Hillary supporters are unwilling to have an honest discussion. I'll prove it in this thread.

I'm not a right wing nut job. I supported Bernie and have never voted for a Republican. During the primaries somebody made a Youtube video that proves beyond question that Hillary is a habitual liar. It's impossible to argue it, which is why a Hillary supporter has never and will never attempt to do so. Think I'm full of it? Good, I am calling you out right now. Watch a 13 minute long video and explain to me why I'm wrong.

I'm not saying Trump doesn't lie, or that you should support him. I'm just saying Hillary was a terrible candidate, and that fact is why Donald Trump is now our president.

She beat Bernie and republicans would have destroyed him. The moment republicans would have run the ad with Bernie standing with the Sandinistas denouncing America, he was done. Bernie had a past that Hillary did not exploit. The republicans would have and that's the honest conversation you Bernie Sanders supporters don't want to have.
SMS..........Selective memory syndrome...............

Not going back to search my threads where I showed this.

But I sense anger that you know you ran a lying POS for office..........tried to rig it too and lost.........same as you did Bernie...................well maybe not you.................

But so it goes on ............Now it's get Trump brought to you by the same ones who screwed Bernie.

I think you realize that a NY Snake oil salesman grabbed you by the puzzy while whispering sweet lies into your ear.

But his racist stant is so loving to you..:auiqs.jpg:
I love the fact that he makes people like you so angry............Makes my day........Clear it up for you.

I'm so glad I'm not an ALT-Right WeakWhyte Supremacist like you. God Bless Your Heart. :113:

And the name calling begins when you know you don't have an argument on this thread..........know your side is dirty........and no amount of spin will change that.

It cost you the election..........and later your souls............

Souls is a nice word to make people feel secure in their thoughts. But like prayers and thoughts do not protect anything souls is a word of deception like "conservative". If it makes you feel superior call me the great unwashed for I am dirty.

That is character trait of the left.............Like saving the planet and forcing people to install Solar Panels in California.............and not having a clue why we oppose them.

Your side ran a Criminal, a Liar, and the Establishment pick for that cycle.........Over a Billion spent in Dark money that cycle alone...............google open secrets...............and still lost.

The establishment is raging mad.........and so are you.......GOOD.

Don’t watch videos...especially 13 minutes long

If you have a point to make...make it

Bet you don't read books either. They too take more than 13 minutes!

This is FauxNoose PR propoganda. Much like...


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I think you realize that a NY Snake oil salesman grabbed you by the puzzy while whispering sweet lies into your ear.

But his racist stant is so loving to you..:auiqs.jpg:
I love the fact that he makes people like you so angry............Makes my day........Clear it up for you.

I'm so glad I'm not an ALT-Right WeakWhyte Supremacist like you. God Bless Your Heart. :113:

And the name calling begins when you know you don't have an argument on this thread..........know your side is dirty........and no amount of spin will change that.

It cost you the election..........and later your souls............

Souls is a nice word to make people feel secure in their thoughts. But like prayers and thoughts do not protect anything souls is a word of deception like "conservative". If it makes you feel superior call me the great unwashed for I am dirty.

That is character trait of the left.............Like saving the planet and forcing people to install Solar Panels in California.............and not having a clue why we oppose them.

Your side ran a Criminal, a Liar, and the Establishment pick for that cycle.........Over a Billion spent in Dark money that cycle alone...............google open secrets...............and still lost.

The establishment is raging mad.........and so are you.......GOOD.

Why would I be mad? I am simply disappointed that so many can not accept reality of cheeto man and his unAmerican ways.
  • Thanks
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Bernie had a past that Hillary did not exploit.

She attacked his past in any way she could. He's a true leftist and his record is consistent. If she had attacked him the same way a right wing nut job would attack him she would have lost the primary. Hillary lacked trust in her own party. Bernie would have unified the left wing vote that Hillary put a schism in. There's also the part where lots of people didn't even know about Bernie until it was too late. If he had made it center stage he would have been unstoppable. Trump lost the popular vote and barely won the states that secured him the election. Bernie absolutely would have pulled more votes than Clinton, and that would have been enough to win.
On November 8, 2016, I had two choices, within the domain of candidates with any realistic chance of winning...

1. Sane, competent corruption

2. Unstable, incompetent corruption

Unfortunately, (1) lost.

I voted for (1) myself, although I will confess that I felt like taking a shower, afterwards.
I love the fact that he makes people like you so angry............Makes my day........Clear it up for you.

I'm so glad I'm not an ALT-Right WeakWhyte Supremacist like you. God Bless Your Heart. :113:

And the name calling begins when you know you don't have an argument on this thread..........know your side is dirty........and no amount of spin will change that.

It cost you the election..........and later your souls............

Souls is a nice word to make people feel secure in their thoughts. But like prayers and thoughts do not protect anything souls is a word of deception like "conservative". If it makes you feel superior call me the great unwashed for I am dirty.

That is character trait of the left.............Like saving the planet and forcing people to install Solar Panels in California.............and not having a clue why we oppose them.

