Hillary goes after Trump for insulting women, but her husband RAPED a woman

Sorry Juanita, you had your chance to be heard...and you told the world, twice under oath, that bill clinton did NOT rape you,

You went to a fund raiser for the man you claim raped you, two to three weeks after he had allegedly raped you?

NO WOMAN would go to a fund raiser in support a man who recently raped them...not a one!

She claims Hillary Clinton intimidated her, 3 weeks later, by Hillary THANKING HER for her help on bill's campaign.... HELLO???? She had 3 weeks to report the rape before she went to this fund raiser in support of her alleged rapist, but she chose not to do it.

20 plus years later, she changed her STORY and claimed he raped her.....

Which Juanita is telling the truth? the one for the first 20 years after the alleged rape, or the one 20 years after the first 20 years?

Ken Starr spent a small fortune investigating all of this and didn't find Juanita credible... There far more evidence that Trump is a rapist than Bill Clinton...

No woman has gone to court and gave a deposition that Bill Clinton raped her, I think at least three have in Donald Trump's case....

And finally, Bill Clinton is not running for President Donald Trump is?
So you want to dispense with due process and move straight to conviction.

You are a savage.
Due process? When the system has been corrupted? How about JUSTICE?

Hillary is known by everyone to have breached national security with her emails and everyone knows she belongs in prison with everyone else who has been convicted of the exact same crime.

You, and your Democratic pals, have corrupted the FBI and the Justice Department, allowing the Clintons to walk free from their many, many felonies over the course of the last 30 years.

But God will not be mocked. The Clintons WILL go to hell, and so will all their cronies and everyone else who assisted them in escaping justice.

Again you want to ignore actual evidence and get to a lynch mob....

You are desperate person who has lost factual reasoning...

Has any rapist's wife ever been held accountable for her husband's "rape" of another? I'm not sure how the law reads on this.
She stood by him, and helped him cover it up, and even threatened Juanita Broderick to keep her mouth shut.

Have you alerted a prosecutor?
Bill Clinton was the Attorney General of Arkansas at the time he raped Juanita Broderick, in other words he was the guy in charge of ALL the prosecutors in the state at the time he committed his violent sexual assault against her.

To WHOM could she have gone to report the rape?
she certainly should NOT have gone to the Clinton fund raiser in support of him 2 weeks after she claimed he raped her....

Anyone who defends the Clintons after all they've done is a disgusting and morally repulsive person, lower than a snake.

Has any rapist's wife ever been held accountable for her husband's "rape" of another? I'm not sure how the law reads on this.
She stood by him, and helped him cover it up, and even threatened Juanita Broderick to keep her mouth shut.

Have you alerted a prosecutor?
Bill Clinton was the Attorney General of Arkansas at the time he raped Juanita Broderick, in other words he was the guy in charge of ALL the prosecutors in the state at the time he committed his violent sexual assault against her.

To WHOM could she have gone to report the rape?
she certainly should NOT have gone to the Clinton fund raiser in support of him 2 weeks after she claimed he raped her....
She was scared shitless by Bill Clinton's violent sexual assault and Hilary's threats against her.

It's called Stockholm Syndrome.
Worth pointing out again

There is only one candidate in the race for President who
  1. Is an adulterer and
  2. Has been accused of rape
And his name is Donald Trump.
Funny how these subversive scumbags gathered around to condemn HERMAN CAINE when he was accused of having JUST AFFAIRS yet the Blow Job, who's SPERM WAS ALL OVER MONICA LEWINSKY'S DRESS didn't do a fucking thing.... And you asswipes think intelligent people will buy into your LIES when WE HAVE THE EVIDENCE???..... Bunch of truly sick bastards!

Has any rapist's wife ever been held accountable for her husband's "rape" of another? I'm not sure how the law reads on this.
She stood by him, and helped him cover it up, and even threatened Juanita Broderick to keep her mouth shut.

