Hillary Clinton MUST Apologize to Trump!

Partial List.

I would sum it up by saying elected to Senate twice, 4 years as SoS, 8 years as FLOTUS, and Grammy award winner. In other words, she is your superior in every way.
Most of these are the routine things that govt officials are EXPECTED to do. some of th others are things that are DETRIMENTAL to America, and are thing that shame her. The Clinton Foundation you name as a GOOD thing. Are you nuts ? Huma Abedin - Wife of disgraced ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner, and State Dept. Deputy Chief of Staff under Hillary Clinton, she “has three family members–her late father, her mother and her brother–connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations. In addition, before becoming Hillary Clinton’s deputy, she was herself directly associated with a Brotherhood organization, the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, an organization founded and funded by Abdullah Omar Naseef, a major Muslim Brotherhood figure also involved in the financing of al Qaeda.
Since Abedin has held this position, an awful lot of pro-Muslim Brotherhood things have been happening at the State Dept. A Fulbright scholarship was awarded to Siham al-Qaradawi, the daughter of Sheikh Qaradawi, an Islamist scholar, and spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, who's banned from the USA, UK, and France. While the sheikh’s daughter is said to be an exceptional chemist, the world is full of exceptional chemists. How is it that Qaradawi’s daughter gets the State Department prize?
And since Secretary Clinton’s tenure began, with Huma Abedin serving as a top adviser, the United States has aligned itself with the Muslim Brotherhood in myriad ways. To name just a few (the list is by no means exhaustive):

Our government

1- reversed the policy against formal contacts with the Brotherhood;

2- funded Hamas;

3- continued funding Egypt even after the Brotherhood won the elections;

4- dropped an investigation of Brotherhood organizations in the U.S. that were previously identified as co-conspirators in the case of the Holy Land Foundation financing Hamas;

5- hosted Brotherhood delegations in the United States;

6- issued a visa to a member of the Islamic Group (a designated terrorist organization) and hosted him in Washington because he is part of the Brotherhood’s parliamentary coalition in Egypt;

7- announced that Israel should go back to its indefensible 1967 borders;

8- excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from a counterterrorism forum in which the State Department sought to “partner” with Islamist governments that do not regard attacks on Israel as terrorism;

9- and pressured Egypt’s pro-American military government to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president just elected by Egypt’s predominantly anti-American population.

Makes us wonder >>> Hypothetically, if Huma Abedin did have a bias in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, and if she were actually acting on that bias to try to tilt American policy in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, what exactly would the State Department be doing differently?
Free trade agreements you call good ? Huma Abedin - Wife of disgraced ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner, and State Dept. Deputy Chief of Staff under Hillary Clinton, she “has three family members–her late father, her mother and her brother–connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations. In addition, before becoming Hillary Clinton’s deputy, she was herself directly associated with a Brotherhood organization, the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, an organization founded and funded by Abdullah Omar Naseef, a major Muslim Brotherhood figure also involved in the financing of al Qaeda.
Since Abedin has held this position, an awful lot of pro-Muslim Brotherhood things have been happening at the State Dept. A Fulbright scholarship was awarded to Siham al-Qaradawi, the daughter of Sheikh Qaradawi, an Islamist scholar, and spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, who's banned from the USA, UK, and France. While the sheikh’s daughter is said to be an exceptional chemist, the world is full of exceptional chemists. How is it that Qaradawi’s daughter gets the State Department prize?
And since Secretary Clinton’s tenure began, with Huma Abedin serving as a top adviser, the United States has aligned itself with the Muslim Brotherhood in myriad ways. To name just a few (the list is by no means exhaustive):

Our government

1- reversed the policy against formal contacts with the Brotherhood;

2- funded Hamas;

3- continued funding Egypt even after the Brotherhood won the elections;

4- dropped an investigation of Brotherhood organizations in the U.S. that were previously identified as co-conspirators in the case of the Holy Land Foundation financing Hamas;

5- hosted Brotherhood delegations in the United States;

6- issued a visa to a member of the Islamic Group (a designated terrorist organization) and hosted him in Washington because he is part of the Brotherhood’s parliamentary coalition in Egypt;

7- announced that Israel should go back to its indefensible 1967 borders;

8- excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from a counterterrorism forum in which the State Department sought to “partner” with Islamist governments that do not regard attacks on Israel as terrorism;

9- and pressured Egypt’s pro-American military government to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president just elected by Egypt’s predominantly anti-American population.

