Hillary Outed One Of Our Spys

Trust me George never answered any of my phone calls.
How could he idiot? You did not get your free Obamaphone until AFTER he left office idiot.
It was started in 2008 under George W. Bush.

It was started in 2008 under George W. Bush.

Q: Has the Obama administration started a program to use "taxpayer money" to give free cell phones to welfare recipients?

A: No. Low-income households have been eligible for discounted telephone service for more than a decade. But the program is funded by telecom companies, not by taxes, and the president has nothing to do with it.

The Obama Phone?

“The program has nearly tripled in size from $800 million in 2009 to $2.2 billion per year in 2012,” the senior Republicans on the Energy and Commerce Committee wrote in a March 26 letter to the Democratic minority. “American taxpayers — and we as their elected representatives — need to know how much of this growth is because of waste, fraud and abuse.”
Hey "V" just WHO was the president when ALL that fraud and abuse took place? What's that A$$holes name?

Show where there was fraud and abuse. Producing a letter asking about it is hardly proof.
Trust me George never answered any of my phone calls.
How could he idiot? You did not get your free Obamaphone until AFTER he left office idiot.
It was started in 2008 under George W. Bush.

It was started in 2008 under George W. Bush.

Q: Has the Obama administration started a program to use "taxpayer money" to give free cell phones to welfare recipients?

A: No. Low-income households have been eligible for discounted telephone service for more than a decade. But the program is funded by telecom companies, not by taxes, and the president has nothing to do with it.

The Obama Phone?

“The program has nearly tripled in size from $800 million in 2009 to $2.2 billion per year in 2012,” the senior Republicans on the Energy and Commerce Committee wrote in a March 26 letter to the Democratic minority. “American taxpayers — and we as their elected representatives — need to know how much of this growth is because of waste, fraud and abuse.”
Hey "V" just WHO was the president when ALL that fraud and abuse took place? What's that A$$holes name?

Show where there was fraud and abuse. Producing a letter asking about it is hardly proof.
What is up with all the lying in this thread?
That IS criminal and SHOULD be tried as TREASON.

"Hillary Clinton used her private email account to pass along the identity of one of the CIA’s top Libyan intelligence sources, raising new questions about her handling of classified information, according to excerpts from previously undisclosed emails released Thursday by Rep. Trey Gowdy, the Republican chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi."

There is NO excuse for this, NONE. It takes a really high level of stupid just to do this as a mistake let alone on purpose. This should NOT now or EVER be allowed to stand under ANY party at ANY time.

"“Armed with that information, Secretary Clinton forwarded the email to a colleague — debunking her claim that she never sent any classified information from her private email address,” wrote Gowdy in a letter to Cummings."

So she LIED, outright bold face LIE. This goes well beyond a mistake. This is interesting. ANOTHER Clinton victim dies....

"A CIA spokesman declined to comment. Drumheller, a 25-year CIA official who had once headed the agency’s European division, died in August."

Happens a lot around her, wonder why?
Benghazi committee, under fire, releases more Clinton emails

This is treason.

Seems the only secrets Hillary can keep are her own. She and Obama both safeguard the skeletons in their closets, but when it comes to protecting others, it's too much of a bother.
Trust me George never answered any of my phone calls.
How could he idiot? You did not get your free Obamaphone until AFTER he left office idiot.
It was started in 2008 under George W. Bush.

It was started in 2008 under George W. Bush.

Q: Has the Obama administration started a program to use "taxpayer money" to give free cell phones to welfare recipients?

A: No. Low-income households have been eligible for discounted telephone service for more than a decade. But the program is funded by telecom companies, not by taxes, and the president has nothing to do with it.

The Obama Phone?

“The program has nearly tripled in size from $800 million in 2009 to $2.2 billion per year in 2012,” the senior Republicans on the Energy and Commerce Committee wrote in a March 26 letter to the Democratic minority. “American taxpayers — and we as their elected representatives — need to know how much of this growth is because of waste, fraud and abuse.”
Hey "V" just WHO was the president when ALL that fraud and abuse took place? What's that A$$holes name?

