Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

And now, freedom to get free birth control, saving EVERYONE money.

Free contraceptives would go along way in preventing unwanted pregnancies, yet many of the anti abortion crowd opposes providing contraceptives freely to everyone of child bearing age, and opposing age appropriate sex education in the public schools.

Anyone who thinks through this issue must conclude that those who hold these positions must be stupid, or want to control the behavior of millions of others. I suppose for some it's both.

What is it with you people and your consistent inability to take responsibility for your own behavior?

Buy your own contraceptives and where that doesn't work, raise your kids!

If you can't DO THAT, then you have no business engaging in intercourse.

You aren't entitled to other people's property to make your life easier... and it is not someone else's responsibility to raise your children.

What you don't seem to understand is that where you are incapable of taking responsibility for yourselves, then you aren't qualified for freedom. And it is as simple as THAT.

Yep, you want to control others, and thus really don't care to reduce the number of abortions. In fact, if there were zero abortions you would still want to control the sexual life of others - but deny you're an authoritarian. You'd make a 'good' Nazi.


Fundamentally what is the difference between wanting to control people by keeping gay marriage illegal and wanting to control people by forcing them to do business with people they don't like?

Try to just straight up answer if it is possible. I don't want , or need, any deflection.
And now, freedom to get free birth control, saving EVERYONE money.

Free contraceptives would go along way in preventing unwanted pregnancies, yet many of the anti abortion crowd opposes providing contraceptives freely to everyone of child bearing age, and opposing age appropriate sex education in the public schools.

Anyone who thinks through this issue must conclude that those who hold these positions must be stupid, or want to control the behavior of millions of others. I suppose for some it's both.

What is it with you people and your consistent inability to take responsibility for your own behavior?

Buy your own contraceptives and where that doesn't work, raise your kids!

If you can't DO THAT, then you have no business engaging in intercourse.

You aren't entitled to other people's property to make your life easier... and it is not someone else's responsibility to raise your children.

What you don't seem to understand is that where you are incapable of taking responsibility for yourselves, then you aren't qualified for freedom. And it is as simple as THAT.

Yep, you want to control others, and thus really don't care to reduce the number of abortions. In fact, if there were zero abortions you would still want to control the sexual life of others - but deny you're an authoritarian. You'd make a 'good' Nazi.


Fundamentally what is the difference between wanting to control people by keeping gay marriage illegal and wanting to control people by forcing them to do business with people they don't like?

Try to just straight up answer if it is possible. I don't want , or need, any deflection.

Keys, I see you thanked this post, but you MUST realize that the opposite is also true. You ARE trying to control people.

Let faggots get "married" who cares
Every college or university book store usually has little booklets on political ideologies; I have seven on my shelves. The booklets usually cover the gamut from Fascism on the right to communism on the left. Why this topic is even on these board beats me, except Hitler used the socialist thing in the Nazi title to con the people, and apparently some diehards believe Hitler would not tell a lie. Pretty soon we will be hearing about Hitler cutting down a cherry tree or something.


Fascism, being 'to the right' of Stalinism does not set it: ON the Right?

YOU and your pamphlets are why these threads are always popping up. When you idiots stop trying to set your failures on US, we'll stop correcting your failures.
I wonder if all the people in Finland is brainwashed?

A leftie call a rightie Facist, when he lives in a country that DICTATES his health care

You could be brainwashed with a handi wipe.

man that was stupid. If I were you I'd delete it. but you don't care if you look stupid, I don't either

Don't even bother with that fool, one night he spent like 4 hours trying to convince me and others that the public accommodations laws were actually providing rights to the business owners
And now, freedom to get free birth control, saving EVERYONE money.

Free contraceptives would go along way in preventing unwanted pregnancies, yet many of the anti abortion crowd opposes providing contraceptives freely to everyone of child bearing age, and opposing age appropriate sex education in the public schools.

Anyone who thinks through this issue must conclude that those who hold these positions must be stupid, or want to control the behavior of millions of others. I suppose for some it's both.

