Hillary Clinton MUST Apologize to Trump!

So getting back to the TOPIC, amid this onslaught of deflectors talking about Jersey City (OFF TOPIC!!), there still has been no APOLOGY from Hillary Clinton. This just goes to show even further, the lack of integrity of this despicable, trashy woman, who should be in jail, and be punished severely for endangering every American alive in America today.

Why go there where you flat out refuse to back up this claim of yours....?

WHY GO THERE ? Because that's where the TOPIC is, not your obvious DEFLECTION away from it to try to hide from the topic.
You think you can write this debate as fiction ? I don't refuse to back up anything. I said Hillary was FIRED, And I say it again. So ? I don't remember ever changing that.

Now how about this >>
Oh GIVE US A BRRREAK!!! What a joke to be obsessing over one guy in Hillary Clinton’s long dirty laundry list of misdeeds, that carries over 40 years. Yammering about this one incident of hers, is like devoting pages of posting to Charles Manson having possessed pot. Have the posters in this thread forgotten (Or never saw the post # 51 further back in the thread) ? Here it is again for your convenience >>

And don't forget > the TOPIC is about Hillary lying about a video of Trump, having been given to ISIS, and her long history of deceit. So stay on topic, or get out of the thread. Deflecting away from the topic won't save you here.


Let’s Be Friends

White House says Clinton did not heed e-mail policy

Unease at Clinton Foundation Over Finances and Ambitions

Clinton charities will refile tax returns, audit for other errors

Hillary Clinton fired from Judiciary Committee Investigating Watergate

Many Clinton charity donors also got State Department awards under Hillary

Despite Hillary Clinton promise, charity did not disclose donors

For Clinton’s, speech income shows how their wealth is intertwined with charity

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation as Russians Pressed for Control of Uranium Company

The Disastrous Clinton Post-Presidency

Do Hillary’s Fair-Pay Talking Points Apply to Her Own Family?

Clinton Foundation Quietly Revises Mexican Billionaire’s Donation

The Spy Satellite Secrets in Hillary’s Emails

Senate committee seeks email facts from Clinton’s tech company

Hilliary Servers Kept in Bathroom Closet of Loft Apartment

Hillary Clinton’s Computer Company Wasn’t Cleared for Classified Material

The Time Hillary Clinton Networked from a Funeral
I'm not deflecting, you are. You said, "there's a ton of things she did wrong to deserve to be fired."

None of the things you said above has anything to do with that. It's clear you were lying. You can't back that nonsense up. And now you're deflecting with unrelated events.

The gig is up, you've been exposed (again) as a fraud.
No shit, Sherlock. The question comes before the answer; the answer then follows the question.

It's much the same system here on Earth.
I won't even try to assemble that jibberish. Now please answer my question in Post # 202 (you might try reading the links in 209, first)
Pretty ironic, idn't it? You demanding answers from others while you flat out refuse to answer. You said....

"There's a ton of things she did wrong to deserve to be fired."

You even agreed to post what she did, yet when called on it, you post unrelated shit from years later.
If you could prove your claim, you would. That you run away from proving it, speaks for ya.
I ALREADY proved it. You just are in denial that's all. But I'm not dwelling on it, because that's would be feeding your deflection, which is incapable of dealing with the topic, which you're running scared from. Get on topic or got out of here.
I'm not deflecting, you are. You said, "there's a ton of things she did wrong to deserve to be fired."

None of the things you said above has anything to do with that. It's clear you were lying. You can't back that nonsense up. And now you're deflecting with unrelated events.

The gig is up, you've been exposed (again) as a fraud.
YOU ARE DEFLECTING. :eusa_naughty: :eusa_liar: :eusa_snooty: YOU cowardly refuse to confront the topic >> (Hillary lying about a video given to ISIS + her long history of lies) and instead, are trying to condense (and ruin) the thread (I'm not going to let you), into one small aspect about Hillary being fired from a Watergate committee, which is insignificant, relative to the total topic. Get on topic or get out of here, you gutless coward.