Show where there was fraud and abuse. Producing a letter asking about it is hardly proof.
What is up with all the lying in this thread?

Desperation, losing the argument, facing reality, depression, they'll get over it....eventually.

LOL, all phony scandals, no convictions, no charges, no nothing.

The FBI is not know for phony scandals and they GET convictions. Hillary better "lawyer up" and drop out damn quick. Not just ANY prison either. This IS Leavenworth. OR GITMO, I have my fingers crossed and prayers said its GITMO.

LOL, all phony scandals, no convictions, no charges, no nothing.

The FBI is not know for phony scandals and they GET convictions. Hillary better "lawyer up" and drop out damn quick. Not just ANY prison either. This IS Leavenworth. OR GITMO, I have my fingers crossed and prayers said its GITMO.

LOL, Well when you get a conviction I have a feather for your cap. But don't cross your fingers after 25 years you still can't nail the Clinton's they are way smarter than you.

LOL, all phony scandals, no convictions, no charges, no nothing.

The FBI is not know for phony scandals and they GET convictions. Hillary better "lawyer up" and drop out damn quick. Not just ANY prison either. This IS Leavenworth. OR GITMO, I have my fingers crossed and prayers said its GITMO.

LOL, Well when you get a conviction I have a feather for your cap. But don't cross your fingers after 25 years you still can't nail the Clinton's they are way smarter than you.

Blow Job declared NO CONTEST, paid Paula Jones $850K settlement....

  1. Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000 | US news | The...Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000 By Kalpana Srinivasan Associated Press Writer. Wednesday 13 January 1999 13.15 EST Last modified on Saturday 4 October 2014 06.18 EDT.

  2. Clinton Fined $90,686 for Lying in Paula Jones...Jul 29, 1999 · The federal judge who found President Clinton in contempt of court last April levied a ... lying under oath in the Paula Corbin Jones sexual ...

LOL, all phony scandals, no convictions, no charges, no nothing.

The FBI is not know for phony scandals and they GET convictions. Hillary better "lawyer up" and drop out damn quick. Not just ANY prison either. This IS Leavenworth. OR GITMO, I have my fingers crossed and prayers said its GITMO.

LOL, Well when you get a conviction I have a feather for your cap. But don't cross your fingers after 25 years you still can't nail the Clinton's they are way smarter than you.
You know you truly are as stupid as your words let on. Let's see.
1, You proclaim Hillary's innocence.
2, You brag on what she gets away with.
Can YOU spot the conflict in statements there idiot?

LOL, all phony scandals, no convictions, no charges, no nothing.

The FBI is not know for phony scandals and they GET convictions. Hillary better "lawyer up" and drop out damn quick. Not just ANY prison either. This IS Leavenworth. OR GITMO, I have my fingers crossed and prayers said its GITMO.

LOL, Well when you get a conviction I have a feather for your cap. But don't cross your fingers after 25 years you still can't nail the Clinton's they are way smarter than you.

Where is my fucking feather?

LOL, all phony scandals, no convictions, no charges, no nothing.

The FBI is not know for phony scandals and they GET convictions. Hillary better "lawyer up" and drop out damn quick. Not just ANY prison either. This IS Leavenworth. OR GITMO, I have my fingers crossed and prayers said its GITMO.

LOL, Well when you get a conviction I have a feather for your cap. But don't cross your fingers after 25 years you still can't nail the Clinton's they are way smarter than you.

Where is my fucking feather?

You have zero chance of getting one.

LOL, all phony scandals, no convictions, no charges, no nothing.

The FBI is not know for phony scandals and they GET convictions. Hillary better "lawyer up" and drop out damn quick. Not just ANY prison either. This IS Leavenworth. OR GITMO, I have my fingers crossed and prayers said its GITMO.

LOL, Well when you get a conviction I have a feather for your cap. But don't cross your fingers after 25 years you still can't nail the Clinton's they are way smarter than you.

Where is my fucking feather?

You have zero chance of getting one.

Liberals, even LIE about a fucking feather!

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