Hispanics Rally to Trump, Boosting His 2020 Chances (McLaughlin + Marist/NPR polls)

A millennial and I were talking about this today, Democrats and progs are sinking fast. Poetic justice if they collapse. We need more blacks to come into the light. Conservatives aren't perfect for sure, but shit, prog-speak is fucked up to shit, same with their ideology, same with their taxes, their attack on gender, thought, race, country, internet, education, every mother fucking thing they touch.

Democrats used to be MUCH better. Same with liberals, Hollywood and that. Progs killed that too.

We blacks see the light. And know the light will be turned off if we join the 30 percent bigot club. You aren't growing .

How has the alliegance to the democrats been working out for you? I hear a lot of griping. Maybe you should try actually listening to Republicans instead trying to find the most extreme wackos and saying they're all like that.

I live in a republican state. I think I can say that I have listened to republicans.

Why is it that you republicans feel the need to use the tactics you do with us? Do you think we can't read? Do you think that you can get us to join by blaming democrats for slavery while you oppose affirmative action, voting rights and most civil rights? Why in the FUCK would we want a return to states rights? Why do we watch you guys support the annual payment of reparations to native American nations for things you did not do, then tell us that we should not hold the government responsible to pay a promise they broke to us because YOU didn't do it.

You republicans insult our intelligence with your bullshit. We don't need to hear your fucking lectures about work and handouts. You slothful, shiftless, whites, are where you are literally off the backs of our ancestors. You benefitted from government programs we couldn't get even though our tax money was in the pot too. Suburbs for whites were built with government guaranteed loans from banks with our money in it.

So it's time republicans listened to us. We were republican before but because you refused to listen, we left. White Democrats aren't much better but they do listen. They listened so well that they heard the first black president accept their nomination. Talk to me about the republican party when you have as many blacks in national leadership positions as the democrats.
A millennial and I were talking about this today, Democrats and progs are sinking fast. Poetic justice if they collapse. We need more blacks to come into the light. Conservatives aren't perfect for sure, but shit, prog-speak is fucked up to shit, same with their ideology, same with their taxes, their attack on gender, thought, race, country, internet, education, every mother fucking thing they touch.

Democrats used to be MUCH better. Same with liberals, Hollywood and that. Progs killed that too.

We blacks see the light. And know the light will be turned off if we join the 30 percent bigot club. You aren't growing .

Yeah, but your personal light is a black light. :rolleyes:

Black lights aren't very bright.
A millennial and I were talking about this today, Democrats and progs are sinking fast. Poetic justice if they collapse. We need more blacks to come into the light. Conservatives aren't perfect for sure, but shit, prog-speak is fucked up to shit, same with their ideology, same with their taxes, their attack on gender, thought, race, country, internet, education, every mother fucking thing they touch.

Democrats used to be MUCH better. Same with liberals, Hollywood and that. Progs killed that too.

We blacks see the light. And know the light will be turned off if we join the 30 percent bigot club. You aren't growing .

You've been used by the Democratic Party for sixty years, IM2 but you're so fixated the bigotry that you think lurks around every corner that you can't see it! Here's a hint for you...if you want REAL political power for blacks? Don't give your votes as a knee jerk reaction...give them to the people who actually make the lives of blacks BETTER...not the people who give you lip service before every election and then could care less about you until the next election!

Drop the dumb shit junior. I live in a motherfucking republican state. Republicans don't make lives better for blacks and all this shit you and the other supremacists here are doing is paying lip service hoping that we are actually as dumb as you think we are and join your party so you can elect Trump after Trump until your punk asses can erase all provisions of the civil rights act.

I haven't been used for shit. I get tired of you maggots trying to tell me what the hell I don't see. I've seen Nixon, Reagan, both of those punk ass Bushes and now this asshole Trump. The lot of them all racists and crooks. The only decent republican president I've seen was Gerald Ford and he was picked by Nixon because he was a patsy Nixon knew would pardon him.

So spare me the join the republican party pep talk. I worked in the black community for 30 years on issues and the whites who would work with us were always democrats. Republicans always had excuses or no we can't answers.
It appears that, being black has consumed your life. That is the only topic that interests you, it is so askewed that you think most of the former presidents were racists. Well, I may disappoint you, but for most people in this country, we don't wake up in the morning consumed by the thought of the color of people.

The vast majority take color for granted, their are many colors of people in our country and they are friends with whites, spouses of whites, godparents of whites, even siblings of whites.

