Hillary says NRA needs a "rival" organization of responsible gun owners

What laws, we're talking about YOUR proposals, are you senile or just dense? I already know you're a coward, you didn't respond to post 364. So just carry on, you've managed to sway no one but yourself and you're a waste of my time.

Cowards go to the grocery store with a gun, and can't be anywhere without a gun for fear of the boogeyman. Do you sleep with a night light too?

So, without lies and ad hominems you have nothing. Licensing and registration are not fee based in the thousand dollar range, I've said nothing about their costs. Nor did I claim or suggest that to get a license of register a gun would take 6+ months.

Your inference in 364 was wrong, evidence you cannot read with comprehension, or more likely, a lie.

So you think first responders should be disarmed, good to know exactly how big a quack your are. You're dismissed.

First responders have and always have been armed as needed. It's the gun nuts who want to pretend to be Rambo that are the problem.

So you're one of those who propagates the LIE that the police are first responders. Then what do you call the people who call the police?

Police aren't first responders? You are dumb, aren't you?

Police, fire and EMT's are the first highly trained to respond to a crisis - the first to run to the problem not to hide and make a phone call.
What laws, we're talking about YOUR proposals, are you senile or just dense? I already know you're a coward, you didn't respond to post 364. So just carry on, you've managed to sway no one but yourself and you're a waste of my time.

Cowards go to the grocery store with a gun, and can't be anywhere without a gun for fear of the boogeyman. Do you sleep with a night light too?

So, without lies and ad hominems you have nothing. Licensing and registration are not fee based in the thousand dollar range, I've said nothing about their costs. Nor did I claim or suggest that to get a license of register a gun would take 6+ months.

Your inference in 364 was wrong, evidence you cannot read with comprehension, or more likely, a lie.

So you think first responders should be disarmed, good to know exactly how big a quack your are. You're dismissed.

First responders have and always have been armed as needed. It's the gun nuts who want to pretend to be Rambo that are the problem.

So you're one of those who propagates the LIE that the police are first responders. Then what do you call the people who call the police?

Police aren't first responders? You are dumb, aren't you?

So who are the first responders you refereed to as having always been armed as needed?
Read post #381. Laws can be changed, as long as guns continue to be used to kill little kids, people in churches, in theaters, at restaurants, at schools and at Universities the tipping point will be reached, and the suggestions I've made will be seen as minor compared to what further horrors may bring.

Remember how the reserve clause was lost by the stubbornness of owners of Major League baseball, that too can happen in terms of the NRA and those so obsessed with their guns.

How long have you been an NRA member?

I don't join clubs.

It's not really a "club", it's more of a foundation to preserve and protect our second amendments rights for all law abiding Americans.

At one time it branded itself as a gun safety organization. I guess failing in that on a daily basis caused its leadership to change course.
We don't need some little worthless gun safety club... Good riddance

No. You need more help than could possibly be produced - a brain transplant.
Cowards go to the grocery store with a gun, and can't be anywhere without a gun for fear of the boogeyman. Do you sleep with a night light too?

So, without lies and ad hominems you have nothing. Licensing and registration are not fee based in the thousand dollar range, I've said nothing about their costs. Nor did I claim or suggest that to get a license of register a gun would take 6+ months.

Your inference in 364 was wrong, evidence you cannot read with comprehension, or more likely, a lie.

So you think first responders should be disarmed, good to know exactly how big a quack your are. You're dismissed.

First responders have and always have been armed as needed. It's the gun nuts who want to pretend to be Rambo that are the problem.

So you're one of those who propagates the LIE that the police are first responders. Then what do you call the people who call the police?

Police aren't first responders? You are dumb, aren't you?

So who are the first responders you refereed to as having always been armed as needed?

Police officers, deputy sheriffs, highway patrol are dispatched by 911, as are fire / EMT's and private ambulance teams montor and tag along. The first to go into harms way are the LE Officers.
Cowards go to the grocery store with a gun, and can't be anywhere without a gun for fear of the boogeyman. Do you sleep with a night light too?

So, without lies and ad hominems you have nothing. Licensing and registration are not fee based in the thousand dollar range, I've said nothing about their costs. Nor did I claim or suggest that to get a license of register a gun would take 6+ months.

Your inference in 364 was wrong, evidence you cannot read with comprehension, or more likely, a lie.

So you think first responders should be disarmed, good to know exactly how big a quack your are. You're dismissed.

First responders have and always have been armed as needed. It's the gun nuts who want to pretend to be Rambo that are the problem.

So you're one of those who propagates the LIE that the police are first responders. Then what do you call the people who call the police?