Makes us wonder >>> Hypothetically, if Huma Abedin did have a bias in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, and if she were actually acting on that bias to try to tilt American policy in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, what exactly would the State Department be doing differently?
Partial List.

I would sum it up by saying elected to Senate twice, 4 years as SoS, 8 years as FLOTUS, and Grammy award winner. In other words, she is your superior in every way.
Most of what you listed here is stuff govt officials are EXPECTED to do.

Other parts of it are DISGRACES, nor credits. Such as the Clinton Foundation, free trade agreements, "most traveled" (all expenses paid trips around the world, wining & dining with foreign dignitaries, all at US taxpayer expenses, and accomplishing nothing)
unfounded rumors and lies...just like your combat experience in October....
They are FACTS, which ignorant, information-deprived liberals like you, suffering from liberal OMMISSION MEDIA, are typically oblivious to. Here's some more background that your liberal media deliberately withholds from you (which is why you know nothing about it).

Here's a bit more info (Bio) on Huma Abedin, for anyone who thinks they can brush her off as "not hard core." (bad guys bolded in red)

A letter was sent to the State Department accusing Abedin's late father, mother and brother of being connected to the Muslim Brotherhood, is far from being "unsubstantiated", as some Islamapologist (if not Islamist) critics whined. Not only is it a solid fact that they are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood, it's also a fact that Huma Abedin herself, is also connected to the Muslim Brotherhood.

She was an executive board member of George Washington University's (GWU) Muslim Students Association(MSA-the founding Muslim Brotherhood front group in America), heading the organization's “Social Committee.” A couple of the names that passed through that GWU-MSA were Anwar al-Awlaki, the al Qaeda advisor who mentored Major Nidal Hasan, who killed 13 US troops in Fort Hood, TX, and who himself was assassinated by US drones. Another was Mohamed Omeish, who headed the International Islamic Relief Organization, which has been tied to the funding of al Qaeda.

From 1996-2008, Abedin was employed by the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) as the assistant editor of its in-house publication, the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (JMMA). It is vital to note that IMMA's "Muslim Minority Affairs" agenda was, and remains to this day, a calculated foreign policy of the Saudi Ministry of Religious Affairs, designed, as journalist Andrew C. McCarthy (also the prosecuter of the1993 World Trade Center bombers/jihadists) explains, "to grow an unassimilated, aggressive population of Islamic supremacists who will gradually but dramatically alter the character of the West." The first seven of those years overlapped with the al Qaeda-affiliated Abdullah Omar Naseef's active presence at IMMA. Abedin's last six years at the Institute (2002-2008) were spent as a JMMA editorial board member; for one of those years, 2003, Naseef and Abedin served together on that board. When Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State in 2009, Abedin became her deputy chief of staff. At approximately that same point in time, Abedin's name was removed from the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs' masthead.

Her family members' connections to the Muslim Brotherhood are just as factual. Her brother and sister still remain as editors of the JMMA. Her mother, Dr. Saleha Abedin , is an influential member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s division for women, the Muslim Sisterhood. She is also a zealous advocate of sharia law’s oppression of women, and a board member of the International Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief. The IICDR has been long banned in Israel for supporting Hamas. It is also part of the Union for Good, which is a formally designated international terrorist organization under federal law. The Union for Good is led by Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the chief sharia jurist of the Muslim Brotherhood. He is the world’s most influential Islamic cleric, and has issued fatwas endorsing suicide bombings against Israel and terrorist attacks against American forces in Iraq.


You can get by using the INVALIDATION CARD with some not so knowledgable people. Not with me.

