Hillary - One of the Most Honest Politictians in Washington Today

The accusation was that she lied to the FBI, which is not supported by evidence.


Comey was ask two more times about Clinton lying. Comey replied, "I HAVE NO BASIS FOR CONCLUDING THAT SHE WAS UNTRUTHFUL WITH US."

FBI Director James Comey Testifies Hillary | Video | C-SPAN.org

Then there is this testimony to Congress by Director Comey.

“Secretary Clinton said she used just one device. Was that true?” Gowdy asked, to which Comey answered,

“She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state.”

She lied!

Asked about Clinton’s claim that all work-related emails were returned to State,

Comey said that was not true.

She lied!

"Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the emails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the email content individually?" Gowdy asked. Comey responded, "No."

She lied!

“Is it your statement, then, before this committee that Secretary Clinton should have known not to send classified material and yet she did?” Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) asked as the hearing extended to its third hour.

“Certainly she should have known not to send classified information,” Comey said. “As I said, that's the definition of negligent. I think she was extremely careless. I think she was negligent. That I could establish. What we can't establish is that she acted with the necessary criminal intent.”

Read more: 15 most revealing moments from Comey's testimony on Clinton emails
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You pulled quotes out of context and you paraphrased quotes to illustrate your point. When you look at the complete quotes in context, they tell a very different story. And this is exactly what is happening with almost all the shocking Clinton lies.

“Secretary Clinton said she used just one device."
    • Gowdy stated that “Secretary Clinton used one device.” In fact, Clinton never claimed to have used only one device during her tenure. The “one device” claim derives from Clinton’s explanation that she wanted to use a personal account so that she would be able to carry only one device at a time for both personal and work emails -- not from a claim that she only ever used one device.
So, did Clinton lie about using only one device? No.

Asked about Clinton’s claim that all work-related emails were returned to State,

    • Gowdy notes that Secretary Clinton stated that all work related emails were turned over to the State Department. Clinton’s testimony before the Benghazi Committee explained that she had instructed her lawyers to turn over “anything that could possibly be construed as work related.” She explained to Gowdy that “there was an exhaustive search done under the supervision of my attorneys.” She explained to Congressman Jordan that her attorneys had used search terms and data parameters, but that she “did not look over their shoulders, because I thought that it would be appropriate for them to conduct that search, and they did.” As Director Comey noted in his statement on July 5, “we found no evidence that any of the additional work-related e-mails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them. Our assessment is that, like many e-mail users, Secretary Clinton periodically deleted e-mails or e-mails were purged from the system when devices were changed. Because she was not using a government account—or even a commercial account like Gmail—there was no archiving at all of her e-mails, so it is not surprising that we discovered e-mails that were not on Secretary Clinton’s system in 2014, when she produced the 30,000 e-mails to the State Department.”
Did Clinton lie in stating her understanding that all relevant emails had been delivered? No.

"Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the emails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the email content individually?" Gowdy asked. Comey responded, "No."

    • Gowdy claimed that “Secretary Clinton said that her lawyers read every one of the emails”. It was Gowdy who lied, not Clinton. Near the end of the marathon 11 hour Benghazi Committee hearing, Congressman Jordan pressed Clinton for details about the nature of the search performed by her attorneys. Jordan wanted Clinton to “answer today, what were the search terms?” Secretary Clinton’s responded, “the search terms were everything you could imagine that might be related to anything, but they also went through every single e-mail.” When Jordan continued to press for details about search terms and date parameters, Clinton responded, “Well, Congressman, I asked my attorneys to oversee the process. I did not look over their shoulder. I did not dictate how they would do it. I did not ask what they were doing and how they made their determinations.” It is clear from this context that Secretary Clinton did not oversee the examination of emails by her attorneys, and her statement that “they went through every single e-mail” was not a claim that they had “read every one of the emails”, because she made it clear that she was not in a position to know that. Rather, it meant that she understood that they were thorough in their review. After all, if they had read the entire text of all emails, why would there have been a need to use search terms?
So did Clinton lie? No, it was Gowdy who lied.

The fact is all of your claims are false.

Daily Kos: Personal Hot List for Eyesbright

Hillary has never been a model of transparency.

That is really all it boils down to.

The claim she is honest can't be verified because it is quite clear she manages what she calls the truth.

Hillary income tax returns are well posted .................... That's transparency.......
On the other hand Trump. Will not release any of his tax returns........... Give us a fucking break.

Trump is a moron.

