Hispanics Rally to Trump, Boosting His 2020 Chances (McLaughlin + Marist/NPR polls)

It never made sense to me that all Hispanics would welcome with open arms more illegals that would take their jobs for cheaper wage and displace what they have worked decades and long hours to build up!

Get ready for the anti-Trump “resistance” to go truly loco, because new polling data indicates Hispanic support for the president is swelling, a trend that could seal his 2020 re-election victory.

....So much good news erupted last week for the president with the conclusion of the Mueller inquiry that stunning new polling data was largely glossed over. McLaughlin & Associates revealed that Hispanic approval for Trump in March jumped to 50%. This number matched the January Marist/NPR/PBS survey that shocked cynics with its own 50% approval finding. Even if those polls are too aggressive, February’s Morning Consult/Politico poll showed Trump’s Hispanic approval vaulting to a still-impressive 45%.

What explains this stunning trend? I see three key factors:

The Economy – Hispanics neither desire nor expect a laundry list of deliverables from government, but rather seek the conditions to advance and prosper independently. As the most statistically entrepreneurial demographic in America, Hispanics have thrived amid the Trump boom as regulatory and tax relief unleashes a small business surge. Every American benefits from this new dynamism, but Hispanics most of all. For example, the Hispanic jobless rate has now been below 5% for the last 11 months; prior to the Trump presidency, it had only been below 5% for one month ever (in 2006). In addition, jobs are paying more

Immigration – Leftist politicians and their media allies wrongly assume that Hispanics espouse softness on immigration illegality. In reality, a 2018 YouGov/Economist poll detailed that only 20% of Hispanics support the practice of “catch and release” of families crossing our border illegally. Indeed, Hispanic Americans often suffer the worst, most immediate consequences of porous borders. Too often, Hispanic workers must compete against unfair, illegal labor. In addition, dangerous illegal aliens largely terrorize Hispanic citizens. The tragic tales of MS-13 savagery

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ...

Great points. It is not as if Liberals are taking steps to protect Hispanic US Citizens from illegal MS-13. No surprise that at least 50 perecent of US Hispanics support Trump.

But they don't.

a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels

You focused on the NPR poll while the article said multiple polls say overall approval for Trump among Latinos is approving. NPR is a proven biased pro-Left organization that uses my tax dollars to fund their agenda. I’d like to see the sample for NPR poll. Where was the sample data taken from? An area comprised of illegals and Latinos? That will bring down an approval among Latinos for Trump.

As the head of a US Citizen Latino household, I am very concerned about drugs, gangs, and human trafficking getting into the US through illegal immigration and it saddens my heart to see Democrats and Liberals be consumed with such hatred for Trump and obsession for power, that they are willing to compromise the security and sovereignty of this Nation.
they are not, dumbass. a stupid ass wall has nothing to do with stopping people from coming here...get it? especially a stupid ass huge concrete wall that mexico was going to pay for and was supposed to stretch from sea to shining sea, the whole 2000 miles!! that is what dumbshit trump first promised, his very first day of campaigning for president, along with his bigoted, anti-mexican lies about mexico "sending" us anyone, much less sending us almost nothing but killers and rapists and drug dealers and gang bangers, and SOME...MAYBE SOME...good people, HE ASSUMED!!! and you claim to be a latino who is so chickenshit you can still support some bigoted asshole that assumes out of 11 million mexican illegals here, more or less, ONLY SOME MIGHT BE GOOD PEOPLE BUT MOST ARE RAPISTS AND KILLERS? you need to take your head out of trump's lying chickenshit bigoted ass, boy. if you don't have any pride for yourself, at least have some pride for the mexicans he slanders every fucking day.

I believe any poll that shows that much approval for asshole trump from any group except dumbass fox viewers who tend to be old pissed off white guys and, to a certain extent, old pissed off white women, is full o' shit as the consensus of polls show the direct opposite. like right here, for example, from March 6, 2019-

American voters rate President Trump less trustworthy than his former attorney Michael Cohen, according to a Quinnipiac University poll that was conducted in the days following Cohen’s high-profile testimony before Congress.

Cohen, a disgraced and disbarred attorney who pleaded guilty to lying before Congress in 2017, returned to a House panel last Wednesday to admit to his own misdeeds, while calling Trump a “racist,” a “con man,” and a “cheat.” Trump in turn blasted Cohen on Twitter for what he called his head-spinning “lies.”

In the court of public opinion, most Americans are siding with Cohen, according to the poll of 1,120 voters surveyed between last Friday and Monday. By a margin of 50% to 35%, respondents thought Cohen was more trustworthy. The survey showed that 44% of voters believe Cohen told the truth last week, while 36% believe he did not tell the truth.

“Michael Cohen, a known liar headed to the big house, has more credibility than the leader of the free world,” Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac poll, said in a statement.

Predictably, more members of Trump’s own Republican party sided with Trump, with 79% of Republicans believing Trump over Cohen. Meanwhile, 86% of Democrats and 51% of Independents believed Cohen more. Just 31% of Independents believed Trump over Cohen.

In general, a plurality of voters surveyed have a dim view of Trump. 58% said he lacks good leadership skills, the same percentage that believes he cares about average Americans. 65% believe Trump is not honest, while 64% believe he committed crimes before becoming President (and 45% believe he’s committed crimes in the White House).

“When two-thirds of voters think you have committed a crime in your past life, and almost half of voters say it’s a tossup over whether you committed a crime while in the Oval Office, confidence in your overall integrity is very shaky,” Malloy said.

Overall, Trump received a 38% job approval rating, while 55% disapproved. That’s similar to the 38%-to-57% breakdown in Quinnipiac’s survey three months ago and also to the 38%-to-56% breakdown in March 2018.

Trump received his strongest marks for his handling of the U.S. economy, with 49% of voters approving. Overall, Trump’s strongest approval rating came from White men, at 55%, while 12% of blacks, 20% of Hispanics, and 22% of people between 18 and 34 years of age approved of his performance in office.
It never made sense to me that all Hispanics would welcome with open arms more illegals that would take their jobs for cheaper wage and displace what they have worked decades and long hours to build up!

Get ready for the anti-Trump “resistance” to go truly loco, because new polling data indicates Hispanic support for the president is swelling, a trend that could seal his 2020 re-election victory.

....So much good news erupted last week for the president with the conclusion of the Mueller inquiry that stunning new polling data was largely glossed over. McLaughlin & Associates revealed that Hispanic approval for Trump in March jumped to 50%. This number matched the January Marist/NPR/PBS survey that shocked cynics with its own 50% approval finding. Even if those polls are too aggressive, February’s Morning Consult/Politico poll showed Trump’s Hispanic approval vaulting to a still-impressive 45%.

What explains this stunning trend? I see three key factors:

The Economy – Hispanics neither desire nor expect a laundry list of deliverables from government, but rather seek the conditions to advance and prosper independently. As the most statistically entrepreneurial demographic in America, Hispanics have thrived amid the Trump boom as regulatory and tax relief unleashes a small business surge. Every American benefits from this new dynamism, but Hispanics most of all. For example, the Hispanic jobless rate has now been below 5% for the last 11 months; prior to the Trump presidency, it had only been below 5% for one month ever (in 2006). In addition, jobs are paying more

Immigration – Leftist politicians and their media allies wrongly assume that Hispanics espouse softness on immigration illegality. In reality, a 2018 YouGov/Economist poll detailed that only 20% of Hispanics support the practice of “catch and release” of families crossing our border illegally. Indeed, Hispanic Americans often suffer the worst, most immediate consequences of porous borders. Too often, Hispanic workers must compete against unfair, illegal labor. In addition, dangerous illegal aliens largely terrorize Hispanic citizens. The tragic tales of MS-13 savagery

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ...

Great points. It is not as if Liberals are taking steps to protect Hispanic US Citizens from illegal MS-13. No surprise that at least 50 perecent of US Hispanics support Trump.

But they don't.

a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels

You focused on the NPR poll while the article said multiple polls say overall approval for Trump among Latinos is approving. NPR is a proven biased pro-Left organization that uses my tax dollars to fund their agenda. I’d like to see the sample for NPR poll. Where was the sample data taken from? An area comprised of illegals and Latinos? That will bring down an approval among Latinos for Trump.

As the head of a US Citizen Latino household, I am very concerned about drugs, gangs, and human trafficking getting into the US through illegal immigration and it saddens my heart to see Democrats and Liberals be consumed with such hatred for Trump and obsession for power, that they are willing to compromise the security and sovereignty of this Nation.

And there are black sellouts for Trump who try pointing me to Rasmussen all the time. Trump is doing nothing for our safety. Our problems with security are internal. A bunch of poor people walking here are no threat.
You really are one of the more clueless posters on this board, IM2! Let me explain WHY "a bunch of poor people walking here" is indeed a "threat" to the black community! Numbers equal political power. The more Hispanics you introduce into the country the more political power that Hispanics have. In case you haven't noticed (and judging from your posts...you haven't!) Democratic politicians care less and less about "black issues" but are hyper sensitive to Hispanic issues! Why? Because they see Hispanics as their way to stay in power! The more Hispanics there are...the less Democrats need the black vote and the less power you have!
It never made sense to me that all Hispanics would welcome with open arms more illegals that would take their jobs for cheaper wage and displace what they have worked decades and long hours to build up!

