Hillary is Done and she knows it.

Skylar you can't be this stupid, so you have to be doing this on some sick reasoning. I asked you in my first post ever to you to validate your 6 claims re: a Presidential candidate. It has been an epic fail on your part and until you can answer the reasonable request you lose...

Show me a single point you disagree on, and we'll discuss it. But why would I show you links for points that we don't even disagree on?

Man up, son. You know that when you call me out on a specific point....I'm only going to embarrass you. Which is why you remain uselessly vague.

Get specific. Or get lost. Either works for me.
And until you validate your 6 examples (lies) in front of all your liberal friends, I will be patiently waiting...

But I won't lose any sleep waiting...

You can't even disagree with a single point I've raised. And why?

Because we both know I'm right. And I made *way* more than 6 claims. And you can't pick one.

Try again, son.

Gads, Skylar .. if I was Ridgerunner I'd feel henpecked and bored..

Shrugs....I'm still waiting for Ridge to even disagree with any specific point I've made.

Though watching him run is kinda entertaining.

I used to stick around in hopes of actual effect with members I disagreed with. It's really quite rare and the attempts are forgotten after a good nights sleep.

later tater..
And until you validate your 6 examples (lies) in front of all your liberal friends, I will be patiently waiting...

But I won't lose any sleep waiting...

You can't even disagree with a single point I've raised. And why?

Because we both know I'm right. And I made *way* more than 6 claims. And you can't pick one.

Try again, son.

Gads, Skylar .. if I was Ridgerunner I'd feel henpecked and bored..

Shrugs....I'm still waiting for Ridge to even disagree with any specific point I've made.

Though watching him run is kinda entertaining.

I used to stick around in hopes of actual effect with members I disagreed with. It's really quite rare and the attempts are forgotten after a good nights sleep.

later tater..

And post number 4 about.....nothing. Sleep well.
The liberal media has done everything it can possibly do to prop up hillary and put out false information regarding the polls trying to convince folks Trump cannot win...........yet still it is a neck and neck race.

Wayne Allyn Root - Hillary's Done... And She Knows It
I think people are starting to realize that whenever there is an emergency or a disaster, Hillary and Obama aren't interested. Everything they do is pre-planned. Nothing they do is a reaction to current events....other than dreaming up criticism, which is easy. When the real thing happens, they take too long deciding what to do. This is mainly because they are unqualified and history has shown that their decision processes are deeply flawed. Instead of dealing with the emergency, they dream up cover stories to excuse their bad choices.
Now you are caught in another lie... You know exactly where that link lead to, but you want to divert attention to your bullshit...

He's proposed;

- Turning over US citizens to the military for military tribunals
- Bringing back torture and 'worse'.
- Targeted revenge killings of non-combatant women and children by our military.
- Imprisoning his political opponent if he wins.
- Creating 'purity tests'.
- Having enormous 'deportation teams' sweeping the US.

All while having a college freshmen's understanding of the issues at hand and an instinct toward conspiracy that call the man's sanity into question.

I mean, the Birther Conspiracy? Ted Cruz's father was part of the Kennedy Assasination plot? And the only way he can lose Pennsylvania (a state no republican has won since 1988, where Trump himself is 13 points behind) is if the vote is rigged against him?

This transcends politics. I don't want this man looking at a picture of the White House.

partisan :bs1: unless you come up with a valid:link:

So you're not making up another batshit conspiracy about George Soros?

And pick a point in my post you even disagree with. Hell pick 2....and I'll disabuse you of your misconceptions about the Donald.

But if you can't even cite a single point you disagree with, then what have you been babbling about?
I pick 6...

And any one you can't prove will be taken as a lie...

Take your time... I'm off work until 11pm tonight...
Sheesh, I've read the past 3 pages and I have no idea what you 2 are bumping butts over... :dunno:

Do I have to read the whole thread or should I just go away, it's a quandry..?

He wants me to go through every post and provide links for every point I've made. I've told him he'll need to disagree with something I've said first....as I'm not going to be posting links to something we both agree on.

And he has yet to disagree on any specific point.
You made the claims, YOU provide the proof...

