Highest muder rate in 47 years !!!

I don't think speaking out about cops murdering unarmed people equates to attacking the police. The problem is you fright-wingers don't think much of common folk of any race but you are especially contemptuous of Black life..
No, we on the right are contemptuous of out of control thugs that create problems and wrestle with cops. Most of us know better by the time we are 5. And Obama often jumped on board any hyped up media event against cops and didn't apologize when the dumb asshole was proven wrong. Cops have died due to the hysteria, crime has risen where they have backed off. It's liberals creating more and more problems. Time to clean it up!

And he supports al sharpton...the anti cop racist and had black lies matter into the White HOuse.......and he has used the Department of Justice to attack police departments ......that is how obama has attacked police....
Damn right I support Al Sharpton.. Someone has to stand up against fright -wing tyranny in this country. And some one has to stand up against anti-black racist cops and the departments that protects them. Obama is Black so he did the right thing by using the Justice Deportment to investigate rogue police agencies and FIND the racism therein. I don't ever expect a White president to ever do that!
Like all losers you can't place blame where it belongs. A much higher percent of the black population is out of control and can't act civilized. Cops get called in to fix it and have to deal with the mayhem.

Sharpton is a race pimp that lines his pockets with anti-police propaganda. Obama did nothing but play into the rhetoric, put cops in harms way and some killed just for wearing the uniform. Obama will go down in history as a giant skid mark on race relations.
With White racists compiling and making statistics, Blacks can be made to be as criminal as you people want them to be. Who would know any different? I would never trust data compiled by murderers, racists and liars but I can understand why YOU would. The FBI UCR is just a reflection of data forwarded to them from myriad police agencies all across the nation and it is voluntary. Some don't report at all. And many of those that do report are free to embellish as they wish to justify their fiscal budgets.

So who is the race pimp? Its not Sharpton. It is the owners of private prisons and the fright-wingers like you who buy the stock in them. It is the biased justice system that deals Blacks harsher punishments for the same crimes their White counterparts commit so they can fill their private prisons with the "proper " inmates. Simultaneously, they can strip the voting power from the Black community to keep them from "fixing" the white problem. Screw you and this corrupt system. The crimes you are committing in the name of law and order is a sham. And hiding behind the transparent Constitution won't help...there is a light behind you. We can see the monster in the torch lights of justice wielded by throngs of Christians, Muslims and people who refuse to be indoctrinated by the myths and propaganda fomented by Right wing devils!
Everything is whitey's fault huh? Even the statistics. You are nothing less than a racist bigot.
GOOD! I like that scenario about as much as you liike Jeff Sessions as attorney general. BTW Obama should have made AL Sharpton Attorney General. He would have cleared out all the racist cops and departments, Now it is back to business as usual... killer cops just got their licensees to kill renewed.
You're the type that cannot learn and will likely end up stuffed into the back of a squad car. If not already. Blacks are the biggest racists in the country so Alligator Mouth Al would have fit well with the racist president.
I'm the type who was stuffed in the front seat of a squad car with a heavy .357 magnum strapped to my hip. I'm the type who worked right besides racist cops with itchy trigger fingers. I'm the type of guy who intervened when I saw cops getting out of control and abusing a suspect. I'm the type of guy who treated ALL citizens the same
regardless of race. I'm the kind of guy who knows wtf he is talking about from experience. And YOU?????
I know you're full of shit because I've been a decade long member on a LEO forum and you sir, were not a cop for long if ever.
er...you don't think my real name is JQPublic1, do you? heh heh heh!
No, we on the right are contemptuous of out of control thugs that create problems and wrestle with cops. Most of us know better by the time we are 5. And Obama often jumped on board any hyped up media event against cops and didn't apologize when the dumb asshole was proven wrong. Cops have died due to the hysteria, crime has risen where they have backed off. It's liberals creating more and more problems. Time to clean it up!

And he supports al sharpton...the anti cop racist and had black lies matter into the White HOuse.......and he has used the Department of Justice to attack police departments ......that is how obama has attacked police....
Damn right I support Al Sharpton.. Someone has to stand up against fright -wing tyranny in this country. And some one has to stand up against anti-black racist cops and the departments that protects them. Obama is Black so he did the right thing by using the Justice Deportment to investigate rogue police agencies and FIND the racism therein. I don't ever expect a White president to ever do that!
Like all losers you can't place blame where it belongs. A much higher percent of the black population is out of control and can't act civilized. Cops get called in to fix it and have to deal with the mayhem.