Get ready for the anti-Trump “resistance” to go truly loco, because new polling data indicates Hispanic support for the president is swelling, a trend that could seal his 2020 re-election victory.

....So much good news erupted last week for the president with the conclusion of the Mueller inquiry that stunning new polling data was largely glossed over. McLaughlin & Associates revealed that Hispanic approval for Trump in March jumped to 50%. This number matched the January Marist/NPR/PBS survey that shocked cynics with its own 50% approval finding. Even if those polls are too aggressive, February’s Morning Consult/Politico poll showed Trump’s Hispanic approval vaulting to a still-impressive 45%.

What explains this stunning trend? I see three key factors:

The Economy – Hispanics neither desire nor expect a laundry list of deliverables from government, but rather seek the conditions to advance and prosper independently. As the most statistically entrepreneurial demographic in America, Hispanics have thrived amid the Trump boom as regulatory and tax relief unleashes a small business surge. Every American benefits from this new dynamism, but Hispanics most of all. For example, the Hispanic jobless rate has now been below 5% for the last 11 months; prior to the Trump presidency, it had only been below 5% for one month ever (in 2006). In addition, jobs are paying more

Immigration – Leftist politicians and their media allies wrongly assume that Hispanics espouse softness on immigration illegality. In reality, a 2018 YouGov/Economist poll detailed that only 20% of Hispanics support the practice of “catch and release” of families crossing our border illegally. Indeed, Hispanic Americans often suffer the worst, most immediate consequences of porous borders. Too often, Hispanic workers must compete against unfair, illegal labor. In addition, dangerous illegal aliens largely terrorize Hispanic citizens. The tragic tales of MS-13 savagery

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ...

Great points. It is not as if Liberals are taking steps to protect Hispanic US Citizens from illegal MS-13. No surprise that at least 50 perecent of US Hispanics support Trump.

But they don't.

a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels
That is about the same percentage that voted for him in 2016, wasn't it? Although some people disputed it, I heard about 29% of Hispanics voted for him in 2016.
It never made sense to me that all Hispanics would welcome with open arms more illegals that would take their jobs for cheaper wage and displace what they have worked decades and long hours to build up!

Get ready for the anti-Trump “resistance” to go truly loco, because new polling data indicates Hispanic support for the president is swelling, a trend that could seal his 2020 re-election victory.

....So much good news erupted last week for the president with the conclusion of the Mueller inquiry that stunning new polling data was largely glossed over. McLaughlin & Associates revealed that Hispanic approval for Trump in March jumped to 50%. This number matched the January Marist/NPR/PBS survey that shocked cynics with its own 50% approval finding. Even if those polls are too aggressive, February’s Morning Consult/Politico poll showed Trump’s Hispanic approval vaulting to a still-impressive 45%.

What explains this stunning trend? I see three key factors:

The Economy – Hispanics neither desire nor expect a laundry list of deliverables from government, but rather seek the conditions to advance and prosper independently. As the most statistically entrepreneurial demographic in America, Hispanics have thrived amid the Trump boom as regulatory and tax relief unleashes a small business surge. Every American benefits from this new dynamism, but Hispanics most of all. For example, the Hispanic jobless rate has now been below 5% for the last 11 months; prior to the Trump presidency, it had only been below 5% for one month ever (in 2006). In addition, jobs are paying more

Immigration – Leftist politicians and their media allies wrongly assume that Hispanics espouse softness on immigration illegality. In reality, a 2018 YouGov/Economist poll detailed that only 20% of Hispanics support the practice of “catch and release” of families crossing our border illegally. Indeed, Hispanic Americans often suffer the worst, most immediate consequences of porous borders. Too often, Hispanic workers must compete against unfair, illegal labor. In addition, dangerous illegal aliens largely terrorize Hispanic citizens. The tragic tales of MS-13 savagery

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ...

Great points. It is not as if Liberals are taking steps to protect Hispanic US Citizens from illegal MS-13. No surprise that at least 50 perecent of US Hispanics support Trump.

But they don't.

a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels

You focused on the NPR poll while the article said multiple polls say overall approval for Trump among Latinos is approving. NPR is a proven biased pro-Left organization that uses my tax dollars to fund their agenda. I’d like to see the sample for NPR poll. Where was the sample data taken from? An area comprised of illegals and Latinos? That will bring down an approval among Latinos for Trump.

As the head of a US Citizen Latino household, I am very concerned about drugs, gangs, and human trafficking getting into the US through illegal immigration and it saddens my heart to see Democrats and Liberals be consumed with such hatred for Trump and obsession for power, that they are willing to compromise the security and sovereignty of this Nation.
they are not, dumbass. a stupid ass wall has nothing to do with stopping people from coming here...get it? especially a stupid ass huge concrete wall that mexico was going to pay for and was supposed to stretch from sea to shining sea, the whole 2000 miles!! that is what dumbshit trump first promised, his very first day of campaigning for president, along with his bigoted, anti-mexican lies about mexico "sending" us anyone, much less sending us almost nothing but killers and rapists and drug dealers and gang bangers, and SOME...MAYBE SOME...good people, HE ASSUMED!!! and you claim to be a latino who is so chickenshit you can still support some bigoted asshole that assumes out of 11 million mexican illegals here, more or less, ONLY SOME MIGHT BE GOOD PEOPLE BUT MOST ARE RAPISTS AND KILLERS? you need to take your head out of trump's lying chickenshit bigoted ass, boy. if you don't have any pride for yourself, at least have some pride for the mexicans he slanders every fucking day.

I believe any poll that shows that much approval for asshole trump from any group except dumbass fox viewers who tend to be old pissed off white guys and, to a certain extent, old pissed off white women, is full o' shit as the consensus of polls show the direct opposite. like right here, for example, from March 6, 2019-

American voters rate President Trump less trustworthy than his former attorney Michael Cohen, according to a Quinnipiac University poll that was conducted in the days following Cohen’s high-profile testimony before Congress.

Cohen, a disgraced and disbarred attorney who pleaded guilty to lying before Congress in 2017, returned to a House panel last Wednesday to admit to his own misdeeds, while calling Trump a “racist,” a “con man,” and a “cheat.” Trump in turn blasted Cohen on Twitter for what he called his head-spinning “lies.”

In the court of public opinion, most Americans are siding with Cohen, according to the poll of 1,120 voters surveyed between last Friday and Monday. By a margin of 50% to 35%, respondents thought Cohen was more trustworthy. The survey showed that 44% of voters believe Cohen told the truth last week, while 36% believe he did not tell the truth.

“Michael Cohen, a known liar headed to the big house, has more credibility than the leader of the free world,” Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac poll, said in a statement.

Predictably, more members of Trump’s own Republican party sided with Trump, with 79% of Republicans believing Trump over Cohen. Meanwhile, 86% of Democrats and 51% of Independents believed Cohen more. Just 31% of Independents believed Trump over Cohen.

In general, a plurality of voters surveyed have a dim view of Trump. 58% said he lacks good leadership skills, the same percentage that believes he cares about average Americans. 65% believe Trump is not honest, while 64% believe he committed crimes before becoming President (and 45% believe he’s committed crimes in the White House).

“When two-thirds of voters think you have committed a crime in your past life, and almost half of voters say it’s a tossup over whether you committed a crime while in the Oval Office, confidence in your overall integrity is very shaky,” Malloy said.

Overall, Trump received a 38% job approval rating, while 55% disapproved. That’s similar to the 38%-to-57% breakdown in Quinnipiac’s survey three months ago and also to the 38%-to-56% breakdown in March 2018.

Trump received his strongest marks for his handling of the U.S. economy, with 49% of voters approving. Overall, Trump’s strongest approval rating came from White men, at 55%, while 12% of blacks, 20% of Hispanics, and 22% of people between 18 and 34 years of age approved of his performance in office.

Still trusting "polls" about Trump, Mr. Jones? How did that work out for you in the last Presidential race? :)
It never made sense to me that all Hispanics would welcome with open arms more illegals that would take their jobs for cheaper wage and displace what they have worked decades and long hours to build up!

Get ready for the anti-Trump “resistance” to go truly loco, because new polling data indicates Hispanic support for the president is swelling, a trend that could seal his 2020 re-election victory.

....So much good news erupted last week for the president with the conclusion of the Mueller inquiry that stunning new polling data was largely glossed over. McLaughlin & Associates revealed that Hispanic approval for Trump in March jumped to 50%. This number matched the January Marist/NPR/PBS survey that shocked cynics with its own 50% approval finding. Even if those polls are too aggressive, February’s Morning Consult/Politico poll showed Trump’s Hispanic approval vaulting to a still-impressive 45%.

