Hillary Clinton MUST Apologize to Trump!

Three deflections in a row. Something inconvenient must be in the air.
FALSE! You've had about THIRTY three deflections. Everyone of your yammers is about Watergate. In how many posts have you addressed Hillary's lie about giving a video to ISIS ? Got anything about her classified email lies ?
Got anything about her Benghazi phony video story ? Got anything ? :laugh:
have you seen him debate ??? really have you???? it looks like you haven't ... he gets his clock cleaned every time he opens his mouth
Polls say he won the last debate plus one of the others. How could he lose standing next to the ass-clown Jeb Bush, tantrum-thrower Kasich, and Rand Paul with those weeds growing out of the top of his head ?
If getting appointed SoS and having the same people who are running against you vote for your nomination is nothing, that means that Condi Rice has accomplished nothing. I mean, how far down the rabbit hole do we need to go until you correctly call those that say that these are not accomplishments a bunch of idiots?
Hillary was appointed Sect of State along with her Muslim Brotherhood mole, Huma Abedin, by a Muslim jihadist, Barrack Obama. And Huma is most likely the only reason Hillary got the job, because she hasn't done it, Huma has (as I showed in Post # 240)
look at what she has done for american ... look at what obama has done for american... then then look at all the things trump has done to americans just so he wouldn't lose a dollar ... but to hear it from the right that hillary and obama haven't done anything to help americans ...I don't know about you, but I glad we aren't in a great depression... I glad we have affordable health care ...
Yeah i looked at what Hillary has done for America (and for the Muslim Brotherhood). Now you go take a look at it too. Take a good hard look See Post # 240.

And all of that doesn't even including wrecking US national security by putting her email on a person unsecured server, which now has her US classified emails in the hands of Russia, China, Iran, ISIS, North Korea, etc
If getting appointed SoS and having the same people who are running against you vote for your nomination is nothing, that means that Condi Rice has accomplished nothing. I mean, how far down the rabbit hole do we need to go until you correctly call those that say that these are not accomplishments a bunch of idiots?
Hillary was appointed Sect of State along with her Muslim Brotherhood mole, Huma Abedin, by a Muslim jihadist, Barrack Obama. And Huma is most likely the only reason Hillary got the job, because she hasn't done it, Huma has (as I showed in Post # 240)

Not one thing you said was remotely truthful
Hillary Clinton's lying is well known all around the world. Long lists of her lies have been published. Everything from her 1973 Watergate days, when she was kicked off a committee, to her recent lies about not having classified information on her emails (which are undoubtedly now in the hands of Russia, China, Iran, ISIS, etc).

So it's no surprise that she would lie again in connection with her current run for the presidency. It is a bit surprising though that with very high unfavorable ratings and low trustworthiness ratings, she would undertake such a foolish lie (that a video of Trump was given to ISIS), that could easily be refuted.

In order for Hillary to display an ounce of decency, and show even a modicum of trustworthiness, and not have her trust numbers sink even lower, she MUST now apologize to Donald Trump, and to the entire Republican Party, for spreading yet another video lie (while we're still reeling from the Benghazi one). If she doesn't do that, she openly admits her lack of integrity, and the stark contrast between her deceitfulness, and the clear honesty and forthrightfulness of Donald Trump.


President Trump will prudently and appropriately schlong her from now until election day.
Not one thing you said was remotely truthful
Your blind denial can't fly. It's ALL truthful, and the pro-Muslim Brotherhood events, which happened on Hillary and Huma's watch, that I listed in Post # 240 are all FACTUAL HISTORY, which you cannot change, no matter how much you wish you could. :laugh:
Does anyone know where the Hillary owes Trump or Trump owes Hillary an apology discussion went?
Three deflections in a row. Something inconvenient must be in the air.
FALSE! You've had about THIRTY three deflections. Everyone of your yammers is about Watergate. In how many posts have you addressed Hillary's lie about giving a video to ISIS ? Got anything about her classified email lies ?
Got anything about her Benghazi phony video story ? Got anything ? :laugh:

TRUE. The three posts in question were entirely about poster participants in this thread -- not the topic.

I certainly don't got "Watergate". I haven't posted on it.

Meanwhile I still haven't figured out where and when to expect the Rump apology to the population of Jersey City.
After all if somebody claims video, yet no video can be shown to exist --- well the title here claims that's a problem.

---- when it's convenient to so claim of course...
I guess when you've been caught lying time and again, it's time to turn on the cartoons.

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