Hillary loses it on Maddow: "China, if you're listening, why don't you get Trump's tax returns?"

Great If the moron trump can ask russia for help ,why can't hillary ask China for scumbags taxes??? FN republicans only know how to get enraged over hillary
Why is this loser bitch still on the Damn TV?
Have Democrats lost what little intelligence they had left? She's washed up and a NET NEGATIVE on your party.

The bitch is on TV because people want to hear what she has to say about the lying piece of shit who conspired with Russia.

And just to piss off fools like you.

Then when people comment on her showing up, they're obsessed with her. Got it, yup, fer sher, like totally.
Great If the moron trump can ask russia for help ,why can't hillary ask China for scumbags taxes??? FN republicans only know how to get enraged over hillary
You stupid mother fuckers have been calling that collusion for almost 3 years and now its ok?
You are a partisan shithead of the highest order.

Haven't you been following the talking points? It's only bad when Republicans do it. Democrats can do anything they want to. The rules don't apply to them.
Great If the moron trump can ask russia for help ,why can't hillary ask China for scumbags taxes??? FN republicans only know how to get enraged over hillary

But Trump colluded with Russia according to your side when he asked about the emails.

So HIllary colluded with China?
and here it is...

And you're twisting what she said.

I watched the interview when it happened.

She was saying that if it's ok for trump to do all he did then it would be ok for other nations to interfere with our election like russia did with trump.

So she gave an example of what can happen if what russia and trump did in 2016 isn't illegal.

Which was China doing what russia did for trump.

She wasn't serious she was saying what COULD happen.

But then why would you be upset? You aren't upset that that happened with russia and trump. If it was ok for trump and russia it will be ok for all the next candidates that run for the presidency in the future.
I wonder how many people really think Trump was being serious, and not just trolling, when he made that Russia comment.

Well, they tried to make a federal case out of him doing it, now they're yucking it up over Hillary doing it. Somewhere a supporting beam broke.
Why do people waste their time on Clinton, she is a washed up, bitter, has been. Time to move on. The entire video was redacted! Quick call Mueller! LOL!!!!!
When I saw her little rhetorical fun I wondered who would be the first moroonie to claim she meant it.
Great If the moron trump can ask russia for help ,why can't hillary ask China for scumbags taxes??? FN republicans only know how to get enraged over hillary

But Trump colluded with Russia according to your side when he asked about the emails.

So HIllary colluded with China?
No, she satirized Tramp! As if you didn't know.
Yeah,,she was only kidding like trump was

Of course you are correctamundo, ed. But the bozos of the media have insisted that Uncle Pooty never thought about trying to find Hillary Clinton's emails until President Trump's quip.

So what's good for the goose should be good for the gander.

I think appointing a Special Persecutor would be prudent to even things out.
Just think. These stupid Moon Bats voted for Crooked Hillary to be President. How could they have been so dumb?
Flash you do realize most of what she was accused of by republicans was all BS? AND if it wasn't how fn inept are republicans for having nothing to show for 30 years of BS ?? Meanwhile trumps people are falling like shit from an eagle
Just think. These stupid Moon Bats voted for Crooked Hillary to be President. How could they have been so dumb?
Flash you do realize most of what she was accused of by republicans was all BS? AND if it wasn't how fn inept are republicans for having nothing to show for 30 years of BS ?? Meanwhile trumps people are falling like shit from an eagle

We haven't appointed a Special Counsel to interrogate Hillary Clinton and her cronies.

Not yet anyhow.

There is no way to know which Democrat operatives can be caught in Perjury Traps until we try. Even if none are caught, it would still be useful in impoverishing these characters by having them spend their life savings on lawyer fees
Rachel and Hillary together laughing it up. I don't think Rachel had this much fun in when? Oh right, since her show started airing. Pretty depressive if you ask me. Lol
2 great very intelligent ladies Hope you listened in You might have learned something
Great If the moron trump can ask russia for help ,why can't hillary ask China for scumbags taxes??? FN republicans only know how to get enraged over hillary
Why is this loser bitch still on the Damn TV?
Have Democrats lost what little intelligence they had left? She's washed up and a NET NEGATIVE on your party.

She's a loser, the Dem party is full of them.
How many Repubs indicted, how many more to come?? How many Scumpbotts?
Just think. These stupid Moon Bats voted for Crooked Hillary to be President. How could they have been so dumb?
Flash you do realize most of what she was accused of by republicans was all BS? AND if it wasn't how fn inept are republicans for having nothing to show for 30 years of BS ?? Meanwhile trumps people are falling like shit from an eagle

You realize that Crooked Hillary was not only a moron but the most corrupted and dishonest shithead to ever run for President but yet 59 million of you dumbasses voted for her, didn't you? "I'm with her". LOL!

How could you be that stupid?

Of course you are the same dimwits that think socialism will work in the US if we just give it a chance and the ones that elected Obama (Hope and Change) as President so it obvious you are dumber than a door knob.
OH is that right?? Republicans don't like it when the shit goes back in their faces?
You really should seek professional help. Seriously.
Me need professional help??? While total idiots bow down the the biggest POS to ever grace our WH?? Check yourself
What are you going to do if he gets re-elected?
BS that is a great question I've done well financially under both dems and Republicans so my main goal if he's still there after 2020, would see all the shit he's done come back to embarrass him and maybe help getting him impeached He's just such a low life example of what our president should be
You can't impeach a President for being a "low life". He has to commit a crime.

Bullshit. The vote is strictly up or down. They could impeach old Trumpybear because of his face. I wish they would. I still can't believe we elected a guy with a face like that!

Doesn't matter if the Senate will not convict.

But if a Senate Trial is the only way to get the witnesses the dems want to testify it would be a way to get the information to the public.

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