Hillary goes after Trump for insulting women, but her husband RAPED a woman

Sorry Juanita, you had your chance to be heard...and you told the world, twice under oath, that bill clinton did NOT rape you,

You went to a fund raiser for the man you claim raped you, just two to three weeks after he had allegedly raped you?

NO WOMAN would go to a fund raiser in support a man who recently raped them...not a one!

She claims Hillary Clinton intimidated her, 3 weeks later, by Hillary THANKING HER for her help on bill's campaign.... HELLO???? She had 3 weeks to report the rape before she went to this fund raiser in support of her alleged rapist, but she chose not to do it.

20 plus years later, she changed her STORY and claimed he raped her.....

Which Juanita is telling the truth? the one for the first 20 years after the alleged rape, or the one 20 years after the first 20 years?
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At the very least he is a sexual predator. Paula Jones. Proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
My issue with Hillary is that she has been his enabler. Hell's bells even set up a War Room to deal with what they called the "bimbo eruptions" and sent out surrogates like Carville to destroy the womens reputations.

Hillary is on record saying she would "crucify Gennifer Flowers".

All of this is just like when she got that pedophile rapist off. Hillary blamed all the women just like blaming the little 12 year old victim of rape of seducing the 47 year old man. How disgusting is that? Blaming a 12 year old victim of having fantasies about making it with an older man.

Always blaming some one other than the perp or her Billy with the loose zipper husband.

Yeah, some bloody champion of women's rights.
Seriously Guys. I keep seeing this Clinton is a rapist thing.

I didnt realise he hadnt been convicted though.

Over here you are innocent until proven guilty.

What system do you use in the Colonies ?
Seriously Guys. I keep seeing this Clinton is a rapist thing.

I didnt realise he hadnt been convicted though.

Over here you are innocent until proven guilty.

What system do you use in the Colonies ?

You bring up a valid point. bill said he is not a rapist, so he must not be. His integrity is beyond reproach. He has never lied about his womanizing.
Seriously Guys. I keep seeing this Clinton is a rapist thing.

I didnt realise he hadnt been convicted though.

Over here you are innocent until proven guilty.

What system do you use in the Colonies ?

You bring up a valid point. bill said he is not a rapist, so he must not be. His integrity is beyond reproach. He has never lied about his womanizing.
Well I believe that it is the only relevant point in this debate. A lot of blokes do some casual shagging but it doesnt make them rapists.
No charges.
No trial.
No conviction.

You idiots make me smile.

Has any rapist's wife ever been held accountable for her husband's "rape" of another? I'm not sure how the law reads on this.
She stood by him, and helped him cover it up, and even threatened Juanita Broderick to keep her mouth shut.

Have you alerted a prosecutor?
Bill Clinton was the Attorney General of Arkansas at the time he raped Juanita Broderick, in other words he was the guy in charge of ALL the prosecutors in the state at the time he committed his violent sexual assault against her.

To WHOM could she have gone to report the rape?
The fact that Hillary's supporters are willing to vote for her despite Bill's rapes and Hillary's cover-ups of those rapes prove they are just as evil and depraved as they are.

When you meet Jesus Christ, he will have a lot of questions for you.

Then he will send you to hell.
So you want to dispense with due process and move straight to conviction.

You are a savage.
Due process? When the system has been corrupted? How about JUSTICE?

Hillary is known by everyone to have breached national security with her emails and everyone knows she belongs in prison with everyone else who has been convicted of the exact same crime.

You, and your Democratic pals, have corrupted the FBI and the Justice Department, allowing the Clintons to walk free from their many, many felonies over the course of the last 30 years.

But God will not be mocked. The Clintons WILL go to hell, and so will all their cronies and everyone else who assisted them in escaping justice.
So you want to dispense with due process and move straight to conviction.

You are a savage.
Due process? When the system has been corrupted? How about JUSTICE?

Hillary is known by everyone to have breached national security with her emails and everyone knows she belongs in prison with everyone else who has been convicted of the exact same crime.

You, and your Democratic pals, have corrupted the FBI and the Justice Department, allowing the Clintons to walk free from their many, many felonies over the course of the last 30 years.

But God will not be mocked. The Clintons WILL go to hell, and so will all their cronies and everyone else who assisted them in escaping justice.
"She said so" is insufficient to convict anybody. Are you a member of Isis ?
Pul-leeze! You Alt-Righties don't care about women being raped unless you can throw around some unproven accusations against a Democrat.

Has any rapist's wife ever been held accountable for her husband's "rape" of another? I'm not sure how the law reads on this.
She stood by him, and helped him cover it up, and even threatened Juanita Broderick to keep her mouth shut.

Have you alerted a prosecutor?
Bill Clinton was the Attorney General of Arkansas at the time he raped Juanita Broderick, in other words he was the guy in charge of ALL the prosecutors in the state at the time he committed his violent sexual assault against her.

To WHOM could she have gone to report the rape?

I say we hang him now, what say you?

Has any rapist's wife ever been held accountable for her husband's "rape" of another? I'm not sure how the law reads on this.
She stood by him, and helped him cover it up, and even threatened Juanita Broderick to keep her mouth shut.

Have you alerted a prosecutor?

At the time Clinton raped Juanita Broderick he was the Attorney General of Arkansas. I wonder why he didn't prosecute himself.

Has any rapist's wife ever been held accountable for her husband's "rape" of another? I'm not sure how the law reads on this.
She stood by him, and helped him cover it up, and even threatened Juanita Broderick to keep her mouth shut.

Have you alerted a prosecutor?
Bill Clinton was the Attorney General of Arkansas at the time he raped Juanita Broderick, in other words he was the guy in charge of ALL the prosecutors in the state at the time he committed his violent sexual assault against her.

To WHOM could she have gone to report the rape?

I say we hang him now, what say you?

They don't hang anyone any more for any thing. But he does deserve another shot at those young White House interns, don't you agree?

Has any rapist's wife ever been held accountable for her husband's "rape" of another? I'm not sure how the law reads on this.
She stood by him, and helped him cover it up, and even threatened Juanita Broderick to keep her mouth shut.

Have you alerted a prosecutor?

At the time Clinton raped Juanita Broderick he was the Attorney General of Arkansas. I wonder why he didn't prosecute himself.

Should be no trouble going after him for this outrageousness now.
Has any rapist's wife ever been held accountable for her husband's "rape" of another? I'm not sure how the law reads on this.
She stood by him, and helped him cover it up, and even threatened Juanita Broderick to keep her mouth shut.

Have you alerted a prosecutor?
Bill Clinton was the Attorney General of Arkansas at the time he raped Juanita Broderick, in other words he was the guy in charge of ALL the prosecutors in the state at the time he committed his violent sexual assault against her.

To WHOM could she have gone to report the rape?

I say we hang him now, what say you?

They don't hang anyone any more for any thing. But he does deserve another shot at those young White House interns, don't you agree?

Hard to believe this can't be gone after in any way now.

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