Hillary supporters are unwilling to have an honest discussion. I'll prove it in this thread.

OK, so I hear that "Trump is a liar" all the time, mostly from the left

On issues related to publlic policy, I have not seen it

In fact, I have NEVER seen a politician keep, or try to keep, as many campaign promises as Trump has

I don't wanna hijack this thread, but this is a discussion I want to have...

Where is the replacement for Obama care? What is the Trump plan…?
The one he advocated and lobbied for?

Let me let you in on a secret, since he pushed for a bill and called on congress to pass a repeal bill, he did.not lie

Failing to convince congress to pass legislation does not constitute a lie

Try again

Not sure if you were posting a response to the right post….
The Trump Healthcare plan is what exactly?
Republicans in the House passed a bill

Trump worked to get it passsd

So, he made an attempt to keep his campaign promise

Please explain to me how this constitutes a lie

He said it would be easy to get a heath care bill done that would be better than Obamacare and did not. And if you keep a campaign promise that does more harm than good you haven't accomplished anything.
That is the only example you can cite as a public policy lie?

A situation where he did everything within his power to do what he promised?

Besides, he still has 6 1/2 more years to get it done :)

You aren't very good at this
My proof that the video lied is just as valid, if not more so since my source is known to NEVER EVER defend Hillary, as the video's "proof" that Hillary lied.
Ross Perot campaigned against NAFTA

Bill and George both said they'd enact it

Where was she when it mattered?

Supporting her husband was where she was
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No you didn't let Paul run as a libertarian in republican primaries. Sanders has never switched parties.

You need to keep up with your idols.

Is Bernie Sanders a Democrat or an independent?

The answer is, maybe both.

Sanders is an Independent in the Senate but also a member of the Democratic Party, according to his spokesman, Michael Briggs.

“He was elected as an independent,” Briggs said. “He just ran in states all over the country as a Democrat ... and he’s been looking for ways to make the party more progressive.”

Vermont has no party registration, Briggs noted, so Sanders can't walk into a city clerk’s office, fill out some paperwork and change his affiliation.

On Tuesday, Sanders was asked at a Bloomberg Politics breakfast if he'll remain a Democrat after the November election.

“I was elected as an independent, so I'll stay two years more as an independent,” he said.

But in a July 14 interview with USA TODAY, Sanders said he'd remain a Democrat. Briggs said Sanders’ opinion hasn’t changed since then.

Bernie Sanders' party affiliation? Not a simple question
Washington post
You are going to have to do better than ask me to read fake news

And you'll have to do better than telling me a well respected 100 plus year old legendary news company is now fake because Trump says it is.
I've asked for examples of public policy lies

You have not been able to provide even one

Telling me to go read a newspaper known to push a left wing agenda is not an example
The BIG surprise is seeing another lefty citing Rush Limbaugh as proof that Hillary Clinton is not a liar

I'm at a loss for words...
I always enjoy making DittoTards eat Russia Limbaugh's words!!!

ITT we see one left wing person claiming that Trump's failure to convince congress to pass legislation is a lie - no surprise there

The BIG surprise is seeing another lefty citing Rush Limbaugh as proof that Hillary Clinton is not a liar

I'm at a loss for words...

That's part of the presidents job, to convince congress that his initiatives can work. Especially when the presidents party is the majority.
My proof that the video lied is just as valid, if not more so since my source is known to NEVER EVER defend Hillary, as the video's "proof" that Hillary lied.
Ross Perot campaigned against NAFYA

Bill and George both said they'd enact it

Where was she when it mattered?

Supporting her husband was where she was
Then prove it with a direct quote from her, and not just your biased opinion.
More disturbing that qualification for the job is not a mandatory quality in candidates you’re willing to support.

Bernie Sanders has been a Senator for decades. He is qualified. Hillary having held more positions in government doesn't make her a better choice, especially because of that whole lying thing. You're trying to make it sound like I supported some bum off the street. Get real.
My proof that the video lied is just as valid, if not more so since my source is known to NEVER EVER defend Hillary, as the video's "proof" that Hillary lied.
Ross Perot campaigned against NAFYA

Bill and George both said they'd enact it

Where was she when it mattered?

Supporting her husband was where she was
Then prove it with a direct quote from her, and not just your biased opinion.

It's in the video towards the end. It's better than just a quote; you can see her support it on video.
My proof that the video lied is just as valid, if not more so since my source is known to NEVER EVER defend Hillary, as the video's "proof" that Hillary lied.
Ross Perot campaigned against NAFYA

Bill and George both said they'd enact it

Where was she when it mattered?

Supporting her husband was where she was
Then prove it with a direct quote from her, and not just your biased opinion.
Where is your quote from her?

Rush's opinion?

That's the hill you want to die on?

eta - also, show me where she publicly disagreed with her husband back then _TIA
The BIG surprise is seeing another lefty citing Rush Limbaugh as proof that Hillary Clinton is not a liar

I'm at a loss for words...
I always enjoy making DittoTards eat Russia Limbaugh's words!!!
When have I ever cited Rush as a source for an opinion I've advocated?