INVALIDATION is hard-wired into liberals.
So, back to the OP apology, Clinton doesn't owe the apology, she told the truth. Trump owes the apology for misquoting here so he could call her a liar. Trump isn't man enough to apologize or admit a mistake. He just doesn't have the character. He has been a landlord his whole life and a casino owner/operator.
If you could prove your claim, you would. That you run away from proving it, speaks for ya.
I ALREADY proved it. You just are in denial that's all. But I'm not dwelling on it, because that's would be feeding your deflection, which is incapable of dealing with the topic, which you're running scared from. Get on topic or got out of here.
Now you're lying because you can't prove it. You're actually claiming events that happened years after Nixon resigned led to her being fired when Nixon resigned.

You're mind-numbingly retarded. :cuckoo:
I'm not deflecting, you are. You said, "there's a ton of things she did wrong to deserve to be fired."

None of the things you said above has anything to do with that. It's clear you were lying. You can't back that nonsense up. And now you're deflecting with unrelated events.

The gig is up, you've been exposed (again) as a fraud.
YOU ARE DEFLECTING. :eusa_naughty: :eusa_liar: :eusa_snooty: YOU cowardly refuse to confront the topic >> (Hillary lying about a video given to ISIS + her long history of lies) and instead, are trying to condense (and ruin) the thread (I'm not going to let you), into one small aspect about Hillary being fired from a Watergate committee, which is insignificant, relative to the total topic. Get on topic or get out of here, you gutless coward.

And if I'm deflecting, I'm only deflecting from your deflection, by which I'm putting the thread back on topic, as it should be.
In a rather bizarre twist of irony, this protectionist putz whines about being off-topic about discussing his claim Hillary was fired from her role in Nixon's impeachment proceedings.

Yes, folks, he really is that deranged. To him, others are derailing his thread by challenging him to prove his claims.
Partial List.

I would sum it up by saying elected to Senate twice, 4 years as SoS, 8 years as FLOTUS, and Grammy award winner. In other words, she is your superior in every way.
Most of these are the routine things that govt officials are EXPECTED to do. some of th others are things that are DETRIMENTAL to America, and are thing that shame her. The Clinton Foundation you name as a GOOD thing. Are you nuts ? Huma Abedin - Wife of disgraced ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner, and State Dept. Deputy Chief of Staff under Hillary Clinton, she “has three family members–her late father, her mother and her brother–connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations. In addition, before becoming Hillary Clinton’s deputy, she was herself directly associated with a Brotherhood organization, the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, an organization founded and funded by Abdullah Omar Naseef, a major Muslim Brotherhood figure also involved in the financing of al Qaeda.
Since Abedin has held this position, an awful lot of pro-Muslim Brotherhood things have been happening at the State Dept. A Fulbright scholarship was awarded to Siham al-Qaradawi, the daughter of Sheikh Qaradawi, an Islamist scholar, and spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, who's banned from the USA, UK, and France. While the sheikh’s daughter is said to be an exceptional chemist, the world is full of exceptional chemists. How is it that Qaradawi’s daughter gets the State Department prize?
And since Secretary Clinton’s tenure began, with Huma Abedin serving as a top adviser, the United States has aligned itself with the Muslim Brotherhood in myriad ways. To name just a few (the list is by no means exhaustive):

Our government

1- reversed the policy against formal contacts with the Brotherhood;

2- funded Hamas;

3- continued funding Egypt even after the Brotherhood won the elections;

4- dropped an investigation of Brotherhood organizations in the U.S. that were previously identified as co-conspirators in the case of the Holy Land Foundation financing Hamas;

5- hosted Brotherhood delegations in the United States;

6- issued a visa to a member of the Islamic Group (a designated terrorist organization) and hosted him in Washington because he is part of the Brotherhood’s parliamentary coalition in Egypt;

7- announced that Israel should go back to its indefensible 1967 borders;

8- excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from a counterterrorism forum in which the State Department sought to “partner” with Islamist governments that do not regard attacks on Israel as terrorism;

9- and pressured Egypt’s pro-American military government to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president just elected by Egypt’s predominantly anti-American population.

