Hidden Inteligence.


May 25, 2013
This is the something that you needs. This is the hidden inteligence witch has been learnt by the rcherst and most powerfull people on the world. Look on it otherwise. What did you learnt at school ? Did they teachs you how to earn/raise money ? Did they teach you how to live in cool standards ? So let me introduce you to the Hidden Inteligence.

Most of us don't know about NLP. Neurolinguistic Programming is the language of the hypnosis and other things. You can have anything you want and you can control anything you want.

Body Language. We are using only 30 % to says and hears. Rest of all is the body. Our moves, our behaviours create's us characters. It's so funny to learnt a powerfull skill that's make you ability to know everythings about other people.

Economics, politycs, business ... Everythings goes thru circle. Cashflow is still running. You just need to enter the game for better tomorrow. How to do it ? That's in your intence. I'll share with you a powerfull channel witch makes you ability to do WHAT YOU WANT, NOT WHAT YOU MUST TO DO.


Stay up for the updates that will comes soon and for eternity enjoy the lessons for now.

Kindly Regards,
Granny says, Mebbe it's hidin'...

... behind the second L dat ain't there...

... inna thread's title.

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