Hillary Used Same Tax Avoidance Trick that NYT Slammed Trump for Using

the new york times --LOL really

they didnt pay taxes in 2014

and got a refund ta boot

The New York Slimes is such a leftwing rag.

How can any objective and professional journalist regard them as anything more than dog poop scooping material?
Yeah, I am not exactly shocked either at the hypocrisy and partisanship of the New York "We Endorse Stalin"Times.

Hypocrisy: Hillary's Tax Returns Show She Used Similar Tax Law As Trump To Avoid Taxes | The Sean Hannity Show

Hillary and Bill Clinton have used America's labyrinthine tex code minimize their exposure to Federal taxes including shell companies in Delaware, and avoidance schemes to minimize estate taxes. Now, we're learning that Hillary used a similar method of avoiding federal taxes in 2015 that Donald Trump did in 1995.
Has H. Clinton released her Tax Returns?
Has D. Drumpf released his Tax Returns?

It will affect how you vote, right?
Lol, of course it wont, she is a libtard
Yeah, I am not exactly shocked either at the hypocrisy and partisanship of the New York "We Endorse Stalin"Times.

Hypocrisy: Hillary's Tax Returns Show She Used Similar Tax Law As Trump To Avoid Taxes | The Sean Hannity Show

Hillary and Bill Clinton have used America's labyrinthine tex code minimize their exposure to Federal taxes including shell companies in Delaware, and avoidance schemes to minimize estate taxes. Now, we're learning that Hillary used a similar method of avoiding federal taxes in 2015 that Donald Trump did in 1995.

Lets compare shall we?

In 2015- Clinton paid taxes and showed us her tax returns
In 2015- Donald.....well we don't know.

What doesn't Donald want us to see in his tax returns?
Clinton didn't pay income tax for 18 years?

Clinton is a developer who took her loses and deducted personal expenses?

Clinton is the only candidate to 'put up' by proposing tax law that would cost her and her family more monies.

So much for the Trump Chumps.

You should look at her return. $600k refund in 2014. .
700k in carried over losses.

Isn't it great that we have one candidate- Clinton- who has been transparent about her taxes- so voters know what she paid?

Clinton has paid income taxes- we know this because we have seen her tax returns.
Donald....well the only tax return we have seen shows he didn't pay income taxes.

Why doesn't he want us to see the rest?
Isn't Klein related the Ruth Shalit? She may have learned her art from the best.
given the incestuous ties between the Democratic Party and the media, you sure you want to go there, bubba?

Given the incestuous ties between Trump and the right wing media- you sure you want to go there Jimmie?

Head of Breitbart- head of Trump's campaign.
Former head of Fox News- another top Trump campaign official.
they didn't pay taxes in 2014 and got a refund ta boot
Where are you getting your info?!?! They did get a $600K refund, but payed almost $10M in taxes in 2014. How much did Trump pay? Oh right, he won't tell us. I wonder why?


are you a leftard retard or what

why are you clipping my post off

isnt that an offense here on this board

because my post did not mention clinton one bit loser
Yeah, I am not exactly shocked either at the hypocrisy and partisanship of the New York "We Endorse Stalin"Times.

Hypocrisy: Hillary's Tax Returns Show She Used Similar Tax Law As Trump To Avoid Taxes | The Sean Hannity Show

Hillary and Bill Clinton have used America's labyrinthine tex code minimize their exposure to Federal taxes including shell companies in Delaware, and avoidance schemes to minimize estate taxes. Now, we're learning that Hillary used a similar method of avoiding federal taxes in 2015 that Donald Trump did in 1995.
Does that mean she's smart too?

I got an old catcher's mitt that has less cracks and crevices than her face.....hideous!
It's not a trick but completely obvious procedure. Basically, it's the same when a stock depreciates in value and then appreciates back to the original value, you don't pay taxes. The idiotic regressive liberals think this is demonic tax aversion scheme.

Of course, they also think that tax aversion is not something that everyone does... instead they think it's somehow cruel if not illegal. Bunch of idiots...
It's not a trick but completely obvious procedure. Basically, it's the same when a stock depreciates in value and then appreciates back to the original value, you don't pay taxes. The idiotic regressive liberals think this is demonic tax aversion scheme.

Of course, they also think that tax aversion is not something that everyone does... instead they think it's somehow cruel if not illegal. Bunch of idiots...

the tax loophole was nothing like that in 95

but keep yammering and impress yourself
And with that tax write off for their loss and home business expense and with what they gave to charity, they still managed to owe and pay 34.5% in federal income taxes and another 9% in State income taxes, along with property taxes, and sales taxes, and gas taxes, and local taxes and so on and so forth...

Her and her husband have paid more as a percentage of their income in taxes for the past 25 years than any President, presidential candidate, vp or vp candidate in recent history.
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Yeah, I am not exactly shocked either at the hypocrisy and partisanship of the New York "We Endorse Stalin"Times.

Hypocrisy: Hillary's Tax Returns Show She Used Similar Tax Law As Trump To Avoid Taxes | The Sean Hannity Show

Hillary and Bill Clinton have used America's labyrinthine tex code minimize their exposure to Federal taxes including shell companies in Delaware, and avoidance schemes to minimize estate taxes. Now, we're learning that Hillary used a similar method of avoiding federal taxes in 2015 that Donald Trump did in 1995.

Notice this says "similar" which means its not. Such as taking a tax break one year is similar to not paying ANY income taxes for 18 years.
Using this logic. Friday the 13th was similar to Broke Back Mountain both were in the wilderness so....

He did nothing illegal. He took losses and spread them out over the next few years. Thats completely legal. I've done it with my businesses.

no he didn't in 95 ....

I watched a NYC corporate lawyer read the 95 tax codes right out of the book ...
95 was an entirely different ball game in real estate.
It's not a trick but completely obvious procedure. Basically, it's the same when a stock depreciates in value and then appreciates back to the original value, you don't pay taxes. The idiotic regressive liberals think this is demonic tax aversion scheme.

Of course, they also think that tax aversion is not something that everyone does... instead they think it's somehow cruel if not illegal. Bunch of idiots...

There is nothing to be ashamed about using the tax laws to pay only your legally required tax amount.

Which makes us wonder why Trump is hiding his tax returns from us- what is he ashamed of in his taxes?

Perhaps this is not the only year he lost a 1,000,000,000 dollars?

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