Hillary Clinton MUST Apologize to Trump!

And you aren't dealing with the topic of your thread. You have turned it into a general Hillary bashing masturbation party for yourself' Just a little while ago you were bitching and reporting to the mod's about how people deviating from your thread topic. What a fake you are. A true hypocrite.
Will you report me for my last post that is directly confirming to your stupid thread OP? It shows why Hillary does not owe tha fascist Trump an apology.
If the Hillary ass-kissers quit attacking me, I'll quit responding to their attacks. Deal ? But i'm not going to sit here and be their punching bag. Would you ?

Just to chime in here. Make sure when you talk to potential voters that you bring that victimization vibe, just like you did right there. It's awesome!
Right. "informed" I really want the voters to know what a protectionist supported candidate believes in. (of course you're way to the right of anyone running, keep that to yourself)
If I thought you were the slightest bit INFORMED, I would debate you. But since I know that liberasl are deprived of information in their OMMISSION media, I'm getting the idea you know nothing about all this.

Get an education (that your liberal medias have been withholding from you. Read Post # 241 & 242. Start with that. If I think you have any knowledge, I;ll talk to you.
Just to chime in here. Make sure when you talk to potential voters that you bring that victimization vibe, just like you did right there. It's awesome!
You don't have a clue of what you're talking about. Wanna take my Islamization Quiz and find out how much you don't know ?
Right. "informed" I really want the voters to know what a protectionist supported candidate believes in. (of course you're way to the right of anyone running, keep that to yourself)
If I thought you were the slightest bit INFORMED, I would debate you. But since I know that liberasl are deprived of information in their OMMISSION media, I'm getting the idea you know nothing about all this.

Get an education (that your liberal medias have been withholding from you. Read Post # 241 & 242. Start with that. If I think you have any knowledge, I;ll talk to you.

Why would you want to debate me? I agree that you should spread your message everywhere and follow it up with "brought to you by the Republican Party". You go girl.
Just to chime in here. Make sure when you talk to potential voters that you bring that victimization vibe, just like you did right there. It's awesome!
You don't have a clue of what you're talking about. Wanna take my Islamization Quiz and find out how much you don't know ?

Not interested in your quiz. What am I talking about you ask? I'm talking about you and getting exposure to as many people as possible. I just want you to have the ability to effect the presidential election as Fred Phelps had on gay rights.
And you aren't dealing with the topic of your thread. You have turned it into a general Hillary bashing masturbation party for yourself' Just a little while ago you were bitching and reporting to the mod's about how people deviating from your thread topic. What a fake you are. A true hypocrite.
Will you report me for my last post that is directly confirming to your stupid thread OP? It shows why Hillary does not owe tha fascist Trump an apology.
If the Hillary ass-kissers quit attacking me, I'll quit responding to their attacks. Deal ? But i'm not going to sit here and be their punching bag. Would you ?
You started a thread demanding Hillary Clinton apologize to Trump after he made distorted and misquoted comments about her while he demanded the apology.
Wow, big surprise, Clinton supporters, and anti-Trump people challenged your idea. Get over it. You are not the boss here. This is a political message board where people debate. Answer your opponents with opinions and academic data. And don't hesitate to take a break away from your thread if it gets frustrating. It will still be there when you come back. Try some opera at You Tube or maybe some Irish fiddle music.

PS - the topic isn't just about Hillary apologizing to Trump over a false claim of a video. It is about deceitful character, which that is just one example of. And that includes her having a Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Chief of Staff in the State Dept, and continuous long-time aide (Huma Abedin) Do we hear her admitting to that ? Or any liberal media for that matter ?
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Not interested in your quiz. What am I talking about you ask? I'm talking about you and getting exposure to as many people as possible. I just want you to have the ability to effect the presidential election as Fred Phelps had on gay rights.
You don't know what you're talking about. Stop talking, and READ posts 241 & 242, and learn.
You started a thread demanding Hillary Clinton apologize to Trump after he made distorted and misquoted comments about her while he demanded the apology.
Wow, big surprise, Clinton supporters, and anti-Trump people challenged your idea. Get over it. You are not the boss here. This is a political message board where people debate. Answer your opponents with opinions and academic data. And don't hesitate to take a break away from your thread if it gets frustrating. It will still be there when you come back. Try some opera at You Tube or maybe some Irish fiddle music.
I don't need coaching from you about how to participate in a computer forum. Go jump. If you don't like the thread, get lost.
You started a thread demanding Hillary Clinton apologize to Trump after he made distorted and misquoted comments about her while he demanded the apology.
Wow, big surprise, Clinton supporters, and anti-Trump people challenged your idea. Get over it. You are not the boss here. This is a political message board where people debate. Answer your opponents with opinions and academic data. And don't hesitate to take a break away from your thread if it gets frustrating. It will still be there when you come back. Try some opera at You Tube or maybe some Irish fiddle music.
I don't need coaching from you about how to participate in a computer forum. Go jump. If you don't like the thread, get lost.
No more Mr. Nice guy for you. And you can scream "get off my lawn" all you want, you grumpy old turd. The fact remains Hillary is not going to apologize to Trump no manner how much you whine.
Not interested in your quiz. What am I talking about you ask? I'm talking about you and getting exposure to as many people as possible. I just want you to have the ability to effect the presidential election as Fred Phelps had on gay rights.
You don't know what you're talking about. Stop talking, and READ posts 241 & 242, and learn.