But this thread isn't about trump.

It's about Hillary.

She's a moron too.

Tax returns don't make transparency.

She and her husband were great stonewallers before and she has not changed.

You want a break ?

Run over your head with a pickup.

Typical Trump idiot supporter.
Then there is this testimony to Congress by Director Comey.

“Secretary Clinton said she used just one device. Was that true?” Gowdy asked, to which Comey answered,

“She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state.”

She lied!

Asked about Clinton’s claim that all work-related emails were returned to State,

Comey said that was not true.

She lied!

"Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the emails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the email content individually?" Gowdy asked. Comey responded, "No."

She lied!

“Is it your statement, then, before this committee that Secretary Clinton should have known not to send classified material and yet she did?” Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) asked as the hearing extended to its third hour.

“Certainly she should have known not to send classified information,” Comey said. “As I said, that's the definition of negligent. I think she was extremely careless. I think she was negligent. That I could establish. What we can't establish is that she acted with the necessary criminal intent.”

Read more: 15 most revealing moments from Comey's testimony on Clinton emails
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook
You pulled quotes out of context and you paraphrased quotes to illustrate your point. When you look at the complete quotes in context, they tell a very different story. And this is exactly what is happening with almost all the shocking Clinton lies.

“Secretary Clinton said she used just one device."
    • Gowdy stated that “Secretary Clinton used one device.” In fact, Clinton never claimed to have used only one device during her tenure. The “one device” claim derives from Clinton’s explanation that she wanted to use a personal account so that she would be able to carry only one device at a time for both personal and work emails -- not from a claim that she only ever used one device.
So, did Clinton lie about using only one device? No.

Asked about Clinton’s claim that all work-related emails were returned to State,

    • Gowdy notes that Secretary Clinton stated that all work related emails were turned over to the State Department. Clinton’s testimony before the Benghazi Committee explained that she had instructed her lawyers to turn over “anything that could possibly be construed as work related.” She explained to Gowdy that “there was an exhaustive search done under the supervision of my attorneys.” She explained to Congressman Jordan that her attorneys had used search terms and data parameters, but that she “did not look over their shoulders, because I thought that it would be appropriate for them to conduct that search, and they did.” As Director Comey noted in his statement on July 5, “we found no evidence that any of the additional work-related e-mails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them. Our assessment is that, like many e-mail users, Secretary Clinton periodically deleted e-mails or e-mails were purged from the system when devices were changed. Because she was not using a government account—or even a commercial account like Gmail—there was no archiving at all of her e-mails, so it is not surprising that we discovered e-mails that were not on Secretary Clinton’s system in 2014, when she produced the 30,000 e-mails to the State Department.”
Did Clinton lie in stating her understanding that all relevant emails had been delivered? No.

"Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the emails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the email content individually?" Gowdy asked. Comey responded, "No."

    • Gowdy claimed that “Secretary Clinton said that her lawyers read every one of the emails”. It was Gowdy who lied, not Clinton. Near the end of the marathon 11 hour Benghazi Committee hearing, Congressman Jordan pressed Clinton for details about the nature of the search performed by her attorneys. Jordan wanted Clinton to “answer today, what were the search terms?” Secretary Clinton’s responded, “the search terms were everything you could imagine that might be related to anything, but they also went through every single e-mail.” When Jordan continued to press for details about search terms and date parameters, Clinton responded, “Well, Congressman, I asked my attorneys to oversee the process. I did not look over their shoulder. I did not dictate how they would do it. I did not ask what they were doing and how they made their determinations.” It is clear from this context that Secretary Clinton did not oversee the examination of emails by her attorneys, and her statement that “they went through every single e-mail” was not a claim that they had “read every one of the emails”, because she made it clear that she was not in a position to know that. Rather, it meant that she understood that they were thorough in their review. After all, if they had read the entire text of all emails, why would there have been a need to use search terms?
So did Clinton lie? No, it was Gowdy who lied.

The fact is all of your claims are false.

Daily Kos: Personal Hot List for Eyesbright

Hillary has never been a model of transparency.

That is really all it boils down to.

The claim she is honest can't be verified because it is quite clear she manages what she calls the truth.

Hillary income tax returns are well posted .................... That's transparency.......
On the other hand Trump. Will not release any of his tax returns........... Give us a fucking break.

Trump is a moron.

But this thread isn't about trump.

It's about Hillary.

She's a moron too.

Tax returns don't make transparency.

She and her husband were great stonewallers before and she has not changed.