Those are the rules, and they apply to anyone (with the exception of someone so retarded they're practically a vegetable)....

So put up or lose...

It's that simple....
Sheesh, I've read the past 3 pages and I have no idea what you 2 are bumping butts over... :dunno:

Do I have to read the whole thread or should I just go away, it's a quandry..?

He wants me to go through every post and provide links for every point I've made. I've told him he'll need to disagree with something I've said first....as I'm not going to be posting links to something we both agree on.

And he has yet to disagree on any specific point.
You made the claims, YOU provide the proof...

Those are the rules, and they apply to anyone (with the exception of someone so retarded they're practically a vegetable)....

So put up or lose...

It's that simple....

Disagree with me on a specific point and I'll happily show you you're wrong.

But I'm not positing links for something we both recognize is accurate. I want you on record that a specific claim is *wrong*....so I can rub your nose in it with the evidence.

Pick a claim, any claim.
Now you are caught in another lie... You know exactly where that link lead to, but you want to divert attention to your bullshit...

He's proposed;

- Turning over US citizens to the military for military tribunals
- Bringing back torture and 'worse'.
- Targeted revenge killings of non-combatant women and children by our military.
- Imprisoning his political opponent if he wins.
- Creating 'purity tests'.
- Having enormous 'deportation teams' sweeping the US.

All while having a college freshmen's understanding of the issues at hand and an instinct toward conspiracy that call the man's sanity into question.

I mean, the Birther Conspiracy? Ted Cruz's father was part of the Kennedy Assasination plot? And the only way he can lose Pennsylvania (a state no republican has won since 1988, where Trump himself is 13 points behind) is if the vote is rigged against him?

This transcends politics. I don't want this man looking at a picture of the White House.

partisan :bs1: unless you come up with a valid:link:

So you're not making up another batshit conspiracy about George Soros?

And pick a point in my post you even disagree with. Hell pick 2....and I'll disabuse you of your misconceptions about the Donald.

But if you can't even cite a single point you disagree with, then what have you been babbling about?
I pick 6...

And any one you can't prove will be taken as a lie...

Take your time... I'm off work until 11pm tonight...

Talk to me when you can cite even *one* claim you disagree with me on. You won't go on record as disagreeing with me on any point I've raised......as you know I'm right.

So why am I going to provide you with links for a point you don't even disagree with?

Try again.
Skylar you can't be this stupid, so you have to be doing this on some sick reasoning. I asked you in my first post ever to you to validate your 6 claims re: a Presidential candidate. It has been an epic fail on your part and until you can answer the reasonable request you lose...
How these people can just make claims and then call it like they are making some kind of valid point is beyond comprehension. They attempt to defy anyone with a reasonable thought process and it is like common sense never existed for them. Did they sniff too much glue as teens or is it that they hung around the air freshner plugins sniffing too much as babes?
Skylar you can't be this stupid, so you have to be doing this on some sick reasoning. I asked you in my first post ever to you to validate your 6 claims re: a Presidential candidate. It has been an epic fail on your part and until you can answer the reasonable request you lose...
How these people can just make claims and then call it like they are making some kind of valid point is beyond comprehension. They attempt to defy anyone with a reasonable thought process and it is like common sense never existed for them. Did they sniff too much glue as teens or is it that they hung around the air freshner plugins sniffing too much as babes?

Laughing....then disagree with any specific point I've made. Here's the post again:

Its far lower than 50-50. Which is way higher than it should be. No one like Trump should ever sit in the oval office. The man is a blithering incompetent with impulse control issues, ludicrously thin skinned, delusions of knowledge he simply doesn't have, and dangerously fascist instincts.

He's proposed;

- Turning over US citizens to the military for military tribunals
- Bringing back torture and 'worse'.
- Targeted revenge killings of non-combatant women and children by our military.
- Imprisoning his political opponent if he wins.
- Creating 'purity tests'.
- Having enormous 'deportation teams' sweeping the US.

All while having a college freshmen's understanding of the issues at hand and an instinct toward conspiracy that call the man's sanity into question.