What am I talking about? I'm talking about you! What is it going to take to get you on the road? You know...bring a sign or two, just go to Kinkos and print off some of those images you didn't make yourself and go out and deliver your message to America, just remember to include "brought to you by the Republican party"...I can't stress the importance of this detail enough.
What am I talking about? I'm talking about you! What is it going to take to get you on the road? You know...bring a sign or two, just go to Kinkos and print off some of those images you didn't make yourself and go out and deliver your message to America, just remember to include "brought to you by the Republican party"...I can't stress the importance of this detail enough.
I'm cool with all of that. VERY cool with it. The more I inform the know-nothings, the better. Now you need to go read Post 241 and 242, and not be talking to me again until you do. Go on. Run along.
No more Mr. Nice guy for you. And you can scream "get off my lawn" all you want, you grumpy old turd. The fact remains Hillary is not going to apologize to Trump no manner how much you whine.
See Post # 247.
What am I talking about? I'm talking about you! What is it going to take to get you on the road? You know...bring a sign or two, just go to Kinkos and print off some of those images you didn't make yourself and go out and deliver your message to America, just remember to include "brought to you by the Republican party"...I can't stress the importance of this detail enough.
I'm cool with all of that. VERY cool with it. The more I inform the know-nothings, the better. Now you need to go read Post 241 and 242, and not be talking to me again until you do. Go on. Run along.

Cool. If you're cool then I'm cool. Just say your thing, man, be sure to include the GOP tagline though. Maybe you could put post 241 and 242 on flashcards and recite it out in front of grocery stores, fuck the girl scouts and their cookies, amiright? You got something "real" to say!
Cool. If you're cool then I'm cool. Just say your thing, man, be sure to include the GOP tagline though. Maybe you could put post 241 and 242 on flashcards and recite it out in front of grocery stores, fuck the girl scouts and their cookies, amiright? You got something "real" to say!
You don't have to mention 241 and 242, because you don't have a clue about what's in them, right, HJ ? Right ? Right ? Maybe I should quiz you on them. Yeah, I've got a lot real to say - which you know nothing about, right ? Right ?
Cool. If you're cool then I'm cool. Just say your thing, man, be sure to include the GOP tagline though. Maybe you could put post 241 and 242 on flashcards and recite it out in front of grocery stores, fuck the girl scouts and their cookies, amiright? You got something "real" to say!
You don't have to mention 241 and 242, because you don't have a clue about what's in them, right, HJ ? Right ? Right ? Maybe I should quiz you on them. Yeah, I've got a lot real to say - which you know nothing about, right ? Right ?

And I want the world to hear your "lot real to say" too. So, get out on the intersection or freeway and tell the world. I can't tell you how much I want your message linked to the GOP.
And I want the world to hear your "lot real to say" too. So, get out on the intersection or freeway and tell the world. I can't tell you how much I want your message linked to the GOP.
Why ? When you don't have the foggiest idea what I'm going to talk about .

Now for your quiz >>

1. Who was the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs founded by ?

2. Who is Siham al-Qaradawi, and how is she possibly linked to Hillary Clinton ?

3. While Hillary was Sect of State, what occured regarding the policy against formal contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood ? (giveaway question)

4. Who was the head of Egypt’s pro-American military government, which the State dept pressured to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president (Morsi) ?

5. What do the letters MSA stand for ? What is Huma Abedin's connection to it ?

6. What do the letters JMMA stand for ? What is Huma Abedin's connection to it ?

7. What organizations does Huma Abedin's mother belong to (which are formally designated international terrorist organizations under federal law) ?
And I want the world to hear your "lot real to say" too. So, get out on the intersection or freeway and tell the world. I can't tell you how much I want your message linked to the GOP.
Why ? When you don't have the foggiest idea what I'm going to talk about .

Now for your quiz >>

1. Who was the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs founded by ?

2. Who is Siham al-Qaradawi, and how is she possibly linked to Hillary Clinton ?

3. While Hillary was Sect of State, what occured regarding the policy against formal contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood ? (giveaway question)

4. Who was the head of Egypt’s pro-American military government, which the State dept pressured to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president (Morsi) ?

5. What do the letters MSA stand for ? What is Huma Abedin's connection to it ?

6. What do the letters JMMA stand for ? What is Huma Abedin's connection to it ?

7. What organizations does Huma Abedin's mother belong to (which are formally designated international terrorist organizations under federal law) ?

Go with that. It's a winner!

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