And if I'm deflecting, I'm only deflecting from your deflection, by which I'm putting the thread back on topic, as it should be.
Pretty ironic, idn't it? You demanding answers from others while you flat out refuse to answer. You said....

"There's a ton of things she did wrong to deserve to be fired."

You even agreed to post what she did, yet when called on it, you post unrelated shit from years later.
The stuff I posted is only unrelated to YOUR DEFLECTION, which itself is unrelated to the topic. I'm going to look up the rules of this forum, and if I find anything in there about going off topic being forbidden, I'm going to report about 2 dozen of your posts in this thread.
Partial List.

I would sum it up by saying elected to Senate twice, 4 years as SoS, 8 years as FLOTUS, and Grammy award winner. In other words, she is your superior in every way.
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OK. I found it. Here it is from the USMB Rules & Guidelines >>

  • Off-topic posts may be edited, trashed, deleted, or moved to an appropriate forum as per administrator & moderator discretion at any time within any forum and/or sub forum.
Partial List.

I would sum it up by saying elected to Senate twice, 4 years as SoS, 8 years as FLOTUS, and Grammy award winner. In other words, she is your superior in every way.


NO you haven't "summed up" a damn thing. Here's some of the stuff you forgot.

Huma Abedin. Longtime Hillary's close aide is a Muslim Brotherhood operative (Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs) and this is reflected in Hillary's horrendous reign as Sect of State, in which the mole Huma was the State Dept's Deputy chief of Staff.

Try THIS (Partial) list on for size >>

Huma Abedin - Wife of disgraced ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner, and State Dept. Deputy Chief of Staff under Hillary Clinton, she “has three family members–her late father, her mother and her brother–connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations. In addition, before becoming Hillary Clinton’s deputy, she was herself directly associated with a Brotherhood organization, the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, an organization founded and funded by Abdullah Omar Naseef, a major Muslim Brotherhood figure also involved in the financing of al Qaeda.
Since Abedin has held this position, an awful lot of pro-Muslim Brotherhood things have been happening at the State Dept. A Fulbright scholarship was awarded to Siham al-Qaradawi, the daughter of Sheikh Qaradawi, an Islamist scholar, and spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, who's banned from the USA, UK, and France. While the sheikh’s daughter is said to be an exceptional chemist, the world is full of exceptional chemists. How is it that Qaradawi’s daughter gets the State Department prize?
And since Secretary Clinton’s tenure began, with Huma Abedin serving as a top adviser, the United States has aligned itself with the Muslim Brotherhood in myriad ways. To name just a few (the list is by no means exhaustive):

Our government

1- reversed the policy against formal contacts with the Brotherhood;

2- funded Hamas;

3- continued funding Egypt even after the Brotherhood won the elections;

4- dropped an investigation of Brotherhood organizations in the U.S. that were previously identified as co-conspirators in the case of the Holy Land Foundation financing Hamas;

5- hosted Brotherhood delegations in the United States;

6- issued a visa to a member of the Islamic Group (a designated terrorist organization) and hosted him in Washington because he is part of the Brotherhood’s parliamentary coalition in Egypt;

7- announced that Israel should go back to its indefensible 1967 borders;

8- excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from a counterterrorism forum in which the State Department sought to “partner” with Islamist governments that do not regard attacks on Israel as terrorism;

9- and pressured Egypt’s pro-American military government to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president just elected by Egypt’s predominantly anti-American population.

10 - The Benghazi attacks, where Hillary MURDERED 4 Americans.

Makes us wonder >>> Hypothetically, if Huma Abedin did have a bias in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, and if she were actually acting on that bias to try to tilt American policy in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, what exactly would the State Department be doing differently?

PS - I am SUPERIOR to her in many ways.

1. I'm a veteran.

2. Like her, I'm also a college graduate.

3. I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level.

4. I have more than 100 works of art (drawing & paintings) that I've produced.

5. I have over 100 poems that I've written (some of them published here in this forum)

6. I'm a screenwriter with copyrighted scripts.

7. I'm a smart conservative, with integrity, not a :lame2:brained, moronic liberal, with all the integrity of a rattlesnake.



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