Sharpton is a race pimp that lines his pockets with anti-police propaganda. Obama did nothing but play into the rhetoric, put cops in harms way and some killed just for wearing the uniform. Obama will go down in history as a giant skid mark on race relations.
With White racists compiling and making statistics, Blacks can be made to be as criminal as you people want them to be. Who would know any different? I would never trust data compiled by murderers, racists and liars but I can understand why YOU would. The FBI UCR is just a reflection of data forwarded to them from myriad police agencies all across the nation and it is voluntary. Some don't report at all. And many of those that do report are free to embellish as they wish to justify their fiscal budgets.

So who is the race pimp? Its not Sharpton. It is the owners of private prisons and the fright-wingers like you who buy the stock in them. It is the biased justice system that deals Blacks harsher punishments for the same crimes their White counterparts commit so they can fill their private prisons with the "proper " inmates. Simultaneously, they can strip the voting power from the Black community to keep them from "fixing" the white problem. Screw you and this corrupt system. The crimes you are committing in the name of law and order is a sham. And hiding behind the transparent Constitution won't help...there is a light behind you. We can see the monster in the torch lights of justice wielded by throngs of Christians, Muslims and people who refuse to be indoctrinated by the myths and propaganda fomented by Right wing devils!
Everything is whitey's fault huh? Even the statistics. You are nothing less than a racist bigot.

Amongst the fringe.........very few Americans think like this guy. Just take a gander on social media......nobody is talking like this.

Whats funny is.......jerkoffs like this guy did this for 15 months, then came the election and the dolts got their clocks cleaned.:coffee: They still dont get the California sentiment is a loser politically..........fine with us!!:deal:
No, we on the right are contemptuous of out of control thugs that create problems and wrestle with cops. Most of us know better by the time we are 5. And Obama often jumped on board any hyped up media event against cops and didn't apologize when the dumb asshole was proven wrong. Cops have died due to the hysteria, crime has risen where they have backed off. It's liberals creating more and more problems. Time to clean it up!

And he supports al sharpton...the anti cop racist and had black lies matter into the White HOuse.......and he has used the Department of Justice to attack police departments ......that is how obama has attacked police....
Damn right I support Al Sharpton.. Someone has to stand up against fright -wing tyranny in this country. And some one has to stand up against anti-black racist cops and the departments that protects them. Obama is Black so he did the right thing by using the Justice Deportment to investigate rogue police agencies and FIND the racism therein. I don't ever expect a White president to ever do that!
Like all losers you can't place blame where it belongs. A much higher percent of the black population is out of control and can't act civilized. Cops get called in to fix it and have to deal with the mayhem.

Sharpton is a race pimp that lines his pockets with anti-police propaganda. Obama did nothing but play into the rhetoric, put cops in harms way and some killed just for wearing the uniform. Obama will go down in history as a giant skid mark on race relations.
With White racists compiling and making statistics, Blacks can be made to be as criminal as you people want them to be. Who would know any different? I would never trust data compiled by murderers, racists and liars but I can understand why YOU would. The FBI UCR is just a reflection of data forwarded to them from myriad police agencies all across the nation and it is voluntary. Some don't report at all. And many of those that do report are free to embellish as they wish to justify their fiscal budgets.

So who is the race pimp? Its not Sharpton. It is the owners of private prisons and the fright-wingers like you who buy the stock in them. It is the biased justice system that deals Blacks harsher punishments for the same crimes their White counterparts commit so they can fill their private prisons with the "proper " inmates. Simultaneously, they can strip the voting power from the Black community to keep them from "fixing" the white problem. Screw you and this corrupt system. The crimes you are committing in the name of law and order is a sham. And hiding behind the transparent Constitution won't help...there is a light behind you. We can see the monster in the torch lights of justice wielded by throngs of Christians, Muslims and people who refuse to be indoctrinated by the myths and propaganda fomented by Right wing devils!
Everything is whitey's fault huh? Even the statistics. You are nothing less than a racist bigot.
Racist bigots always call me a racist bigot when I uncover their evil ways.
And he supports al sharpton...the anti cop racist and had black lies matter into the White HOuse.......and he has used the Department of Justice to attack police departments ......that is how obama has attacked police....
Damn right I support Al Sharpton.. Someone has to stand up against fright -wing tyranny in this country. And some one has to stand up against anti-black racist cops and the departments that protects them. Obama is Black so he did the right thing by using the Justice Deportment to investigate rogue police agencies and FIND the racism therein. I don't ever expect a White president to ever do that!
Like all losers you can't place blame where it belongs. A much higher percent of the black population is out of control and can't act civilized. Cops get called in to fix it and have to deal with the mayhem.

