Hillary supporters are unwilling to have an honest discussion. I'll prove it in this thread.

I really don't understand this obsession with Hillary. That was a year and a half ago. She is gone. No more. Kaput.

She would be gone if they, Democrats, could ever get her to leave!

She gives a commencement speech and it not about the graduates, it's all about HER. I LOVE IT! I want her front and center for the Midterms and certainly in the 2020 elections as well. Life is good!
Democrats won't let her leave?
Sounds like you are the one who doesn't want her to leave.
I'm not a right wing nut job. I supported Bernie and have never voted for a Republican. During the primaries somebody made a Youtube video that proves beyond question that Hillary is a habitual liar. It's impossible to argue it, which is why a Hillary supporter has never and will never attempt to do so. Think I'm full of it? Good, I am calling you out right now. Watch a 13 minute long video and explain to me why I'm wrong.

I'm not saying Trump doesn't lie, or that you should support him. I'm just saying Hillary was a terrible candidate, and that fact is why Donald Trump is now our president.

On a scale of 1-10, 1 being not qualified and 10 being most qualified what do you think
Of her qualifications for the job she sought....

Former First Lady
2 term senator from Ny
Former Sec of State.
Former board member of Wal Mart if I’m not mistaken
Regularly cited as one of the world’s most admired women
Grammy winner

We’ve covered the lies and the fact that both were liars—-she and Trump. My question in this honest discussion is about her qualifications
The main lie was the Sanders was a democrat.

He never claimed to be a career Democrat and actually he proudly stated that he's not one on more than one occasion. If you are of the left and the fact that he's marked as an independent bothers you I'm inclined to think you're rather unintelligent. He represents left wing values.

Bernie talks all that crap abut a single payer health care plan. He had almost 30 years to present a plan and did nothing. Hillary Clinton was first lady and at least was able to get a plan in front of congress in 1993.

Hillary didn't even support universal healthcare in the primary, even though it's more than possible and we are one of the few advanced countries that don't do it.

And if you think Sanders would have been able to get his plan past this republican congress you miss reality.

Republicans would have fought against Hillary even harder than they fought against Obama. Pointing out Republican obstruction doesn't really help your argument.
We’ve covered the lies and the fact that both were liars—-she and Trump. My question in this honest discussion is about her qualifications

I don't support Trump. As for Hillary vs Bernie, I don't really care how many notches Hillary has in her belt. She's a liar and Bernie isn't. Bernie is consistent and she isn't. Bernie is a true leftist and she isn't.

Don’t watch videos...especially 13 minutes long

If you have a point to make...make it

The video shows her talking in many different instances. It's basically just her talking the entire time. There's no narration trying to trick you into believing some conspiracy bullshit. It's just Hillary lying, a lot. Her supporters have blinders on.

What I found most disgusting about HRC in this campaign was the 9/11 incident where she all but collapsed.

Not that she got sick and collapsed but what happened next.
Had this never happened before or was because of acute condition X, they would have rushed her to the hospital. Instead she went to her daughters apartment? That tells me 2 things....

That it has happened....or
that the campaign was so balls to the walls on perception, they risked her life to keep up appearances.
We’ve covered the lies and the fact that both were liars—-she and Trump. My question in this honest discussion is about her qualifications

I don't support Trump. As for Hillary vs Bernie, I don't really care how many notches Hillary has in her belt. She's a liar and Bernie isn't. Bernie is consistent and she isn't. Bernie is a true leftist and she isn't.

So where is this discussion you wanted to have?
Hillary having an evolving political position is not lying

I am seriously disappointed in you this day. I had thought of you as one of the honest thinkers on this board. That is not what's being called a lie. One of Bernie's big sells was the fact that he has been preaching the same thing for multiple decades. He's consistent, like Ron Paul. Hillary needed to compete with that so she repeatedly lied about her past during the primaries. That is clearly demonstrated in the video, alongside other lies.
Almost every American who supports same sex marriage today opposed the idea a decade ago. It was an evolving social issue

Someone changing their position is not lying

You seem to have no concept of what constitutes a lie

People pretty much realized there was almost no reason to care about gay marriage, one way or the other.
People realized it was no big deal if gays got married

Some just can’t let go of past prejudice
We’ve covered the lies and the fact that both were liars—-she and Trump. My question in this honest discussion is about her qualifications

I don't support Trump. As for Hillary vs Bernie, I don't really care how many notches Hillary has in her belt. She's a liar and Bernie isn't. Bernie is consistent and she isn't. Bernie is a true leftist and she isn't.

So where is this discussion you wanted to have?

I thought we were having a discussion. I already got 3 Hillary voters to admit she's a liar.
Brainless leftists bother me more than brainless conservatives.
Damn I'm liking you more and more

Because brain dead conservatives piss me off whereas brain dead liberals actually make me smile

The radicals on either side are the ones that cost their preferred candidate votes

It still amazes me that so many don't get that...

Case in point the NFL controversy

Does anyone really believe that NFL owners are bowing to Trump?

