Hillary Blames Benghazi For 2016 Loss

Clinton laments how Benghazi tragedy hurt her politically

How dare Ambassador Stevens allow himself to be murdered by terrorists on 9/11/12, along with 3 other selfish Americans, partially causing HER to lose the 2016 Presidential election?!

This is the bit@h who laughed when asked about how the State Department denied Stevens' more than 50 requests for additional security - even after 2 terrorist attacks on the compound, claiming she thought he was 'JOKING' and that she thought those requests were 'just part of his sense of humor'.

This is the same bit@h who angrily screamed in front of Congress about the needless deaths of 4 Americans she could have prevented, "At this point, WHAT DOES IT MATTER?"

Sorry YOU lost the ELECTION because of THEM, but THEY lost their LIVES because of YOU!

Thank GOD this freaking self-serving traitorous criminal did not win the election!
The shrew has blamed everything, including herself. She may be on to something.
Shit. She blames everyone and everything but herself. She is/was a lousy candidate with near zero likeability.

Not that I like Trump any better, I find him sleazy. Oily, like a used car salesman...

Car sales men aren't that flashy. Run with Herb Tarlek. That way you get sleazy AND flashy.

Clinton laments how Benghazi tragedy hurt her politically

How dare Ambassador Stevens allow himself to be murdered by terrorists on 9/11/12, along with 3 other selfish Americans, partially causing HER to lose the 2016 Presidential election?!

This is the bit@h who laughed when asked about how the State Department denied Stevens' more than 50 requests for additional security - even after 2 terrorist attacks on the compound, claiming she thought he was 'JOKING' and that she thought those requests were 'just part of his sense of humor'.

This is the same bit@h who angrily screamed in front of Congress about the needless deaths of 4 Americans she could have prevented, "At this point, WHAT DOES IT MATTER?"

Sorry YOU lost the ELECTION because of THEM, but THEY lost their LIVES because of YOU!

Thank GOD this freaking self-serving traitorous criminal did not win the election!

Sen. of State Hillary Clinton didn't kill the ambassador or the other people at Benghazi and your assertion that she did is intellectually bankrupt.

And whatever god you claimed influenced the election must have been a Russian one.
Welcome to the board. Pretty lame post tho. As you well know, no one is accusing Hillary of killing Ambassador Stephens or the other 3 Americans. What she failed to do was her job which was providing adequate security in an extremely volatile city. Between her unconscionable refusal to answer requests for more security and Obama's Stand Down order during the attack there is only one logical conclusion: Obama and Hillary deemed the Americans in Benghazi expendable.

Providing money for the State Department is congress' job. Can you tell me what they were doing with the budget money? The Secretary of State deals with the entire world and our outposts in it. To paint the Secretary as personally involved in one of it's outposts is intellectually lazy.

Give me a freaking break. She hired a Libyan rebel group to protect the Ambassador for optics. The money was there.

Oh the other thing about optics, the Libyans were only allowed to patrol with batons and flashlights.

What could possibly go wrong with this scenario?

"guards hired through a contractor by the State Department to protect the U.S. consulate in Benghazi were unvetted, local militia members who belonged to terrorist groups Al Qaeda and Ansar al-Sharia."

More at link:

Report: Benghazi Guards Hired By State Department Were Unvetted, Belonged to Al Qaeda
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Mrs. Bill Clinton needs professional help. That she won the popular vote must be psychologically therapeutic for her
I think 'Enabling' is the word you are looking for...


Let her keep talking. It's entertaining. Democrats will never win a presidential election again.
After 8 years of Obama, and then rigging the primaries for Hillary, I can't see much hope for them.
People have learned they can't be trusted.
Clinton laments how Benghazi tragedy hurt her politically

How dare Ambassador Stevens allow himself to be murdered by terrorists on 9/11/12, along with 3 other selfish Americans, partially causing HER to lose the 2016 Presidential election?!

This is the bit@h who laughed when asked about how the State Department denied Stevens' more than 50 requests for additional security - even after 2 terrorist attacks on the compound, claiming she thought he was 'JOKING' and that she thought those requests were 'just part of his sense of humor'.

