Hillary goes after Trump for insulting women, but her husband RAPED a woman

Ivana claimed Trump raped her.

Yooo hoooo! You Trump dogs have ignored my post this whole thread .

In a deposition, under oath , Trumps wife accused him of rape and assault.

Hillary should bring this up repeatedly during the debate. I'm sure that will be a big win for her.
Every man who has ever gone through a divorce knows that ex-wives can and do say all sorts of things during a divorce to gain an advantage. Do you have a credible accusation?
Anyone who defends the Clintons after all they've done is a disgusting and morally repulsive person, lower than a snake.

You're defending the rapist Trump.
Please show me where I ever defended Trump for being a rapist.

From LawNewz Feb. 2016

When asked about the allegations, Harth told LawNewz that she was “under duress” and “pressured” to file the case. But when questioned about who applied that pressure, she wouldn’t say.

So were the sexual harassment allegations true? Harth says: “The allegations were twisted and embellished. Everything could be looked at in different way.”

Harth, who now runs a beauty business, says she’s put the lawsuit behind her, and get this, she says she’d even vote for Donald Trump in the upcoming election — what she calls “supporting a friend.”

“I saw him [Donald] recently, and he said I looked good,” Harth said. “I have nothing but good things to say about Donald.”[/SNIP]
Also, a wife accusing her own husband of raping her is
Anyone who defends the Clintons after all they've done is a disgusting and morally repulsive person, lower than a snake.

You're defending the rapist Trump.
Please show me where I ever defended Trump for being a rapist.

From LawNewz Feb. 2016

When asked about the allegations, Harth told LawNewz that she was “under duress” and “pressured” to file the case. But when questioned about who applied that pressure, she wouldn’t say.

So were the sexual harassment allegations true? Harth says: “The allegations were twisted and embellished. Everything could be looked at in different way.”

Harth, who now runs a beauty business, says she’s put the lawsuit behind her, and get this, she says she’d even vote for Donald Trump in the upcoming election — what she calls “supporting a friend.”

“I saw him [Donald] recently, and he said I looked good,” Harth said. “I have nothing but good things to say about Donald.”[/SNIP]
How does this relate to me?

An accusation of rape from an ex-wife is like an accusation of anything else from an ex-wife. Women tend to go nuts during divorce proceedings, and every family lawyer and judge knows that.
Also, a wife accusing her own husband of raping her is
Anyone who defends the Clintons after all they've done is a disgusting and morally repulsive person, lower than a snake.

You're defending the rapist Trump.
Please show me where I ever defended Trump for being a rapist.

From LawNewz Feb. 2016

When asked about the allegations, Harth told LawNewz that she was “under duress” and “pressured” to file the case. But when questioned about who applied that pressure, she wouldn’t say.

So were the sexual harassment allegations true? Harth says: “The allegations were twisted and embellished. Everything could be looked at in different way.”

Harth, who now runs a beauty business, says she’s put the lawsuit behind her, and get this, she says she’d even vote for Donald Trump in the upcoming election — what she calls “supporting a friend.”

“I saw him [Donald] recently, and he said I looked good,” Harth said. “I have nothing but good things to say about Donald.”[/SNIP]
How does this relate to me?

An accusation of rape from an ex-wife is like an accusation of anything else from an ex-wife. Women tend to go nuts during divorce proceedings, and every family lawyer and judge knows that.

Bringing the rape accusation into its proper perspective...there was NO RAPE!

Has any rapist's wife ever been held accountable for her husband's "rape" of another? I'm not sure how the law reads on this.
She stood by him, and helped him cover it up, and even threatened Juanita Broderick to keep her mouth shut.

Have you alerted a prosecutor?
Bill Clinton was the Attorney General of Arkansas at the time he raped Juanita Broderick, in other words he was the guy in charge of ALL the prosecutors in the state at the time he committed his violent sexual assault against her.