I mean, the Birther Conspiracy? Ted Cruz's father was part of the Kennedy Assasination plot? And the only way he can lose Pennsylvania (a state no republican has won since 1988, where Trump himself is 13 points behind) is if the vote is rigged against him?

This transcends politics. I don't want this man looking at a picture of the White House.

And yet astonishingly, despite more than a dozen posts from 3 different posters, not one of your has managed to so much as disagree with any specific point I've made.

Try again.
Skylar you can't be this stupid, so you have to be doing this on some sick reasoning. I asked you in my first post ever to you to validate your 6 claims re: a Presidential candidate. It has been an epic fail on your part and until you can answer the reasonable request you lose...
How these people can just make claims and then call it like they are making some kind of valid point is beyond comprehension. They attempt to defy anyone with a reasonable thought process and it is like common sense never existed for them. Did they sniff too much glue as teens or is it that they hung around the air freshner plugins sniffing too much as babes?

Laughing....then disagree with any specific point I've made. Here's the post again:

Its far lower than 50-50. Which is way higher than it should be. No one like Trump should ever sit in the oval office. The man is a blithering incompetent with impulse control issues, ludicrously thin skinned, delusions of knowledge he simply doesn't have, and dangerously fascist instincts.

He's proposed;

- Turning over US citizens to the military for military tribunals
- Bringing back torture and 'worse'.
- Targeted revenge killings of non-combatant women and children by our military.
- Imprisoning his political opponent if he wins.
- Creating 'purity tests'.
- Having enormous 'deportation teams' sweeping the US.

All while having a college freshmen's understanding of the issues at hand and an instinct toward conspiracy that call the man's sanity into question.

I mean, the Birther Conspiracy? Ted Cruz's father was part of the Kennedy Assasination plot? And the only way he can lose Pennsylvania (a state no republican has won since 1988, where Trump himself is 13 points behind) is if the vote is rigged against him?

This transcends politics. I don't want this man looking at a picture of the White House.

And yet astonishingly, despite more than a dozen posts from 3 different posters, not one of your has managed to so much as disagree with any specific point I've made.

Try again.
As you say "links" prove it.
Skylar you can't be this stupid, so you have to be doing this on some sick reasoning. I asked you in my first post ever to you to validate your 6 claims re: a Presidential candidate. It has been an epic fail on your part and until you can answer the reasonable request you lose...
How these people can just make claims and then call it like they are making some kind of valid point is beyond comprehension. They attempt to defy anyone with a reasonable thought process and it is like common sense never existed for them. Did they sniff too much glue as teens or is it that they hung around the air freshner plugins sniffing too much as babes?

Laughing....then disagree with any specific point I've made. Here's the post again:

Its far lower than 50-50. Which is way higher than it should be. No one like Trump should ever sit in the oval office. The man is a blithering incompetent with impulse control issues, ludicrously thin skinned, delusions of knowledge he simply doesn't have, and dangerously fascist instincts.

He's proposed;

- Turning over US citizens to the military for military tribunals
- Bringing back torture and 'worse'.
- Targeted revenge killings of non-combatant women and children by our military.
- Imprisoning his political opponent if he wins.
- Creating 'purity tests'.
- Having enormous 'deportation teams' sweeping the US.

All while having a college freshmen's understanding of the issues at hand and an instinct toward conspiracy that call the man's sanity into question.

I mean, the Birther Conspiracy? Ted Cruz's father was part of the Kennedy Assasination plot? And the only way he can lose Pennsylvania (a state no republican has won since 1988, where Trump himself is 13 points behind) is if the vote is rigged against him?

This transcends politics. I don't want this man looking at a picture of the White House.

And yet astonishingly, despite more than a dozen posts from 3 different posters, not one of your has managed to so much as disagree with any specific point I've made.

Try again.
As you say "links" prove it.

Disagree with me on a specific point....and I'd be happy to.

Now we're up to 4 posters who insist I 'prove' claims that they don't even disagree with.