You want a break ?

Run over your head with a pickup.

Typical Trump idiot supporter.

Did you really want to come here to defend Hillary's "honesty", Charwin? Flopper is stupid enough to attempt to do so. Did you want to wave that banner as well?
You pulled quotes out of context and you paraphrased quotes to illustrate your point. When you look at the complete quotes in context, they tell a very different story. And this is exactly what is happening with almost all the shocking Clinton lies.

“Secretary Clinton said she used just one device."
    • Gowdy stated that “Secretary Clinton used one device.” In fact, Clinton never claimed to have used only one device during her tenure. The “one device” claim derives from Clinton’s explanation that she wanted to use a personal account so that she would be able to carry only one device at a time for both personal and work emails -- not from a claim that she only ever used one device.
So, did Clinton lie about using only one device? No.

Asked about Clinton’s claim that all work-related emails were returned to State,

    • Gowdy notes that Secretary Clinton stated that all work related emails were turned over to the State Department. Clinton’s testimony before the Benghazi Committee explained that she had instructed her lawyers to turn over “anything that could possibly be construed as work related.” She explained to Gowdy that “there was an exhaustive search done under the supervision of my attorneys.” She explained to Congressman Jordan that her attorneys had used search terms and data parameters, but that she “did not look over their shoulders, because I thought that it would be appropriate for them to conduct that search, and they did.” As Director Comey noted in his statement on July 5, “we found no evidence that any of the additional work-related e-mails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them. Our assessment is that, like many e-mail users, Secretary Clinton periodically deleted e-mails or e-mails were purged from the system when devices were changed. Because she was not using a government account—or even a commercial account like Gmail—there was no archiving at all of her e-mails, so it is not surprising that we discovered e-mails that were not on Secretary Clinton’s system in 2014, when she produced the 30,000 e-mails to the State Department.”
Did Clinton lie in stating her understanding that all relevant emails had been delivered? No.

"Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the emails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the email content individually?" Gowdy asked. Comey responded, "No."

    • Gowdy claimed that “Secretary Clinton said that her lawyers read every one of the emails”. It was Gowdy who lied, not Clinton. Near the end of the marathon 11 hour Benghazi Committee hearing, Congressman Jordan pressed Clinton for details about the nature of the search performed by her attorneys. Jordan wanted Clinton to “answer today, what were the search terms?” Secretary Clinton’s responded, “the search terms were everything you could imagine that might be related to anything, but they also went through every single e-mail.” When Jordan continued to press for details about search terms and date parameters, Clinton responded, “Well, Congressman, I asked my attorneys to oversee the process. I did not look over their shoulder. I did not dictate how they would do it. I did not ask what they were doing and how they made their determinations.” It is clear from this context that Secretary Clinton did not oversee the examination of emails by her attorneys, and her statement that “they went through every single e-mail” was not a claim that they had “read every one of the emails”, because she made it clear that she was not in a position to know that. Rather, it meant that she understood that they were thorough in their review. After all, if they had read the entire text of all emails, why would there have been a need to use search terms?
So did Clinton lie? No, it was Gowdy who lied.

The fact is all of your claims are false.

Daily Kos: Personal Hot List for Eyesbright

Hillary has never been a model of transparency.

That is really all it boils down to.

The claim she is honest can't be verified because it is quite clear she manages what she calls the truth.

Hillary income tax returns are well posted .................... That's transparency.......
On the other hand Trump. Will not release any of his tax returns........... Give us a fucking break.

Trump is a moron.

But this thread isn't about trump.

It's about Hillary.

She's a moron too.

Tax returns don't make transparency.

She and her husband were great stonewallers before and she has not changed.

You want a break ?

Run over your head with a pickup.

Typical Trump idiot supporter.

Did you really want to come here to defend Hillary's "honesty", Charwin? Flopper is stupid enough to attempt to do so. Did you want to wave that banner as well?

Hillary is more qualified to be president than Adolf Trump.
Trump is nothing but bully, racist, talking non sense asshole. Yes I'm voting for Hillary and so are my friendS that was uncertain before the DNC. His own GOP leaders blasted this asshole that he doesn't represent GOPs.

And MARK MY WORD...... He will not repeat calling Mexicans rapist, murderers and drug dealers after the DNC. And he even said lately he will ONLY deport criminals and NOT 12 millions illegal Mexicans.
What keeps getting lost in the debates about whether or not Hillary lied to Congress is the REASON why she wanted to work through private servers in her home and not through official government servers. When you're cutting deals with the rich and powerful both here and around the world...the last thing you want is an electronic record of how it was all arranged. Hillary did what she did because Hillary was using her office to enrich her foundation.

