Hillary Used Same Tax Avoidance Trick that NYT Slammed Trump for Using

Biased source, but I'm posting it anyway:

Fox News picked up on a Reddit comment (not making this up) to accuse the Clintons of doing the same as Trump on taxes, but it took our research director 15 minutes to figure out why it's a total lie. All he had to do was look at the next page of the Clintons' tax return to get the full story, something Fox did not think to do.[this is from their Facebook post]

The next page confirms that they paid $3,236,975 in federal income tax that year.

The Clintons claimed a $726,721 capital loss on their 2008 tax returns -- likely as a result of the financial crash -- and have carried forward the loss and claimed a $3,000 deduction in each subsequent year. The campaign says they have paid an effective federal tax rate of between 25 percent and 38.2 percent every year since 2001.

This data is available because the Clintons have released decades of tax returns, while Trump has shunned more than 50 years of precedent by refusing to release any tax information.

Right-Wing Media Faceplant In Rush To Accuse The Clintons Of Doing "The Same Thing As Trump" On Taxes

It's exactly the same except Cunton has it in much smaller numbers and can't take depreciation value added to tax credit... Not a property owner are you little piss ant?

I wish I could agree with this 1000 times. Spot on.
they didn't pay taxes in 2014 and got a refund ta boot
Where are you getting your info?!?! They did get a $600K refund, but payed almost $10M in taxes in 2014. How much did Trump pay? Oh right, he won't tell us. I wonder why?
are you a leftard retard or what why are you clipping my post off isnt that an offense here on this board because my post did not mention clinton one bit loser
It's only an offense if I changed the meaning of the post. You should know that and probably do, but are using it as an excuse to not confront how badly you were pwned. :laugh2:
the post never mentioned hillary you made that up
SO? Everyone knows who you were talking about. That's some pretty weak tea, dude.

you are a liar plain and simple

my post where you cut out lines to change the quote

anyone can go back and see it

Today at 8:45 AM#20

the new york times --LOL really

they didnt pay taxes in 2014

and got a refund ta boot
Clinton didn't pay income tax for 18 years?

Clinton is a developer who took her loses and deducted personal expenses?

Clinton is the only candidate to 'put up' by proposing tax law that would cost her and her family more monies.

So much for the Trump Chumps.

You should look at her return. $600k refund in 2014. .
700k in carried over losses.

Isn't it great that we have one candidate- Clinton- who has been transparent about her taxes- so voters know what she paid?

Clinton has paid income taxes- we know this because we have seen her tax returns.
Donald....well the only tax return we have seen shows he didn't pay income taxes.

Why doesn't he want us to see the rest?
Is it great? Not really. I don't really care at all about the tax records - they ate essentially irrelevant. What matters are policy positions.
Where are you getting your info?!?! They did get a $600K refund, but payed almost $10M in taxes in 2014. How much did Trump pay? Oh right, he won't tell us. I wonder why?
are you a leftard retard or what why are you clipping my post off isnt that an offense here on this board because my post did not mention clinton one bit loser
It's only an offense if I changed the meaning of the post. You should know that and probably do, but are using it as an excuse to not confront how badly you were pwned. :laugh2:
the post never mentioned hillary you made that up
SO? Everyone knows who you were talking about. That's some pretty weak tea, dude.

you are a liar plain and simple

my post where you cut out lines to change the quote

anyone can go back and see it

Today at 8:45 AM#20

the new york times --LOL really

they didnt pay taxes in 2014

and got a refund ta boot
So, you claim you were talking about the NYT, not Clinton? FINE!!! That still doesn't explain why Trump continues to hide his tax info. THAT'S the real $64,000,000 question. Think Lyin' Don will ever come clean on that score? Here's a hint: I won't be holding my breath.
Yeah, I am not exactly shocked either at the hypocrisy and partisanship of the New York "We Endorse Stalin"Times.

Hypocrisy: Hillary's Tax Returns Show She Used Similar Tax Law As Trump To Avoid Taxes | The Sean Hannity Show

Hillary and Bill Clinton have used America's labyrinthine tex code minimize their exposure to Federal taxes including shell companies in Delaware, and avoidance schemes to minimize estate taxes. Now, we're learning that Hillary used a similar method of avoiding federal taxes in 2015 that Donald Trump did in 1995.

No one is saying that Donald Trump broke any tax laws. Everyone can write off a loss in business. Every business has a bad year but well managed business's usually come back, and are back in profit in short order and end up paying Federal taxes on those profits.

The issue is that--over the last 18 years-- all of the golf courses, all the casino's, all the hotels and other business's that Trump claims he owns (all put together) never earned 916 million to offset that 916 million dollar loss from 18 years ago. He is still peeling off that 18 year old loss which eliminates him from paying Federal Income taxes.