Try again. This time with a specific point that you disagree with.
Skylar you can't be this stupid, so you have to be doing this on some sick reasoning. I asked you in my first post ever to you to validate your 6 claims re: a Presidential candidate. It has been an epic fail on your part and until you can answer the reasonable request you lose...
How these people can just make claims and then call it like they are making some kind of valid point is beyond comprehension. They attempt to defy anyone with a reasonable thought process and it is like common sense never existed for them. Did they sniff too much glue as teens or is it that they hung around the air freshner plugins sniffing too much as babes?

Laughing....then disagree with any specific point I've made. Here's the post again:

Its far lower than 50-50. Which is way higher than it should be. No one like Trump should ever sit in the oval office. The man is a blithering incompetent with impulse control issues, ludicrously thin skinned, delusions of knowledge he simply doesn't have, and dangerously fascist instincts.

He's proposed;

- Turning over US citizens to the military for military tribunals
- Bringing back torture and 'worse'.
- Targeted revenge killings of non-combatant women and children by our military.
- Imprisoning his political opponent if he wins.
- Creating 'purity tests'.
- Having enormous 'deportation teams' sweeping the US.

All while having a college freshmen's understanding of the issues at hand and an instinct toward conspiracy that call the man's sanity into question.

I mean, the Birther Conspiracy? Ted Cruz's father was part of the Kennedy Assasination plot? And the only way he can lose Pennsylvania (a state no republican has won since 1988, where Trump himself is 13 points behind) is if the vote is rigged against him?

This transcends politics. I don't want this man looking at a picture of the White House.

And yet astonishingly, despite more than a dozen posts from 3 different posters, not one of your has managed to so much as disagree with any specific point I've made.

Try again.
As you say "links" prove it.

Disagree with me on a specific point....and I'd be happy to.

Now we're up to 4 posters who insist I 'prove' claims that they don't even disagree with.

Try again. This time with a specific point that you disagree with.
You made the points back them all up.
Skylar you can't be this stupid, so you have to be doing this on some sick reasoning. I asked you in my first post ever to you to validate your 6 claims re: a Presidential candidate. It has been an epic fail on your part and until you can answer the reasonable request you lose...
How these people can just make claims and then call it like they are making some kind of valid point is beyond comprehension. They attempt to defy anyone with a reasonable thought process and it is like common sense never existed for them. Did they sniff too much glue as teens or is it that they hung around the air freshner plugins sniffing too much as babes?

Laughing....then disagree with any specific point I've made. Here's the post again:

Its far lower than 50-50. Which is way higher than it should be. No one like Trump should ever sit in the oval office. The man is a blithering incompetent with impulse control issues, ludicrously thin skinned, delusions of knowledge he simply doesn't have, and dangerously fascist instincts.

He's proposed;

- Turning over US citizens to the military for military tribunals
- Bringing back torture and 'worse'.
- Targeted revenge killings of non-combatant women and children by our military.
- Imprisoning his political opponent if he wins.
- Creating 'purity tests'.
- Having enormous 'deportation teams' sweeping the US.

All while having a college freshmen's understanding of the issues at hand and an instinct toward conspiracy that call the man's sanity into question.

I mean, the Birther Conspiracy? Ted Cruz's father was part of the Kennedy Assasination plot? And the only way he can lose Pennsylvania (a state no republican has won since 1988, where Trump himself is 13 points behind) is if the vote is rigged against him?

This transcends politics. I don't want this man looking at a picture of the White House.

And yet astonishingly, despite more than a dozen posts from 3 different posters, not one of your has managed to so much as disagree with any specific point I've made.

Try again.
As you say "links" prove it.

Disagree with me on a specific point....and I'd be happy to.

Now we're up to 4 posters who insist I 'prove' claims that they don't even disagree with.

Try again. This time with a specific point that you disagree with.
You made the points back them all up.

Pick a point that you disagree with and I'd be happy to. But we both know I'm right. Which is why you won't go on record claiming that any of the points I've made are inaccurate.

Talk to me when you can even disagree with any specific point I've made.
Your speculations based on your misguided bias. Your words in pink to match your persona.

Its far lower than 50-50. Which is way higher than it should be. No one like Trump should ever sit in the oval office. The man is a blithering incompetent with impulse control issues, ludicrously thin skinned, delusions of knowledge he simply doesn't have, and dangerously fascist instincts.