Exactly. And it's sad the way her supporters keep defending her because she got away with lying to the FBI.

Then there is this testimony to Congress by Director Comey.

“Secretary Clinton said she used just one device. Was that true?” Gowdy asked, to which Comey answered,

“She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state.”

She lied!

Asked about Clinton’s claim that all work-related emails were returned to State,

Comey said that was not true.

She lied!

"Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the emails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the email content individually?" Gowdy asked. Comey responded, "No."

She lied!

“Is it your statement, then, before this committee that Secretary Clinton should have known not to send classified material and yet she did?” Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) asked as the hearing extended to its third hour.

“Certainly she should have known not to send classified information,” Comey said. “As I said, that's the definition of negligent. I think she was extremely careless. I think she was negligent. That I could establish. What we can't establish is that she acted with the necessary criminal intent.”

Read more: 15 most revealing moments from Comey's testimony on Clinton emails
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook
You pulled quotes out of context and you paraphrased quotes to illustrate your point. When you look at the complete quotes in context, they tell a very different story. And this is exactly what is happening with almost all the shocking Clinton lies.

“Secretary Clinton said she used just one device."
    • Gowdy stated that “Secretary Clinton used one device.” In fact, Clinton never claimed to have used only one device during her tenure. The “one device” claim derives from Clinton’s explanation that she wanted to use a personal account so that she would be able to carry only one device at a time for both personal and work emails -- not from a claim that she only ever used one device.
So, did Clinton lie about using only one device? No.

Asked about Clinton’s claim that all work-related emails were returned to State,

    • Gowdy notes that Secretary Clinton stated that all work related emails were turned over to the State Department. Clinton’s testimony before the Benghazi Committee explained that she had instructed her lawyers to turn over “anything that could possibly be construed as work related.” She explained to Gowdy that “there was an exhaustive search done under the supervision of my attorneys.” She explained to Congressman Jordan that her attorneys had used search terms and data parameters, but that she “did not look over their shoulders, because I thought that it would be appropriate for them to conduct that search, and they did.” As Director Comey noted in his statement on July 5, “we found no evidence that any of the additional work-related e-mails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them. Our assessment is that, like many e-mail users, Secretary Clinton periodically deleted e-mails or e-mails were purged from the system when devices were changed. Because she was not using a government account—or even a commercial account like Gmail—there was no archiving at all of her e-mails, so it is not surprising that we discovered e-mails that were not on Secretary Clinton’s system in 2014, when she produced the 30,000 e-mails to the State Department.”
Did Clinton lie in stating her understanding that all relevant emails had been delivered? No.

"Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the emails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the email content individually?" Gowdy asked. Comey responded, "No."

    • Gowdy claimed that “Secretary Clinton said that her lawyers read every one of the emails”. It was Gowdy who lied, not Clinton. Near the end of the marathon 11 hour Benghazi Committee hearing, Congressman Jordan pressed Clinton for details about the nature of the search performed by her attorneys. Jordan wanted Clinton to “answer today, what were the search terms?” Secretary Clinton’s responded, “the search terms were everything you could imagine that might be related to anything, but they also went through every single e-mail.” When Jordan continued to press for details about search terms and date parameters, Clinton responded, “Well, Congressman, I asked my attorneys to oversee the process. I did not look over their shoulder. I did not dictate how they would do it. I did not ask what they were doing and how they made their determinations.” It is clear from this context that Secretary Clinton did not oversee the examination of emails by her attorneys, and her statement that “they went through every single e-mail” was not a claim that they had “read every one of the emails”, because she made it clear that she was not in a position to know that. Rather, it meant that she understood that they were thorough in their review. After all, if they had read the entire text of all emails, why would there have been a need to use search terms?
So did Clinton lie? No, it was Gowdy who lied.

The fact is all of your claims are false.

Daily Kos: Personal Hot List for Eyesbright

Hillary has never been a model of transparency.

That is really all it boils down to.

The claim she is honest can't be verified because it is quite clear she manages what she calls the truth.

Hillary income tax returns are well posted .................... That's transparency.......
On the other hand Trump. Will not release any of his tax returns........... Give us a fucking break.

Trump is a moron.

But this thread isn't about trump.

It's about Hillary.