Police aren't first responders? You are dumb, aren't you?

So who are the first responders you refereed to as having always been armed as needed?

Are you that dense? I already told you I don't care to do anything but laugh at your silliness. I won't actually interact unless it's to poke you with a stick when you show signs of taking a nap.
How long have you been an NRA member?

I don't join clubs.

It's not really a "club", it's more of a foundation to preserve and protect our second amendments rights for all law abiding Americans.

At one time it branded itself as a gun safety organization. I guess failing in that on a daily basis caused its leadership to change course.
We don't need some little worthless gun safety club... Good riddance

No. You need more help than could possibly be produced - a brain transplant.
Says the bleeding heart... Lol
I don't join clubs.

It's not really a "club", it's more of a foundation to preserve and protect our second amendments rights for all law abiding Americans.

At one time it branded itself as a gun safety organization. I guess failing in that on a daily basis caused its leadership to change course.
We don't need some little worthless gun safety club... Good riddance

No. You need more help than could possibly be produced - a brain transplant.
Says the bleeding heart... Lol

I know, I do feel sorry for you. I can't imagine how it feels to be dumb.
It's not really a "club", it's more of a foundation to preserve and protect our second amendments rights for all law abiding Americans.

At one time it branded itself as a gun safety organization. I guess failing in that on a daily basis caused its leadership to change course.
We don't need some little worthless gun safety club... Good riddance

No. You need more help than could possibly be produced - a brain transplant.
Says the bleeding heart... Lol

I know, I do feel sorry for you. I can't imagine how it feels to be dumb.
You're a funny guy, George Orwell was not too far off from what we are going through... Lol

The federal government is not infallible...
So you think first responders should be disarmed, good to know exactly how big a quack your are. You're dismissed.

First responders have and always have been armed as needed. It's the gun nuts who want to pretend to be Rambo that are the problem.

So you're one of those who propagates the LIE that the police are first responders. Then what do you call the people who call the police?

Police aren't first responders? You are dumb, aren't you?

So who are the first responders you refereed to as having always been armed as needed?

Are you that dense? I already told you I don't care to do anything but laugh at your silliness. I won't actually interact unless it's to poke you with a stick when you show signs of taking a nap.

Actually you said that to someone else, but that's OK, I know it's hard for you liars to keep them straight.

So I guess you're not willing to back up you statement. You're as big a waste of time as Wry, you idiot, are also dismissed.
I would rather vote for a strutting Rooster then an old clucking hen.
First responders have and always have been armed as needed. It's the gun nuts who want to pretend to be Rambo that are the problem.

So you're one of those who propagates the LIE that the police are first responders. Then what do you call the people who call the police?

Police aren't first responders? You are dumb, aren't you?

So who are the first responders you refereed to as having always been armed as needed?

Are you that dense? I already told you I don't care to do anything but laugh at your silliness. I won't actually interact unless it's to poke you with a stick when you show signs of taking a nap.

Actually you said that to someone else, but that's OK, I know it's hard for you liars to keep them straight.

So I guess you're not willing to back up you statement. You're as big a waste of time as Wry, you idiot, are also dismissed.

All you crazy right wingers share the same brain. Your statements are interchangeable. Your attitudes are interchangeable. Everything about you is interchangeable. All beyond the influence of facts and worth nothing more than being used for entertainment.
So you're one of those who propagates the LIE that the police are first responders. Then what do you call the people who call the police?

Police aren't first responders? You are dumb, aren't you?

So who are the first responders you refereed to as having always been armed as needed?

Are you that dense? I already told you I don't care to do anything but laugh at your silliness. I won't actually interact unless it's to poke you with a stick when you show signs of taking a nap.

Actually you said that to someone else, but that's OK, I know it's hard for you liars to keep them straight.

So I guess you're not willing to back up you statement. You're as big a waste of time as Wry, you idiot, are also dismissed.

All you crazy right wingers share the same brain. Your statements are interchangeable. Your attitudes are interchangeable. Everything about you is interchangeable. All beyond the influence of facts and worth nothing more than being used for entertainment.
You drink far too much Obama/Hildabeast koolaid...
And red is not blue. We get it. The issue is that THIS is the law gun grabbers want to impose.

Why should it take me 3-6 months and $1000 to get a revolver legally?

You got a bill number where It's proposed that Federal law be modified to meet New York City standards, or are you just repeating more made up right wing gun nut rhetoric?

I am projecting the end game for must gun control freaks. The concept is simple, make it so hard for a person to get a gun, that they give up.