This is the same bit@h who angrily screamed in front of Congress about the needless deaths of 4 Americans she could have prevented, "At this point, WHAT DOES IT MATTER?"

Sorry YOU lost the ELECTION because of THEM, but THEY lost their LIVES because of YOU!

Thank GOD this freaking self-serving traitorous criminal did not win the election!

Sen. of State Hillary Clinton didn't kill the ambassador or the other people at Benghazi and your assertion that she did is intellectually bankrupt.

And whatever god you claimed influenced the election must have been a Russian one.
Welcome to the board. Pretty lame post tho. As you well know, no one is accusing Hillary of killing Ambassador Stephens or the other 3 Americans. What she failed to do was her job which was providing adequate security in an extremely volatile city. Between her unconscionable refusal to answer requests for more security and Obama's Stand Down order during the attack there is only one logical conclusion: Obama and Hillary deemed the Americans in Benghazi expendable.

Providing money for the State Department is congress' job. Can you tell me what they were doing with the budget money? The Secretary of State deals with the entire world and our outposts in it. To paint the Secretary as personally involved in one of it's outposts is intellectually lazy.
She is the head of tje agency, responsible for those under her and the safety of State Dept personnel at home and abroad. She failed miserably, and 4 Americans paid the ultimate price for her F*-Up.

Again, she thought she could be President when she failed at being an Agency head?!

Clinton laments how Benghazi tragedy hurt her politically

How dare Ambassador Stevens allow himself to be murdered by terrorists on 9/11/12, along with 3 other selfish Americans, partially causing HER to lose the 2016 Presidential election?!

This is the bit@h who laughed when asked about how the State Department denied Stevens' more than 50 requests for additional security - even after 2 terrorist attacks on the compound, claiming she thought he was 'JOKING' and that she thought those requests were 'just part of his sense of humor'.

This is the same bit@h who angrily screamed in front of Congress about the needless deaths of 4 Americans she could have prevented, "At this point, WHAT DOES IT MATTER?"

Sorry YOU lost the ELECTION because of THEM, but THEY lost their LIVES because of YOU!

Thank GOD this freaking self-serving traitorous criminal did not win the election!

Sen. of State Hillary Clinton didn't kill the ambassador or the other people at Benghazi and your assertion that she did is intellectually bankrupt.

And whatever god you claimed influenced the election must have been a Russian one.
Welcome to the board. Pretty lame post tho. As you well know, no one is accusing Hillary of killing Ambassador Stephens or the other 3 Americans. What she failed to do was her job which was providing adequate security in an extremely volatile city. Between her unconscionable refusal to answer requests for more security and Obama's Stand Down order during the attack there is only one logical conclusion: Obama and Hillary deemed the Americans in Benghazi expendable.

Providing money for the State Department is congress' job. Can you tell me what they were doing with the budget money? The Secretary of State deals with the entire world and our outposts in it. To paint the Secretary as personally involved in one of it's outposts is intellectually lazy.

Give me a freaking break. She hired a Libyan rebel group to protect the Ambassador for optics. The money was there.

Oh the other thing about optics, the Libyans were only allowed to patrol with batons and flashlights.

What could possibly go wrong with this scenario?

"guards hired through a contractor by the State Department to protect the U.S. consulate in Benghazi were unvetted, local militia members who belonged to terrorist groups Al Qaeda and Ansar al-Sharia."

More at link:

Report: Benghazi Guards Hired By State Department Were Unvetted, Belonged to Al Qaeda
She hired an AL QAEDA-ASSOCIATED MILITIA to help protect Americans - and an Ambassador whose assassination AL QAEDA called for - from AL QAEDA.

The money was there. Even if it wasn't - which it was - are you telling me Hillary made the 'right' call by declaring, 'We don't have the money to protect them, so F* it - just leave them there piss-poorly protected instead of pulling them out, and let them die'?!

Yeah, go with that....
Clinton laments how Benghazi tragedy hurt her politically

How dare Ambassador Stevens allow himself to be murdered by terrorists on 9/11/12, along with 3 other selfish Americans, partially causing HER to lose the 2016 Presidential election?!