Having spent most of your adult life working in the black community, you just didn't adequately perceive the normal relationships blacks have with whites. You are accustomed to seeing the less successful, blacks who have problems with addiction, possibly have a history of incarcination, and are blaming the world for their woes. There's another world out there...one that is just as real as the community you served. And we are not consumed with racism.
if you vote for a racist like trump, you are a racist. i think it is odd you believe you can speak for what a black man sees in his life, and his own personal observations, and i doubt if he is talking about just dealing with black people who have major problems in their life, especially since he expresses himself better than you express yourself. when did you first start believing you could read other people's minds, especially the minds of those much more intelligent than you? how many fingers am I holding up? prove what a mind reader you are.
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A millennial and I were talking about this today, Democrats and progs are sinking fast. Poetic justice if they collapse. We need more blacks to come into the light. Conservatives aren't perfect for sure, but shit, prog-speak is fucked up to shit, same with their ideology, same with their taxes, their attack on gender, thought, race, country, internet, education, every mother fucking thing they touch.

Democrats used to be MUCH better. Same with liberals, Hollywood and that. Progs killed that too.

We blacks see the light. And know the light will be turned off if we join the 30 percent bigot club. You aren't growing .

You've been used by the Democratic Party for sixty years, IM2 but you're so fixated the bigotry that you think lurks around every corner that you can't see it! Here's a hint for you...if you want REAL political power for blacks? Don't give your votes as a knee jerk reaction...give them to the people who actually make the lives of blacks BETTER...not the people who give you lip service before every election and then could care less about you until the next election!

Drop the dumb shit junior. I live in a motherfucking republican state. Republicans don't make lives better for blacks and all this shit you and the other supremacists here are doing is paying lip service hoping that we are actually as dumb as you think we are and join your party so you can elect Trump after Trump until your punk asses can erase all provisions of the civil rights act.

I haven't been used for shit. I get tired of you maggots trying to tell me what the hell I don't see. I've seen Nixon, Reagan, both of those punk ass Bushes and now this asshole Trump. The lot of them all racists and crooks. The only decent republican president I've seen was Gerald Ford and he was picked by Nixon because he was a patsy Nixon knew would pardon him.

So spare me the join the republican party pep talk. I worked in the black community for 30 years on issues and the whites who would work with us were always democrats. Republicans always had excuses or no we can't answers.
It appears that, being black has consumed your life. That is the only topic that interests you, it is so askewed that you think most of the former presidents were racists. Well, I may disappoint you, but for most people in this country, we don't wake up in the morning consumed by the thought of the color of people.

The vast majority take color for granted, their are many colors of people in our country and they are friends with whites, spouses of whites, godparents of whites, even siblings of whites.

Having spent most of your adult life working in the black community, you just didn't adequately perceive the normal relationships blacks have with whites. You are accustomed to seeing the less successful, blacks who have problems with addiction, possibly have a history of incarcination, and are blaming the world for their woes. There's another world out there...one that is just as real as the community you served. And we are not consumed with racism.

I'm consumed with being me. I am black. And don't try preaching the colorblind lie to me.

I grew up in a town that was more than 90 percent white. I have lifelong friends who are white.

I've seen all the states but Alaska and Hawaii. As well as Mexico and Zimbabwe. I've seen everything you say I haven't and you're a g-d lie when you tell me this nation is not consumed with racism.
A millennial and I were talking about this today, Democrats and progs are sinking fast. Poetic justice if they collapse. We need more blacks to come into the light. Conservatives aren't perfect for sure, but shit, prog-speak is fucked up to shit, same with their ideology, same with their taxes, their attack on gender, thought, race, country, internet, education, every mother fucking thing they touch.

Democrats used to be MUCH better. Same with liberals, Hollywood and that. Progs killed that too.

We blacks see the light. And know the light will be turned off if we join the 30 percent bigot club. You aren't growing .

Yeah, but your personal light is a black light. :rolleyes:

Black lights aren't very bright.

It's brighter than yours Jethro.

Now go try to catch that fish in the cement pond.
A millennial and I were talking about this today, Democrats and progs are sinking fast. Poetic justice if they collapse. We need more blacks to come into the light. Conservatives aren't perfect for sure, but shit, prog-speak is fucked up to shit, same with their ideology, same with their taxes, their attack on gender, thought, race, country, internet, education, every mother fucking thing they touch.