What is it with you people and your consistent inability to take responsibility for your own behavior?

Buy your own contraceptives and where that doesn't work, raise your kids!

If you can't DO THAT, then you have no business engaging in intercourse.

You aren't entitled to other people's property to make your life easier... and it is not someone else's responsibility to raise your children.

What you don't seem to understand is that where you are incapable of taking responsibility for yourselves, then you aren't qualified for freedom. And it is as simple as THAT.

Yep, you want to control others, and thus really don't care to reduce the number of abortions. In fact, if there were zero abortions you would still want to control the sexual life of others - but deny you're an authoritarian. You'd make a 'good' Nazi.


Fundamentally what is the difference between wanting to control people by keeping gay marriage illegal and wanting to control people by forcing them to do business with people they don't like?

Try to just straight up answer if it is possible. I don't want , or need, any deflection.

Keys, I see you thanked this post, but you MUST realize that the opposite is also true. You ARE trying to control people.

Let faggots get "married" who cares

I'm contributing to a message board. Stating my reasoning and setting it against those who disagree.

That hardly bears any chance of 'controlling' anyone. If my reasoning manages to cut through sufficient layers of ignorance that it influences someone to make better choices, I'll of course take it... but, to the best of my recollection I have not so much as advocated for laws which would force ANYONE to DO anything.

And FTR: Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. I don't make the laws of nature, I justobserve them and point out the foolishness of trying to pretend that they don't exist.
I wonder if all the people in Finland is brainwashed?

A leftie call a rightie Facist, when he lives in a country that DICTATES his health care

You could be brainwashed with a handi wipe.

man that was stupid. If I were you I'd delete it. but you don't care if you look stupid, I don't either

I should probably take your advice on this one because you are the unchallenged authority on stupidity.
Almost goes without saying that Fascism and Nazism were right wing, reactionary, bottom up, populist movements.

I agree they were closer to right-wing then left wing. Always been irritated by the term reactionary...what does it mean really? Bottom up?....no. Populist?...no, that would be the equivalent of calling them socialist really.

The beauty of these boards is that there doesn't have to be any scholarship of note. Tie an opinion to politics and start a chant, soon others will pick up the chant and the chant becomes believable for a few.
How do historians, political scientists, and other Social Scientists, those that teach in our universities, define and place Nazism, as socialist or fascist?
If they are in universities they are likely spinning it to avoid any association with socialism. While enjoying fucking the students out of a LOT of money.
I agree a lot of students are getting a raw deal at universities today.

Hitler was originally an agent for the Conservative German military hierarchy. He was paid to infiltrate one of the workers parties existing shortly after WWI, the (DAP). The German economy was in dire condition. Leftist parties were very popular. It seems Hitler was probably tasked to manipulate his party to oppose and disrupt the other parties. He became its leader and changed the name to NSDAP adding National and Socialist. This probably was done to draw members of both an existing nationalist party and various leftist/socialist parties. As someone else posted here the night of the long knives largely purged those who led a wing who actually believed the Socialist part of the rhetoric. Having created their Frankenstein the Conservatives probably lost some control over Hitler as he gained power, but he never really worked in the interest of the left.

I wonder if all the people in Finland is brainwashed?

A leftie call a rightie Facist, when he lives in a country that DICTATES his health care

You could be brainwashed with a handi wipe.

man that was stupid. If I were you I'd delete it. but you don't care if you look stupid, I don't either

I should probably take your advice on this one because you are the unchallenged authority on stupidity.

what, you got hate on for me? oh damn I might sleep tonight. but you have a lot inside you. so I'm not alone. now shut up. bye bye nasty crusty old one
I wonder if all the people in Finland is brainwashed?

