Hillary is Done and she knows it.

See I knew you were a bull shit toting liberal from jump street. I knew you did not have the intestinal fortitude to back up your claims...

Says the poor soul who can't even cite a single point he disagrees with.

Try again. This time being even remotely specific. Though the vague, chickenshit excuses you've been giving me so far have been hilarious!
You making that coffee? I take mine black...

Good for you! Then you'll be frosty when you finally manage to cite even one point you disagree with me on. Here it is again:

Its far lower than 50-50. Which is way higher than it should be. No one like Trump should ever sit in the oval office. The man is a blithering incompetent with impulse control issues, ludicrously thin skinned, delusions of knowledge he simply doesn't have, and dangerously fascist instincts.

He's proposed;

- Turning over US citizens to the military for military tribunals
- Bringing back torture and 'worse'.
- Targeted revenge killings of non-combatant women and children by our military.
- Imprisoning his political opponent if he wins.
- Creating 'purity tests'.
- Having enormous 'deportation teams' sweeping the US.

All while having a college freshmen's understanding of the issues at hand and an instinct toward conspiracy that call the man's sanity into question.

I mean, the Birther Conspiracy? Ted Cruz's father was part of the Kennedy Assasination plot? And the only way he can lose Pennsylvania (a state no republican has won since 1988, where Trump himself is 13 points behind) is if the vote is rigged against him?

This transcends politics. I don't want this man looking at a picture of the White House.

But let me guess.....more excuses?
Here you go suze... this is what you are running from...

partisan :bs1: unless you come up with a valid:link:

Back up your bullshit or go away...

I'm right here. Give me a specific point you disagree with....and I'll gladly educate you. But you know I'm right. Which is why you can't cite any such point.

You keep running, I'll keep laughing! Deal?
Suze you are the one with the excuses. You made the claims but won't back them up... You fail...

Talk to me when you can cite even ONE point where I"m wrong.

You can't. We both know I'm right. Which is why you've been giving me nothing but sniveling excuses why you can't name any claim I'm wrong on.

You know what a piece of shit Trump is. You know inept he is. You know the fascist shit he spews. You just really hope I don't.
C'mon, boy. Put on your Daddy's shoes, pretend to be a big boy.....

.....and show me which point you disagree on.
You are in the same category as Hillary... A liar extraordinaire...

Oh, I laugh way more than Hillary. Especially when I'm watching you squirm on the hook you've impaled yourself on.

When and if you ever manage to cite a *single* point you disagree with me on, I'll be here.

I won't hold my breath.
And until you validate your 6 examples (lies) in front of all your liberal friends, I will be patiently waiting...

But I won't lose any sleep waiting...
Sheesh, I've read the past 3 pages and I have no idea what you 2 are bumping butts over... :dunno:

Do I have to read the whole thread or should I just go away, it's a quandry..?
And until you validate your 6 examples (lies) in front of all your liberal friends, I will be patiently waiting...

But I won't lose any sleep waiting...

You can't even disagree with a single point I've raised. And why?

Because we both know I'm right. And I made *way* more than 6 claims. And you can't pick one.

Try again, son.
Sheesh, I've read the past 3 pages and I have no idea what you 2 are bumping butts over... :dunno:

Do I have to read the whole thread or should I just go away, it's a quandry..?

He wants me to go through every post and provide links for every point I've made. I've told him he'll need to disagree with something I've said first....as I'm not going to be posting links to something we both agree on.

And he has yet to disagree on any specific point.
And until you validate your 6 examples (lies) in front of all your liberal friends, I will be patiently waiting...

But I won't lose any sleep waiting...

You can't even disagree with a single point I've raised. And why?

Because we both know I'm right. And I made *way* more than 6 claims. And you can't pick one.

Try again, son.

Gads, Skylar .. if I was Ridgerunner I'd feel henpecked and bored..
And until you validate your 6 examples (lies) in front of all your liberal friends, I will be patiently waiting...

But I won't lose any sleep waiting...

You can't even disagree with a single point I've raised. And why?

Because we both know I'm right. And I made *way* more than 6 claims. And you can't pick one.

Try again, son.

Gads, Skylar .. if I was Ridgerunner I'd feel henpecked and bored..

Shrugs....I'm still waiting for Ridge to even disagree with any specific point I've made.

Though watching him run is kinda entertaining.
Sheesh, I've read the past 3 pages and I have no idea what you 2 are bumping butts over... :dunno:

Do I have to read the whole thread or should I just go away, it's a quandry..?

He wants me to go through every post and provide links for every point I've made. I've told him he'll need to disagree with something I've said first....as I'm not going to be posting links to something we both agree on.

And he has yet to disagree on any specific point.

3 pages and not much has changed = Sometimes it's just better to move on and have some fun elsewhere ..
Skylar you can't be this stupid, so you have to be doing this on some sick reasoning. I asked you in my first post ever to you to validate your 6 claims re: a Presidential candidate. It has been an epic fail on your part and until you can answer the reasonable request you lose...
Sheesh, I've read the past 3 pages and I have no idea what you 2 are bumping butts over... :dunno:

Do I have to read the whole thread or should I just go away, it's a quandry..?

He wants me to go through every post and provide links for every point I've made. I've told him he'll need to disagree with something I've said first....as I'm not going to be posting links to something we both agree on.

And he has yet to disagree on any specific point.

3 pages and not much has changed = Sometimes it's just better to move on and have some fun elsewhere ..

And yet here you are on your third post of....nothing. You're literally talking about talking.

And still, there's not a single specific disagreement with any point I've made.


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