Democrats used to be MUCH better. Same with liberals, Hollywood and that. Progs killed that too.

We blacks see the light. And know the light will be turned off if we join the 30 percent bigot club. You aren't growing .

Yeah, but your personal light is a black light. :rolleyes:

Black lights aren't very bright.

It's brighter than yours Jethro.

Now go try to catch that fish in the cement pond.

I gotta finish my grits, 1st. :funnyface:
But they don't.

a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels
That is about the same percentage that voted for him in 2016, wasn't it? Although some people disputed it, I heard about 29% of Hispanics voted for him in 2016.

True. The point is that everybody is not rushing out to join the Trump parade.
But he has gone from 15% that voted for him 2 years ago who listened to the DEATHRAT LIES to 50% in 2 years....give him another 2 years and since Hispanics are some of the most industrious people it will be 70 %....or more...just like blacks who have seen their unemployment DROP and are making more money now than any time before...the Surrender Monkey was in it for himself....how many millions has that criminal amassed since leaving office?

Trump got 27 percent of the Hispanic vote 2 years ago. Black unemployment has dropped 1 point in the 2 years of Trump after dropping about 10 percent during Obama. Trump is making millions off us now. Every weekend he goes to Florida Mir a Lago charges us for the bill.
So he DID almost DOUBLE Hispanic polling, Did lower black unemployment to an all time low and didn't charge the didn't charge the Tavpayer for his mother in law taking care of his children as the Surrender Monkey did....and he has saved America way more than a bunch of trips to Florida!!!!

Black and Hispanic Unemployment in America Reach Record Lows - ...
Bloomberg › news › articles › black-and-...

May 4, 2018 · Unemployment rates among black people and Hispanics in the U.S. ... which fell below 4 percent last month for the first time since 2000.


Since this chart, according to YOUR link, black unemployment dropped 0.2 percent from 6.8% to 6.6%.

Obama did a better job.
A millennial and I were talking about this today, Democrats and progs are sinking fast. Poetic justice if they collapse. We need more blacks to come into the light. Conservatives aren't perfect for sure, but shit, prog-speak is fucked up to shit, same with their ideology, same with their taxes, their attack on gender, thought, race, country, internet, education, every mother fucking thing they touch.

Democrats used to be MUCH better. Same with liberals, Hollywood and that. Progs killed that too.

We blacks see the light. And know the light will be turned off if we join the 30 percent bigot club. You aren't growing .

Yeah, but your personal light is a black light. :rolleyes:

Black lights aren't very bright.

It's brighter than yours Jethro.

Now go try to catch that fish in the cement pond.

I gotta finish my grits, 1st. :funnyface:

Good one! :abgg2q.jpg:
That is about the same percentage that voted for him in 2016, wasn't it? Although some people disputed it, I heard about 29% of Hispanics voted for him in 2016.

True. The point is that everybody is not rushing out to join the Trump parade.
But he has gone from 15% that voted for him 2 years ago who listened to the DEATHRAT LIES to 50% in 2 years....give him another 2 years and since Hispanics are some of the most industrious people it will be 70 %....or more...just like blacks who have seen their unemployment DROP and are making more money now than any time before...the Surrender Monkey was in it for himself....how many millions has that criminal amassed since leaving office?

Trump got 27 percent of the Hispanic vote 2 years ago. Black unemployment has dropped 1 point in the 2 years of Trump after dropping about 10 percent during Obama. Trump is making millions off us now. Every weekend he goes to Florida Mir a Lago charges us for the bill.
So he DID almost DOUBLE Hispanic polling, Did lower black unemployment to an all time low and didn't charge the didn't charge the Tavpayer for his mother in law taking care of his children as the Surrender Monkey did....and he has saved America way more than a bunch of trips to Florida!!!!

Black and Hispanic Unemployment in America Reach Record Lows - ...
Bloomberg › news › articles › black-and-...

May 4, 2018 · Unemployment rates among black people and Hispanics in the U.S. ... which fell below 4 percent last month for the first time since 2000.


Since this chart, according to YOUR link, black unemployment dropped 0.2 percent from 6.8% to 6.6%.

Obama did a better job.
Was it as low as Trumps?....did it START at the worst time and could only get better?....ROTFLMFAO!
True. The point is that everybody is not rushing out to join the Trump parade.
But he has gone from 15% that voted for him 2 years ago who listened to the DEATHRAT LIES to 50% in 2 years....give him another 2 years and since Hispanics are some of the most industrious people it will be 70 %....or more...just like blacks who have seen their unemployment DROP and are making more money now than any time before...the Surrender Monkey was in it for himself....how many millions has that criminal amassed since leaving office?

