Hillary Out in 2016. Who Will Dems Run?

Well, please let me know when a credible news source covers this story. The National Enquirer also said that Bigfoot held a lumberjack as a sex slave, Macaulay Culkin has months to live, Hillary Clinton adopts an alien baby, and of course there was news of Elvis sightings.

I wouldn't know, they nailed one story a few years back, but like I said earlier the source is suspect. I do know Clinton posed with a couple of hookers and I figured women rights group would hate the exploitation of women but since he is a Democrat, I'm sure you and others will give the slut a pass.

I promise I won't vote for him.

I wouldn't vote for him but the Democrats like to tie the spouse and kids to the candidate. I guess they will be different since Bill isn't going to have any influence in the WH if Hilly wins.

That's a big stretch since you've already admitted you have nothing on him. LOL!

continue on...

Carla, if this were a Palin, or another Republican you'd be all over it, if you tell me you would not, I'd say your were dishonest.

But people will try, right or wrong to tie this to Hillary, to assume it is all true, just like anything Walker in was accused of in Wisconsin, I'm still waiting for the indictments to be handed down, and have been for four years. Palin was said to be tied to illegal activity while governor of Alaska, waiting for those indictments to be handed down. Still waiting on a birth certificate on Obama, like that is ever going to happen, then you have Benghazi and I'm still waiting there. Proof that Bush fixed Ohio in 2004, or the illegal activity around the 2000 elections and it goes on and on, a lot of nothing yet each side claims the crazy ideas. Both sides play the game and you can bet if Hilly runs they will dig this crap up, do Bill and Hillary want to go through all that? :dunno:
If I were them, I'd run away and live in peace.

They have nothing but neither side had anything against Bush, Palin, Walker, Obama and on and on, it doesn't stop the partisan crap.

Why are you lumping multiple issues/stories together? You do that a lot.

Lets try to remember why we're here. This is all over a tabloid article.

If this were about Sarah Palin, I would have nothing to say about it, just like when the National Enquirer put out this headline.


I completely ignored that headline. Nope, you won't fine one thread with me accusing Sarah Palin of having an affair.

I suggest you ignore tabloids. Yep, that is my suggestion.
Exhibit A:
Bill Clinton's immorality and sexual abuse of underage girls.

This is exactly what Beale's masters want him to believe without actually saying such a thing directly. They have become very good at getting these tards to believe anything while avoiding making direct allegations so as to avoid a libel lawsuit.

So here's the tard's "evidence". Nothing more than a link. The tards never provide a quote from their links to support their manufactured bullshit:

Upon actually...you know...READING the link, we find:
Yet Virginia Roberts stresses that she was never ‘lent out’ to Mr Clinton.

That doesn't stop the tards from imagining exactly what their masters want them to imagine as real.

Nothing is manurfactured for those with intelligence. Those who judge the present extropolate from the past.

WHY would Mr. Clinton be hanging out with a 15 year old? For her brilliant views on politics?

Frankly, I don't care what the elite controlled press claims, nor do I care what Mr. Clinton or what Virginia Roberts actually claim went on. I don't need a stained dress to know what slick Willie was there for. I'm not obtuse. I know what the whole thing was set up for.

Do I think he had coitus with that girl? Of course I don't, that's how old Billy boy continues to set up plausible deniability. What I do know, is that whatever he did with her, I am sure you wouldn't want him doing with your 15 year old daughter/ grand daughter/ niece, etc.
He denied Lewinsky, shook his finger at the entire world and flat out denied it. It was simply a case of what he said against what she said, and who could prove otherwise? Until the dress. The blue fucking dress. Who could foresee the stupid whore would save the dress?

The common defense started out as her being a liar, a young woman fantasizing about the virile stud. Then it turned into, so what, so he cheated on his wife.

With this new scandal, it's all a lie. Let's see what, if anything, develops.
It doesn't matter if it does or not. For slick willie? In the mind of the independant voters, the ones who still have a sense of morality and honor? It already has.

In the press, that woman who was fifteen can SAY nothing happened, and Billy Boy can redefine sex, like he did in the nineties.