She's a moron too.

Tax returns don't make transparency.

She and her husband were great stonewallers before and she has not changed.

You want a break ?

Run over your head with a pickup.

Typical Trump idiot supporter.


The post you quoted has me saying "Trump is a moron"....but I am a typical Trump supporter.
Hillary has never been a model of transparency.

That is really all it boils down to.

The claim she is honest can't be verified because it is quite clear she manages what she calls the truth.

Hillary income tax returns are well posted .................... That's transparency.......
On the other hand Trump. Will not release any of his tax returns........... Give us a fucking break.

Trump is a moron.

But this thread isn't about trump.

It's about Hillary.

She's a moron too.

Tax returns don't make transparency.

She and her husband were great stonewallers before and she has not changed.

You want a break ?

Run over your head with a pickup.

Typical Trump idiot supporter.

Did you really want to come here to defend Hillary's "honesty", Charwin? Flopper is stupid enough to attempt to do so. Did you want to wave that banner as well?

Hillary is more qualified to be president than Adolf Trump.
Trump is nothing but bully, racist, talking non sense asshole. Yes I'm voting for Hillary and so are my friendS that was uncertain before the DNC. His own GOP leaders blasted this asshole that he doesn't represent GOPs.

And MARK MY WORD...... He will not repeat calling Mexicans rapist, murderers and drug dealers after the DNC. And he even said lately he will ONLY deport criminals and NOT 12 millions illegal Mexicans.

Given that they both suck and are unqualified (in so many ways....unless you consider being a liar a qualification), what consolation should people take in your claim ?
Hillary has never been a model of transparency.

That is really all it boils down to.

The claim she is honest can't be verified because it is quite clear she manages what she calls the truth.

Hillary income tax returns are well posted .................... That's transparency.......
On the other hand Trump. Will not release any of his tax returns........... Give us a fucking break.

Trump is a moron.

But this thread isn't about trump.

It's about Hillary.

She's a moron too.

Tax returns don't make transparency.

She and her husband were great stonewallers before and she has not changed.

You want a break ?

Run over your head with a pickup.

Typical Trump idiot supporter.

Did you really want to come here to defend Hillary's "honesty", Charwin? Flopper is stupid enough to attempt to do so. Did you want to wave that banner as well?

Hillary is more qualified to be president than Adolf Trump.
Trump is nothing but bully, racist, talking non sense asshole. Yes I'm voting for Hillary and so are my friendS that was uncertain before the DNC. His own GOP leaders blasted this asshole that he doesn't represent GOPs.

And MARK MY WORD...... He will not repeat calling Mexicans rapist, murderers and drug dealers after the DNC. And he even said lately he will ONLY deport criminals and NOT 12 millions illegal Mexicans.

I keep hearing the same refrain from Hillary supporters, Charwin...the narrative that she's incredibly "qualified" to be President but for the life of me I don't know what that's based on! Let's examine Hillary's "accomplishments" at the State Department during her time there. What's her greatest achievement? Visiting the most countries of any Secretary of State before her? When you read the emails coming out of the Clinton State Department you learn that one of the things Hillary was doing was "checking off" countries that she hadn't visited before simply so she could make that claim. She didn't visit them to DO anything! She was just puffing up her resume for a run for President.

How about her "reset" with Russia? That was a big policy goal early on. How would you rate Clinton on that topic?

How about her handling of the Middle East? What nation there is in better shape AFTER Clinton's time as Secretary of State then before? Syria? Iraq? Libya? Egypt? Turkey? Iran? That's not even touching on her total fail providing security for our diplomatic staff in that region. We not only had a US consulate overrun by terrorists...we had a sitting US Ambassador murdered by those terrorists along with three other Americans! Then instead of accepting the blame for worrying more about "optics" than the lives of Americans under attack...she had the nerve to lie to both the American people and to the families of the four dead Americans! Is that what you call "Presidential"?

What's most disturbing about Hillary though...is her obvious belief that rules and regulations apply to other people and not the Clinton family. Her decision to conduct official State Department business through two private and secret servers established at her home and hidden from Congressional oversight shows her contempt for the rule of law and one of Congress's most important functions...overseeing the Executive Branch to prevent corruption! It's a contempt that's been there since she was the First Lady of Arkansas and was using insider information to make a huge profit in the futures market! It the same contempt that led to the Marc Rich pardon and the pardoning of Puerto Rican terrorists. Hillary Clinton is the epitome of the "for sale" politician! Give enough money to the Clinton's and you can sleep in the Lincoln bedroom, get a Presidential pardon for tax evasion or a pardon for killing a police officer. That's the "qualifications" of the person you're going to vote for, Charwin! I hope you hold your nose when you're in that voting booth because the STENCH is going to be overpowering!
Hillary income tax returns are well posted .................... That's transparency.......
On the other hand Trump. Will not release any of his tax returns........... Give us a fucking break.