Trump got 27 percent of the Hispanic vote 2 years ago. Black unemployment has dropped 1 point in the 2 years of Trump after dropping about 10 percent during Obama. Trump is making millions off us now. Every weekend he goes to Florida Mir a Lago charges us for the bill.
So he DID almost DOUBLE Hispanic polling, Did lower black unemployment to an all time low and didn't charge the didn't charge the Tavpayer for his mother in law taking care of his children as the Surrender Monkey did....and he has saved America way more than a bunch of trips to Florida!!!!

Black and Hispanic Unemployment in America Reach Record Lows - ...
Bloomberg › news › articles › black-and-...

May 4, 2018 · Unemployment rates among black people and Hispanics in the U.S. ... which fell below 4 percent last month for the first time since 2000.


Since this chart, according to YOUR link, black unemployment dropped 0.2 percent from 6.8% to 6.6%.

Obama did a better job.
Was it as low as Trumps?....did it START at the worst time and could only get better?....ROTFLMFAO!

They always leave that part out.
But he has gone from 15% that voted for him 2 years ago who listened to the DEATHRAT LIES to 50% in 2 years....give him another 2 years and since Hispanics are some of the most industrious people it will be 70 %....or more...just like blacks who have seen their unemployment DROP and are making more money now than any time before...the Surrender Monkey was in it for himself....how many millions has that criminal amassed since leaving office?

Trump got 27 percent of the Hispanic vote 2 years ago. Black unemployment has dropped 1 point in the 2 years of Trump after dropping about 10 percent during Obama. Trump is making millions off us now. Every weekend he goes to Florida Mir a Lago charges us for the bill.
So he DID almost DOUBLE Hispanic polling, Did lower black unemployment to an all time low and didn't charge the didn't charge the Tavpayer for his mother in law taking care of his children as the Surrender Monkey did....and he has saved America way more than a bunch of trips to Florida!!!!

Black and Hispanic Unemployment in America Reach Record Lows - ...
Bloomberg › news › articles › black-and-...

May 4, 2018 · Unemployment rates among black people and Hispanics in the U.S. ... which fell below 4 percent last month for the first time since 2000.


Since this chart, according to YOUR link, black unemployment dropped 0.2 percent from 6.8% to 6.6%.

Obama did a better job.
Was it as low as Trumps?....did it START at the worst time and could only get better?....ROTFLMFAO!

They always leave that part out.

No what you guys forget is:




The answer to all three is yes. Trump is not responsible for any historic unemployment. Whoever would have been president would have had this happen.
True. The point is that everybody is not rushing out to join the Trump parade.
But he has gone from 15% that voted for him 2 years ago who listened to the DEATHRAT LIES to 50% in 2 years....give him another 2 years and since Hispanics are some of the most industrious people it will be 70 %....or more...just like blacks who have seen their unemployment DROP and are making more money now than any time before...the Surrender Monkey was in it for himself....how many millions has that criminal amassed since leaving office?

Trump got 27 percent of the Hispanic vote 2 years ago. Black unemployment has dropped 1 point in the 2 years of Trump after dropping about 10 percent during Obama. Trump is making millions off us now. Every weekend he goes to Florida Mir a Lago charges us for the bill.
So he DID almost DOUBLE Hispanic polling, Did lower black unemployment to an all time low and didn't charge the didn't charge the Tavpayer for his mother in law taking care of his children as the Surrender Monkey did....and he has saved America way more than a bunch of trips to Florida!!!!

Black and Hispanic Unemployment in America Reach Record Lows - ...
Bloomberg › news › articles › black-and-...

May 4, 2018 · Unemployment rates among black people and Hispanics in the U.S. ... which fell below 4 percent last month for the first time since 2000.


Since this chart, according to YOUR link, black unemployment dropped 0.2 percent from 6.8% to 6.6%.

Obama did a better job.
Was it as low as Trumps?....did it START at the worst time and could only get better?....ROTFLMFAO!

Obama did a better job.
Trump got 27 percent of the Hispanic vote 2 years ago. Black unemployment has dropped 1 point in the 2 years of Trump after dropping about 10 percent during Obama. Trump is making millions off us now. Every weekend he goes to Florida Mir a Lago charges us for the bill.
So he DID almost DOUBLE Hispanic polling, Did lower black unemployment to an all time low and didn't charge the didn't charge the Tavpayer for his mother in law taking care of his children as the Surrender Monkey did....and he has saved America way more than a bunch of trips to Florida!!!!