Makes us wonder >>> Hypothetically, if Huma Abedin did have a bias in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, and if she were actually acting on that bias to try to tilt American policy in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, what exactly would the State Department be doing differently?
Free trade agreements you call good ? Huma Abedin - Wife of disgraced ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner, and State Dept. Deputy Chief of Staff under Hillary Clinton, she “has three family members–her late father, her mother and her brother–connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations. In addition, before becoming Hillary Clinton’s deputy, she was herself directly associated with a Brotherhood organization, the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, an organization founded and funded by Abdullah Omar Naseef, a major Muslim Brotherhood figure also involved in the financing of al Qaeda.
Since Abedin has held this position, an awful lot of pro-Muslim Brotherhood things have been happening at the State Dept. A Fulbright scholarship was awarded to Siham al-Qaradawi, the daughter of Sheikh Qaradawi, an Islamist scholar, and spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, who's banned from the USA, UK, and France. While the sheikh’s daughter is said to be an exceptional chemist, the world is full of exceptional chemists. How is it that Qaradawi’s daughter gets the State Department prize?
And since Secretary Clinton’s tenure began, with Huma Abedin serving as a top adviser, the United States has aligned itself with the Muslim Brotherhood in myriad ways. To name just a few (the list is by no means exhaustive):

Our government

1- reversed the policy against formal contacts with the Brotherhood;

2- funded Hamas;

3- continued funding Egypt even after the Brotherhood won the elections;

4- dropped an investigation of Brotherhood organizations in the U.S. that were previously identified as co-conspirators in the case of the Holy Land Foundation financing Hamas;

5- hosted Brotherhood delegations in the United States;

6- issued a visa to a member of the Islamic Group (a designated terrorist organization) and hosted him in Washington because he is part of the Brotherhood’s parliamentary coalition in Egypt;

7- announced that Israel should go back to its indefensible 1967 borders;

8- excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from a counterterrorism forum in which the State Department sought to “partner” with Islamist governments that do not regard attacks on Israel as terrorism;

9- and pressured Egypt’s pro-American military government to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president just elected by Egypt’s predominantly anti-American population.

Makes us wonder >>> Hypothetically, if Huma Abedin did have a bias in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, and if she were actually acting on that bias to try to tilt American policy in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, what exactly would the State Department be doing differently?
Partial List.

I would sum it up by saying elected to Senate twice, 4 years as SoS, 8 years as FLOTUS, and Grammy award winner. In other words, she is your superior in every way.
Most of what you listed here is stuff govt officials are EXPECTED to do.

Other parts of it are DISGRACES, nor credits. Such as the Clinton Foundation, free trade agreements, "most traveled" (all expenses paid trips around the world, wining & dining with foreign dignitaries, all at US taxpayer expenses, and accomplishing nothing)
you do try hard ... to bad nothing is true ...
So, back to the OP apology, Clinton doesn't owe the apology, she told the truth. Trump owes the apology for misquoting here so he could call her a liar. Trump isn't man enough to apologize or admit a mistake. He just doesn't have the character. He has been a landlord his whole life and a casino owner/operator.
Anyway, Clinton owes Donald nothing other than the ass kicking he will/would receive if he is the GOP nominee.
Wishful thinking.

In actuality >>>

have you seen him debate ??? really have you???? it looks like you haven't ... he gets his clock cleaned every time he opens his mouth
Partial List.