Have you alerted a prosecutor?
Bill Clinton was the Attorney General of Arkansas at the time he raped Juanita Broderick, in other words he was the guy in charge of ALL the prosecutors in the state at the time he committed his violent sexual assault against her.

To WHOM could she have gone to report the rape?
she certainly should NOT have gone to the Clinton fund raiser in support of him 2 weeks after she claimed he raped her....
She was scared shitless by Bill Clinton's violent sexual assault and Hilary's threats against her.

It's called Stockholm Syndrome.
now you are just making up your own bull crap... The weeks between when she claimed she was raped and the fund raiser she didn't see Hillary or Bill...Hillary had not threatened her nor Bill during those 3 weeks...she still CHOSE to go to this fund raiser for Bill, WHY? ....which is where Hillary came over to her and THANKED HER for her help with the campaign....THAT'S IT, and she claims Hillary thanking her was Hillary's threat....what a bunch of bunk....

So with no influence from Bill, and she hadn't even spoken to Hillary yet so no perceived or alleged threat from Hillary, Juanita CHOSE to go to this fund raiser for Bill....

Maybe she was intimidated by him being the AG, and her saying 20 years afterwards that she was afraid she wouldn't get a fair trial or something, BUT SHE WOULD HAVE and they would have suspended bill from his job duties till the trial was over and had an independant prosecutor.....but even with all of her fear supposedly, SHE STILL CHOSE TO GO TO AN AFTER HOUR EVENT, SUPPORTING HER ALLEGED RAPIST....no one and no condition, forced her to do that....

Stockholm syndrome is when a person is kidnapped and held captive and they end up befriending their captors after a while....

No one held Juanita captive nor forced her to continue to support Bill clinton, as she did...she could have walked away and gone back to her regular ol, unexciting job....

I don't buy her story, sorry....
She stood by him, and helped him cover it up, and even threatened Juanita Broderick to keep her mouth shut.

Have you alerted a prosecutor?
Bill Clinton was the Attorney General of Arkansas at the time he raped Juanita Broderick, in other words he was the guy in charge of ALL the prosecutors in the state at the time he committed his violent sexual assault against her.

To WHOM could she have gone to report the rape?
she certainly should NOT have gone to the Clinton fund raiser in support of him 2 weeks after she claimed he raped her....
She was scared shitless by Bill Clinton's violent sexual assault and Hilary's threats against her.

It's called Stockholm Syndrome.
now you are just making up your own bull crap... The weeks between when she claimed she was raped and the fund raiser she didn't see Hillary or Bill...Hillary had not threatened her nor Bill during those 3 weeks...she still CHOSE to go to this fund raiser for Bill, WHY? ....which is where Hillary came over to her and THANKED HER for her help with the campaign....THAT'S IT, and she claims Hillary thanking her was Hillary's threat....what a bunch of bunk....

So with no influence from Bill, and she hadn't even spoken to Hillary yet so no perceived or alleged threat from Hillary, Juanita CHOSE to go to this fund raiser for Bill....

Maybe she was intimidated by him being the AG, and her saying 20 years afterwards that she was afraid she wouldn't get a fair trial or something, BUT SHE WOULD HAVE and they would have suspended bill from his job duties till the trial was over and had an independant prosecutor.....but even with all of her fear supposedly, SHE STILL CHOSE TO GO TO AN AFTER HOUR EVENT, SUPPORTING HER ALLEGED RAPIST....no one and no condition, forced her to do that....

Stockholm syndrome is when a person is kidnapped and held captive and they end up befriending their captors after a while....

No one held Juanita captive nor forced her to continue to support Bill clinton, as she did...she could have walked away and gone back to her regular ol, unexciting job....

I don't buy her story, sorry....
Juanita Broaddrick is afraid NOW, she's said so.

Juanita Broaddrick fears for her life: 'I don't feel safe anymore'

The fact that you feel no compassion for a rape victim, and take sides with the Clintons in attacking her, proves you are a loathsome individual without even a shred of decency.

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