Black and Hispanic Unemployment in America Reach Record Lows - ...
Bloomberg › news › articles › black-and-...

May 4, 2018 · Unemployment rates among black people and Hispanics in the U.S. ... which fell below 4 percent last month for the first time since 2000.


Since this chart, according to YOUR link, black unemployment dropped 0.2 percent from 6.8% to 6.6%.

Obama did a better job.
Was it as low as Trumps?....did it START at the worst time and could only get better?....ROTFLMFAO!

They always leave that part out.

No what you guys forget is:




The answer to all three is yes. Trump is not responsible for any historic unemployment. Whoever would have been president would have had this happen.
You'll need that MAGIC WAND the Surrender Monkey talked about to make anyone with a your IQ believe this bullshit....JOBS AIN'T EVER COMING BACK...ANOTHER SURRENDER MONKEY LIE!

First time in decades that we have more jobs available than unemployed

U.S. job openings hit a record 7.1 million, exceed number of unemployed Americans ...
MarketWatch › story › us-job-o...

Oct 16, 2018 · Job openings topped 7 million in July for the first time ever, revised ... We are Number One in World, by far! ... they would have to offer better pay and benefits to attract new workers or to ...
But he has gone from 15% that voted for him 2 years ago who listened to the DEATHRAT LIES to 50% in 2 years....give him another 2 years and since Hispanics are some of the most industrious people it will be 70 %....or more...just like blacks who have seen their unemployment DROP and are making more money now than any time before...the Surrender Monkey was in it for himself....how many millions has that criminal amassed since leaving office?

Trump got 27 percent of the Hispanic vote 2 years ago. Black unemployment has dropped 1 point in the 2 years of Trump after dropping about 10 percent during Obama. Trump is making millions off us now. Every weekend he goes to Florida Mir a Lago charges us for the bill.
So he DID almost DOUBLE Hispanic polling, Did lower black unemployment to an all time low and didn't charge the didn't charge the Tavpayer for his mother in law taking care of his children as the Surrender Monkey did....and he has saved America way more than a bunch of trips to Florida!!!!

Black and Hispanic Unemployment in America Reach Record Lows - ...
Bloomberg › news › articles › black-and-...

May 4, 2018 · Unemployment rates among black people and Hispanics in the U.S. ... which fell below 4 percent last month for the first time since 2000.


Since this chart, according to YOUR link, black unemployment dropped 0.2 percent from 6.8% to 6.6%.

Obama did a better job.
Was it as low as Trumps?....did it START at the worst time and could only get better?....ROTFLMFAO!

Obama did a better job.

Of weakening the US, yes. Too bad the 1st black president couldn't have been a real black American. Nope, we got a Kenyan Muslim/Communist traitor instead.
But he has gone from 15% that voted for him 2 years ago who listened to the DEATHRAT LIES to 50% in 2 years....give him another 2 years and since Hispanics are some of the most industrious people it will be 70 %....or more...just like blacks who have seen their unemployment DROP and are making more money now than any time before...the Surrender Monkey was in it for himself....how many millions has that criminal amassed since leaving office?

Trump got 27 percent of the Hispanic vote 2 years ago. Black unemployment has dropped 1 point in the 2 years of Trump after dropping about 10 percent during Obama. Trump is making millions off us now. Every weekend he goes to Florida Mir a Lago charges us for the bill.
So he DID almost DOUBLE Hispanic polling, Did lower black unemployment to an all time low and didn't charge the didn't charge the Tavpayer for his mother in law taking care of his children as the Surrender Monkey did....and he has saved America way more than a bunch of trips to Florida!!!!

Black and Hispanic Unemployment in America Reach Record Lows - ...
Bloomberg › news › articles › black-and-...

May 4, 2018 · Unemployment rates among black people and Hispanics in the U.S. ... which fell below 4 percent last month for the first time since 2000.


Since this chart, according to YOUR link, black unemployment dropped 0.2 percent from 6.8% to 6.6%.

Obama did a better job.
Was it as low as Trumps?....did it START at the worst time and could only get better?....ROTFLMFAO!