What explains this stunning trend? I see three key factors:

The Economy – Hispanics neither desire nor expect a laundry list of deliverables from government, but rather seek the conditions to advance and prosper independently. As the most statistically entrepreneurial demographic in America, Hispanics have thrived amid the Trump boom as regulatory and tax relief unleashes a small business surge. Every American benefits from this new dynamism, but Hispanics most of all. For example, the Hispanic jobless rate has now been below 5% for the last 11 months; prior to the Trump presidency, it had only been below 5% for one month ever (in 2006). In addition, jobs are paying more

Immigration – Leftist politicians and their media allies wrongly assume that Hispanics espouse softness on immigration illegality. In reality, a 2018 YouGov/Economist poll detailed that only 20% of Hispanics support the practice of “catch and release” of families crossing our border illegally. Indeed, Hispanic Americans often suffer the worst, most immediate consequences of porous borders. Too often, Hispanic workers must compete against unfair, illegal labor. In addition, dangerous illegal aliens largely terrorize Hispanic citizens. The tragic tales of MS-13 savagery

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ...

Great points. It is not as if Liberals are taking steps to protect Hispanic US Citizens from illegal MS-13. No surprise that at least 50 perecent of US Hispanics support Trump.

But they don't.

a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels

You focused on the NPR poll while the article said multiple polls say overall approval for Trump among Latinos is approving. NPR is a proven biased pro-Left organization that uses my tax dollars to fund their agenda. I’d like to see the sample for NPR poll. Where was the sample data taken from? An area comprised of illegals and Latinos? That will bring down an approval among Latinos for Trump.

As the head of a US Citizen Latino household, I am very concerned about drugs, gangs, and human trafficking getting into the US through illegal immigration and it saddens my heart to see Democrats and Liberals be consumed with such hatred for Trump and obsession for power, that they are willing to compromise the security and sovereignty of this Nation.
they are not, dumbass. a stupid ass wall has nothing to do with stopping people from coming here...get it? especially a stupid ass huge concrete wall that mexico was going to pay for and was supposed to stretch from sea to shining sea, the whole 2000 miles!! that is what dumbshit trump first promised, his very first day of campaigning for president, along with his bigoted, anti-mexican lies about mexico "sending" us anyone, much less sending us almost nothing but killers and rapists and drug dealers and gang bangers, and SOME...MAYBE SOME...good people, HE ASSUMED!!! and you claim to be a latino who is so chickenshit you can still support some bigoted asshole that assumes out of 11 million mexican illegals here, more or less, ONLY SOME MIGHT BE GOOD PEOPLE BUT MOST ARE RAPISTS AND KILLERS? you need to take your head out of trump's lying chickenshit bigoted ass, boy. if you don't have any pride for yourself, at least have some pride for the mexicans he slanders every fucking day.

I believe any poll that shows that much approval for asshole trump from any group except dumbass fox viewers who tend to be old pissed off white guys and, to a certain extent, old pissed off white women, is full o' shit as the consensus of polls show the direct opposite. like right here, for example, from March 6, 2019-

American voters rate President Trump less trustworthy than his former attorney Michael Cohen, according to a Quinnipiac University poll that was conducted in the days following Cohen’s high-profile testimony before Congress.

Cohen, a disgraced and disbarred attorney who pleaded guilty to lying before Congress in 2017, returned to a House panel last Wednesday to admit to his own misdeeds, while calling Trump a “racist,” a “con man,” and a “cheat.” Trump in turn blasted Cohen on Twitter for what he called his head-spinning “lies.”

In the court of public opinion, most Americans are siding with Cohen, according to the poll of 1,120 voters surveyed between last Friday and Monday. By a margin of 50% to 35%, respondents thought Cohen was more trustworthy. The survey showed that 44% of voters believe Cohen told the truth last week, while 36% believe he did not tell the truth.

“Michael Cohen, a known liar headed to the big house, has more credibility than the leader of the free world,” Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac poll, said in a statement.

Predictably, more members of Trump’s own Republican party sided with Trump, with 79% of Republicans believing Trump over Cohen. Meanwhile, 86% of Democrats and 51% of Independents believed Cohen more. Just 31% of Independents believed Trump over Cohen.

In general, a plurality of voters surveyed have a dim view of Trump. 58% said he lacks good leadership skills, the same percentage that believes he cares about average Americans. 65% believe Trump is not honest, while 64% believe he committed crimes before becoming President (and 45% believe he’s committed crimes in the White House).

“When two-thirds of voters think you have committed a crime in your past life, and almost half of voters say it’s a tossup over whether you committed a crime while in the Oval Office, confidence in your overall integrity is very shaky,” Malloy said.

Overall, Trump received a 38% job approval rating, while 55% disapproved. That’s similar to the 38%-to-57% breakdown in Quinnipiac’s survey three months ago and also to the 38%-to-56% breakdown in March 2018.

Trump received his strongest marks for his handling of the U.S. economy, with 49% of voters approving. Overall, Trump’s strongest approval rating came from White men, at 55%, while 12% of blacks, 20% of Hispanics, and 22% of people between 18 and 34 years of age approved of his performance in office.

I am not necessarily sold on the wall or a wall but, currently, the Mexican border is a and border security needs to be addressed. The passive, open borders approach from Democrats is not going to solve the problem ether. You call me chickenshit and question my cultural background. I see teen boys, Latinos, go missing in my community. Their names and faces are posted on social media or even the local news only to find out later they were taken out by gangs full of illegals. You want to call me chickenshit yet you want that in your community? You want to see young girls beaten and raped after being trafficked into the US without protection or cover? Your vitriol for Trump has blinded you from seeing these problems. Most Liberals and Democrats deny they exist. It's a lot easier to simply call Trump a bigot and all who support him.
It never made sense to me that all Hispanics would welcome with open arms more illegals that would take their jobs for cheaper wage and displace what they have worked decades and long hours to build up!

Get ready for the anti-Trump “resistance” to go truly loco, because new polling data indicates Hispanic support for the president is swelling, a trend that could seal his 2020 re-election victory.

....So much good news erupted last week for the president with the conclusion of the Mueller inquiry that stunning new polling data was largely glossed over. McLaughlin & Associates revealed that Hispanic approval for Trump in March jumped to 50%. This number matched the January Marist/NPR/PBS survey that shocked cynics with its own 50% approval finding. Even if those polls are too aggressive, February’s Morning Consult/Politico poll showed Trump’s Hispanic approval vaulting to a still-impressive 45%.

What explains this stunning trend? I see three key factors:

The Economy – Hispanics neither desire nor expect a laundry list of deliverables from government, but rather seek the conditions to advance and prosper independently. As the most statistically entrepreneurial demographic in America, Hispanics have thrived amid the Trump boom as regulatory and tax relief unleashes a small business surge. Every American benefits from this new dynamism, but Hispanics most of all. For example, the Hispanic jobless rate has now been below 5% for the last 11 months; prior to the Trump presidency, it had only been below 5% for one month ever (in 2006). In addition, jobs are paying more

Immigration – Leftist politicians and their media allies wrongly assume that Hispanics espouse softness on immigration illegality. In reality, a 2018 YouGov/Economist poll detailed that only 20% of Hispanics support the practice of “catch and release” of families crossing our border illegally. Indeed, Hispanic Americans often suffer the worst, most immediate consequences of porous borders. Too often, Hispanic workers must compete against unfair, illegal labor. In addition, dangerous illegal aliens largely terrorize Hispanic citizens. The tragic tales of MS-13 savagery

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ...

Great points. It is not as if Liberals are taking steps to protect Hispanic US Citizens from illegal MS-13. No surprise that at least 50 perecent of US Hispanics support Trump.

But they don't.

a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels

You focused on the NPR poll while the article said multiple polls say overall approval for Trump among Latinos is approving. NPR is a proven biased pro-Left organization that uses my tax dollars to fund their agenda. I’d like to see the sample for NPR poll. Where was the sample data taken from? An area comprised of illegals and Latinos? That will bring down an approval among Latinos for Trump.

As the head of a US Citizen Latino household, I am very concerned about drugs, gangs, and human trafficking getting into the US through illegal immigration and it saddens my heart to see Democrats and Liberals be consumed with such hatred for Trump and obsession for power, that they are willing to compromise the security and sovereignty of this Nation.

And there are black sellouts for Trump who try pointing me to Rasmussen all the time. Trump is doing nothing for our safety. Our problems with security are internal. A bunch of poor people walking here are no threat.
You really are one of the more clueless posters on this board, IM2! Let me explain WHY "a bunch of poor people walking here" is indeed a "threat" to the black community! Numbers equal political power. The more Hispanics you introduce into the country the more political power that Hispanics have. In case you haven't noticed (and judging from your posts...you haven't!) Democratic politicians care less and less about "black issues" but are hyper sensitive to Hispanic issues! Why? Because they see Hispanics as their way to stay in power! The more Hispanics there are...the less Democrats need the black vote and the less power you have!