To WHOM could she have gone to report the rape?
Actually, the EEOC has a department that is staffed for this exact problem.
If someone is raped, or harassed etc... and they can not get satisfaction or justice due to the reasons you mentioned, The federal government will step in on that persons behalf and investigate and levy charges if appropriate.
So basically, since slick was the top of the line in the state as far as her seeking justice goes, She could have gone federal and had it taken care of.
The one thing I dont know that is pretty important here is the actual date that the EEOC took on this role. It still might not have been an option for her back then, and the required time to file is 180 days. ( extended in some circumstances)
Although she was not a actual employee of the state, she did volunteer for Bills campaign and could have been considered under his indirect supervision.
According to radical feminists, men are engaged in rape unless they get specific consent from the woman ahead of time, with a clear agreement about what he is and is not allowed to do with her during sex.

And according to that definition, every man has raped his wife thousands of times, including Donald Trump.

But Bill Clinton REALLY raped Juanita Broadderick. He bit her lip and forced her down on a couch and violently raped her, and she could not resist because he would have torn her lip off if she tried to resist.

Real rapists like Bill Clinton benefit from the blurring of lines that the radical feminists have done to the definition of rape. That is why the Clintons are such enthusiastic supporters of the radical feminist movement, which by the way, did not do anything to defend women while Clintons systematically destroyed them in the media.
This is true rightwing idiocy.

Bill Clinton isn’t running for anything.

What Bill Clinton may or may not have done has no bearing whatsoever on Hillary Clinton or her qualifications to be president.

It’s a ridiculous red herring fallacy, a clear indication of how stupid and desperate most conservatives are.

The black shyster though supports going after Trump for his perfectly legal taxes, his support of a FAT beauty pagent queen, and him calling Rosie O. a disgusting, fat pig, when she is exactly that. Tell me black shyster how many FELONIES can a smart lawyer like you find in this short video....

This is true rightwing idiocy.

Bill Clinton isn’t running for anything.

What Bill Clinton may or may not have done has no bearing whatsoever on Hillary Clinton or her qualifications to be president.

It’s a ridiculous red herring fallacy, a clear indication of how stupid and desperate most conservatives are.
She married the man, and she stood by him, and she attacked and villified the women who came out and revealed what he did to them.

You are a loathsome person, lower than a snake in a grass, to defend these evil people.
Ivana claimed Trump raped her.

Yooo hoooo! You Trump dogs have ignored my post this whole thread .

In a deposition, under oath , Trumps wife accused him of rape and assault.

Hillary should bring this up repeatedly during the debate. I'm sure that will be a big win for her.
Every man who has ever gone through a divorce knows that ex-wives can and do say all sorts of things during a divorce to gain an advantage. Do you have a credible accusation?

My sarcasm clearly didn't translate.

I was joking.
Ivana claimed Trump raped her.

Yooo hoooo! You Trump dogs have ignored my post this whole thread .

In a deposition, under oath , Trumps wife accused him of rape and assault.

Hillary should bring this up repeatedly during the debate. I'm sure that will be a big win for her.
Every man who has ever gone through a divorce knows that ex-wives can and do say all sorts of things during a divorce to gain an advantage. Do you have a credible accusation?

My sarcasm clearly didn't translate.

I was joking.
Sarcasm doesn't work well on an internet forum because people say the craziest shit and they're NOT being sarcastic one bit.
This is true rightwing idiocy.

Bill Clinton isn’t running for anything.

What Bill Clinton may or may not have done has no bearing whatsoever on Hillary Clinton or her qualifications to be president.

It’s a ridiculous red herring fallacy, a clear indication of how stupid and desperate most conservatives are.

The black shyster though supports going after Trump for his perfectly legal taxes, his support of a FAT beauty pagent queen, and him calling Rosie O. a disgusting, fat pig, when she is exactly that. Tell me black shyster how many FELONIES can a smart lawyer like you find in this short video....

That video is just incredible. How can anyone watch that and vote for her to be POTUS?

I would vote for her to be President of "Pathological Liars Anonymous".

Ivana claimed Trump raped her.

Yooo hoooo! You Trump dogs have ignored my post this whole thread .

In a deposition, under oath , Trumps wife accused him of rape and assault.