Sharpton is a race pimp that lines his pockets with anti-police propaganda. Obama did nothing but play into the rhetoric, put cops in harms way and some killed just for wearing the uniform. Obama will go down in history as a giant skid mark on race relations.
With White racists compiling and making statistics, Blacks can be made to be as criminal as you people want them to be. Who would know any different? I would never trust data compiled by murderers, racists and liars but I can understand why YOU would. The FBI UCR is just a reflection of data forwarded to them from myriad police agencies all across the nation and it is voluntary. Some don't report at all. And many of those that do report are free to embellish as they wish to justify their fiscal budgets.

So who is the race pimp? Its not Sharpton. It is the owners of private prisons and the fright-wingers like you who buy the stock in them. It is the biased justice system that deals Blacks harsher punishments for the same crimes their White counterparts commit so they can fill their private prisons with the "proper " inmates. Simultaneously, they can strip the voting power from the Black community to keep them from "fixing" the white problem. Screw you and this corrupt system. The crimes you are committing in the name of law and order is a sham. And hiding behind the transparent Constitution won't help...there is a light behind you. We can see the monster in the torch lights of justice wielded by throngs of Christians, Muslims and people who refuse to be indoctrinated by the myths and propaganda fomented by Right wing devils!
Everything is whitey's fault huh? Even the statistics. You are nothing less than a racist bigot.
Racist bigots always call me a racist bigot when I uncover their evil ways.
Spoken like a 10 year old.
Damn right I support Al Sharpton.. Someone has to stand up against fright -wing tyranny in this country. And some one has to stand up against anti-black racist cops and the departments that protects them. Obama is Black so he did the right thing by using the Justice Deportment to investigate rogue police agencies and FIND the racism therein. I don't ever expect a White president to ever do that!
Like all losers you can't place blame where it belongs. A much higher percent of the black population is out of control and can't act civilized. Cops get called in to fix it and have to deal with the mayhem.

Sharpton is a race pimp that lines his pockets with anti-police propaganda. Obama did nothing but play into the rhetoric, put cops in harms way and some killed just for wearing the uniform. Obama will go down in history as a giant skid mark on race relations.
With White racists compiling and making statistics, Blacks can be made to be as criminal as you people want them to be. Who would know any different? I would never trust data compiled by murderers, racists and liars but I can understand why YOU would. The FBI UCR is just a reflection of data forwarded to them from myriad police agencies all across the nation and it is voluntary. Some don't report at all. And many of those that do report are free to embellish as they wish to justify their fiscal budgets.

So who is the race pimp? Its not Sharpton. It is the owners of private prisons and the fright-wingers like you who buy the stock in them. It is the biased justice system that deals Blacks harsher punishments for the same crimes their White counterparts commit so they can fill their private prisons with the "proper " inmates. Simultaneously, they can strip the voting power from the Black community to keep them from "fixing" the white problem. Screw you and this corrupt system. The crimes you are committing in the name of law and order is a sham. And hiding behind the transparent Constitution won't help...there is a light behind you. We can see the monster in the torch lights of justice wielded by throngs of Christians, Muslims and people who refuse to be indoctrinated by the myths and propaganda fomented by Right wing devils!
Everything is whitey's fault huh? Even the statistics. You are nothing less than a racist bigot.
Racist bigots always call me a racist bigot when I uncover their evil ways.
Spoken like a 10 year old.
Some 10 year olds are wise beyond their years..Perhaps you are comparing me to a 10 year old genius????
Trumpets are so used with Trump never ending lies that they no longer recognize the truth or the reality. Sad.