Trump is a moron.

But this thread isn't about trump.

It's about Hillary.

She's a moron too.

Tax returns don't make transparency.

She and her husband were great stonewallers before and she has not changed.

You want a break ?

Run over your head with a pickup.

Typical Trump idiot supporter.

Did you really want to come here to defend Hillary's "honesty", Charwin? Flopper is stupid enough to attempt to do so. Did you want to wave that banner as well?

Hillary is more qualified to be president than Adolf Trump.
Trump is nothing but bully, racist, talking non sense asshole. Yes I'm voting for Hillary and so are my friendS that was uncertain before the DNC. His own GOP leaders blasted this asshole that he doesn't represent GOPs.

And MARK MY WORD...... He will not repeat calling Mexicans rapist, murderers and drug dealers after the DNC. And he even said lately he will ONLY deport criminals and NOT 12 millions illegal Mexicans.

Given that they both suck and are unqualified (in so many ways....unless you consider being a liar a qualification), what consolation should people take in your claim ?

You are right both of them moron..... But if I have to pick of the 2 lucifers that maybe do good for this country. Then I will vote Hillary.
As far as liar is concerned? Trump lies all the time.
Hillary income tax returns are well posted .................... That's transparency.......
On the other hand Trump. Will not release any of his tax returns........... Give us a fucking break.

Trump is a moron.

But this thread isn't about trump.

It's about Hillary.

She's a moron too.

Tax returns don't make transparency.

She and her husband were great stonewallers before and she has not changed.

You want a break ?

Run over your head with a pickup.

Typical Trump idiot supporter.

Did you really want to come here to defend Hillary's "honesty", Charwin? Flopper is stupid enough to attempt to do so. Did you want to wave that banner as well?

Hillary is more qualified to be president than Adolf Trump.
Trump is nothing but bully, racist, talking non sense asshole. Yes I'm voting for Hillary and so are my friendS that was uncertain before the DNC. His own GOP leaders blasted this asshole that he doesn't represent GOPs.

And MARK MY WORD...... He will not repeat calling Mexicans rapist, murderers and drug dealers after the DNC. And he even said lately he will ONLY deport criminals and NOT 12 millions illegal Mexicans.

I keep hearing the same refrain from Hillary supporters, Charwin...the narrative that she's incredibly "qualified" to be President but for the life of me I don't know what that's based on! Let's examine Hillary's "accomplishments" at the State Department during her time there. What's her greatest achievement? Visiting the most countries of any Secretary of State before her? When you read the emails coming out of the Clinton State Department you learn that one of the things Hillary was doing was "checking off" countries that she hadn't visited before simply so she could make that claim. She didn't visit them to DO anything! She was just puffing up her resume for a run for President.

How about her "reset" with Russia? That was a big policy goal early on. How would you rate Clinton on that topic?

How about her handling of the Middle East? What nation there is in better shape AFTER Clinton's time as Secretary of State then before? Syria? Iraq? Libya? Egypt? Turkey? Iran? That's not even touching on her total fail providing security for our diplomatic staff in that region. We not only had a US consulate overrun by terrorists...we had a sitting US Ambassador murdered by those terrorists along with three other Americans! Then instead of accepting the blame for worrying more about "optics" than the lives of Americans under attack...she had the nerve to lie to both the American people and to the families of the four dead Americans! Is that what you call "Presidential"?

What's most disturbing about Hillary though...is her obvious belief that rules and regulations apply to other people and not the Clinton family. Her decision to conduct official State Department business through two private and secret servers established at her home and hidden from Congressional oversight shows her contempt for the rule of law and one of Congress's most important functions...overseeing the Executive Branch to prevent corruption! It's a contempt that's been there since she was the First Lady of Arkansas and was using insider information to make a huge profit in the futures market! It the same contempt that led to the Marc Rich pardon and the pardoning of Puerto Rican terrorists. Hillary Clinton is the epitome of the "for sale" politician! Give enough money to the Clinton's and you can sleep in the Lincoln bedroom, get a Presidential pardon for tax evasion or a pardon for killing a police officer. That's the "qualifications" of the person you're going to vote for, Charwin! I hope you hold your nose when you're in that voting booth because the STENCH is going to be overpowering!

