Hillary supporters are unwilling to have an honest discussion. I'll prove it in this thread.

I'm not a right wing nut job. I supported Bernie and have never voted for a Republican. During the primaries somebody made a Youtube video that proves beyond question that Hillary is a habitual liar. It's impossible to argue it, which is why a Hillary supporter has never and will never attempt to do so. Think I'm full of it? Good, I am calling you out right now. Watch a 13 minute long video and explain to me why I'm wrong.

I'm not saying Trump doesn't lie, or that you should support him. I'm just saying Hillary was a terrible candidate, and that fact is why Donald Trump is now our president.

Bits of interviews from over 20 years? People's opinions change.

And Bernie? He's not a Democrat. He said he wouldn't raise money for Democrats. He said he wouldn't support any Democratic candidates. And he said if he became the nominee for the Democratic Party he would take the money. Not someone I would ever vote for.
The Neocons have gone crazy.

The Clinton Administration was great for the country. No debt. Plentiful jobs. It worked for the majority of Americans.
The Obama Administration brought the country back from eight disastrous years under Bush. And Hillary was considered a great SOS.

Now we have a president way worse than Bush. Less than a year and a half and millions have no idea how Trump is ruining their lives. Next year, millions will lose their healthcare. The tariffs, the trade wars, the negotiations, when all that kicks in, Trump's base is gonna freak. We can see it coming like a runaway train.

No need to discuss it now. Because in another year, Trump's base is going to be say, WTF happened? With tears in their eyes.

Don’t watch videos...especially 13 minutes long

If you have a point to make...make it

Also I want to add...really? You're not willing to devote less than 15 minutes of your life to the possibility that there's something you're unaware of? That's a good way to be ignorant.

It's an amazing video. There's no way anyone with intellectual integrity could watch that and not be aghast at the woman. Exactly as you said, it's all her words. What a douche
I really don't understand this obsession with Hillary. That was a year and a half ago. She is gone. No more. Kaput.

I made this thread because of recent threads created by Hillary supporters that aren't over it.
You do realize that Hillary Clinton is not president, correct?

Neither is Bush, or Reagan, or other candidates that fell short but are talked about frequently. I've always felt this line of thinking is stupid, and is more about being dismissive of what was said. Also, again, this thread is in response to recent Hillary threads from her depressed supporters.
You do realize that Hillary Clinton is not president, correct?

Neither is Bush, or Reagan, or other candidates that fell short but are talked about frequently. I've always felt this line of thinking is stupid, and is more about being dismissive of what was said. Also, again, this thread is in response to recent Hillary threads from her depressed supporters.

Actually your thread is stupid because Clinton is borderline irrelevant. Sorry.
You do realize that Hillary Clinton is not president, correct?

Neither is Bush, or Reagan, or other candidates that fell short but are talked about frequently. I've always felt this line of thinking is stupid, and is more about being dismissive of what was said. Also, again, this thread is in response to recent Hillary threads from her depressed supporters.

Actually your thread is stupid because Clinton is borderline irrelevant. Sorry.

Oh, okay. Why bother posting?
You do realize that Hillary Clinton is not president, correct?

Neither is Bush, or Reagan, or other candidates that fell short but are talked about frequently. I've always felt this line of thinking is stupid, and is more about being dismissive of what was said. Also, again, this thread is in response to recent Hillary threads from her depressed supporters.

Actually your thread is stupid because Clinton is borderline irrelevant. Sorry.

Oh, okay. Why bother posting?

Because I wanted to let you know. I've seen your threads/posts in the past and noted that they weren't completely retarded, so I'm assuming you just made an honest mistake.

The thing about using the term Clinton supporter is that ... what is the purpose of supporting Clinton now? She's not running for anything. If she has any projects going, they're too obscure for me to know about. Therefore, making a thread about Clinton supporters is pretty .. well, I don't see the point of it. What is a Clinton supporter? A fan of a private citizen, I guess ...
You do realize that Hillary Clinton is not president, correct?

Neither is Bush, or Reagan, or other candidates that fell short but are talked about frequently. I've always felt this line of thinking is stupid, and is more about being dismissive of what was said. Also, again, this thread is in response to recent Hillary threads from her depressed supporters.

Actually your thread is stupid because Clinton is borderline irrelevant. Sorry.

Oh, okay. Why bother posting?

Because I wanted to let you know. I've seen your threads/posts in the past and noted that they weren't completely retarded, so I'm assuming you just made an honest mistake.

The thing about using the term Clinton supporter is that ... what is the purpose of supporting Clinton now? She's not running for anything. If she has any projects going, they're too obscure for me to know about. Therefore, making a thread about Clinton supporters is pretty .. well, I don't see the point of it. What is a Clinton supporter? A fan of a private citizen, I guess ...

I'll be honest, even though it's kind of hard. I'm still not over Bernie getting fucked out of the primary by Hillary. I blame her and her ignorant enthusiasts for Donald Trump. When I see Lahota or whatever the fuck her name is and other Hillary drones still posting threads about how great she is/was, it leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Brainless leftists bother me more than brainless conservatives.

Don’t watch videos...especially 13 minutes long

If you have a point to make...make it

That is absolutely hilarious. This is the funniest reply to an original post, that I've seen in a long long time.

Do you not realize what you just did?

The original posters entire point, was that the left-wing refuse to have an honest discussion of the facts.

He then said he would prove this, with this thread.

He then posted a video evidence, and said "let's talk about it".

You replied with "I'm not looking at your evidence.... so make a point".

Dude..... your post.. *IS THE POINT*. You literally made his point!

All he has to do now, is cite your post.... and there's the point.
Been on this board too long to watch propaganda videos that don’t prove what they say they do. Especially 13 minutes

Have a point to make about Hillary........Just make it

She lies a lot and people don't trust her because of it. That's why she lost.
Ummmmm....Nobody has lied as prolifically as Trump

To say that people didn’t vote for Hillary because she lied and voted for a much bigger liar is ridiculous
Hillary having an evolving political position is not lying

Trump tells falsehoods on a daily basis, now, he may just be ignorant of the facts which isn’t a lie. But when he is informed of the truth and continues the falsehood ....THAT is a lie

No Donnie.......Thousands of Muslim did not dance in the streets of NJ on 9-11. You did not see it on television because no such thing was televised.
THAT is a lie

Don’t watch videos...especially 13 minutes long

If you have a point to make...make it

That is absolutely hilarious. This is the funniest reply to an original post, that I've seen in a long long time.

Do you not realize what you just did?

The original posters entire point, was that the left-wing refuse to have an honest discussion of the facts.

He then said he would prove this, with this thread.

He then posted a video evidence, and said "let's talk about it".

You replied with "I'm not looking at your evidence.... so make a point".

Dude..... your post.. *IS THE POINT*. You literally made his point!

All he has to do now, is cite your post.... and there's the point.
Been on this board too long to watch propaganda videos that don’t prove what they say they do. Especially 13 minutes

Have a point to make about Hillary........Just make it

She lies a lot and people don't trust her because of it. That's why she lost.
Ummmmm....Nobody has lied as prolifically as Trump

To say that people didn’t vote for Hillary because she lied and voted for a much bigger liar is ridiculous

If you were active during the primaries you might remember that trustworthiness was by far Hillary's biggest weakness among left voters. Also I doubt the people that didn't vote for Hillary because she's a liar went out and voted for Trump instead. I imagine most of them either didn't vote or wrote somebody in. Maybe lies don't hurt the right as much? That line of thinking seems to fit your world view.

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