Stats from FBI proved Trump is lying.
Stats from the FBI are formed by voluntary information
from law enforcement agencies across the United States

That info is then divided by the population
and multiplied by the sample size.

So, a city with 20,000 people and 1,000 as the sample size
recorded 1,500 murders in year x
the murder rate for that city is roughly 13 murders per 1,000

The following year, the same city
had a population increase and 1,000 more murders
Now, 40,000 people and 1,000 more murders
only increases the murder rate by 3, to 16 murders per 1,000



"Voluntary information?" You mean a compilation of their crime reports... you know, from actual crimes? Your simplistic understanding of stats is funny...
"Voluntary information?" You mean a compilation of their crime reports... you know, from actual crimes? Your simplistic understanding of stats is funny...
You stupid, think your smart, don't know shit, cock sucker

Simplistic...your ass bitch!
You don't even have a clue what you're talking about.

Statistics are produced from data received from over 18,000 city, university/college, county, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies voluntarily participating in the program. The crime data are submitted either through a state UCR Program or directly to the FBI’s UCR Program.

No, no link for you, do your own fucking homework!

Why don't you do us all a favor and go to a thread
better suited for your intellectual capacity,
and useless input....kids don't belong here!

No link? Means you are bogus.
No link? Means you are bogus.
Fuck off...I supplied the link, look for it
Trumpets are so used with Trump never ending lies that they no longer recognize the truth or the reality. Sad.

Stats from FBI proved Trump is lying.
Stats from the FBI are formed by voluntary information
from law enforcement agencies across the United States

That info is then divided by the population
and multiplied by the sample size.

So, a city with 20,000 people and 1,000 as the sample size
recorded 1,500 murders in year x
the murder rate for that city is roughly 13 murders per 1,000

The following year, the same city
had a population increase and 1,000 more murders
Now, 40,000 people and 1,000 more murders
only increases the murder rate by 3, to 16 murders per 1,000



"Voluntary information?" You mean a compilation of their crime reports... you know, from actual crimes? Your simplistic understanding of stats is funny...
"Voluntary information?" You mean a compilation of their crime reports... you know, from actual crimes? Your simplistic understanding of stats is funny...
You stupid, think your smart, don't know shit, cock sucker

Simplistic...your ass bitch!
You don't even have a clue what you're talking about.

Statistics are produced from data received from over 18,000 city, university/college, county, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies voluntarily participating in the program. The crime data are submitted either through a state UCR Program or directly to the FBI’s UCR Program.

No, no link for you, do your own fucking homework!

Why don't you do us all a favor and go to a thread
better suited for your intellectual capacity,
and useless input....kids don't belong here!

No link? Means you are bogus.
No link? Means you are bogus.
Fuck off...I supplied the link, look for it

Why the hell I need to look it up? Why don't you just post it when I asked you bc you're babbling something with nothing to back it up.
Stats from the FBI are formed by voluntary information
from law enforcement agencies across the United States

That info is then divided by the population
and multiplied by the sample size.

So, a city with 20,000 people and 1,000 as the sample size
recorded 1,500 murders in year x
the murder rate for that city is roughly 13 murders per 1,000

The following year, the same city
had a population increase and 1,000 more murders
Now, 40,000 people and 1,000 more murders
only increases the murder rate by 3, to 16 murders per 1,000



"Voluntary information?" You mean a compilation of their crime reports... you know, from actual crimes? Your simplistic understanding of stats is funny...
"Voluntary information?" You mean a compilation of their crime reports... you know, from actual crimes? Your simplistic understanding of stats is funny...
You stupid, think your smart, don't know shit, cock sucker

Simplistic...your ass bitch!
You don't even have a clue what you're talking about.

Statistics are produced from data received from over 18,000 city, university/college, county, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies voluntarily participating in the program. The crime data are submitted either through a state UCR Program or directly to the FBI’s UCR Program.

No, no link for you, do your own fucking homework!

Why don't you do us all a favor and go to a thread
better suited for your intellectual capacity,
and useless input....kids don't belong here!

No link? Means you are bogus.
No link? Means you are bogus.
Fuck off...I supplied the link, look for it

Why the hell I need to look it up? Why don't you just post it when I asked you bc you're babbling something with nothing to back it up.
Why the hell I need to look it up? Why don't you just post it when I asked you bc you're babbling something with nothing to back it up.
Wtf...has Lewdog rubbed off on you
or, are you just another fine example of
someone without comprehension skills
that is suffering from diarrhea for brains?