1. Hillary will stand against Putin compared to Trump kissing Putin ass. Maybe you are not aware that he was blasted by both side even his supporters disagree with his foreign policy. He even invited Russians to hack Hillary emails..... Tell me how disgusting is that?
2. Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Turkey ........ This is a heck of a topic....... so be specific bc each one has each own problems.
3. Oh your favorite Bengazi ........ Didn't Trey Gawdy and his GOP committee investigated Hillary? Update yourself then get back to me.

So what is Trump qualification? Aside from telling everyone that he knows more than the generals and he alone can fix this problem. And I'm sure you believe him.

Let see if he repeat blasting the Mexicans or deporting 12 millions.
Hillary has never been a model of transparency.

That is really all it boils down to.

The claim she is honest can't be verified because it is quite clear she manages what she calls the truth.

Hillary income tax returns are well posted .................... That's transparency.......
On the other hand Trump. Will not release any of his tax returns........... Give us a fucking break.

Trump is a moron.

But this thread isn't about trump.

It's about Hillary.

She's a moron too.

Tax returns don't make transparency.

She and her husband were great stonewallers before and she has not changed.

You want a break ?

Run over your head with a pickup.

Typical Trump idiot supporter.

Did you really want to come here to defend Hillary's "honesty", Charwin? Flopper is stupid enough to attempt to do so. Did you want to wave that banner as well?

Hillary is more qualified to be president than Adolf Trump.
Trump is nothing but bully, racist, talking non sense asshole. Yes I'm voting for Hillary and so are my friendS that was uncertain before the DNC. His own GOP leaders blasted this asshole that he doesn't represent GOPs.

And MARK MY WORD...... He will not repeat calling Mexicans rapist, murderers and drug dealers after the DNC. And he even said lately he will ONLY deport criminals and NOT 12 millions illegal Mexicans.
All moronic fools will all be voting for Hillary. You're not the only one...
Hillary income tax returns are well posted .................... That's transparency.......
On the other hand Trump. Will not release any of his tax returns........... Give us a fucking break.

Trump is a moron.

But this thread isn't about trump.

It's about Hillary.

She's a moron too.

Tax returns don't make transparency.

She and her husband were great stonewallers before and she has not changed.

You want a break ?

Run over your head with a pickup.

Typical Trump idiot supporter.

Did you really want to come here to defend Hillary's "honesty", Charwin? Flopper is stupid enough to attempt to do so. Did you want to wave that banner as well?

Hillary is more qualified to be president than Adolf Trump.
Trump is nothing but bully, racist, talking non sense asshole. Yes I'm voting for Hillary and so are my friendS that was uncertain before the DNC. His own GOP leaders blasted this asshole that he doesn't represent GOPs.

And MARK MY WORD...... He will not repeat calling Mexicans rapist, murderers and drug dealers after the DNC. And he even said lately he will ONLY deport criminals and NOT 12 millions illegal Mexicans.
All moronic fools will all be voting for Hillary. You're not the only one...

And you are voting for Adolf Trump. WTF. Don't worry you're not the only one. Latest 2 polls came out today Hillary 52 Trump 43.
Are you aware the number GOPs blasting this asshole? McCain just told Trump today he does not represent GOP. So tell me are those people morons?
Only 2 countries that are threat to America are Russia and China....... But your Trump is kissing Putin ass.....That alone should makes people puke.
Trump is a moron.

But this thread isn't about trump.

It's about Hillary.

She's a moron too.

Tax returns don't make transparency.

She and her husband were great stonewallers before and she has not changed.

You want a break ?

Run over your head with a pickup.

Typical Trump idiot supporter.

Did you really want to come here to defend Hillary's "honesty", Charwin? Flopper is stupid enough to attempt to do so. Did you want to wave that banner as well?

Hillary is more qualified to be president than Adolf Trump.
Trump is nothing but bully, racist, talking non sense asshole. Yes I'm voting for Hillary and so are my friendS that was uncertain before the DNC. His own GOP leaders blasted this asshole that he doesn't represent GOPs.

And MARK MY WORD...... He will not repeat calling Mexicans rapist, murderers and drug dealers after the DNC. And he even said lately he will ONLY deport criminals and NOT 12 millions illegal Mexicans.
All moronic fools will all be voting for Hillary. You're not the only one...