You going to specifics on bill#, and whining about "federal laws" just shows you refuse to debate the actual topic.

Cowardly, of course, but that is what I expect from the likes of you.

You are hallucinating.

And you didn't answer my question. Why should I have to wait 3-6 months and pay $1000 to be able to legally keep a revolver in my house?

Ask Rudy or whosoever signed the law, not me. BTW, cite the law, I'm curious, why so long and so much - I do find that unreasonable.

I'm asking your opinion and you finally gave it after 5 or so posts.

The real problem is that the people fighting for gun control mostly want this to be the norm. Until NYC fixes their law, or has it fixed for them, I refuse to support any new laws regarding guns.

Give me my rights back first, then we can talk.
No right is unlimited, however when government decides to curtail the right, it has to 1)have an overriding need to do so and 2) use the most non intrusive methods of curtailing the right.

There is no overriding need to make me wait 3-6 months and pay $1000 to keep a 6 shot revolver in my house, and it sure as hell not a non intrusive method of trying to prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands.

What federal law, or proposed federal law does that?

It's NYC law, which is held as the "gold standard" for gun control by some people.

New York City law is not Federal law.

And red is not blue. We get it. The issue is that THIS is the law gun grabbers want to impose.

Why should it take me 3-6 months and $1000 to get a revolver legally?

Ask who ever signed the bill into law.

I'm asking you.
I cannot fathom why Hillary even opened her mouth. Doesn't she realize that many of the Democrat party are NRA members and avid hunters? I also cannot fathom why Obama, who is supposed to be the leader of the Democrat Party, opted to use executive order to infuriate a whole bunch of voters. He could easily have simply done nothing and eased on out of office. His action will cause some who were sitting on the fence to vote against Hillary especially since she has decided to enter the fray as well. There are an awful lot of Democrats and Independents who are heavily into guns. To me, it's a stupid political move on both Obama's and Hillary's part.

It's a principled move and every Democrat understands that there are many Americans who are single issue voters. But not every gun owner who heard what with The President or HRC said consider their remarks are unreasonable or irrational.

You claim hunters will lost their rights to own a hunting rifle, that claim is not substantiated by anything said by Obama or Clinton!

Why should I have to move to exercise my rights?

Segregation was "the law" as well, I guess MLK just should have deferred to the government and let them get away with it......

You haven't answered the question either, why should I have to wait 3-6 months and pay $1000 to get a pistol permit?

OK, so be like MLK and start making speeches and get thousands of others who believe as do you to march on DC. A million gun owners at the mall singing we will overcome, and you making an I have a dream speech where one day my little children can bring an AR-15 to second grade show and tell.

Go for it, be a leader!

You still haven't answered why it should take 3-6 months and $1000 for me to get a pistol permit for my own home.

Of course I did. You simple can't comprehend the answer. Once again,


and you support blind obedience to the law, I suppose? You don't believe in civil disobedience?

I do, but I carried a badge for 32 years and understand that one can work within the system effectively, if they feel a law is wrongly promulgated or enforced.

Figures you were a cop. "Guns for me, and not for thee".
All you crazy right wingers share the same brain. Your statements are interchangeable. Your attitudes are interchangeable. Everything about you is interchangeable. All beyond the influence of facts and worth nothing more than being used for entertainment.
But you can only see reality through a pinhole. The fact is the best the Dims could come up with is two old socialists who differ very little. One wants a little more of our money, that's it. Attacking your enemies doesn't polish it up and make it look like something else.
How many of these law abiding gun carrying Rambo's kill someone each day in America? Compare that number to the number of illegal gun holders that kill someone each day in the inner cities of America.

One will never justify the other.

Your concession is duly noted.

Now fetch!!

good boy!

You'll grab at anything to feel like you're adequate, won't you? I think you need to find out what concession means. You have never received that from me.

Your refusal to answer the question posed is a definite concession, which is synonymous with copout.

You talk a big game but when challenged you get back under the porch with all the other little puppies.

You say these so called "Rambo's" are the problem.

Explain how a law abiding citizen open carrying a legally owned firearm is the problem.

Go ahead, "make my day".

Won't take your bait. You've shown that facts mean nothing to you,so you're just another unreachable RWNJ. Go ahead and spout your crap, and I'll just point out the more ridiculous points you try to make.

Just as I thought. You're nothing but talk.

The only thing you've pointed out is how you can make bullshit comments and not back them up.
I agree that we need a challenger to the NRA, which is too pansy and weak.

We need a NMA....National Machinegunners Association. Fuck this pansy NRA nonsense.

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