I didn't tell you to look it up,
I told you I supplied it, look for it

I posted a link in my next post,
following the post I stated I wouldn't.

Post #51, I said I wouldn't supply the link,
post #53, I supplied the link anyway.

Did you stop reading the thread,
or are you unable to recognize a link?

Grab some Play-Doh and retreat to the nearest safe space!
"Voluntary information?" You mean a compilation of their crime reports... you know, from actual crimes? Your simplistic understanding of stats is funny...
"Voluntary information?" You mean a compilation of their crime reports... you know, from actual crimes? Your simplistic understanding of stats is funny...
You stupid, think your smart, don't know shit, cock sucker

Simplistic...your ass bitch!
You don't even have a clue what you're talking about.

Statistics are produced from data received from over 18,000 city, university/college, county, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies voluntarily participating in the program. The crime data are submitted either through a state UCR Program or directly to the FBI’s UCR Program.

No, no link for you, do your own fucking homework!

Why don't you do us all a favor and go to a thread
better suited for your intellectual capacity,
and useless input....kids don't belong here!

No link? Means you are bogus.
No link? Means you are bogus.
Fuck off...I supplied the link, look for it

Why the hell I need to look it up? Why don't you just post it when I asked you bc you're babbling something with nothing to back it up.
Why the hell I need to look it up? Why don't you just post it when I asked you bc you're babbling something with nothing to back it up.
Wtf...has Lewdog rubbed off on you
or, are you just another fine example of
someone without comprehension skills
that is suffering from diarrhea for brains?

I didn't tell you to look it up,
I told you I supplied it, look for it

I posted a link in my next post,
following the post I stated I wouldn't.

Post #51, I said I wouldn't supply the link,
post #53, I supplied the link anyway.

Did you stop reading the thread,
or are you unable to recognize a link?

Grab some Play-Doh and retreat to the nearest safe space!

Are you still in here spouting off? Why don't you go read a book and get some actual knowledge for once and quit trying to act like you do... when you obviously have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Do you know the difference between having knowledge of something and understanding it?
You stupid, think your smart, don't know shit, cock sucker

Simplistic...your ass bitch!
You don't even have a clue what you're talking about.

Statistics are produced from data received from over 18,000 city, university/college, county, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies voluntarily participating in the program. The crime data are submitted either through a state UCR Program or directly to the FBI’s UCR Program.

No, no link for you, do your own fucking homework!

Why don't you do us all a favor and go to a thread
better suited for your intellectual capacity,
and useless input....kids don't belong here!

No link? Means you are bogus.
No link? Means you are bogus.
Fuck off...I supplied the link, look for it

Why the hell I need to look it up? Why don't you just post it when I asked you bc you're babbling something with nothing to back it up.
Why the hell I need to look it up? Why don't you just post it when I asked you bc you're babbling something with nothing to back it up.
Wtf...has Lewdog rubbed off on you
or, are you just another fine example of
someone without comprehension skills
that is suffering from diarrhea for brains?

I didn't tell you to look it up,
I told you I supplied it, look for it

I posted a link in my next post,
following the post I stated I wouldn't.

Post #51, I said I wouldn't supply the link,
post #53, I supplied the link anyway.

Did you stop reading the thread,
or are you unable to recognize a link?

Grab some Play-Doh and retreat to the nearest safe space!

Are you still in here spouting off? Why don't you go read a book and get some actual knowledge for once and quit trying to act like you do... when you obviously have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Do you know the difference between having knowledge of something and understanding it?
Are you still in here spouting off? Why don't you go read a book and get some actual knowledge for once and quit trying to act like you do... when you obviously have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Do you know the difference between having knowledge of something and understanding it?
ROFLMMFAO...well, I see you're still running strong!

Obviously, you like to showcase your stupidity here.
Obviously, you don't realize that knowledge IS
an understanding of a subject!