Obama did a better job.
The Surrender Monkey .... helped create ISIS

Sorry, Democrats: Obama Is More Responsible For ISIS Than Trump

Feb 16, 2017 · Nevertheless, the United States military forces, under the direction of then President Obama, quickly started a withdrawal from Iraq that

Current Down Jones at 26342 within 300 points of RECORD DOW!!!

AND...National Unemployment Rate at 3.8 Percent Through February2019. Approximately 20,000 jobs were created in February 2019, and the national unemployment rate dipped to 3.8 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Yeah, the SURRENDER MONKEY DID THAT......because you are a biased black you just can't stand the truth.... ABNORMAL!!!
A millennial and I were talking about this today, Democrats and progs are sinking fast. Poetic justice if they collapse. We need more blacks to come into the light. Conservatives aren't perfect for sure, but shit, prog-speak is fucked up to shit, same with their ideology, same with their taxes, their attack on gender, thought, race, country, internet, education, every mother fucking thing they touch.

Democrats used to be MUCH better. Same with liberals, Hollywood and that. Progs killed that too.

We blacks see the light. And know the light will be turned off if we join the 30 percent bigot club. You aren't growing .

How has the alliegance to the democrats been working out for you? I hear a lot of griping. Maybe you should try actually listening to Republicans instead trying to find the most extreme wackos and saying they're all like that.

I live in a republican state. I think I can say that I have listened to republicans.

Why is it that you republicans feel the need to use the tactics you do with us? Do you think we can't read? Do you think that you can get us to join by blaming democrats for slavery while you oppose affirmative action, voting rights and most civil rights? Why in the FUCK would we want a return to states rights? Why do we watch you guys support the annual payment of reparations to native American nations for things you did not do, then tell us that we should not hold the government responsible to pay a promise they broke to us because YOU didn't do it.

You republicans insult our intelligence with your bullshit. We don't need to hear your fucking lectures about work and handouts. You slothful, shiftless, whites, are where you are literally off the backs of our ancestors. You benefitted from government programs we couldn't get even though our tax money was in the pot too. Suburbs for whites were built with government guaranteed loans from banks with our money in it.

So it's time republicans listened to us. We were republican before but because you refused to listen, we left. White Democrats aren't much better but they do listen. They listened so well that they heard the first black president accept their nomination. Talk to me about the republican party when you have as many blacks in national leadership positions as the democrats.

We know you can read, but voter ID is a bit too tricky, right?
A millennial and I were talking about this today, Democrats and progs are sinking fast. Poetic justice if they collapse. We need more blacks to come into the light. Conservatives aren't perfect for sure, but shit, prog-speak is fucked up to shit, same with their ideology, same with their taxes, their attack on gender, thought, race, country, internet, education, every mother fucking thing they touch.

Democrats used to be MUCH better. Same with liberals, Hollywood and that. Progs killed that too.

We blacks see the light. And know the light will be turned off if we join the 30 percent bigot club. You aren't growing .

You've been used by the Democratic Party for sixty years, IM2 but you're so fixated the bigotry that you think lurks around every corner that you can't see it! Here's a hint for you...if you want REAL political power for blacks? Don't give your votes as a knee jerk reaction...give them to the people who actually make the lives of blacks BETTER...not the people who give you lip service before every election and then could care less about you until the next election!

Drop the dumb shit junior. I live in a motherfucking republican state. Republicans don't make lives better for blacks and all this shit you and the other supremacists here are doing is paying lip service hoping that we are actually as dumb as you think we are and join your party so you can elect Trump after Trump until your punk asses can erase all provisions of the civil rights act.

I haven't been used for shit. I get tired of you maggots trying to tell me what the hell I don't see. I've seen Nixon, Reagan, both of those punk ass Bushes and now this asshole Trump. The lot of them all racists and crooks. The only decent republican president I've seen was Gerald Ford and he was picked by Nixon because he was a patsy Nixon knew would pardon him.

So spare me the join the republican party pep talk. I worked in the black community for 30 years on issues and the whites who would work with us were always democrats. Republicans always had excuses or no we can't answers.
It appears that, being black has consumed your life. That is the only topic that interests you, it is so askewed that you think most of the former presidents were racists. Well, I may disappoint you, but for most people in this country, we don't wake up in the morning consumed by the thought of the color of people.

The vast majority take color for granted, their are many colors of people in our country and they are friends with whites, spouses of whites, godparents of whites, even siblings of whites.