IM2 is blind to the drugs, gangs, and human trafficking coming in and chooses to believe that 100 percent of the people coming in are simply poor families. I am sure he blames the "seperation" of families on Trump when in fact many of the images ("cages") shown in an attempt to blame Trump were taken in 2013 which was smacked dabbed in the middle of the Obama Administration. Whether Obama or Trump, I am willing to bet that in the majority of the seperation of families at the boarder, it ended up saving lives because many of those families were human traffickers and/or corrupt people using children to exploit the catch and release policy and never have to show up to Court once they were in.
A millennial and I were talking about this today, Democrats and progs are sinking fast. Poetic justice if they collapse. We need more blacks to come into the light. Conservatives aren't perfect for sure, but shit, prog-speak is fucked up to shit, same with their ideology, same with their taxes, their attack on gender, thought, race, country, internet, education, every mother fucking thing they touch.

Democrats used to be MUCH better. Same with liberals, Hollywood and that. Progs killed that too.

We blacks see the light. And know the light will be turned off if we join the 30 percent bigot club. You aren't growing .

How has the alliegance to the democrats been working out for you? I hear a lot of griping. Maybe you should try actually listening to Republicans instead trying to find the most extreme wackos and saying they're all like that.
It never made sense to me that all Hispanics would welcome with open arms more illegals that would take their jobs for cheaper wage and displace what they have worked decades and long hours to build up!

Get ready for the anti-Trump “resistance” to go truly loco, because new polling data indicates Hispanic support for the president is swelling, a trend that could seal his 2020 re-election victory.

....So much good news erupted last week for the president with the conclusion of the Mueller inquiry that stunning new polling data was largely glossed over. McLaughlin & Associates revealed that Hispanic approval for Trump in March jumped to 50%. This number matched the January Marist/NPR/PBS survey that shocked cynics with its own 50% approval finding. Even if those polls are too aggressive, February’s Morning Consult/Politico poll showed Trump’s Hispanic approval vaulting to a still-impressive 45%.

What explains this stunning trend? I see three key factors:

The Economy – Hispanics neither desire nor expect a laundry list of deliverables from government, but rather seek the conditions to advance and prosper independently. As the most statistically entrepreneurial demographic in America, Hispanics have thrived amid the Trump boom as regulatory and tax relief unleashes a small business surge. Every American benefits from this new dynamism, but Hispanics most of all. For example, the Hispanic jobless rate has now been below 5% for the last 11 months; prior to the Trump presidency, it had only been below 5% for one month ever (in 2006). In addition, jobs are paying more

Immigration – Leftist politicians and their media allies wrongly assume that Hispanics espouse softness on immigration illegality. In reality, a 2018 YouGov/Economist poll detailed that only 20% of Hispanics support the practice of “catch and release” of families crossing our border illegally. Indeed, Hispanic Americans often suffer the worst, most immediate consequences of porous borders. Too often, Hispanic workers must compete against unfair, illegal labor. In addition, dangerous illegal aliens largely terrorize Hispanic citizens. The tragic tales of MS-13 savagery

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ...

Great points. It is not as if Liberals are taking steps to protect Hispanic US Citizens from illegal MS-13. No surprise that at least 50 perecent of US Hispanics support Trump.

But they don't.

a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels

You focused on the NPR poll while the article said multiple polls say overall approval for Trump among Latinos is approving. NPR is a proven biased pro-Left organization that uses my tax dollars to fund their agenda. I’d like to see the sample for NPR poll. Where was the sample data taken from? An area comprised of illegals and Latinos? That will bring down an approval among Latinos for Trump.

As the head of a US Citizen Latino household, I am very concerned about drugs, gangs, and human trafficking getting into the US through illegal immigration and it saddens my heart to see Democrats and Liberals be consumed with such hatred for Trump and obsession for power, that they are willing to compromise the security and sovereignty of this Nation.

And there are black sellouts for Trump who try pointing me to Rasmussen all the time. Trump is doing nothing for our safety. Our problems with security are internal. A bunch of poor people walking here are no threat.
You really are one of the more clueless posters on this board, IM2! Let me explain WHY "a bunch of poor people walking here" is indeed a "threat" to the black community! Numbers equal political power. The more Hispanics you introduce into the country the more political power that Hispanics have. In case you haven't noticed (and judging from your posts...you haven't!) Democratic politicians care less and less about "black issues" but are hyper sensitive to Hispanic issues! Why? Because they see Hispanics as their way to stay in power! The more Hispanics there are...the less Democrats need the black vote and the less power you have!
wrong again. democratic policies are not supposed to help any race more than any other, if it did, I would be against it. we all benefit from regulations that keep big corporations from ripping us off, poisoning us, cutting benefits, and not sharing their huge historically high profits over the last 4 decades with their workers. It started with Reagan and his huge ass tax cut of 42% for the rich, while raising taxes for everybody else 11 times, including the largest tax hike in history, AND STILL MANAGED TO TRIPLE THE PUBLIC DEBT DESPITE NOT BEING INVOLVED IN ANY REAL WARS DURING THAT TIME...and yet repubs actually believe he did a good job!! same thing for trump...yes, his tax cuts for the rich and big corporations did help them, and it did help the stock market because rich guys own and/or control so much stock in these big companies listed on the stock exchange, but it also added hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars of debt, and it did not even come close to hiking the average salary of average workers even 5% as much as it hiked the worth of the already richest 5%....making college or technical school more available and affordable is not directed towards black people. but it helps them. making health care more affordable and ending penalties for pre-existing conditions, adding millions of Americans including millions of kids, is not aimed at black people. but it helps them. social safety nets like food stamps, meals on wheels, better veteran care and benefits, head start programs is not aimed at black people. but it helps them. More white people get these benefits than black people. Why do right wingers believe these programs help needy white people get back on their feet and do not beholden them to any certain party, but these same benefits to needy black people makes them lazy and only want to vote democratic? you right wingers are easily led, gullible fools being marched along to whatever song your right wing media wants you to dance to, because they pander to your innate bigotry and racism.
Great points. It is not as if Liberals are taking steps to protect Hispanic US Citizens from illegal MS-13. No surprise that at least 50 perecent of US Hispanics support Trump.

But they don't.

a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels

You focused on the NPR poll while the article said multiple polls say overall approval for Trump among Latinos is approving. NPR is a proven biased pro-Left organization that uses my tax dollars to fund their agenda. I’d like to see the sample for NPR poll. Where was the sample data taken from? An area comprised of illegals and Latinos? That will bring down an approval among Latinos for Trump.

As the head of a US Citizen Latino household, I am very concerned about drugs, gangs, and human trafficking getting into the US through illegal immigration and it saddens my heart to see Democrats and Liberals be consumed with such hatred for Trump and obsession for power, that they are willing to compromise the security and sovereignty of this Nation.

And there are black sellouts for Trump who try pointing me to Rasmussen all the time. Trump is doing nothing for our safety. Our problems with security are internal. A bunch of poor people walking here are no threat.
You really are one of the more clueless posters on this board, IM2! Let me explain WHY "a bunch of poor people walking here" is indeed a "threat" to the black community! Numbers equal political power. The more Hispanics you introduce into the country the more political power that Hispanics have. In case you haven't noticed (and judging from your posts...you haven't!) Democratic politicians care less and less about "black issues" but are hyper sensitive to Hispanic issues! Why? Because they see Hispanics as their way to stay in power! The more Hispanics there are...the less Democrats need the black vote and the less power you have!

IM2 is blind to the drugs, gangs, and human trafficking coming in and chooses to believe that 100 percent of the people coming in are simply poor families. I am sure he blames the "seperation" of families on Trump when in fact many of the images ("cages") shown in an attempt to blame Trump were taken in 2013 which was smacked dabbed in the middle of the Obama Administration. Whether Obama or Trump, I am willing to bet that in the majority of the seperation of families at the boarder, it ended up saving lives because many of those families were human traffickers and/or corrupt people using children to exploit the catch and release policy and never have to show up to Court once they were in.
what does "seperation" mean? and you are lying when you say Obama or Bush had similar policies separating children from their parents, even Trump and then AG Cracker Sessions both admit they changed the policy to punish illegals for trying to cross the border as much as possible. any pics of kids in cages, which did happen under every administration, are pics of kids NOT SEPARATED by this government from their parents, THEY WERE PICKED UP ALL ALONE WITH NO ADULT SUPERVISION AND WERE TEMPORARILY PLACED THERE UNTIL A GUARDIAN OR ADULT COULD BE FOUND TO TAKE CARE OF THEM. LIAR. why do right wingers believe all the shit trump and fox keep spewing at them? because THEY WANT TO BELIEVE SUCH BIGOTED, BIASED BULLSHIT...they avoid the truth like they avoid bath water.
It never made sense to me that all Hispanics would welcome with open arms more illegals that would take their jobs for cheaper wage and displace what they have worked decades and long hours to build up!

Get ready for the anti-Trump “resistance” to go truly loco, because new polling data indicates Hispanic support for the president is swelling, a trend that could seal his 2020 re-election victory.

....So much good news erupted last week for the president with the conclusion of the Mueller inquiry that stunning new polling data was largely glossed over. McLaughlin & Associates revealed that Hispanic approval for Trump in March jumped to 50%. This number matched the January Marist/NPR/PBS survey that shocked cynics with its own 50% approval finding. Even if those polls are too aggressive, February’s Morning Consult/Politico poll showed Trump’s Hispanic approval vaulting to a still-impressive 45%.