The only conclusions can be: 1. Trump is a horrible businessman. 2. Trump is living off of other people's money. 3. All of his business's are leveraged to the hilt. Meaning he owes more than he receives in revenue. 4. Trump is accustomed to running business's in red ink, that will eventually collapse, and they'll be hauling out furniture and other assets from the Trump Tower to auction off. 5. Trump is cheating on his taxes, and is not reporting real revenues from all his business's. There are no other conclusions.

Take your pick.

Here is Trump again bragging about his 10 BILLION dollar net worth and how great of a business man he is.

Michael Bloomberg who is considerably wealthier than Donald Trump, and who can actually produce an income tax return to prove it, had a lot to say about Donald Trump and his business practice's.

Michael Bloomberg's entire Democratic convention speech

Here's more on Trump business ventures.
Donald Trump’s business failings, explained
Yeah, I am not exactly shocked either at the hypocrisy and partisanship of the New York "We Endorse Stalin"Times.

Hypocrisy: Hillary's Tax Returns Show She Used Similar Tax Law As Trump To Avoid Taxes | The Sean Hannity Show

Hillary and Bill Clinton have used America's labyrinthine tex code minimize their exposure to Federal taxes including shell companies in Delaware, and avoidance schemes to minimize estate taxes. Now, we're learning that Hillary used a similar method of avoiding federal taxes in 2015 that Donald Trump did in 1995.

Yup. Just like every person and corporation in America.
they didn't pay taxes in 2014 and got a refund ta boot
Where are you getting your info?!?! They did get a $600K refund, but payed almost $10M in taxes in 2014. How much did Trump pay? Oh right, he won't tell us. I wonder why?
are you a leftard retard or what why are you clipping my post off isnt that an offense here on this board because my post did not mention clinton one bit loser
It's only an offense if I changed the meaning of the post. You should know that and probably do, but are using it as an excuse to not confront how badly you were pwned. :laugh2:
the post never mentioned hillary you made that up
SO? Everyone knows who you were talking about. That's some pretty weak tea, dude.

They know? Prove it.
are you a leftard retard or what why are you clipping my post off isnt that an offense here on this board because my post did not mention clinton one bit loser
It's only an offense if I changed the meaning of the post. You should know that and probably do, but are using it as an excuse to not confront how badly you were pwned. :laugh2:
the post never mentioned hillary you made that up
SO? Everyone knows who you were talking about. That's some pretty weak tea, dude.

you are a liar plain and simple

my post where you cut out lines to change the quote

anyone can go back and see it

Today at 8:45 AM#20

the new york times --LOL really

they didnt pay taxes in 2014

and got a refund ta boot
So, you claim you were talking about the NYT, not Clinton? FINE!!! That still doesn't explain why Trump continues to hide his tax info. THAT'S the real $64,000,000 question. Think Lyin' Don will ever come clean on that score? Here's a hint: I won't be holding my breath.

read my post of course i was talking about the NYT

you edited it into something different
The Clintons took over $700,000 a year for multiple years in losses just like what Trump did.

They followed the fucking tax code. They got refunds of nearly $1 million in 2014 and 2015.

I guess they don't support the troops and teachers.
It's only an offense if I changed the meaning of the post. You should know that and probably do, but are using it as an excuse to not confront how badly you were pwned. :laugh2:
the post never mentioned hillary you made that up
SO? Everyone knows who you were talking about. That's some pretty weak tea, dude.

you are a liar plain and simple

my post where you cut out lines to change the quote

anyone can go back and see it

Today at 8:45 AM#20

the new york times --LOL really

they didnt pay taxes in 2014

and got a refund ta boot
So, you claim you were talking about the NYT, not Clinton? FINE!!! That still doesn't explain why Trump continues to hide his tax info. THAT'S the real $64,000,000 question. Think Lyin' Don will ever come clean on that score? Here's a hint: I won't be holding my breath.

read my post of course i was talking about the NYT

you edited it into something different
Not obvious at all. You need to do better with composition. Sorry. Still doesn't explain why Lyin' Don isn't releasing his taxes, though.
the post never mentioned hillary you made that up
SO? Everyone knows who you were talking about. That's some pretty weak tea, dude.

you are a liar plain and simple

my post where you cut out lines to change the quote

anyone can go back and see it

Today at 8:45 AM#20

the new york times --LOL really

they didnt pay taxes in 2014

and got a refund ta boot
So, you claim you were talking about the NYT, not Clinton? FINE!!! That still doesn't explain why Trump continues to hide his tax info. THAT'S the real $64,000,000 question. Think Lyin' Don will ever come clean on that score? Here's a hint: I won't be holding my breath.

read my post of course i was talking about the NYT

you edited it into something different
Not obvious at all. You need to do better with composition. Sorry. Still doesn't explain why Lyin' Don isn't releasing his taxes, though.