Having spent most of your adult life working in the black community, you just didn't adequately perceive the normal relationships blacks have with whites. You are accustomed to seeing the less successful, blacks who have problems with addiction, possibly have a history of incarcination, and are blaming the world for their woes. There's another world out there...one that is just as real as the community you served. And we are not consumed with racism.

I'm consumed with being me. I am black. And don't try preaching the colorblind lie to me.

I grew up in a town that was more than 90 percent white. I have lifelong friends who are white.

I've seen all the states but Alaska and Hawaii. As well as Mexico and Zimbabwe. I've seen everything you say I haven't and you're a g-d lie when you tell me this nation is not consumed with racism.

If you look long and hard enough you can find just about anything...anywhere! Claiming the US is "consumed with racism" is laughable in the year 2019, IM2! In case you missed it a black man was elected President of this "racist" country not once...but twice!

Let me guess...you think claiming you have "white friends" means that YOU can't be a racist? Too funny! You're like a black Archie Bunker!
Great points. It is not as if Liberals are taking steps to protect Hispanic US Citizens from illegal MS-13. No surprise that at least 50 perecent of US Hispanics support Trump.

But they don't.

a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels

You focused on the NPR poll while the article said multiple polls say overall approval for Trump among Latinos is approving. NPR is a proven biased pro-Left organization that uses my tax dollars to fund their agenda. I’d like to see the sample for NPR poll. Where was the sample data taken from? An area comprised of illegals and Latinos? That will bring down an approval among Latinos for Trump.

As the head of a US Citizen Latino household, I am very concerned about drugs, gangs, and human trafficking getting into the US through illegal immigration and it saddens my heart to see Democrats and Liberals be consumed with such hatred for Trump and obsession for power, that they are willing to compromise the security and sovereignty of this Nation.

And there are black sellouts for Trump who try pointing me to Rasmussen all the time. Trump is doing nothing for our safety. Our problems with security are internal. A bunch of poor people walking here are no threat.
You really are one of the more clueless posters on this board, IM2! Let me explain WHY "a bunch of poor people walking here" is indeed a "threat" to the black community! Numbers equal political power. The more Hispanics you introduce into the country the more political power that Hispanics have. In case you haven't noticed (and judging from your posts...you haven't!) Democratic politicians care less and less about "black issues" but are hyper sensitive to Hispanic issues! Why? Because they see Hispanics as their way to stay in power! The more Hispanics there are...the less Democrats need the black vote and the less power you have!
wrong again. democratic policies are not supposed to help any race more than any other, if it did, I would be against it. we all benefit from regulations that keep big corporations from ripping us off, poisoning us, cutting benefits, and not sharing their huge historically high profits over the last 4 decades with their workers. It started with Reagan and his huge ass tax cut of 42% for the rich, while raising taxes for everybody else 11 times, including the largest tax hike in history, AND STILL MANAGED TO TRIPLE THE PUBLIC DEBT DESPITE NOT BEING INVOLVED IN ANY REAL WARS DURING THAT TIME...and yet repubs actually believe he did a good job!! same thing for trump...yes, his tax cuts for the rich and big corporations did help them, and it did help the stock market because rich guys own and/or control so much stock in these big companies listed on the stock exchange, but it also added hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars of debt, and it did not even come close to hiking the average salary of average workers even 5% as much as it hiked the worth of the already richest 5%....making college or technical school more available and affordable is not directed towards black people. but it helps them. making health care more affordable and ending penalties for pre-existing conditions, adding millions of Americans including millions of kids, is not aimed at black people. but it helps them. social safety nets like food stamps, meals on wheels, better veteran care and benefits, head start programs is not aimed at black people. but it helps them. More white people get these benefits than black people. Why do right wingers believe these programs help needy white people get back on their feet and do not beholden them to any certain party, but these same benefits to needy black people makes them lazy and only want to vote democratic? you right wingers are easily led, gullible fools being marched along to whatever song your right wing media wants you to dance to, because they pander to your innate bigotry and racism.

Just as a suggestion, Mr. Jones? They have these things called "paragraphs" that are used to break up large volumes of correspondence into readable bits! Try it...please!
We blacks see the light. And know the light will be turned off if we join the 30 percent bigot club. You aren't growing .

You've been used by the Democratic Party for sixty years, IM2 but you're so fixated the bigotry that you think lurks around every corner that you can't see it! Here's a hint for you...if you want REAL political power for blacks? Don't give your votes as a knee jerk reaction...give them to the people who actually make the lives of blacks BETTER...not the people who give you lip service before every election and then could care less about you until the next election!