What explains this stunning trend? I see three key factors:

The Economy – Hispanics neither desire nor expect a laundry list of deliverables from government, but rather seek the conditions to advance and prosper independently. As the most statistically entrepreneurial demographic in America, Hispanics have thrived amid the Trump boom as regulatory and tax relief unleashes a small business surge. Every American benefits from this new dynamism, but Hispanics most of all. For example, the Hispanic jobless rate has now been below 5% for the last 11 months; prior to the Trump presidency, it had only been below 5% for one month ever (in 2006). In addition, jobs are paying more

Immigration – Leftist politicians and their media allies wrongly assume that Hispanics espouse softness on immigration illegality. In reality, a 2018 YouGov/Economist poll detailed that only 20% of Hispanics support the practice of “catch and release” of families crossing our border illegally. Indeed, Hispanic Americans often suffer the worst, most immediate consequences of porous borders. Too often, Hispanic workers must compete against unfair, illegal labor. In addition, dangerous illegal aliens largely terrorize Hispanic citizens. The tragic tales of MS-13 savagery

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ...

Great points. It is not as if Liberals are taking steps to protect Hispanic US Citizens from illegal MS-13. No surprise that at least 50 perecent of US Hispanics support Trump.

But they don't.

a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels

You focused on the NPR poll while the article said multiple polls say overall approval for Trump among Latinos is approving. NPR is a proven biased pro-Left organization that uses my tax dollars to fund their agenda. I’d like to see the sample for NPR poll. Where was the sample data taken from? An area comprised of illegals and Latinos? That will bring down an approval among Latinos for Trump.

As the head of a US Citizen Latino household, I am very concerned about drugs, gangs, and human trafficking getting into the US through illegal immigration and it saddens my heart to see Democrats and Liberals be consumed with such hatred for Trump and obsession for power, that they are willing to compromise the security and sovereignty of this Nation.
they are not, dumbass. a stupid ass wall has nothing to do with stopping people from coming here...get it? especially a stupid ass huge concrete wall that mexico was going to pay for and was supposed to stretch from sea to shining sea, the whole 2000 miles!! that is what dumbshit trump first promised, his very first day of campaigning for president, along with his bigoted, anti-mexican lies about mexico "sending" us anyone, much less sending us almost nothing but killers and rapists and drug dealers and gang bangers, and SOME...MAYBE SOME...good people, HE ASSUMED!!! and you claim to be a latino who is so chickenshit you can still support some bigoted asshole that assumes out of 11 million mexican illegals here, more or less, ONLY SOME MIGHT BE GOOD PEOPLE BUT MOST ARE RAPISTS AND KILLERS? you need to take your head out of trump's lying chickenshit bigoted ass, boy. if you don't have any pride for yourself, at least have some pride for the mexicans he slanders every fucking day.

I believe any poll that shows that much approval for asshole trump from any group except dumbass fox viewers who tend to be old pissed off white guys and, to a certain extent, old pissed off white women, is full o' shit as the consensus of polls show the direct opposite. like right here, for example, from March 6, 2019-

American voters rate President Trump less trustworthy than his former attorney Michael Cohen, according to a Quinnipiac University poll that was conducted in the days following Cohen’s high-profile testimony before Congress.

Cohen, a disgraced and disbarred attorney who pleaded guilty to lying before Congress in 2017, returned to a House panel last Wednesday to admit to his own misdeeds, while calling Trump a “racist,” a “con man,” and a “cheat.” Trump in turn blasted Cohen on Twitter for what he called his head-spinning “lies.”

In the court of public opinion, most Americans are siding with Cohen, according to the poll of 1,120 voters surveyed between last Friday and Monday. By a margin of 50% to 35%, respondents thought Cohen was more trustworthy. The survey showed that 44% of voters believe Cohen told the truth last week, while 36% believe he did not tell the truth.

“Michael Cohen, a known liar headed to the big house, has more credibility than the leader of the free world,” Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac poll, said in a statement.

Predictably, more members of Trump’s own Republican party sided with Trump, with 79% of Republicans believing Trump over Cohen. Meanwhile, 86% of Democrats and 51% of Independents believed Cohen more. Just 31% of Independents believed Trump over Cohen.

In general, a plurality of voters surveyed have a dim view of Trump. 58% said he lacks good leadership skills, the same percentage that believes he cares about average Americans. 65% believe Trump is not honest, while 64% believe he committed crimes before becoming President (and 45% believe he’s committed crimes in the White House).

“When two-thirds of voters think you have committed a crime in your past life, and almost half of voters say it’s a tossup over whether you committed a crime while in the Oval Office, confidence in your overall integrity is very shaky,” Malloy said.

Overall, Trump received a 38% job approval rating, while 55% disapproved. That’s similar to the 38%-to-57% breakdown in Quinnipiac’s survey three months ago and also to the 38%-to-56% breakdown in March 2018.

Trump received his strongest marks for his handling of the U.S. economy, with 49% of voters approving. Overall, Trump’s strongest approval rating came from White men, at 55%, while 12% of blacks, 20% of Hispanics, and 22% of people between 18 and 34 years of age approved of his performance in office.

Still trusting "polls" about Trump, Mr. Jones? How did that work out for you in the last Presidential race? :)
actually, stupid, if you knew anything about math, you would know the polls were very accurate!! you see, dummy, polls do not measure the goofy ass electoral college results...get it? they measure who people want to be president, like voting, get it? so simple even a trump stooge should understand. a consensus of the latest polls showed Hillary getting about 3% more votes than asshole Trump. the actual results of the election popular vote, which these polls were predicting, was Hillary kicked trump's fat ass by 3 million votes out of 129 million cast for both candidates, which is 3%, for those of us who can do math. you will believe anything if it reinforces your own basic bias and bullshit bigotry. that is why you are a fox viewer and a trump voter. get it?

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Trump (R) Spread

RCP Average 11/1 - 11/7 -- -- 46.8 43.6 Clinton +3.2
Bloomberg 11/4 - 11/6 799 LV 3.5 46 43 Clinton +3
IBD/TIPP Tracking 11/4 - 11/7 1107 LV 3.1 43 42 Clinton +1
Economist 11/4 - 11/7 3669 LV -- 49 45 Clinton +4
LA Times 11/1 - 11/7 2935 LV 4.5 44 47 Trump +3
ABC/WP Tracking 11/3 - 11/6 2220 LV 2.5 49 46 Clinton +3
FOX News 11/3 - 11/6 1295 LV 2.5 48 44 Clinton +4
Monmouth 11/3 - 11/6 748 LV 3.6 50 44 Clinton +6
NBC/WSJ 11/3 - 11/5 1282 LV 2.7 48 43 Clinton +5
CBS News 11/2 - 11/6 1426 LV 3.0 47 43 Clinton +4
Reuters 11/2 - 11/6 2196 LV 2.3 44 39 Clinton +5
It never made sense to me that all Hispanics would welcome with open arms more illegals that would take their jobs for cheaper wage and displace what they have worked decades and long hours to build up!

Get ready for the anti-Trump “resistance” to go truly loco, because new polling data indicates Hispanic support for the president is swelling, a trend that could seal his 2020 re-election victory.

....So much good news erupted last week for the president with the conclusion of the Mueller inquiry that stunning new polling data was largely glossed over. McLaughlin & Associates revealed that Hispanic approval for Trump in March jumped to 50%. This number matched the January Marist/NPR/PBS survey that shocked cynics with its own 50% approval finding. Even if those polls are too aggressive, February’s Morning Consult/Politico poll showed Trump’s Hispanic approval vaulting to a still-impressive 45%.

What explains this stunning trend? I see three key factors:

The Economy – Hispanics neither desire nor expect a laundry list of deliverables from government, but rather seek the conditions to advance and prosper independently. As the most statistically entrepreneurial demographic in America, Hispanics have thrived amid the Trump boom as regulatory and tax relief unleashes a small business surge. Every American benefits from this new dynamism, but Hispanics most of all. For example, the Hispanic jobless rate has now been below 5% for the last 11 months; prior to the Trump presidency, it had only been below 5% for one month ever (in 2006). In addition, jobs are paying more

Immigration – Leftist politicians and their media allies wrongly assume that Hispanics espouse softness on immigration illegality. In reality, a 2018 YouGov/Economist poll detailed that only 20% of Hispanics support the practice of “catch and release” of families crossing our border illegally. Indeed, Hispanic Americans often suffer the worst, most immediate consequences of porous borders. Too often, Hispanic workers must compete against unfair, illegal labor. In addition, dangerous illegal aliens largely terrorize Hispanic citizens. The tragic tales of MS-13 savagery

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ...

Great points. It is not as if Liberals are taking steps to protect Hispanic US Citizens from illegal MS-13. No surprise that at least 50 perecent of US Hispanics support Trump.