DittoTards are rightfully ashamed to cite their MessiahRushie as their source as the mindlessly parrot everything he tells them.
I'm not a right wing nut job. I supported Bernie and have never voted for a Republican. During the primaries somebody made a Youtube video that proves beyond question that Hillary is a habitual liar. It's impossible to argue it, which is why a Hillary supporter has never and will never attempt to do so. Think I'm full of it? Good, I am calling you out right now. Watch a 13 minute long video and explain to me why I'm wrong.

I'm not saying Trump doesn't lie, or that you should support him. I'm just saying Hillary was a terrible candidate, and that fact is why Donald Trump is now our president.

Yes. She was a terrible candidate.

You've nailed it.

You can rest now.

Thank you.
My proof that the video lied is just as valid, if not more so since my source is known to NEVER EVER defend Hillary, as the video's "proof" that Hillary lied.
Ross Perot campaigned against NAFYA

Bill and George both said they'd enact it

Where was she when it mattered?

Supporting her husband was where she was
Then prove it with a direct quote from her, and not just your biased opinion.

It's in the video towards the end. It's better than just a quote; you can see her support it on video.
Now you are out and out lying. She said NOTHING about NAFTA on your lying video, and you know it or you would have quoted her. Your video only has biased pundits SPECULATING that she supported NAFTA.
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I proved the video is a lie, but the lying scum Right can't be honest about it.
No you didn't
I certainly did. If you noticed the video's NAFTA lie, unlike all the other claims on the video, didn't include any direct quote from her, only prople's OPINION of where she stood or what she MIGHT have said. I posted a quote from a known Hillary hater giving a contrary OPINION. My proof that the video lied is just as valid, if not more so since my source is known to NEVER EVER defend Hillary, as the video's "proof" that Hillary lied.

Clinton has changed on NAFTA

Does Politifact work for you or should I find half a dozen others?

Quote from Obama: "Yesterday, Sen. Clinton also said I'm wrong to point out that she once supported NAFTA," Obama said. "But the fact is, she was saying great things about NAFTA until she started running for president. A couple years after it passed, she said NAFTA was a 'free and fair trade agreement' and that it was 'proving its worth.' And in 2004, she said, 'I think, on balance, NAFTA has been good for New York state and America.' "
My proof that the video lied is just as valid, if not more so since my source is known to NEVER EVER defend Hillary, as the video's "proof" that Hillary lied.
Ross Perot campaigned against NAFYA

Bill and George both said they'd enact it

Where was she when it mattered?

Supporting her husband was where she was
Then prove it with a direct quote from her, and not just your biased opinion.
Where is your quote from her?

Rush's opinion?

That's the hill you want to die on?

eta - also, show me where she publicly disagreed with her husband back then _TIA
That is the point, there is NO quote of Hillary supporting NAFTA. In fact I recall her specifically her condemning Canada over NAFTA.
The BIG surprise is seeing another lefty citing Rush Limbaugh as proof that Hillary Clinton is not a liar

I'm at a loss for words...
I always enjoy making DittoTards eat Russia Limbaugh's words!!!
When have I ever cited Rush as a source for an opinion I've advocated?

DittoTards are rightfully ashamed to cite their MessiahRushie as their source as the mindlessly parrot everything he tells them.
So you have nothing outside of creating an opinion or source you assume that I have/use and arguing against your own speculation

straw man
ˌstrô ˈman/
noun: strawman
  1. 1.
    an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
    "her familiar procedure of creating a straw man by exaggerating their approach"
  2. 2.
    a person regarded as having no substance or integrity.
    "a photogenic straw man gets inserted into office and advisers dictate policy"
That's part of the presidents job, to convince congress that his initiatives can work. Especially when the presidents party is the majority.

Which he is doing in a grand manner! Why are you afraid of the great success being shown by President Donald Trump?
I proved the video is a lie, but the lying scum Right can't be honest about it.
No you didn't
I certainly did. If you noticed the video's NAFTA lie, unlike all the other claims on the video, didn't include any direct quote from her, only prople's OPINION of where she stood or what she MIGHT have said. I posted a quote from a known Hillary hater giving a contrary OPINION. My proof that the video lied is just as valid, if not more so since my source is known to NEVER EVER defend Hillary, as the video's "proof" that Hillary lied.

Clinton has changed on NAFTA

Does Politifact work for you or should I find half a dozen others?

Quote from Obama: "Yesterday, Sen. Clinton also said I'm wrong to point out that she once supported NAFTA," Obama said. "But the fact is, she was saying great things about NAFTA until she started running for president. A couple years after it passed, she said NAFTA was a 'free and fair trade agreement' and that it was 'proving its worth.' And in 2004, she said, 'I think, on balance, NAFTA has been good for New York state and America.' "
A perfect example of how the lying scum Right LIE with the half-truth.

If you notice the lying scum ends the quote with a period when the actual quote had a comma and continued with:
"I think on balance NAFTA has been good for New York and America, but I also think that there are a number of areas where we're not dealt with in an upfront way in dealing with our friend to the north, Canada, which seems to be able to come up with a number of rationales for keeping New York agricultural products out of Canada,"

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