This is the bit@h who laughed when asked about how the State Department denied Stevens' more than 50 requests for additional security - even after 2 terrorist attacks on the compound, claiming she thought he was 'JOKING' and that she thought those requests were 'just part of his sense of humor'.

This is the same bit@h who angrily screamed in front of Congress about the needless deaths of 4 Americans she could have prevented, "At this point, WHAT DOES IT MATTER?"

Sorry YOU lost the ELECTION because of THEM, but THEY lost their LIVES because of YOU!

Thank GOD this freaking self-serving traitorous criminal did not win the election!
The shrew has blamed everything, including herself. She may be on to something.
Funny Heard her with my own ears saying the main reason was COMEY
I think she is partially correct in her assessment. In the situation there was plenty of blame to go around however the Republicans made Hillary bear all of the Obama's administration faults in handling it because she was the only viable political target.
I think she is partially correct in her assessment. In the situation there was plenty of blame to go around however the Republicans made Hillary bear all of the Obama's administration faults in handling it because she was the only viable political target.

Hillary does bear the burden of Benghazi.

She was Secretary of State, head of the agency responsible for protecting US Ambassadors and Americans / State Department Employees world-wide. You can't get any bigger failure in performing that task than having the 1st US Ambassador murdered in over 30 years along with 3 other Americans.

As Secretary of State SHE was responsible for her entire agency, responsible for those who worked for her, under her. Her admission / CLAIM that she had no idea what was going on in Benghazi, if it were true, would be SHOCKING as the head of the State Department.

NOT knowing that there had been a call to assassinate Stevens, NOT knowing a call for a Middle-East-Wide terrorist attack on US Embassies on 9/11/12, NOT knowing the Benghazi compound had been attacked twice, NOT knowing every other nation had pulled their people out because of the growing violence and pending attack, NOT knowing about Stevens' more than 50 requests for additional security, and NOT knowing about all of those requests having been denied is an unbelievably amazing admission of incompetence and ignorance regarding what is going on in your own agency.

This was not the case, however. Despite her claims of not personally being aware of those matters, when she was pressed during questioning before Congress she admitted she knew about all of Stevens' requests for additional security... and LAUGHED, attempting to brush them off by saying she thought the 50+ requests were part of his 'sense of humor' and continually running 'joke'. (WTF?! And this is AFTER the man was dead and it was blatantly obvious that his pleas for additional security was not a 'joke' but a plea for his life...and here she is in front of Congress just laughing about it!)

Her admission that she knew about the requests after all contradicted her claim that she knew nothing about it and that they were being handled by someone lower in the State Department. In other words, before Congress she proved she had lied her ass off about not knowing....and, again, if she had not known it would have been an admission of incompetence and failed leadership as Secretary of State.

The State Department was ALL HERS - HER responsibility...and she F*ed it Up. She wanted to be President, but she f*ed up foreign policy, failed at her job to protect Americans abroad, and cost 4 Americans their lives.

Snowflake claims that criticism of Hillary as Secretary of State is un-deserved is another demonstration of the Left's rejection of 'accountability'.

Further demonstration is how snowflakes are attacking the President - Executive Branch - for the failure of Congress - the Legislative Branch / McConnell and Ryan - to get legislation passed; however, at the same time they are claiming Hillary doesn't deserve criticism for the catastrophic failures that happened WITHIN HER OWN AGENCY.

Shit. She blames everyone and everything but herself. She is/was a lousy candidate with near zero likeability.

Not that I like Trump any better, I find him sleazy. Oily, like a used car salesman...

"He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else" - B. Franklin
"The "deplorables" came back to haunt Hillary.They expressed their feelings loud and clear. She spent big money but, in the end, had no game!" - Trump
Crooked Hillary actually wrote she was "tempted to make voodoo dolls" of political enemies and "stick them full of pins" This woman is a PSYCHOPATH.

'This woman is a PSYCHOPATH.'

...but a 'profiteering' psychopath - along with her book she has on sale and a chance to see her in person for an ass-load of money, she is also selling her own line of 'Donald Trump Voodoo Dolls on Amazon:

Blaming the individuals whose terrorist murders she helped facilitate, however, for her 2016 election loss is beyond despicable.

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