But they don't.

a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels

You focused on the NPR poll while the article said multiple polls say overall approval for Trump among Latinos is approving. NPR is a proven biased pro-Left organization that uses my tax dollars to fund their agenda. I’d like to see the sample for NPR poll. Where was the sample data taken from? An area comprised of illegals and Latinos? That will bring down an approval among Latinos for Trump.

As the head of a US Citizen Latino household, I am very concerned about drugs, gangs, and human trafficking getting into the US through illegal immigration and it saddens my heart to see Democrats and Liberals be consumed with such hatred for Trump and obsession for power, that they are willing to compromise the security and sovereignty of this Nation.
they are not, dumbass. a stupid ass wall has nothing to do with stopping people from coming here...get it? especially a stupid ass huge concrete wall that mexico was going to pay for and was supposed to stretch from sea to shining sea, the whole 2000 miles!! that is what dumbshit trump first promised, his very first day of campaigning for president, along with his bigoted, anti-mexican lies about mexico "sending" us anyone, much less sending us almost nothing but killers and rapists and drug dealers and gang bangers, and SOME...MAYBE SOME...good people, HE ASSUMED!!! and you claim to be a latino who is so chickenshit you can still support some bigoted asshole that assumes out of 11 million mexican illegals here, more or less, ONLY SOME MIGHT BE GOOD PEOPLE BUT MOST ARE RAPISTS AND KILLERS? you need to take your head out of trump's lying chickenshit bigoted ass, boy. if you don't have any pride for yourself, at least have some pride for the mexicans he slanders every fucking day.

I believe any poll that shows that much approval for asshole trump from any group except dumbass fox viewers who tend to be old pissed off white guys and, to a certain extent, old pissed off white women, is full o' shit as the consensus of polls show the direct opposite. like right here, for example, from March 6, 2019-

American voters rate President Trump less trustworthy than his former attorney Michael Cohen, according to a Quinnipiac University poll that was conducted in the days following Cohen’s high-profile testimony before Congress.

Cohen, a disgraced and disbarred attorney who pleaded guilty to lying before Congress in 2017, returned to a House panel last Wednesday to admit to his own misdeeds, while calling Trump a “racist,” a “con man,” and a “cheat.” Trump in turn blasted Cohen on Twitter for what he called his head-spinning “lies.”

In the court of public opinion, most Americans are siding with Cohen, according to the poll of 1,120 voters surveyed between last Friday and Monday. By a margin of 50% to 35%, respondents thought Cohen was more trustworthy. The survey showed that 44% of voters believe Cohen told the truth last week, while 36% believe he did not tell the truth.

“Michael Cohen, a known liar headed to the big house, has more credibility than the leader of the free world,” Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac poll, said in a statement.

Predictably, more members of Trump’s own Republican party sided with Trump, with 79% of Republicans believing Trump over Cohen. Meanwhile, 86% of Democrats and 51% of Independents believed Cohen more. Just 31% of Independents believed Trump over Cohen.

In general, a plurality of voters surveyed have a dim view of Trump. 58% said he lacks good leadership skills, the same percentage that believes he cares about average Americans. 65% believe Trump is not honest, while 64% believe he committed crimes before becoming President (and 45% believe he’s committed crimes in the White House).

“When two-thirds of voters think you have committed a crime in your past life, and almost half of voters say it’s a tossup over whether you committed a crime while in the Oval Office, confidence in your overall integrity is very shaky,” Malloy said.

Overall, Trump received a 38% job approval rating, while 55% disapproved. That’s similar to the 38%-to-57% breakdown in Quinnipiac’s survey three months ago and also to the 38%-to-56% breakdown in March 2018.

Trump received his strongest marks for his handling of the U.S. economy, with 49% of voters approving. Overall, Trump’s strongest approval rating came from White men, at 55%, while 12% of blacks, 20% of Hispanics, and 22% of people between 18 and 34 years of age approved of his performance in office.

I am not necessarily sold on the wall or a wall but, currently, the Mexican border is a and border security needs to be addressed. The passive, open borders approach from Democrats is not going to solve the problem ether. You call me chickenshit and question my cultural background. I see teen boys, Latinos, go missing in my community. Their names and faces are posted on social media or even the local news only to find out later they were taken out by gangs full of illegals. You want to call me chickenshit yet you want that in your community? You want to see young girls beaten and raped after being trafficked into the US without protection or cover? Your vitriol for Trump has blinded you from seeing these problems. Most Liberals and Democrats deny they exist. It's a lot easier to simply call Trump a bigot and all who support him.
what bullshit. illegal alien animals kidnapping young mexicans off the street in this country!! good god. all those lies about women being raped is bullshit, too, that you apparently believe. trump and sessions both used, inaccurately, as their source for the high number of rapes among those walking here to legally ask for asylum, what the Doctors Without Borders said when they were talking about just women who came to them for medical attention, A SMALL, TINY SEGMENT OF ALL THE WOMEN INVOLVED IN THE CARAVANS!! of course a fairly high percentage of women seeking medical attention in any country of any race are going to name assault as the reason they are there, either sexual, or just physical. the Doctors Without Borders published a condemnation of Trump misusing their stats and said the 33% number they said included all physical assaults, not just sexual assaults, and that 10% or so of those seeking medical attention cited real sexual assault...get it? you have been played again by lying trump.
It never made sense to me that all Hispanics would welcome with open arms more illegals that would take their jobs for cheaper wage and displace what they have worked decades and long hours to build up!

Get ready for the anti-Trump “resistance” to go truly loco, because new polling data indicates Hispanic support for the president is swelling, a trend that could seal his 2020 re-election victory.

....So much good news erupted last week for the president with the conclusion of the Mueller inquiry that stunning new polling data was largely glossed over. McLaughlin & Associates revealed that Hispanic approval for Trump in March jumped to 50%. This number matched the January Marist/NPR/PBS survey that shocked cynics with its own 50% approval finding. Even if those polls are too aggressive, February’s Morning Consult/Politico poll showed Trump’s Hispanic approval vaulting to a still-impressive 45%.

What explains this stunning trend? I see three key factors:

The Economy – Hispanics neither desire nor expect a laundry list of deliverables from government, but rather seek the conditions to advance and prosper independently. As the most statistically entrepreneurial demographic in America, Hispanics have thrived amid the Trump boom as regulatory and tax relief unleashes a small business surge. Every American benefits from this new dynamism, but Hispanics most of all. For example, the Hispanic jobless rate has now been below 5% for the last 11 months; prior to the Trump presidency, it had only been below 5% for one month ever (in 2006). In addition, jobs are paying more

Immigration – Leftist politicians and their media allies wrongly assume that Hispanics espouse softness on immigration illegality. In reality, a 2018 YouGov/Economist poll detailed that only 20% of Hispanics support the practice of “catch and release” of families crossing our border illegally. Indeed, Hispanic Americans often suffer the worst, most immediate consequences of porous borders. Too often, Hispanic workers must compete against unfair, illegal labor. In addition, dangerous illegal aliens largely terrorize Hispanic citizens. The tragic tales of MS-13 savagery

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ...

Great points. It is not as if Liberals are taking steps to protect Hispanic US Citizens from illegal MS-13. No surprise that at least 50 perecent of US Hispanics support Trump.

But they don't.

a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels
That is about the same percentage that voted for him in 2016, wasn't it? Although some people disputed it, I heard about 29% of Hispanics voted for him in 2016.

True. The point is that everybody is not rushing out to join the Trump parade.
It never made sense to me that all Hispanics would welcome with open arms more illegals that would take their jobs for cheaper wage and displace what they have worked decades and long hours to build up!

Get ready for the anti-Trump “resistance” to go truly loco, because new polling data indicates Hispanic support for the president is swelling, a trend that could seal his 2020 re-election victory.

....So much good news erupted last week for the president with the conclusion of the Mueller inquiry that stunning new polling data was largely glossed over. McLaughlin & Associates revealed that Hispanic approval for Trump in March jumped to 50%. This number matched the January Marist/NPR/PBS survey that shocked cynics with its own 50% approval finding. Even if those polls are too aggressive, February’s Morning Consult/Politico poll showed Trump’s Hispanic approval vaulting to a still-impressive 45%.

What explains this stunning trend? I see three key factors:

The Economy – Hispanics neither desire nor expect a laundry list of deliverables from government, but rather seek the conditions to advance and prosper independently. As the most statistically entrepreneurial demographic in America, Hispanics have thrived amid the Trump boom as regulatory and tax relief unleashes a small business surge. Every American benefits from this new dynamism, but Hispanics most of all. For example, the Hispanic jobless rate has now been below 5% for the last 11 months; prior to the Trump presidency, it had only been below 5% for one month ever (in 2006). In addition, jobs are paying more

Immigration – Leftist politicians and their media allies wrongly assume that Hispanics espouse softness on immigration illegality. In reality, a 2018 YouGov/Economist poll detailed that only 20% of Hispanics support the practice of “catch and release” of families crossing our border illegally. Indeed, Hispanic Americans often suffer the worst, most immediate consequences of porous borders. Too often, Hispanic workers must compete against unfair, illegal labor. In addition, dangerous illegal aliens largely terrorize Hispanic citizens. The tragic tales of MS-13 savagery

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ...