He didn't 'redefine" sex. Most men don't consider a blow job to be sex.

So they just made out. So he went down on her. So she gave him a blow job. But yeah, they didn't have "sexual relations." Thus, "nothing happened." We all know Mr. Clinton's definition of "something happening." So why should we believe him or her? Whatever.

Well, except that this girl at Epstein's hasn't accused Clinton of doing anything, and her credibility is already questionable.

Who cares if any of it sticks in the press. He's a liar, and he hangs around with liars. Anyone who believes any different WANTS to believe different because they are partisan. Sort of like those conservatives that support those gay bashing pukes, and then find out that their beloved pols are diddling their young male pages in the coat room. All those elites are perverts, hypocrites, and sickos with out a decent moral fiber between them. I'll take no side and vote for none of them.

Anyone who whines about politicians lying to them is like someone who goes to a whorehouse and says, "I didn't feel loved."

Here's the thing. I don't care whose fucking who in Washington. I really don't. My only standard, are their policies making my life better or worse?

If you are working on any ohter standards, you are doing it wrong.

Yeah, he did redefine sex you nitwit. Before the 90's, EVERYONE considered a BJ to be sex. Duh!

So, you agree with everything I said then?

You believe that we should degrade that moral fiber of the nation and practice Machiavellian politics. Nice. Most of us here always did suspect you were always a POS.

Geez, I thought it was foreplay. I keep forgetting that Republican foreplay is "brace yourself." :D

Foreplay = Sex

It's a sexual action people do before sex.
What "abuse of underage girls" are you talking about, exactly?

Doc, you're a partisan hack.

Of course you don't care that Clinton was spending time on a private Island with sex slaves. Party above all - I get it.

However, the American public doesn't share you fanaticism for the party. I understand that you and the other hacks need to play your partisan game and defend the party regardless of all. But this is the end of Hillary, you know it, so does the paint huffer. The allegation alone, given Clinton's history as a sexual predator, sinks her chances.

Foam at the mouth, shriek, call people "tea baggers;" get it out of your system. Hillary is done.
That is literally the definition of foreplay, you moron.

fore·play noun\-ˌplā\

: sexual actions (such as kissing and touching) that people do with each other before they have sex


What a fucking retard.

{Oral sex or oral intercourse is sexual activity involving the stimulation of the genitalia of a person by another person using themouth (including the lips, tongue or teeth) or throat. }

Oral sex - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You shouldn't call people retards. Have a little respect for your hero Palin,.
Wow. Looks like a new low for the Right Wing just when you thought they couldn't get any lower.
Bill Clinton's immorality and sexual abuse of underage girls.

Liberals and elites that run them don't give a damn. In fact, they revel in corrupting America. The more they can get Americans to believe there is no spiritual life, and the more they can devalue the individual, the more they can convince them that taxation and wage slavery is moral and it isn't theft. There is no spirit and folks are just pieces of meat, that is all they are worth.

Thus, folks that vote for the people in that party really don't give a shit any how. . .

Well, the problem is, so far, this woman has accused Prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz and a whole bunch of other people of stuff with no evidence. I doubt this will stick.

It doesn't matter if it does or not. For slick willie? In the mind of the independant voters, the ones who still have a sense of morality and honor? It already has.

In the press, that woman who was fifteen can SAY nothing happened, and Billy Boy can redefine sex, like he did in the nineties.

So they just made out. So he went down on her. So she gave him a blow job. But yeah, they didn't have "sexual relations." Thus, "nothing happened." We all know Mr. Clinton's definition of "something happening." So why should we believe him or her? Whatever.

Who cares if any of it sticks in the press. He's a liar, and he hangs around with liars. Anyone who believes any different WANTS to believe different because they are partisan. Sort of like those conservatives that support those gay bashing pukes, and then find out that their beloved pols are diddling their young male pages in the coat room. All those elites are perverts, hypocrites, and sickos with out a decent moral fiber between them. I'll take no side and vote for none of them.

ya hate it when I right... republicans define what they want it to be ...the republicans are too stupid to understand what he said ... it pisses republicans off, like it did you, that he was never convicting of lying under oath and you and your buddies here just can't stand that, YES that fact .... one persons sexual endeavour are another person perverson ... as long as they aren't commiting any crime its fine with me.... married or not... you seem to have sexual hang-ups

You know nothing about how a leader should lead, or how a Republic should be led.