Maybe you would like to attempt to rephrase your idiocy
No link? Means you are bogus.
No link? Means you are bogus.
Fuck off...I supplied the link, look for it

Why the hell I need to look it up? Why don't you just post it when I asked you bc you're babbling something with nothing to back it up.
Why the hell I need to look it up? Why don't you just post it when I asked you bc you're babbling something with nothing to back it up.
Wtf...has Lewdog rubbed off on you
or, are you just another fine example of
someone without comprehension skills
that is suffering from diarrhea for brains?

I didn't tell you to look it up,
I told you I supplied it, look for it

I posted a link in my next post,
following the post I stated I wouldn't.

Post #51, I said I wouldn't supply the link,
post #53, I supplied the link anyway.

Did you stop reading the thread,
or are you unable to recognize a link?

Grab some Play-Doh and retreat to the nearest safe space!

Are you still in here spouting off? Why don't you go read a book and get some actual knowledge for once and quit trying to act like you do... when you obviously have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Do you know the difference between having knowledge of something and understanding it?
Are you still in here spouting off? Why don't you go read a book and get some actual knowledge for once and quit trying to act like you do... when you obviously have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Do you know the difference between having knowledge of something and understanding it?
ROFLMMFAO...well, I see you're still running strong!

Obviously, you like to showcase your stupidity here.
Obviously, you don't realize that knowledge IS
an understanding of a subject!

Maybe you would like to attempt to rephrase your idiocy

No, no it isn't. You can know about Global Warming, but you can not understand how it works. You know an engine runs, but you don't have to understand how it works to do so. The fact you can't understand that simple concept says everything anyone needs to know about you and your Google knowledge.
According to the liar in chief. He lies more than Kim Jong Un.
Trump falsely claims US murder rate is 'highest' in 47 years - CNNPolitics.com

He didn't say the "US" murder rate, and he said "I'd guess". Murder rates in urban cities are very high, and he wants to fix it. But all you loons can do is dissect every little statement he makes when he is just talking like a normal person.

What is the point of going after him on this? To prevent him from taking measures to lower crime? That will help you Dimwits in the next election.
Silly ass, the murder rate in Chicago peaked in 1994, but has gone down since then. That the slimy orange clown has to lie about the crime rate in the US is just par for the course with the clown. That stupid assholes like you believe those lies without ever checking on them simply validates that title of deplorable that you have earned.

In Chicago, 35,000 people have been murdered in 50 years
Murder rates in top 50 urban areas have gone up dramatically. And that's because the previous administration constantly attacked the police. So the police backed off and let the people see what happens when you don't let them do their jobs, and you turn the streets over to the thugs and criminals.
You are one fucked up liar. Here is the reality;

In Chicago, 35,000 people have been murdered in 50 years

About half what it was in 1994.
According to the liar in chief. He lies more than Kim Jong Un.
Trump falsely claims US murder rate is 'highest' in 47 years - CNNPolitics.com

He didn't say the "US" murder rate, and he said "I'd guess". Murder rates in urban cities are very high, and he wants to fix it. But all you loons can do is dissect every little statement he makes when he is just talking like a normal person.

What is the point of going after him on this? To prevent him from taking measures to lower crime? That will help you Dimwits in the next election.
The point is that the orange clown is a psychotic liar, and hardly to be trusted on any issue.
Fuck off...I supplied the link, look for it

Why the hell I need to look it up? Why don't you just post it when I asked you bc you're babbling something with nothing to back it up.
Why the hell I need to look it up? Why don't you just post it when I asked you bc you're babbling something with nothing to back it up.
Wtf...has Lewdog rubbed off on you
or, are you just another fine example of
someone without comprehension skills
that is suffering from diarrhea for brains?

I didn't tell you to look it up,
I told you I supplied it, look for it

I posted a link in my next post,
following the post I stated I wouldn't.

Post #51, I said I wouldn't supply the link,
post #53, I supplied the link anyway.

Did you stop reading the thread,
or are you unable to recognize a link?

Grab some Play-Doh and retreat to the nearest safe space!

Are you still in here spouting off? Why don't you go read a book and get some actual knowledge for once and quit trying to act like you do... when you obviously have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Do you know the difference between having knowledge of something and understanding it?
Are you still in here spouting off? Why don't you go read a book and get some actual knowledge for once and quit trying to act like you do... when you obviously have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Do you know the difference between having knowledge of something and understanding it?
ROFLMMFAO...well, I see you're still running strong!