Your side ran a Criminal, a Liar, and the Establishment pick for that cycle.........Over a Billion spent in Dark money that cycle alone...............google open secrets...............and still lost.

The establishment is raging mad.........and so are you.......GOOD.

Why would I be mad? I am simply disappointed that so many can not accept reality of cheeto man and his unAmerican ways.

aka you can't understand why no one believes your side anymore..............or the Media........or the low ratings of our Congressmen and Senate.

The Establishment is in chaos right now and have been so since the election.............about time.........all their scams and BS and money and they still lost.........they can't believe it.
I still fondly recall the stunned left on Nov 10, 2016

LOL they still haven't recovered

I hate Hillary and I have to admit that even I was surprised she lost. I wanted to watch her lose, but I didn't think I'd actually get to see it. I still remember the next morning when I yelled at 7 AM "What the FUCK? He WON?" I proceeded to laugh my ass off and spend half the day mocking Hillary drones.
You have to ask yourself why a poster feels that he has to qualify himself in an honest political discussion by claiming he never voted republican. That's the crazy state of politics we are in today. I voted republican and I submit that there are very few left wing posters on the forum who are willing to engage in an honest discussion other than posting cartoons.
I still fondly recall the stunned left on Nov 10, 2016

LOL they still haven't recovered

I hate Hillary and I have to admit that even I was surprised she lost. I wanted to watch her lose, but I didn't think I'd actually get to see it. I still remember the next morning when I yelled at 7 AM "What the FUCK? He WON?" I proceeded to laugh my ass off and spend half the day mocking Hillary drones.

I stayed up late that night doing something I rarely do...watching the meltdowns on MSNBC and CNN.
I went to sleep and woke up to find out.........I was actually surprised myself. Thought the fix was in.
I hate Hillary and I have to admit that even I was surprised she lost. I wanted to watch her lose, but I didn't think I'd actually get to see it. I still remember the next morning when I yelled at 7 AM "What the FUCK? He WON?" I proceeded to laugh my ass off and spend half the day mocking Hillary drones
I have greatly appreciated your candor and heartfelt honesty in this thread

Mad respect, even though I disagree with you on most policy and political issues


I will say this, Bernie is honest and consistent, he has even given fair praise to Trump in situations where Trump has enacted policies that he agreed with (ie - union and worker related issues)
I still fondly recall the stunned left on Nov 10, 2016

LOL they still haven't recovered

I hate Hillary and I have to admit that even I was surprised she lost. I wanted to watch her lose, but I didn't think I'd actually get to see it. I still remember the next morning when I yelled at 7 AM "What the FUCK? He WON?" I proceeded to laugh my ass off and spend half the day mocking Hillary drones.

I stayed up late that night doing something I rarely do...watching the meltdowns on MSNBC and CNN.
Wow, so did I...
I love the fact that he makes people like you so angry............Makes my day........Clear it up for you.

I'm so glad I'm not an ALT-Right WeakWhyte Supremacist like you. God Bless Your Heart. :113:

And the name calling begins when you know you don't have an argument on this thread..........know your side is dirty........and no amount of spin will change that.

It cost you the election..........and later your souls............

Souls is a nice word to make people feel secure in their thoughts. But like prayers and thoughts do not protect anything souls is a word of deception like "conservative". If it makes you feel superior call me the great unwashed for I am dirty.

That is character trait of the left.............Like saving the planet and forcing people to install Solar Panels in California.............and not having a clue why we oppose them.

Your side ran a Criminal, a Liar, and the Establishment pick for that cycle.........Over a Billion spent in Dark money that cycle alone...............google open secrets...............and still lost.

The establishment is raging mad.........and so are you.......GOOD.

Why would I be mad? I am simply disappointed that so many can not accept reality of cheeto man and his unAmerican ways.

You know what I think REALLY bugs you, is that "cheeto man," IS the REALITY of America, he is QUINTESSENTIALLY what everyone in America wants to be.

I mean, the MSM even slags him with "cheeto man." Like that is supposed to hurt him? Every real American eats junk food, and fast food. . . Not. . . arugula?

Not just whites, but Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, the young, the old, gay, straight, Women, Men . . .

EVERYONE. They all want to be Donald Trump. He is the alpha to Obama's beta.

They don't want to be seen as an identity, they want to be seen as part of the larger culture, they want opportunity, and they WANT jobs, and security, and they want America to be what it has always been. INCLUSIVE. A melting pot, that at least, is the ideal.

Is he bit of a character? Sure. Is he obnoxious? You bet. Is he larger than life? OH HELL YEAH. Does he hit back hard when he is attacked, of course. . .

BUT that is how every American, now matter what their in-group, would like to see themselves. More than their stupid little sub-groups, they WANT to be part of the larger culture, they WANT to be part of the AMERICAN DREAM.

AND THAT, in a nutshell, is DONALD J. TRUMP.

I really don't understand this obsession with Hillary. That was a year and a half ago. She is gone. No more. Kaput.

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