I would sum it up by saying elected to Senate twice, 4 years as SoS, 8 years as FLOTUS, and Grammy award winner. In other words, she is your superior in every way.
Most of these are the routine things that govt officials are EXPECTED to do. some of th others are things that are DETRIMENTAL to America, and are thing that shame her. The Clinton Foundation you name as a GOOD thing. Are you nuts ? Huma Abedin - Wife of disgraced ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner, and State Dept. Deputy Chief of Staff under Hillary Clinton, she “has three family members–her late father, her mother and her brother–connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations. In addition, before becoming Hillary Clinton’s deputy, she was herself directly associated with a Brotherhood organization, the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, an organization founded and funded by Abdullah Omar Naseef, a major Muslim Brotherhood figure also involved in the financing of al Qaeda.
Since Abedin has held this position, an awful lot of pro-Muslim Brotherhood things have been happening at the State Dept. A Fulbright scholarship was awarded to Siham al-Qaradawi, the daughter of Sheikh Qaradawi, an Islamist scholar, and spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, who's banned from the USA, UK, and France. While the sheikh’s daughter is said to be an exceptional chemist, the world is full of exceptional chemists. How is it that Qaradawi’s daughter gets the State Department prize?
And since Secretary Clinton’s tenure began, with Huma Abedin serving as a top adviser, the United States has aligned itself with the Muslim Brotherhood in myriad ways. To name just a few (the list is by no means exhaustive):

Our government

1- reversed the policy against formal contacts with the Brotherhood;

2- funded Hamas;

3- continued funding Egypt even after the Brotherhood won the elections;

4- dropped an investigation of Brotherhood organizations in the U.S. that were previously identified as co-conspirators in the case of the Holy Land Foundation financing Hamas;

5- hosted Brotherhood delegations in the United States;

6- issued a visa to a member of the Islamic Group (a designated terrorist organization) and hosted him in Washington because he is part of the Brotherhood’s parliamentary coalition in Egypt;

7- announced that Israel should go back to its indefensible 1967 borders;

8- excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from a counterterrorism forum in which the State Department sought to “partner” with Islamist governments that do not regard attacks on Israel as terrorism;

9- and pressured Egypt’s pro-American military government to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president just elected by Egypt’s predominantly anti-American population.

Makes us wonder >>> Hypothetically, if Huma Abedin did have a bias in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, and if she were actually acting on that bias to try to tilt American policy in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, what exactly would the State Department be doing differently?
Free trade agreements you call good ? Huma Abedin - Wife of disgraced ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner, and State Dept. Deputy Chief of Staff under Hillary Clinton, she “has three family members–her late father, her mother and her brother–connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations. In addition, before becoming Hillary Clinton’s deputy, she was herself directly associated with a Brotherhood organization, the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, an organization founded and funded by Abdullah Omar Naseef, a major Muslim Brotherhood figure also involved in the financing of al Qaeda.
Since Abedin has held this position, an awful lot of pro-Muslim Brotherhood things have been happening at the State Dept. A Fulbright scholarship was awarded to Siham al-Qaradawi, the daughter of Sheikh Qaradawi, an Islamist scholar, and spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, who's banned from the USA, UK, and France. While the sheikh’s daughter is said to be an exceptional chemist, the world is full of exceptional chemists. How is it that Qaradawi’s daughter gets the State Department prize?
And since Secretary Clinton’s tenure began, with Huma Abedin serving as a top adviser, the United States has aligned itself with the Muslim Brotherhood in myriad ways. To name just a few (the list is by no means exhaustive):

Our government

1- reversed the policy against formal contacts with the Brotherhood;

2- funded Hamas;

3- continued funding Egypt even after the Brotherhood won the elections;

4- dropped an investigation of Brotherhood organizations in the U.S. that were previously identified as co-conspirators in the case of the Holy Land Foundation financing Hamas;

5- hosted Brotherhood delegations in the United States;

6- issued a visa to a member of the Islamic Group (a designated terrorist organization) and hosted him in Washington because he is part of the Brotherhood’s parliamentary coalition in Egypt;

7- announced that Israel should go back to its indefensible 1967 borders;

8- excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from a counterterrorism forum in which the State Department sought to “partner” with Islamist governments that do not regard attacks on Israel as terrorism;

9- and pressured Egypt’s pro-American military government to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president just elected by Egypt’s predominantly anti-American population.