Hillary should bring this up repeatedly during the debate. I'm sure that will be a big win for her.
Every man who has ever gone through a divorce knows that ex-wives can and do say all sorts of things during a divorce to gain an advantage. Do you have a credible accusation?

My sarcasm clearly didn't translate.

I was joking.
Sarcasm doesn't work well on an internet forum because people say the craziest shit and they're NOT being sarcastic one bit.

You're absolutely correct.

I will be more obvious in the future.

Hillary's campaign is among the most disgusting things I have ever witnessed in politics. She is an appalling human being. (Not being sarcastic)
Ivana claimed Trump raped her.

Yooo hoooo! You Trump dogs have ignored my post this whole thread .

In a deposition, under oath , Trumps wife accused him of rape and assault.

Hillary should bring this up repeatedly during the debate. I'm sure that will be a big win for her.
Every man who has ever gone through a divorce knows that ex-wives can and do say all sorts of things during a divorce to gain an advantage. Do you have a credible accusation?

That's your justification ? It's a divorce so she's a liar ?

Yet you believe everything Bill Clintons accusers say.
Ivana claimed Trump raped her.

Yooo hoooo! You Trump dogs have ignored my post this whole thread .

In a deposition, under oath , Trumps wife accused him of rape and assault.

Hillary should bring this up repeatedly during the debate. I'm sure that will be a big win for her.
Every man who has ever gone through a divorce knows that ex-wives can and do say all sorts of things during a divorce to gain an advantage. Do you have a credible accusation?

That's your justification ? It's a divorce so she's a liar ?

Yet you believe everything Bill Clintons accusers say.
Clinton has had more than a dozen accusers. Are all of them lying?

Bill Clinton Sex Allegations: 17 Claims of Rape & Affairs
Have you alerted a prosecutor?
Bill Clinton was the Attorney General of Arkansas at the time he raped Juanita Broderick, in other words he was the guy in charge of ALL the prosecutors in the state at the time he committed his violent sexual assault against her.

To WHOM could she have gone to report the rape?
she certainly should NOT have gone to the Clinton fund raiser in support of him 2 weeks after she claimed he raped her....
She was scared shitless by Bill Clinton's violent sexual assault and Hilary's threats against her.

It's called Stockholm Syndrome.
now you are just making up your own bull crap... The weeks between when she claimed she was raped and the fund raiser she didn't see Hillary or Bill...Hillary had not threatened her nor Bill during those 3 weeks...she still CHOSE to go to this fund raiser for Bill, WHY? ....which is where Hillary came over to her and THANKED HER for her help with the campaign....THAT'S IT, and she claims Hillary thanking her was Hillary's threat....what a bunch of bunk....

So with no influence from Bill, and she hadn't even spoken to Hillary yet so no perceived or alleged threat from Hillary, Juanita CHOSE to go to this fund raiser for Bill....

Maybe she was intimidated by him being the AG, and her saying 20 years afterwards that she was afraid she wouldn't get a fair trial or something, BUT SHE WOULD HAVE and they would have suspended bill from his job duties till the trial was over and had an independant prosecutor.....but even with all of her fear supposedly, SHE STILL CHOSE TO GO TO AN AFTER HOUR EVENT, SUPPORTING HER ALLEGED RAPIST....no one and no condition, forced her to do that....

Stockholm syndrome is when a person is kidnapped and held captive and they end up befriending their captors after a while....

No one held Juanita captive nor forced her to continue to support Bill clinton, as she did...she could have walked away and gone back to her regular ol, unexciting job....

I don't buy her story, sorry....
Juanita Broaddrick is afraid NOW, she's said so.

Juanita Broaddrick fears for her life: 'I don't feel safe anymore'

The fact that you feel no compassion for a rape victim, and take sides with the Clintons in attacking her, proves you are a loathsome individual without even a shred of decency.
It's hard to believe her because her excuses and story of how she handled herself after the alleged rape is so far fetched and has changed several times over the 4 decades....

Reading your link, it sounds like, after he had allegedly raped her, she went to the fund raiser to personally give bill Clinton the names of these big donors she got for him,,,

WHY WOULD THIS MATTER to her if he raped her?