Leaders set the tone for their people and their nation. Have you ever heard the phrase, "philosopher king" or "if men were angels?"

Why does the United States even concern itself with the Bill of Rights then?

Have you ever imagined that maybe, just MAYBE, the sexually infidelity of a man in marriage WITH children affects MORE than just himself, but it affects the child as well? The most innocent helpless person in the world that a man should care about with unconditional love, and the man BETRAYS his OWN BLOOD? This is the type of MORES a nation wants to promote in the nation?

This bespeaks of a leader that suffers from megalomania and illusions of grandeur. Someone who lacks empathy for the weak. NOT someone in whose hands you want to put the precious charge of defending the people's rights.

If you can't see the link between the two you have shown your ignorance is abundant and I highly recommend you take a basic level political philosophy course. THIS IS NOT a partisan issue. The founders were adamant on this issue.

If you don't do this, I recommend you acquaint yourself with Plato's Dialog's and The Republic.

"[V]irtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government."
George Washington

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."
Benjamin Franklin

"When virtue is banished, ambition invades the minds of those who are disposed to receive it, and avarice possesses the whole community."
Montesquieu (written by Thomas Jefferson in his Common Place Book).

"Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains. A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom. No free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue; and by a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles."
Patrick Henry

"The only foundation of a free Constitution, is pure Virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our People, in a great Measure, than they have it now. They may change their Rulers, and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting Liberty.
John Adams

"Liberty can no more exist without virtue and independence than the body can live and move without a soul."
John Adams

"No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders."
Samuel Adams

"No free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people, but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality and virtue, and by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles."
George Mason

"In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate -- look at his character. It is alleged by men of loose principles, or defective views of the subject, that religion and morality are not necessary or important qualifications for political stations. But the scriptures teach a different doctrine. They direct that rulers should be men who rule in the fear of God, men of truth, hating covetousness. It is to the neglect of this rule that we must ascribe the multiplied frauds, breaches of trust, speculations and embezzlements of public property which astonish even ourselves; which tarnish the character of our country and which disgrace our government. When a citizen gives his vote to a man of known immorality, he abuses his civic responsibility; he not only sacrifices his own responsibility; he sacrifices not only his own interest, but that of his neighbor; he betrays the interest of his country."
Noah Webster
The prince and the sex offender Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein 8217 s mysterious relationship - The Washington Post

The estate belonged to New York financier Jeffrey Epstein — a sex offender once linked with former president Bill Clinton, Nobel Prize-winning scientists, Kevin Spacey and British royalty. A stream of young girls allegedly flitted in and out of the house in the mid-aughts, attending naked pool parties and, police records showed, dispensing massages to Epstein and other guests.

Jeffrey Epstein from high school teacher to billionaire money man of mystery
a little background on the lead of this story
Prince Andrew claims lurid account from alleged sex slave
Prince Andrews apparent involvement
Bill Clinton drawn into Prince Andrew sex scandal
And Bill Clinton's involvement with this pedophile, and also Alan Dershowitz


From your Washington Post link I learned that he flew on planes with Spacey and Clinton in 2002.

Thank you, that was enlightening.



That's bad, right?

I've flown on planes. Am I in trouble?
The prince and the sex offender Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein 8217 s mysterious relationship - The Washington Post

The estate belonged to New York financier Jeffrey Epstein — a sex offender once linked with former president Bill Clinton, Nobel Prize-winning scientists, Kevin Spacey and British royalty. A stream of young girls allegedly flitted in and out of the house in the mid-aughts, attending naked pool parties and, police records showed, dispensing massages to Epstein and other guests.

Jeffrey Epstein from high school teacher to billionaire money man of mystery
a little background on the lead of this story
Prince Andrew claims lurid account from alleged sex slave
Prince Andrews apparent involvement
Bill Clinton drawn into Prince Andrew sex scandal
And Bill Clinton's involvement with this pedophile, and also Alan Dershowitz


From your Washington Post link I learned that he flew on planes with Spacey and Clinton in 2002.