Drop the dumb shit junior. I live in a motherfucking republican state. Republicans don't make lives better for blacks and all this shit you and the other supremacists here are doing is paying lip service hoping that we are actually as dumb as you think we are and join your party so you can elect Trump after Trump until your punk asses can erase all provisions of the civil rights act.

I haven't been used for shit. I get tired of you maggots trying to tell me what the hell I don't see. I've seen Nixon, Reagan, both of those punk ass Bushes and now this asshole Trump. The lot of them all racists and crooks. The only decent republican president I've seen was Gerald Ford and he was picked by Nixon because he was a patsy Nixon knew would pardon him.

So spare me the join the republican party pep talk. I worked in the black community for 30 years on issues and the whites who would work with us were always democrats. Republicans always had excuses or no we can't answers.
It appears that, being black has consumed your life. That is the only topic that interests you, it is so askewed that you think most of the former presidents were racists. Well, I may disappoint you, but for most people in this country, we don't wake up in the morning consumed by the thought of the color of people.

The vast majority take color for granted, their are many colors of people in our country and they are friends with whites, spouses of whites, godparents of whites, even siblings of whites.

Having spent most of your adult life working in the black community, you just didn't adequately perceive the normal relationships blacks have with whites. You are accustomed to seeing the less successful, blacks who have problems with addiction, possibly have a history of incarcination, and are blaming the world for their woes. There's another world out there...one that is just as real as the community you served. And we are not consumed with racism.

I'm consumed with being me. I am black. And don't try preaching the colorblind lie to me.

I grew up in a town that was more than 90 percent white. I have lifelong friends who are white.

I've seen all the states but Alaska and Hawaii. As well as Mexico and Zimbabwe. I've seen everything you say I haven't and you're a g-d lie when you tell me this nation is not consumed with racism.

If you look long and hard enough you can find just about anything...anywhere! Claiming the US is "consumed with racism" is laughable in the year 2019, IM2! In case you missed it a black man was elected President of this "racist" country not once...but twice!

Let me guess...you think claiming you have "white friends" means that YOU can't be a racist? Too funny! You're like a black Archie Bunker!

The US is consumed by racism in 2019. The majority of whites voted against Obama in both elections. I have white friends, was married to a white woman who had a white child I helped raise. I am not racist because I am not racist. Pointing out white racism is not racism. And you calling me a racist trying to shut me up about white racism hasn't worked so well for you guys.

Last you are straightjacket crazy if you think I'm trying to look for racism. Drop the dumb fuck white conservative retardation that allows you to actually believe such mother fucking lunacy.
A millennial and I were talking about this today, Democrats and progs are sinking fast. Poetic justice if they collapse. We need more blacks to come into the light. Conservatives aren't perfect for sure, but shit, prog-speak is fucked up to shit, same with their ideology, same with their taxes, their attack on gender, thought, race, country, internet, education, every mother fucking thing they touch.

Democrats used to be MUCH better. Same with liberals, Hollywood and that. Progs killed that too.

We blacks see the light. And know the light will be turned off if we join the 30 percent bigot club. You aren't growing .

How has the alliegance to the democrats been working out for you? I hear a lot of griping. Maybe you should try actually listening to Republicans instead trying to find the most extreme wackos and saying they're all like that.

I live in a republican state. I think I can say that I have listened to republicans.

Why is it that you republicans feel the need to use the tactics you do with us? Do you think we can't read? Do you think that you can get us to join by blaming democrats for slavery while you oppose affirmative action, voting rights and most civil rights? Why in the FUCK would we want a return to states rights? Why do we watch you guys support the annual payment of reparations to native American nations for things you did not do, then tell us that we should not hold the government responsible to pay a promise they broke to us because YOU didn't do it.

You republicans insult our intelligence with your bullshit. We don't need to hear your fucking lectures about work and handouts. You slothful, shiftless, whites, are where you are literally off the backs of our ancestors. You benefitted from government programs we couldn't get even though our tax money was in the pot too. Suburbs for whites were built with government guaranteed loans from banks with our money in it.

So it's time republicans listened to us. We were republican before but because you refused to listen, we left. White Democrats aren't much better but they do listen. They listened so well that they heard the first black president accept their nomination. Talk to me about the republican party when you have as many blacks in national leadership positions as the democrats.

We know you can read, but voter ID is a bit too tricky, right?

Why? Because I believe it's not necessary?

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