Great points. It is not as if Liberals are taking steps to protect Hispanic US Citizens from illegal MS-13. No surprise that at least 50 perecent of US Hispanics support Trump.

But they don't.

a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels
That is about the same percentage that voted for him in 2016, wasn't it? Although some people disputed it, I heard about 29% of Hispanics voted for him in 2016.

True. The point is that everybody is not rushing out to join the Trump parade.
But he has gone from 15% that voted for him 2 years ago who listened to the DEATHRAT LIES to 50% in 2 years....give him another 2 years and since Hispanics are some of the most industrious people it will be 70 %....or more...just like blacks who have seen their unemployment DROP and are making more money now than any time before...the Surrender Monkey was in it for himself....how many millions has that criminal amassed since leaving office?
Great points. It is not as if Liberals are taking steps to protect Hispanic US Citizens from illegal MS-13. No surprise that at least 50 perecent of US Hispanics support Trump.

But they don't.

a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels

You focused on the NPR poll while the article said multiple polls say overall approval for Trump among Latinos is approving. NPR is a proven biased pro-Left organization that uses my tax dollars to fund their agenda. I’d like to see the sample for NPR poll. Where was the sample data taken from? An area comprised of illegals and Latinos? That will bring down an approval among Latinos for Trump.

As the head of a US Citizen Latino household, I am very concerned about drugs, gangs, and human trafficking getting into the US through illegal immigration and it saddens my heart to see Democrats and Liberals be consumed with such hatred for Trump and obsession for power, that they are willing to compromise the security and sovereignty of this Nation.

And there are black sellouts for Trump who try pointing me to Rasmussen all the time. Trump is doing nothing for our safety. Our problems with security are internal. A bunch of poor people walking here are no threat.
You really are one of the more clueless posters on this board, IM2! Let me explain WHY "a bunch of poor people walking here" is indeed a "threat" to the black community! Numbers equal political power. The more Hispanics you introduce into the country the more political power that Hispanics have. In case you haven't noticed (and judging from your posts...you haven't!) Democratic politicians care less and less about "black issues" but are hyper sensitive to Hispanic issues! Why? Because they see Hispanics as their way to stay in power! The more Hispanics there are...the less Democrats need the black vote and the less power you have!

IM2 is blind to the drugs, gangs, and human trafficking coming in and chooses to believe that 100 percent of the people coming in are simply poor families. I am sure he blames the "seperation" of families on Trump when in fact many of the images ("cages") shown in an attempt to blame Trump were taken in 2013 which was smacked dabbed in the middle of the Obama Administration. Whether Obama or Trump, I am willing to bet that in the majority of the seperation of families at the boarder, it ended up saving lives because many of those families were human traffickers and/or corrupt people using children to exploit the catch and release policy and never have to show up to Court once they were in.

I'm not blind to anything. The drugs are flown or trucked in. And you are blind to the larger problem we have here. The images I have seen of the cages on TV are not from 2013. We were at historic lows until Trump started this.
But they don't.

a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels

You focused on the NPR poll while the article said multiple polls say overall approval for Trump among Latinos is approving. NPR is a proven biased pro-Left organization that uses my tax dollars to fund their agenda. I’d like to see the sample for NPR poll. Where was the sample data taken from? An area comprised of illegals and Latinos? That will bring down an approval among Latinos for Trump.

As the head of a US Citizen Latino household, I am very concerned about drugs, gangs, and human trafficking getting into the US through illegal immigration and it saddens my heart to see Democrats and Liberals be consumed with such hatred for Trump and obsession for power, that they are willing to compromise the security and sovereignty of this Nation.

And there are black sellouts for Trump who try pointing me to Rasmussen all the time. Trump is doing nothing for our safety. Our problems with security are internal. A bunch of poor people walking here are no threat.
You really are one of the more clueless posters on this board, IM2! Let me explain WHY "a bunch of poor people walking here" is indeed a "threat" to the black community! Numbers equal political power. The more Hispanics you introduce into the country the more political power that Hispanics have. In case you haven't noticed (and judging from your posts...you haven't!) Democratic politicians care less and less about "black issues" but are hyper sensitive to Hispanic issues! Why? Because they see Hispanics as their way to stay in power! The more Hispanics there are...the less Democrats need the black vote and the less power you have!

IM2 is blind to the drugs, gangs, and human trafficking coming in and chooses to believe that 100 percent of the people coming in are simply poor families. I am sure he blames the "seperation" of families on Trump when in fact many of the images ("cages") shown in an attempt to blame Trump were taken in 2013 which was smacked dabbed in the middle of the Obama Administration. Whether Obama or Trump, I am willing to bet that in the majority of the seperation of families at the boarder, it ended up saving lives because many of those families were human traffickers and/or corrupt people using children to exploit the catch and release policy and never have to show up to Court once they were in.

I'm not blind to anything. The drugs are flown or trucked in. And you are blind to the larger problem we have here. The images I have seen of the cages on TV are not from 2013. We were at historic lows until Trump started this.
Bullshit they were from 2014

Those photos of immigrant children "caged" by the US are from 2014 — ...
QZ.com › photos-immigrant-children-det...

May 29, 2018 · The current conditions closely resemble the Obama- era “cages” depicted in photos from 2014. In both cases, children are shown

And Trump did away with that Surrender Monkey practice...but you lied and you knew that...Typical ABNORMAL!
It never made sense to me that all Hispanics would welcome with open arms more illegals that would take their jobs for cheaper wage and displace what they have worked decades and long hours to build up!

Get ready for the anti-Trump “resistance” to go truly loco, because new polling data indicates Hispanic support for the president is swelling, a trend that could seal his 2020 re-election victory.

....So much good news erupted last week for the president with the conclusion of the Mueller inquiry that stunning new polling data was largely glossed over. McLaughlin & Associates revealed that Hispanic approval for Trump in March jumped to 50%. This number matched the January Marist/NPR/PBS survey that shocked cynics with its own 50% approval finding. Even if those polls are too aggressive, February’s Morning Consult/Politico poll showed Trump’s Hispanic approval vaulting to a still-impressive 45%.

What explains this stunning trend? I see three key factors:

The Economy – Hispanics neither desire nor expect a laundry list of deliverables from government, but rather seek the conditions to advance and prosper independently. As the most statistically entrepreneurial demographic in America, Hispanics have thrived amid the Trump boom as regulatory and tax relief unleashes a small business surge. Every American benefits from this new dynamism, but Hispanics most of all. For example, the Hispanic jobless rate has now been below 5% for the last 11 months; prior to the Trump presidency, it had only been below 5% for one month ever (in 2006). In addition, jobs are paying more

Immigration – Leftist politicians and their media allies wrongly assume that Hispanics espouse softness on immigration illegality. In reality, a 2018 YouGov/Economist poll detailed that only 20% of Hispanics support the practice of “catch and release” of families crossing our border illegally. Indeed, Hispanic Americans often suffer the worst, most immediate consequences of porous borders. Too often, Hispanic workers must compete against unfair, illegal labor. In addition, dangerous illegal aliens largely terrorize Hispanic citizens. The tragic tales of MS-13 savagery

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ...

Great points. It is not as if Liberals are taking steps to protect Hispanic US Citizens from illegal MS-13. No surprise that at least 50 perecent of US Hispanics support Trump.

But they don't.

a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels
That is about the same percentage that voted for him in 2016, wasn't it? Although some people disputed it, I heard about 29% of Hispanics voted for him in 2016.

True. The point is that everybody is not rushing out to join the Trump parade.
But he has gone from 15% that voted for him 2 years ago who listened to the DEATHRAT LIES to 50% in 2 years....give him another 2 years and since Hispanics are some of the most industrious people it will be 70 %....or more...just like blacks who have seen their unemployment DROP and are making more money now than any time before...the Surrender Monkey was in it for himself....how many millions has that criminal amassed since leaving office?

Trump got 27 percent of the Hispanic vote 2 years ago. Black unemployment has dropped 1 point in the 2 years of Trump after dropping about 10 percent during Obama. Trump is making millions off us now. Every weekend he goes to Florida Mir a Lago charges us for the bill.
You focused on the NPR poll while the article said multiple polls say overall approval for Trump among Latinos is approving. NPR is a proven biased pro-Left organization that uses my tax dollars to fund their agenda. I’d like to see the sample for NPR poll. Where was the sample data taken from? An area comprised of illegals and Latinos? That will bring down an approval among Latinos for Trump.

As the head of a US Citizen Latino household, I am very concerned about drugs, gangs, and human trafficking getting into the US through illegal immigration and it saddens my heart to see Democrats and Liberals be consumed with such hatred for Trump and obsession for power, that they are willing to compromise the security and sovereignty of this Nation.

And there are black sellouts for Trump who try pointing me to Rasmussen all the time. Trump is doing nothing for our safety. Our problems with security are internal. A bunch of poor people walking here are no threat.
You really are one of the more clueless posters on this board, IM2! Let me explain WHY "a bunch of poor people walking here" is indeed a "threat" to the black community! Numbers equal political power. The more Hispanics you introduce into the country the more political power that Hispanics have. In case you haven't noticed (and judging from your posts...you haven't!) Democratic politicians care less and less about "black issues" but are hyper sensitive to Hispanic issues! Why? Because they see Hispanics as their way to stay in power! The more Hispanics there are...the less Democrats need the black vote and the less power you have!