And you are voting for Adolf Trump. WTF. Don't worry you're not the only one. Latest 2 polls came out today Hillary 52 Trump 43.
Are you aware the number GOPs blasting this asshole? McCain just told Trump today he does not represent GOP. So tell me are those people morons?
Only 2 countries that are threat to America are Russia and China....... But your Trump is kissing Putin ass.....That alone should makes people puke.

Would you prefer that Trump would suggest nuking Russia? When Hillary took the reset button to Russia I didn't hear anything about her kissing ass.
Trump is a moron.

But this thread isn't about trump.

It's about Hillary.

She's a moron too.

Tax returns don't make transparency.

She and her husband were great stonewallers before and she has not changed.

You want a break ?

Run over your head with a pickup.

Typical Trump idiot supporter.

Did you really want to come here to defend Hillary's "honesty", Charwin? Flopper is stupid enough to attempt to do so. Did you want to wave that banner as well?

Hillary is more qualified to be president than Adolf Trump.
Trump is nothing but bully, racist, talking non sense asshole. Yes I'm voting for Hillary and so are my friendS that was uncertain before the DNC. His own GOP leaders blasted this asshole that he doesn't represent GOPs.

And MARK MY WORD...... He will not repeat calling Mexicans rapist, murderers and drug dealers after the DNC. And he even said lately he will ONLY deport criminals and NOT 12 millions illegal Mexicans.

Given that they both suck and are unqualified (in so many ways....unless you consider being a liar a qualification), what consolation should people take in your claim ?

You are right both of them moron..... But if I have to pick of the 2 lucifers that maybe do good for this country. Then I will vote Hillary.
As far as liar is concerned? Trump lies all the time.

This is what Ron Fornier, a strong Hillary supporter had to say about her.

"On Sunday, the former secretary of state told FOX News’ Chris Wallace that FBI Director James Comey cleared her of misleading the public about her rogue email server at the state department: “Director Comey said my answers were truthful, and what I’ve said is consistent with what I have told the American people, that there were decisions discussed and made to classify retroactively certain of the emails.”

That’s wrong and she knows it, which makes it a lie.

“Clinton is cherry-picking statements by Comey to preserve her narrative about the unusual setup of a private email server,” wrote Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler, who awarded Clinton the maximum four “Pinocchios” for her whopper. “This allows her to skate past the more disturbing findings of the FBI investigation.”

Why Can't Hillary Clinton Stop Lying?

Who says they came under sniper fire when they didn't? Who says they were named after someone who was a nobody until they were six? Who sets up a private server for government business then lies their ass off about it over and over? Who attacks women who were sexually assaulted by their husband? Who lets four people die because you don't want to contradict your administrations pro-terrorist policy? Who coins a phrase "vast right wing conspiracy" to explain allegations against your husband you knew were true when you said it? Who hides their White Water files (she was legally required to keep) during an entire investigation then suddenly finds it when it's over?

You can't make that shit up.

As Flopper mentioned in the OP ED , she is not without sin. And some of your above points are valid (but not all). Seriously, I could spend AT LEAST the next hour writing up SOME of Trump's lies but I just don't have the time. The vid I posted is about 5% percent of his BS. As I have stated time and time again (and note you haven't - who's the partisan hack here again?), they both don't look that great.
Why bother - you are using the fact that Trump is a terrible candidate to obscure Hillary's dishonesty.

That is an asinine tact to take with people that do not support Trump (psst. kaz is not a trump supporter).
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No, you didn't say she doesn't lie. You said she was 'one of the most honest politicians in Washington' and that is utter nonsense.

Compared to the rest of them she might be!
She might have been but is clearly not. She is a habitual liar.

The sniper fire BS and the name BS are interesting to me because they are lies without purpose. There was no political gain to be had with those lies and yer she told them anyway. It tells me that she is a pathological liar - she lies because that is what she does. Now she is all over the place stating direct and blatantly obvious lies about what Comey testified to and that just happened. That is brazen yet here are Hillary apologists eating the lies up like there is no tomorrow.
Any person who plans on voting Democrat should be thanking their lucky stars that the GOP didn't run a ticket like Kasich/Rubio.

I know I am.
46 funny and only like 60 regular posters, that should tell you something

Vast majority being neocon whackos. You think that disproves a thread? I suppose you believe that if 500 Padres fans say the Yankees suck then it must be so.

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