Makes us wonder >>> Hypothetically, if Huma Abedin did have a bias in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, and if she were actually acting on that bias to try to tilt American policy in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, what exactly would the State Department be doing differently?
Partial List.

I would sum it up by saying elected to Senate twice, 4 years as SoS, 8 years as FLOTUS, and Grammy award winner. In other words, she is your superior in every way.
Most of what you listed here is stuff govt officials are EXPECTED to do.

Other parts of it are DISGRACES, nor credits. Such as the Clinton Foundation, free trade agreements, "most traveled" (all expenses paid trips around the world, wining & dining with foreign dignitaries, all at US taxpayer expenses, and accomplishing nothing)
you do try hard ... to bad nothing is true ...

Here is the suspension of reality:

IF getting elected to the Senate twice is no accomplishment; that means Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, and Lindsay Graham have accomplished nothing. If getting appointed SoS and having the same people who are running against you vote for your nomination is nothing, that means that Condi Rice has accomplished nothing. I mean, how far down the rabbit hole do we need to go until you correctly call those that say that these are not accomplishments a bunch of idiots?
Partial List.

I would sum it up by saying elected to Senate twice, 4 years as SoS, 8 years as FLOTUS, and Grammy award winner. In other words, she is your superior in every way.
Most of these are the routine things that govt officials are EXPECTED to do. some of th others are things that are DETRIMENTAL to America, and are thing that shame her. The Clinton Foundation you name as a GOOD thing. Are you nuts ? Huma Abedin - Wife of disgraced ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner, and State Dept. Deputy Chief of Staff under Hillary Clinton, she “has three family members–her late father, her mother and her brother–connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations. In addition, before becoming Hillary Clinton’s deputy, she was herself directly associated with a Brotherhood organization, the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, an organization founded and funded by Abdullah Omar Naseef, a major Muslim Brotherhood figure also involved in the financing of al Qaeda.
Since Abedin has held this position, an awful lot of pro-Muslim Brotherhood things have been happening at the State Dept. A Fulbright scholarship was awarded to Siham al-Qaradawi, the daughter of Sheikh Qaradawi, an Islamist scholar, and spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, who's banned from the USA, UK, and France. While the sheikh’s daughter is said to be an exceptional chemist, the world is full of exceptional chemists. How is it that Qaradawi’s daughter gets the State Department prize?
And since Secretary Clinton’s tenure began, with Huma Abedin serving as a top adviser, the United States has aligned itself with the Muslim Brotherhood in myriad ways. To name just a few (the list is by no means exhaustive):

Our government

1- reversed the policy against formal contacts with the Brotherhood;

2- funded Hamas;

3- continued funding Egypt even after the Brotherhood won the elections;

4- dropped an investigation of Brotherhood organizations in the U.S. that were previously identified as co-conspirators in the case of the Holy Land Foundation financing Hamas;

5- hosted Brotherhood delegations in the United States;

6- issued a visa to a member of the Islamic Group (a designated terrorist organization) and hosted him in Washington because he is part of the Brotherhood’s parliamentary coalition in Egypt;

7- announced that Israel should go back to its indefensible 1967 borders;

8- excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from a counterterrorism forum in which the State Department sought to “partner” with Islamist governments that do not regard attacks on Israel as terrorism;

9- and pressured Egypt’s pro-American military government to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president just elected by Egypt’s predominantly anti-American population.

Makes us wonder >>> Hypothetically, if Huma Abedin did have a bias in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, and if she were actually acting on that bias to try to tilt American policy in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, what exactly would the State Department be doing differently?
Free trade agreements you call good ? Huma Abedin - Wife of disgraced ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner, and State Dept. Deputy Chief of Staff under Hillary Clinton, she “has three family members–her late father, her mother and her brother–connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations. In addition, before becoming Hillary Clinton’s deputy, she was herself directly associated with a Brotherhood organization, the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, an organization founded and funded by Abdullah Omar Naseef, a major Muslim Brotherhood figure also involved in the financing of al Qaeda.
Since Abedin has held this position, an awful lot of pro-Muslim Brotherhood things have been happening at the State Dept. A Fulbright scholarship was awarded to Siham al-Qaradawi, the daughter of Sheikh Qaradawi, an Islamist scholar, and spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, who's banned from the USA, UK, and France. While the sheikh’s daughter is said to be an exceptional chemist, the world is full of exceptional chemists. How is it that Qaradawi’s daughter gets the State Department prize?
And since Secretary Clinton’s tenure began, with Huma Abedin serving as a top adviser, the United States has aligned itself with the Muslim Brotherhood in myriad ways. To name just a few (the list is by no means exhaustive):