Trump has a better understanding of the law than some poor little Internet whiner when it comes to what can be done to military combatants inside of the US that have gain citizenship for nefarious projects against the safety and liberty of ALL United States citizens;

He's proposed;

FindLaw's United States Supreme Court case and opinions.
- Turning over US citizens to the military for military tribunals

The rest you have nothing specific only what you have said with your misguided illusions.
With what wet noodles and dog leashes? Be specific as calling you a fag may be torture to you as far as we know!

- Bringing back torture and 'worse'.

What women and children the ones that take up bombs for jihad? How do you separate them if they choose to be with the Jihadist?

- Targeted revenge killings of non-combatant women and children by our military.

Hillary can go to jail for her crimes if found guilty along with any other politicians that have broken the law. How the hell do you lose six billion dollars when you are the head of a department?
- Imprisoning his political opponent if he wins.

What the heck are you talking about?
- Creating 'purity tests'.

Illegals should definitely be deported. That little "il" part in the word makes that a legal and intelligent proposition. What part of illegal do you people not understand?

- Having enormous 'deportation teams' sweeping the US.

This is your opinion which really does not mean jack.

All while having a college freshmen's understanding of the issues at hand and an instinct toward conspiracy that call the man's sanity into question.

Can you prove he wasn't?
I mean, the Birther Conspiracy? Ted Cruz's father was part of the Kennedy Assasination plot?

Wrong again Trump is already ahead in PA.
And the only way he can lose Pennsylvania (a state no republican has won since 1988, where Trump himself is 13 points behind) is if the vote is rigged against him?

Your personal opinion again. Too bad, so sad you lose.
This transcends politics. I don't want this man looking at a picture of the White House.
Your speculations based on your misguided bias. Your words in pink to match your persona.

Its far lower than 50-50. Which is way higher than it should be. No one like Trump should ever sit in the oval office. The man is a blithering incompetent with impulse control issues, ludicrously thin skinned, delusions of knowledge he simply doesn't have, and dangerously fascist instincts.

Trump has a better understanding of the law than some poor little Internet whiner when it comes to what can be done to military combatants inside of the US that have gain citizenship for nefarious projects against the safety and liberty of ALL United States citizens;

Really? So tell me....why would Trump 'know more about ISIS than the generals do?"

Explain how founding Trump Mortgage or firing Meatloaf on Celebrity Apprentice gives him more insight into ISIS than the generals who fight for us professionally?

If Trump is that knowledgable, then this should be remarkably easy for you to explain. If he's not....then we'll get excuses and akward subject changes.

Gee, I wonder which we'll get.

The rest you have nothing specific only what you have said with your misguided illusions.

You may want to educate yourself on Trump's own positions first:

Interviewer: Would you try to get the military commissions to try US citizens?

Trump: I know they want to try them in our regular court system. I would say that they could be tried there, that would be fine.
Trump: Americans could be tried in Guantánamo

With 'there' being Guantanamo, under the military commissions. He's actively proposed taking US Citizens accused of terrorism OUT of the civilian court and trying the under military tribunals.

How do you not know this?

What women and children the ones that take up bombs for jihad? How do you separate them if they choose to be with the Jihadist?

No, the families of terrorists. He insisted we should kill their entire families. Emphasizing 'their entire families'.

Spoiler Alert! Families include women and children.

Again, how do you not know this?
The liberal media has done everything it can possibly do to prop up hillary and put out false information regarding the polls trying to convince folks Trump cannot win...........yet still it is a neck and neck race.

Wayne Allyn Root - Hillary's Done... And She Knows It
The piece doesn't provide any solid empirical evidence, only conjecture and guesses.

Can you provide any empirical evidence?
Hillary is on a downward slope now, that I dont think another Trump rude soundbite will correct for her. People are tired of hearing about Trumps slip ups while the media ignores Hillarys bribery, incompetence and pay to play.
Your speculations based on your misguided bias. Your words in pink to match your persona.