IM2 is blind to the drugs, gangs, and human trafficking coming in and chooses to believe that 100 percent of the people coming in are simply poor families. I am sure he blames the "seperation" of families on Trump when in fact many of the images ("cages") shown in an attempt to blame Trump were taken in 2013 which was smacked dabbed in the middle of the Obama Administration. Whether Obama or Trump, I am willing to bet that in the majority of the seperation of families at the boarder, it ended up saving lives because many of those families were human traffickers and/or corrupt people using children to exploit the catch and release policy and never have to show up to Court once they were in.

I'm not blind to anything. The drugs are flown or trucked in. And you are blind to the larger problem we have here. The images I have seen of the cages on TV are not from 2013. We were at historic lows until Trump started this.
Bullshit they were from 2014

Those photos of immigrant children "caged" by the US are from 2014 — ...
QZ.com › photos-immigrant-children-det...

May 29, 2018 · The current conditions closely resemble the Obama- era “cages” depicted in photos from 2014. In both cases, children are shown

And Trump did away with that Surrender Monkey practice...but you lied and you knew that...Typical ABNORMAL!

The live interviews from those places we have seen on TV are not from 2014. And you're right. Trump did away with a monkey that did not exist and now has become the worlds dictators little bitch. Both Putin and Kim have him grabbing their belt loops.
Great points. It is not as if Liberals are taking steps to protect Hispanic US Citizens from illegal MS-13. No surprise that at least 50 perecent of US Hispanics support Trump.

But they don't.

a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels
That is about the same percentage that voted for him in 2016, wasn't it? Although some people disputed it, I heard about 29% of Hispanics voted for him in 2016.

True. The point is that everybody is not rushing out to join the Trump parade.
But he has gone from 15% that voted for him 2 years ago who listened to the DEATHRAT LIES to 50% in 2 years....give him another 2 years and since Hispanics are some of the most industrious people it will be 70 %....or more...just like blacks who have seen their unemployment DROP and are making more money now than any time before...the Surrender Monkey was in it for himself....how many millions has that criminal amassed since leaving office?

Trump got 27 percent of the Hispanic vote 2 years ago. Black unemployment has dropped 1 point in the 2 years of Trump after dropping about 10 percent during Obama. Trump is making millions off us now. Every weekend he goes to Florida Mir a Lago charges us for the bill.
So he DID almost DOUBLE Hispanic polling, Did lower black unemployment to an all time low and didn't charge the didn't charge the Tavpayer for his mother in law taking care of his children as the Surrender Monkey did....and he has saved America way more than a bunch of trips to Florida!!!!

Black and Hispanic Unemployment in America Reach Record Lows - ...
Bloomberg › news › articles › black-and-...

May 4, 2018 · Unemployment rates among black people and Hispanics in the U.S. ... which fell below 4 percent last month for the first time since 2000.
A millennial and I were talking about this today, Democrats and progs are sinking fast. Poetic justice if they collapse. We need more blacks to come into the light. Conservatives aren't perfect for sure, but shit, prog-speak is fucked up to shit, same with their ideology, same with their taxes, their attack on gender, thought, race, country, internet, education, every mother fucking thing they touch.

Democrats used to be MUCH better. Same with liberals, Hollywood and that. Progs killed that too.

We blacks see the light. And know the light will be turned off if we join the 30 percent bigot club. You aren't growing .

You've been used by the Democratic Party for sixty years, IM2 but you're so fixated the bigotry that you think lurks around every corner that you can't see it! Here's a hint for you...if you want REAL political power for blacks? Don't give your votes as a knee jerk reaction...give them to the people who actually make the lives of blacks BETTER...not the people who give you lip service before every election and then could care less about you until the next election!

Drop the dumb shit junior. I live in a motherfucking republican state. Republicans don't make lives better for blacks and all this shit you and the other supremacists here are doing is paying lip service hoping that we are actually as dumb as you think we are and join your party so you can elect Trump after Trump until your punk asses can erase all provisions of the civil rights act.

I haven't been used for shit. I get tired of you maggots trying to tell me what the hell I don't see. I've seen Nixon, Reagan, both of those punk ass Bushes and now this asshole Trump. The lot of them all racists and crooks. The only decent republican president I've seen was Gerald Ford and he was picked by Nixon because he was a patsy Nixon knew would pardon him.

So spare me the join the republican party pep talk. I worked in the black community for 30 years on issues and the whites who would work with us were always democrats. Republicans always had excuses or no we can't answers.
It appears that, being black has consumed your life. That is the only topic that interests you, it is so askewed that you think most of the former presidents were racists. Well, I may disappoint you, but for most people in this country, we don't wake up in the morning consumed by the thought of the color of people.

The vast majority take color for granted, their are many colors of people in our country and they are friends with whites, spouses of whites, godparents of whites, even siblings of whites.

Having spent most of your adult life working in the black community, you just didn't adequately perceive the normal relationships blacks have with whites. You are accustomed to seeing the less successful, blacks who have problems with addiction, possibly have a history of incarcination, and are blaming the world for their woes. There's another world out there...one that is just as real as the community you served. And we are not consumed with racism.
It never made sense to me that all Hispanics would welcome with open arms more illegals that would take their jobs for cheaper wage and displace what they have worked decades and long hours to build up!

Get ready for the anti-Trump “resistance” to go truly loco, because new polling data indicates Hispanic support for the president is swelling, a trend that could seal his 2020 re-election victory.

....So much good news erupted last week for the president with the conclusion of the Mueller inquiry that stunning new polling data was largely glossed over. McLaughlin & Associates revealed that Hispanic approval for Trump in March jumped to 50%. This number matched the January Marist/NPR/PBS survey that shocked cynics with its own 50% approval finding. Even if those polls are too aggressive, February’s Morning Consult/Politico poll showed Trump’s Hispanic approval vaulting to a still-impressive 45%.

What explains this stunning trend? I see three key factors:

The Economy – Hispanics neither desire nor expect a laundry list of deliverables from government, but rather seek the conditions to advance and prosper independently. As the most statistically entrepreneurial demographic in America, Hispanics have thrived amid the Trump boom as regulatory and tax relief unleashes a small business surge. Every American benefits from this new dynamism, but Hispanics most of all. For example, the Hispanic jobless rate has now been below 5% for the last 11 months; prior to the Trump presidency, it had only been below 5% for one month ever (in 2006). In addition, jobs are paying more

Immigration – Leftist politicians and their media allies wrongly assume that Hispanics espouse softness on immigration illegality. In reality, a 2018 YouGov/Economist poll detailed that only 20% of Hispanics support the practice of “catch and release” of families crossing our border illegally. Indeed, Hispanic Americans often suffer the worst, most immediate consequences of porous borders. Too often, Hispanic workers must compete against unfair, illegal labor. In addition, dangerous illegal aliens largely terrorize Hispanic citizens. The tragic tales of MS-13 savagery

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ...

Great points. It is not as if Liberals are taking steps to protect Hispanic US Citizens from illegal MS-13. No surprise that at least 50 perecent of US Hispanics support Trump.

But they don't.

a majority of Latino respondents—58 percent—said they definitely plan to vote against Trump in 2020, while 27 percent said they definitely plan to vote for him.

What is Donald Trump's approval rating among Latino voters? Surveys show varying support levels
That is about the same percentage that voted for him in 2016, wasn't it? Although some people disputed it, I heard about 29% of Hispanics voted for him in 2016.

True. The point is that everybody is not rushing out to join the Trump parade.
But he has gone from 15% that voted for him 2 years ago who listened to the DEATHRAT LIES to 50% in 2 years....give him another 2 years and since Hispanics are some of the most industrious people it will be 70 %....or more...just like blacks who have seen their unemployment DROP and are making more money now than any time before...the Surrender Monkey was in it for himself....how many millions has that criminal amassed since leaving office?
surrender monkey? you are not only a lying stooge, you are a racist ass who would rather trump grab your private parts than even admit Obama is 500 times the man trump is, this liar who said he prefers heroes who were not captured and tortured, this corrupt immoral pig who first said he knew nothing about paying off Stormy Daniels, then he said his bag man Cohen paid for it out of his own money, then finally admitted he paid her not to tell anyone how tiny his dick is. this coward who took 4 student deferments, then paid a doctor to lie about his "bone spurs," and then brag to Howard Stern that while soldiers who did not have the dough or the chickenshit tendencies to pay off a doctor to get them out of combat were fighting and dying in his place in Vietnam, his own personal vietnam was here safe and sound avoiding STDs, and had a good laugh at those suckers who took his place in Vietnam. Name something even 1/10000th as corrupt, gutless, immoral as these acts by Trump Obama has ever done in his squeaky clean life, you racist pig. People like you are why an immoral piece of shit like Trump is somehow president.

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