Our government

1- reversed the policy against formal contacts with the Brotherhood;

2- funded Hamas;

3- continued funding Egypt even after the Brotherhood won the elections;

4- dropped an investigation of Brotherhood organizations in the U.S. that were previously identified as co-conspirators in the case of the Holy Land Foundation financing Hamas;

5- hosted Brotherhood delegations in the United States;

6- issued a visa to a member of the Islamic Group (a designated terrorist organization) and hosted him in Washington because he is part of the Brotherhood’s parliamentary coalition in Egypt;

7- announced that Israel should go back to its indefensible 1967 borders;

8- excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from a counterterrorism forum in which the State Department sought to “partner” with Islamist governments that do not regard attacks on Israel as terrorism;

9- and pressured Egypt’s pro-American military government to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president just elected by Egypt’s predominantly anti-American population.

Makes us wonder >>> Hypothetically, if Huma Abedin did have a bias in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, and if she were actually acting on that bias to try to tilt American policy in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, what exactly would the State Department be doing differently?
Partial List.

I would sum it up by saying elected to Senate twice, 4 years as SoS, 8 years as FLOTUS, and Grammy award winner. In other words, she is your superior in every way.
Most of what you listed here is stuff govt officials are EXPECTED to do.

Other parts of it are DISGRACES, nor credits. Such as the Clinton Foundation, free trade agreements, "most traveled" (all expenses paid trips around the world, wining & dining with foreign dignitaries, all at US taxpayer expenses, and accomplishing nothing)
you do try hard ... to bad nothing is true ...

Here is the suspension of reality:

IF getting elected to the Senate twice is no accomplishment; that means Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, and Lindsay Graham have accomplished nothing. If getting appointed SoS and having the same people who are running against you vote for your nomination is nothing, that means that Condi Rice has accomplished nothing. I mean, how far down the rabbit hole do we need to go until you correctly call those that say that these are not accomplishments a bunch of idiots?
look at what she has done for american ... look at what obama has done for american... then then look at all the things trump has done to americans just so he wouldn't lose a dollar ... but to hear it from the right that hillary and obama haven't done anything to help americans ...I don't know about you, but I glad we aren't in a great depression... I glad we have affordable health care ...
What happened in Jersey City is trivial. What Sibel Edmonds testifed to, is HUGE and critical to national security, and after 10 years, it still hasn't been fixed.
So you admit that Sibel has nothing in support of Jihadi Don Trump's lie.
Thank you.
So getting back to the TOPIC, amid this onslaught of deflectors talking about Jersey City (OFF TOPIC!!), there still has been no APOLOGY from Hillary Clinton. This just goes to show even further, the lack of integrity of this despicable, trashy woman, who should be in jail, and be punished severely for endangering every American alive in America today.


So when is there gonna be an apology for the nonexistent video Rump claims to have watched on TV?
Now you're lying because you can't prove it. You're actually claiming events that happened years after Nixon resigned led to her being fired when Nixon resigned.

You're mind-numbingly retarded. :cuckoo:
Time for you to get on topic, and quit the DEFLECTION. And the warning in Post # 247 goes for you too (and all posters)

In a rather bizarre twist of irony, this protectionist putz whines about being off-topic about discussing his claim Hillary was fired from her role in Nixon's impeachment proceedings.

Yes, folks, he really is that deranged. To him, others are derailing his thread by challenging him to prove his claims.

YOU KNOW what the topic is. You're not fooling anybody.

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