it was obvious to everyone else you liar

the very next post is an example
SO? Everyone knows who you were talking about. That's some pretty weak tea, dude.

you are a liar plain and simple

my post where you cut out lines to change the quote

anyone can go back and see it

Today at 8:45 AM#20

the new york times --LOL really

they didnt pay taxes in 2014

and got a refund ta boot
So, you claim you were talking about the NYT, not Clinton? FINE!!! That still doesn't explain why Trump continues to hide his tax info. THAT'S the real $64,000,000 question. Think Lyin' Don will ever come clean on that score? Here's a hint: I won't be holding my breath.

read my post of course i was talking about the NYT

you edited it into something different
Not obvious at all. You need to do better with composition. Sorry. Still doesn't explain why Lyin' Don isn't releasing his taxes, though.
it was obvious to everyone else you liar the very next post is an example
You're worse than a liar; you're boring. Good bye, see ya when you want to discuss real issues instead of petty matters. Your avoidance of Trump's tax issues is noted.
you are a liar plain and simple

my post where you cut out lines to change the quote

anyone can go back and see it

Today at 8:45 AM#20

the new york times --LOL really

they didnt pay taxes in 2014

and got a refund ta boot
So, you claim you were talking about the NYT, not Clinton? FINE!!! That still doesn't explain why Trump continues to hide his tax info. THAT'S the real $64,000,000 question. Think Lyin' Don will ever come clean on that score? Here's a hint: I won't be holding my breath.

read my post of course i was talking about the NYT

you edited it into something different
Not obvious at all. You need to do better with composition. Sorry. Still doesn't explain why Lyin' Don isn't releasing his taxes, though.
it was obvious to everyone else you liar the very next post is an example
You're worse than a liar; you're boring. Good bye, see ya when you want to discuss real issues instead of petty matters. Your avoidance of Trump's tax issues is noted.

i didnt lie loser

fuck you asshole
The issue is that--over the last 18 years-- all of the golf courses, all the casino's, all the hotels and other business's that Trump claims he owns (all put together) never earned 916 million to offset that 916 million dollar loss from 18 years ago. He is still peeling off that 18 year old loss which eliminates him from paying Federal Income taxes.
That is not actually the issue as that is complete conjecture. You have no idea weather or not he has surpassed that write-off or how long it took.

The story was purely speculating on Trumps other tax data.
Yeah, I am not exactly shocked either at the hypocrisy and partisanship of the New York "We Endorse Stalin"Times.

Hypocrisy: Hillary's Tax Returns Show She Used Similar Tax Law As Trump To Avoid Taxes | The Sean Hannity Show

Hillary and Bill Clinton have used America's labyrinthine tex code minimize their exposure to Federal taxes including shell companies in Delaware, and avoidance schemes to minimize estate taxes. Now, we're learning that Hillary used a similar method of avoiding federal taxes in 2015 that Donald Trump did in 1995.
It's not a tax avoidance trick. It is tax law. Calling it a trick is the tactic of those who play the money envy game.
Biased source, but I'm posting it anyway:

Fox News picked up on a Reddit comment (not making this up) to accuse the Clintons of doing the same as Trump on taxes, but it took our research director 15 minutes to figure out why it's a total lie. All he had to do was look at the next page of the Clintons' tax return to get the full story, something Fox did not think to do.[this is from their Facebook post]

The next page confirms that they paid $3,236,975 in federal income tax that year.

The Clintons claimed a $726,721 capital loss on their 2008 tax returns -- likely as a result of the financial crash -- and have carried forward the loss and claimed a $3,000 deduction in each subsequent year. The campaign says they have paid an effective federal tax rate of between 25 percent and 38.2 percent every year since 2001.

This data is available because the Clintons have released decades of tax returns, while Trump has shunned more than 50 years of precedent by refusing to release any tax information.

Right-Wing Media Faceplant In Rush To Accuse The Clintons Of Doing "The Same Thing As Trump" On Taxes

Oh bullshit, from your own article we get this text:

"while the Clintons’ 2015 return shows that they did have a roughly $700,000 capital loss carried over from a prior year, that loss originates with the financial crash of 2008, and they received only a $3,000 deduction for those losses and paid $3.2 million in federal income taxes in 2015.

The New York Times reported October 1 that after declaring “a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax returns,” Trump may have “legally avoid[ed] paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years,” according to tax documents the paper obtained. "

So the Clinton's carried a 2008 loss for 7 years and ended it with a $3k deduction, meaning that they took the rest in the previous 6 years, while Trump LEGALLY MAY have claimed the loss to not pay taxes he would have been exempted from.

So your whole post and the accompanying article are completely contrary for what you try to use it for, i.e. it is HORSE SHIT.

The Clintons voluntarily released their tax returns. The Dumpster has not.

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