Trump has capitalized on public sentiment and the owners acquiesced because they got hit in the pocketbook

Guess what happens this fall? 2 things

1 - we have important mid term elections
2 - football season

and we are probably gonna see protests over this flag kneeling

I don't care how you feel about the protests or whether you think players should be a le to do it, because that's entirely irrelevant

What is relevant is the optics and what those potential protests will do to the mood of the electorate

To be fair, this fall would also be a bad time for a right wing group to organize a protest aimed at keeping a statue of Robert E Lee in the town square of Bumblefuck Virginia...
We’ve covered the lies and the fact that both were liars—-she and Trump. My question in this honest discussion is about her qualifications

I don't support Trump. As for Hillary vs Bernie, I don't really care how many notches Hillary has in her belt. She's a liar and Bernie isn't. Bernie is consistent and she isn't. Bernie is a true leftist and she isn't.

So where is this discussion you wanted to have?

I thought we were having a discussion. I already got 3 Hillary voters to admit she's a liar.

If you would have just posted a question, “Is Hillary a Liar”, you would have gotten the same response without the accusatory nonsense…

Hell, Hillary has told some major whoppers; everything from being shot at in Europe to the Rose Law Firm incident, to the e-mails and server issue…

he he he….and what is your prize for that? It doesn’t make Bernie any more qualified to be the Democratic nominee for President; a party he doesn’t belong to. It doesn’t make his non-sensical proclamations (i.e. $15 minimum wage) any more practical. And it doesn’t make him look any less fringe…

He ran a good campaign and one that he and his supporters should be proud of. He was (and isn’t) qualified to hold Clinton’s oxygen mask. As for honesty; wonderful. My pastor was honest, my plumber was honest. My charge nurse is honest. Do I want them implementing foreign policy or crafting legislation or a budget….uh no.
My pastor was honest, my plumber was honest. My charge nurse is honest. Do I want them implementing foreign policy or crafting legislation or a budget….uh no.

It's disturbing that honesty is not a mandatory quality in candidates you're willing to support.
Her love for NAFTA to now as always hated NAFTA.
Hillary always hated NAFTA, even your MessiahRushie admitted it!

Rush's Qualifications for President
January 2, 2008
RUSH: I advised Clinton on every key issue. I was working behind the scenes to run the country and add to his legacy. ...
What about NAFTA? When Bill Clinton signed NAFTA and his wife, Hillary was against it, somebody changed his mind. Who do you think did that? Remember Algore in the debate with Ross Perot, cited me as a distinguished American in favor of NAFTA.
I would vote for Ron or Rand over most Democrats. Their views on the military and federal reserve are on point.
I have voted for Democrats before, Zell Miller for one

And there are situations where I could vote for Bernie, assuming a republican congress

EVERYTHING from the worthless lying scum Right is a lie.

Hillary always hated NAFTA, even your MessiahRushie admitted it!

That's not true. If you watch the video that's one of the lies they bust her on. She was a big supporter of NAFTA in the past.
No, it is one of the truths that prove YOUR video is a lie!!!

Again the quote you edited out:
Rush's Qualifications for President
January 2, 2008
RUSH: I advised Clinton on every key issue. I was working behind the scenes to run the country and add to his legacy. ...
What about NAFTA? When Bill Clinton signed NAFTA and his wife, Hillary was against it, somebody changed his mind. Who do you think did that? Remember Algore in the debate with Ross Perot, cited me as a distinguished American in favor of NAFTA.
No she really didn't. You need to understand that. She gave him great mercy because she knew she needed Bernie supporters if she won. First and foremost Bernie was not a democrat. If there was any schism it was caused by Bernie. I've known of Bernie Sanders since 1988. If he would have made it to center stage his story about women fantasizing about rape would have ben on center stage too. His vote for the crime bill, his vote to send toxic waste from Vermont to a poor Hispanic community in Texas, his vote against the amber alert etc, would have been on center stage with him. He talked big shit about campaign violations while committing them. Mercifully Bernie was not the nominee.

Sanders Voted for 1994 Crime Bill to Support Assault Weapons Ban, Violence Against Women Provisions

The Bernie Sanders 'Rape Fantasy' Essay, Explained

Fact-checking a viral graphic critical of Bernie Sanders

I know you won't visit those links, but you're kinda taking a lot of stuff out of context. Republicans wouldn't have hit him with anything that would have stopped the left from voting for him. He would have picked up more votes than Hillary and he would have won the election.

I've read those links long ago. I'm not taking anything out of context. Nobody is going to listen to why Sanders wrote a paper with that in it. He voted for the crime bill, the same crime bill that Hillary did not vote for but she got reamed for it. Sanders is responsible for the increase in the incarceration of minorities this bill caused. Hillary was one of the most liberal senators by grade during her time there. We didn't need to go any further left. And Sanders is an independent who used the democratic party bcause he knew he didn't stand a chance as an independent. The DNC let him run as a democrat when they did not have to and still today Sanders supporters are talking about how he was cheated. He would NEVER have been given that chance by republicans. Bernie Sanders did not get on center stage because he got beat. He primaried in the same 50 states as Clinton and he lost 30 of them.

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