So she goes to the shin dig fund raiser for Bill to give him these new mega donors she got for him, (after he raped her) and got surprised by Hillary being there....sounds like Juanita was hoping for some more one on one with Billy boy...

Hillary coming over to her and thanking her for all of her hard work on Bill's campaign made her freak out because she was feeling guilty for doing the naughty with Hillary's husband...

and because she was hoping to meet with Bill alone to give him her big donor folder that she had worked so hard on to get for Bill....yep, she worked really hard to get these big donors for her rapist...

Bill Clinton was the Attorney General of Arkansas at the time he raped Juanita Broderick, in other words he was the guy in charge of ALL the prosecutors in the state at the time he committed his violent sexual assault against her.

To WHOM could she have gone to report the rape?
she certainly should NOT have gone to the Clinton fund raiser in support of him 2 weeks after she claimed he raped her....
She was scared shitless by Bill Clinton's violent sexual assault and Hilary's threats against her.

It's called Stockholm Syndrome.
now you are just making up your own bull crap... The weeks between when she claimed she was raped and the fund raiser she didn't see Hillary or Bill...Hillary had not threatened her nor Bill during those 3 weeks...she still CHOSE to go to this fund raiser for Bill, WHY? ....which is where Hillary came over to her and THANKED HER for her help with the campaign....THAT'S IT, and she claims Hillary thanking her was Hillary's threat....what a bunch of bunk....

So with no influence from Bill, and she hadn't even spoken to Hillary yet so no perceived or alleged threat from Hillary, Juanita CHOSE to go to this fund raiser for Bill....

Maybe she was intimidated by him being the AG, and her saying 20 years afterwards that she was afraid she wouldn't get a fair trial or something, BUT SHE WOULD HAVE and they would have suspended bill from his job duties till the trial was over and had an independant prosecutor.....but even with all of her fear supposedly, SHE STILL CHOSE TO GO TO AN AFTER HOUR EVENT, SUPPORTING HER ALLEGED RAPIST....no one and no condition, forced her to do that....

Stockholm syndrome is when a person is kidnapped and held captive and they end up befriending their captors after a while....

No one held Juanita captive nor forced her to continue to support Bill clinton, as she did...she could have walked away and gone back to her regular ol, unexciting job....

I don't buy her story, sorry....
Juanita Broaddrick is afraid NOW, she's said so.

Juanita Broaddrick fears for her life: 'I don't feel safe anymore'

The fact that you feel no compassion for a rape victim, and take sides with the Clintons in attacking her, proves you are a loathsome individual without even a shred of decency.
It's hard to believe her because her excuses and story of how she handled herself after the alleged rape is so far fetched and has changed several times over the 4 decades....

Reading your link, it sounds like, after he had allegedly raped her, she went to the fund raiser to personally give bill Clinton the names of these big donors she got for him,,,

WHY WOULD THIS MATTER to her if he raped her?

So she goes to the shin dig fund raiser for Bill to give him these new mega donors she got for him, (after he raped her) and got surprised by Hillary being there....sounds like Juanita was hoping for some more one on one with Billy boy...

Hillary coming over to her and thanking her for all of her hard work on Bill's campaign made her freak out because she was feeling guilty for doing the naughty with Hillary's husband...

and because she was hoping to meet with Bill alone to give him her big donor folder that she had worked so hard on to get for Bill....yep, she worked really hard to get these big donors for her rapist...

Hillary says women who raped deserve to be believed.

Are you saying Hillary is a liar?
This is true rightwing idiocy.

Bill Clinton isn’t running for anything.

What Bill Clinton may or may not have done has no bearing whatsoever on Hillary Clinton or her qualifications to be president.

It’s a ridiculous red herring fallacy, a clear indication of how stupid and desperate most conservatives are.
I suppose if you call a man something often enough then some of it sticks.
This looks like a big part of the alt right universal truth.
Democrats are racists,green energy is bad, homos are really paedos,abortionists are murderers and all muslims are bombers.

Its a pathetic mindset from people who can actually vote.
When virtually all of the so call press has become nothing more than a propaganda ministry for Hillary and the Democrats you would be surprised what you can get away with.

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