism?


Well, looks like you're wrong, then.

This wingnut thinks he gets to decide what forms of support are actually support

There is no doubt that rightwing terrorists (McVeigh, the guy who killed Tiller, etc) have belonged to organizations that both receive support from the RNC, and give support to the RNC (in the form of campaigning for RNC candidates and/or against DNC candidates)

There is no doubt that right wing organizations that support the GOP (like the Chamber of Commerce) are nothing more than republican front groups for terrorist nations like Saudi Arabia.

IOW, rightwing support for violence is instutitional. Leftwing support for violence is cartoonish
I love the RW Fringe echo chamber, their stupidity and hypocrisy is without peer.
Lumping all 'liberals" as violent based on one interview, one in which no overt violence was advocated, is without a doubt stupid.
Forgetting intentionally calls for Second Amendment remedies, oft repeated even by candidates for Federal Office by those on the right is without a doubt hypocrisy.
Suggesting that the murderer of Dr. Tiller, and the Atlanta Olympic bomber and murderer and the bomber of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City were single acts and not part of the conservative agenda of terrorism is both stupid and hypocritical.
Speaking of stupidity and hypocrisy, you're lumping all conservatives together.

No you idiot, "conservative" was modified by "RW Fringe" & members of the "echo chamber". Fiscal conservatatives are not part of the fringe, nor are they stupid and they do not engage in violent acts of terrorism. It is the far right, those you tacitly support, along with the more radical elements of our society. Of course, that includes the far left. For example those who engaged in violence at WTO meetings.

I have never noticed 'liberals' on this or any message board supporting the violence attended at WTO meetings or even the war protests during the Bush years. Yes some occurs, but it is the fringe who engage in such behavior and it is not support by or tolerated by 'liberals' on this or other MB's.
You and the echo chamber on this message board tacitly and overtly support such radicalism from the right and for this you ought to be ashamed.
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Slice it and dice it however you want, it still comes out as armed revolt.

The Plum Line - Sharron Angle floated possibility of armed insurrection

Asked by the host, Lars Larson of Portland, Oregon, where she stands on Second Amendment issues, Angle replied:

You know, our Founding Fathers, they put that Second Amendment in there for a good reason and that was for the people to protect themselves against a tyrannical government. And in fact Thomas Jefferson said it's good for a country to have a revolution every 20 years.

I hope that's not where we're going, but, you know, if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness what can we do to turn this country around? I'll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out.

So, in other word after I refuted this nonsense you double down on it!


When you know full well she meant voting Reid out of office.

Has there been an attempt on Reid's life since he won?

Has there been talk from Rangel since Reid won to "take him out" with a gun?

But there sure has been talk of violence from a lefty on MSNBC and his guest AFTER REPUBLICANS WON!

Nice try but not even close!

"I always said that liberals condemn in others what they cannot see in themselves."

having followed hate radio and conservative pundits for the past 20 years (and numerous message boards) i would say that
this is just as true in the right.

but apparently you can not see that.

"Here is another example.

For two years they have told us that the Tea Party was violent. But look who's calling for violence in defeat! It's libs!"

limbaugh has made numerous suggestions of violence

ann coulter said her greatest regret about 9/11 is that the terrorists didn't kill everyone at the NYT.

chuck norris reminded liberals that conservatives have guns and a violent revolution might be necessary

you can go to conservative sites that sell bumper stickers and t-shirts and find;
club liberals
make America a better place, kill a liberal
liberal hunting permits
the words democrat and liberal with targets on them

the NRA and other con sites sell target practice signs with pictures of prominent liberals on them.

in maine, right after the the last presidential election, a store owner in standish posted a sign hoping for obama to be assassinated....

SOME leftists are guilty or promoting hate and violence.

and SOME conservatives are also guilty of this.

Okay, it would be better if you put in quotes what you are refuting and then add your comment.

As it is, it's too difficult to figure out what YOU are saying and what you are disagreeing with.

I'm not even going to bother. Try again.
Slice it and dice it however you want, it still comes out as armed revolt.

The Plum Line - Sharron Angle floated possibility of armed insurrection

Asked by the host, Lars Larson of Portland, Oregon, where she stands on Second Amendment issues, Angle replied:

You know, our Founding Fathers, they put that Second Amendment in there for a good reason and that was for the people to protect themselves against a tyrannical government. And in fact Thomas Jefferson said it's good for a country to have a revolution every 20 years.

I hope that's not where we're going, but, you know, if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness what can we do to turn this country around? I'll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out.

So, in other word after I refuted this nonsense you double down on it!


When you know full well she meant voting Reid out of office.

Has there been an attempt on Reid's life since he won?

Has there been talk from Rangel since Reid won to "take him out" with a gun?

But there sure has been talk of violence from a lefty on MSNBC and his guest AFTER REPUBLICANS WON!

Nice try but not even close!


In wingnut world, Angles' "2nd amendment remedies" are about elections....because the 2nd Amend is ALL about elections :cuckoo:

Has Ted Rall engaged in any violence? Has Ted Rall threatened to take anyone out?
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