Obviously, you like to showcase your stupidity here.
Obviously, you don't realize that knowledge IS
an understanding of a subject!

Maybe you would like to attempt to rephrase your idiocy

No, no it isn't. You can know about Global Warming, but you can not understand how it works. You know an engine runs, but you don't have to understand how it works to do so. The fact you can't understand that simple concept says everything anyone needs to know about you and your Google knowledge.
No, no it isn't. You can know about Global Warming, but you can not understand how it works. You know an engine runs, but you don't have to understand how it works to do so. The fact you can't understand that simple concept says everything anyone needs to know about you and your Google knowledge.
It's not?

You are aware that the word 'know'
and the word 'knowledge', are 2 different words,
having 2 different meanings, regardless of the fact,
that one word is derived from the other....yes

You used the words knowledge and understanding, at first
Now, you're using 'know', which is better but, how bout this...

You may be aware of Global warming but,
you're lack of knowledge on the subject
renders your opinion useless.

The engine example was acceptable.

Seeing how your name isn't Google...stop acting like
you are fucking knowledgeable about everything!
Why the hell I need to look it up? Why don't you just post it when I asked you bc you're babbling something with nothing to back it up.
Why the hell I need to look it up? Why don't you just post it when I asked you bc you're babbling something with nothing to back it up.
Wtf...has Lewdog rubbed off on you
or, are you just another fine example of
someone without comprehension skills
that is suffering from diarrhea for brains?

I didn't tell you to look it up,
I told you I supplied it, look for it

I posted a link in my next post,
following the post I stated I wouldn't.

Post #51, I said I wouldn't supply the link,
post #53, I supplied the link anyway.

Did you stop reading the thread,
or are you unable to recognize a link?

Grab some Play-Doh and retreat to the nearest safe space!

Are you still in here spouting off? Why don't you go read a book and get some actual knowledge for once and quit trying to act like you do... when you obviously have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Do you know the difference between having knowledge of something and understanding it?
Are you still in here spouting off? Why don't you go read a book and get some actual knowledge for once and quit trying to act like you do... when you obviously have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Do you know the difference between having knowledge of something and understanding it?
ROFLMMFAO...well, I see you're still running strong!

Obviously, you like to showcase your stupidity here.
Obviously, you don't realize that knowledge IS
an understanding of a subject!

Maybe you would like to attempt to rephrase your idiocy

No, no it isn't. You can know about Global Warming, but you can not understand how it works. You know an engine runs, but you don't have to understand how it works to do so. The fact you can't understand that simple concept says everything anyone needs to know about you and your Google knowledge.
No, no it isn't. You can know about Global Warming, but you can not understand how it works. You know an engine runs, but you don't have to understand how it works to do so. The fact you can't understand that simple concept says everything anyone needs to know about you and your Google knowledge.
It's not?

You are aware that the word 'know'
and the word 'knowledge', are 2 different words,
having 2 different meanings, regardless of the fact,
that one word is derived from the other....yes

You used the words knowledge and understanding, at first
Now, you're using 'know', which is better but, how bout this...

You may be aware of Global warming but,
you're lack of knowledge on the subject
renders your opinion useless.

The engine example was acceptable.

Seeing how your name isn't Google...stop acting like
you are fucking knowledgeable about everything!

The fact you were put in your place and you still fight it shows just how ignorant you are. Just keep digging and let me know when you hit China.
Murder rates in top 50 urban areas have gone up dramatically. And that's because the previous administration constantly attacked the police. So the police backed off and let the people see what happens when you don't let them do their jobs, and you turn the streets over to the thugs and criminals.
You are one fucked up liar. Here is the reality;

In Chicago, 35,000 people have been murdered in 50 years

About half what it was in 1994.

The 'reality' your chart shows doesn't include all of 2016.

According to that chart 1994 saw 930 homicides.

2016 saw a drastic spike, with 762 total for the year, so more like 80% of that 1994 level, and the highest rate in 19 years.

2016 Chicago homicides is highest in 19 years, report says - CNN.com
OK, so we have had a one year spike in the killings in Chicago, still less than 45 years ago. And, yes, it does need to be addressed. However, if the orange clown's addressing of the immigration ban is an example of his methods, I think we need someone with a bit more sense to do the addressing.

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