Its far lower than 50-50. Which is way higher than it should be. No one like Trump should ever sit in the oval office. The man is a blithering incompetent with impulse control issues, ludicrously thin skinned, delusions of knowledge he simply doesn't have, and dangerously fascist instincts.

Trump has a better understanding of the law than some poor little Internet whiner when it comes to what can be done to military combatants inside of the US that have gain citizenship for nefarious projects against the safety and liberty of ALL United States citizens;

Really? So tell me....why would Trump 'know more about ISIS than the generals do?"

Explain how founding Trump Mortgage or firing Meatloaf on Celebrity Apprentice gives him more insight into ISIS than the generals who fight for us professionally?

If Trump is that knowledgable, then this should be remarkably easy for you to explain. If he's not....then we'll get excuses and akward subject changes.

Gee, I wonder which we'll get.

The rest you have nothing specific only what you have said with your misguided illusions.

You may want to educate yourself on Trump's own positions first:

Interviewer: Would you try to get the military commissions to try US citizens?

Trump: I know they want to try them in our regular court system. I would say that they could be tried there, that would be fine.
Trump: Americans could be tried in Guantánamo

With 'there' being Guantanamo, under the military commissions. He's actively proposed taking US Citizens accused of terrorism OUT of the civilian court and trying the under military tribunals.

How do you not know this?

What women and children the ones that take up bombs for jihad? How do you separate them if they choose to be with the Jihadist?

No, the families of terrorists. He insisted we should kill their entire families. Emphasizing 'their entire families'.

Spoiler Alert! Families include women and children.

Again, how do you not know this?
Again back up your claims with links. I gave you the courts findings and you have nothing more than your own personal insane ramblings.
Really? So tell me....why would Trump 'know more about ISIS than the generals do?"
As Trump is advised by a few generals that specialize in Asymetrical Warfare, and many generals dont know much more than their own specialty (logistics, maintenance, finance, etc) it is hardly an outrageous statement to say Trump knows more than many generals, particularly if the generals in question are lying, moron Dimbocrats.
Your speculations based on your misguided bias. Your words in pink to match your persona.

Its far lower than 50-50. Which is way higher than it should be. No one like Trump should ever sit in the oval office. The man is a blithering incompetent with impulse control issues, ludicrously thin skinned, delusions of knowledge he simply doesn't have, and dangerously fascist instincts.

Trump has a better understanding of the law than some poor little Internet whiner when it comes to what can be done to military combatants inside of the US that have gain citizenship for nefarious projects against the safety and liberty of ALL United States citizens;

Really? So tell me....why would Trump 'know more about ISIS than the generals do?"

Explain how founding Trump Mortgage or firing Meatloaf on Celebrity Apprentice gives him more insight into ISIS than the generals who fight for us professionally?

If Trump is that knowledgable, then this should be remarkably easy for you to explain. If he's not....then we'll get excuses and akward subject changes.

Gee, I wonder which we'll get.

The rest you have nothing specific only what you have said with your misguided illusions.

You may want to educate yourself on Trump's own positions first:

Interviewer: Would you try to get the military commissions to try US citizens?

Trump: I know they want to try them in our regular court system. I would say that they could be tried there, that would be fine.
Trump: Americans could be tried in Guantánamo

With 'there' being Guantanamo, under the military commissions. He's actively proposed taking US Citizens accused of terrorism OUT of the civilian court and trying the under military tribunals.

How do you not know this?

What women and children the ones that take up bombs for jihad? How do you separate them if they choose to be with the Jihadist?

No, the families of terrorists. He insisted we should kill their entire families. Emphasizing 'their entire families'.

Spoiler Alert! Families include women and children.

Again, how do you not know this?
Again back up your claims with links. I gave you the courts findings and you have nothing more than your own personal insane ramblings.

I just did. I even linked to a video where Trump *says* exactly what I attributed to him.

But as we all knew you would.....you refused to follow it. And refusing, insist that the claims haven't been backed up. Ah, Argument from Ignorance. Its a classic fallacy of logic for a reason.

And of course, you never did explain how Trump would 'know more about ISIS than the generals do.

Laughing.....good luck with that.

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