Thank you, that was enlightening.



That's bad, right?

I've flown on planes. Am I in trouble?

You might be in trouble. Did you fly on a plane in 2002? Hummm?
The usual nutters will just say the room was dark.

Or some such blather as that.

AND - they will believe it because if its on the InterWebs and if it supports their idiot agenda, then its just got to be true. So, they'll write emails and send emails to every other rabid RW on their list. They'll post it to Facebook and they'll twit it and reactionary blogs will pick it up. The wing nuts will post about here and others will demand links. Snopes will do a page proving its a lie and normal people will post the link.

Then fox will do a special in depth report on the darkened room and have a panel of "experts" talk about the that now-factual dark room and once again, some dumb lie will become fact.

Next thing we know, it will be printed in Texasss text books.

Don't forget these are the same idiots that went ballistic over Palin being criticized for teaching her tard to climb on dogs to fetch his bottle of Adderal.

Poor howdy doodle getting his panties in a wad.

You start threads worse than this, so if you can't take it don't dish it, what a whiner.

Tu Quoque fallacy. And doesn't alter the fact that this thread is horseshit, has no basis, no link, and can't even explain what the hell it's talking about. Whatever Howie (or anybody else) posted in the past doesn't change that one iota.

BTW, I have no doubt that the slut will get out of the whole mess, this is a tough case and if the slut was smart, he'd pay to get dropped out of the suit. The Democratic pedophile, that is another story, I hope she takes this guy for every penny, he is a disgrace.

"He" who? Who's "this guy"?

Who's the "slut"? What "mess" would she be getting out of?

The slut is Bill Clinton.
Everyone knows that but he is still beloved because he was so good for the country. W made a mess of things and Obama has tried to dig back out of that hole but he isn't there yet. He could get there, it's already starting to look better but he has to fight with Republicans so we'll see.

At any rate, I don't think Bill is a slut anymore. He def used to be tho.

I liked Bill and George, I'd definitely like to sit and have drinks with them, they are down to earth guys. Obama comes across like Kerry, Gore and McCain, very stuffed shirt like. Now, if the opportunity came about to meet Obama and chat with him, I'd love to do that to.
Why do I get the feeling the National Enquirer reading rubes in this topic are actually hoping deep down inside that Clinton had sex with a kid? Actually wishing it is true that some kid was molested? Actually want to believe a former President of the United States of America stained our nation that badly?

Partisanship over country has reached a new low.
You shouldn't call people retards. Have a little respect for your hero Palin,.

Yep, that is the best you can do,,,,

{Clinton, meanwhile, flew on multiple occasions in the same plane to Epstein’s private Caribbean island, Little St James, between 2002 and 2005 as he developed his philanthropic post-presidential career. It would later be alleged in court that Epstein organised orgies on that same private island in the US Virgin Islands.}

Jeffrey Epstein the billionaire paedophile with links to Bill Clinton Kevin Spacey Robert Maxwell and Prince Andrew - Americas - World - The Independent
That is literally the definition of foreplay, you moron.

fore·play noun\-ˌplā\

: sexual actions (such as kissing and touching) that people do with each other before they have sex


What a fucking retard.

{Oral sex or oral intercourse is sexual activity involving the stimulation of the genitalia of a person by another person using themouth (including the lips, tongue or teeth) or throat. }

Oral sex - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Foreplay = Sex

I was replying to the above, you moron.
It's a sexual action people do before sex.


What a fucking retard.
THAT is what Slick Willie did to this nation. There are sixth graders going into the bathroom at the local school in my district giving the boys BJ's. You know why? Because today, it's not considered sex. It's only a little more risque' than kissing. We can all thank Clinton for that.

Carla REALLY believes that. It wouldn't surprise me if she is under 35 years of age. It wouldn't surprise me one bit.

Because, well, slick Willie didn't have sex with that woman, right? And Carla believes it. And the sixth graders giving head at that local school believe they are not having sex. :eusa_snooty:


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