A leftie call a rightie Facist, when he lives in a country that DICTATES his health care

You could be brainwashed with a handi wipe.

man that was stupid. If I were you I'd delete it. but you don't care if you look stupid, I don't either

I should probably take your advice on this one because you are the unchallenged authority on stupidity.

what, you got hate on for me? oh damn I might sleep tonight. but you have a lot so I'm not alone. now shut up. bye bye nasty ugly one
On the other hand brain washing might be completely ineffective in your case......you have to have something to work with.
Almost goes without saying that Fascism and Nazism were right wing, reactionary, bottom up, populist movements.
I agree they were closer to right-wing then left wing. Always been irritated by the term reactionary...what does it mean really? Bottom up?....no. Populist?...no, that would be the equivalent of calling them socialist really.
The beauty of these boards is that there doesn't have to be any scholarship of note. Tie an opinion to politics and start a chant, soon others will pick up the chant and the chant becomes believable for a few.
How do historians, political scientists, and other Social Scientists, those that teach in our universities, define and place Nazism, as socialist or fascist?
If they are in universities they are likely spinning it to avoid any association with socialism. While enjoying fucking the students out of a LOT of money.
I agree a lot of students are getting a raw deal at universities today.

Hitler was originally an agent for the Conservative German military hierarchy. He was paid to infiltrate one of the workers parties existing shortly after WWI, the (DAP). The German economy was in dire condition. Leftist parties were very popular. It seems Hitler was probably tasked to manipulate his party to oppose and disrupt the other parties. He became its leader and changed the name to NSDAP adding National and Socialist. This probably was done to draw members of both an existing nationalist party and various leftist/socialist parties. As someone else posted here the night of the long knives largely purged those who led a wing who actually believed the Socialist part of the rhetoric. Having created their Frankenstein the Conservatives probably lost some control over Hitler as he gained power, but he never really worked in the interest of the left.

Yes... Hitler was all about the freedom and respect for human rights! He also clearly used those principles to sway all those socialists he murdered; who were all celebrating their recent victory over the poor slobs of the ACTUAL SOCIALIST PARTY to follow him, just before he murdered them, because he no longer needed the dead weight and muscle... (Plus they didn't really fit the snappy NAZI uniforms, with al that polished leather...which, was likely due to their communist tendencies which left 'em prone to prefer the drab, loose fitting, itchy wool and furry hats common to such.


You kids are all over it!

Clearly you haven't, so I would invite you to read the Memoirs of Joe Geobbels, you will not believe your eyes... in from day one and a true believing socialist, he set it all to paper from soup to socialist.

There is no controversy about the meaning of right wing, never has been.

Right wing - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

No, there never has been any real controversy. It is something academics discuss, but I have never heard anyone with any real expertise in this field actually claim that Hitler was left wing. It seems to be a phenomena largely restricted to discussion forums.

It does make me wonder what these people make of dictionaries....
For private ownership to have any meaning it requires private control. Under the Nazis, government bureaucrats made all the business decisions. They decided what was produced, how much of it was produced, how much the workers were paid, who got promoted, etc., etc., etc.. Private ownership was a fiction in Nazi Germany. The so-called "owners" were little more than factory managers.

That is wildly exaggerated but essentially true - but even so, shares were bought and traded, dividends were paid and money flowed through the system. Factory owners got rich, and lived well. This is the exact opposite of what communism sought to achieve.

No one is suggesting that we have to like how Hitler's capitalism looked, because I doubt any of us do, but it is capitalism, without question.
So, the left wing is to be judged on a sliding scale of relativism but the right wing is to be grouped with every right wing form of government no matter how extreme it is?

No, not at all. I have absolutely no idea where you got that from.

Any political spectrum is going to position ideologies along a kind of sliding scale, obviously.

So what does your "sliding scale" measure? What is the quantity that varies?

Um.....it does not measure quantity, it places ideologies on a scale from centrist in the middle to fascism at the outer extreme edge. I prefer the horsehoe model myself, in which fascism is closer to left wing extremism than it is to the centre, but in which there is still space between the to outer wings.

This is still the classic model for political theory, and most horseshoes place fascism on the extreme right wing.

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I wonder if all the people in Finland is brainwashed?

A leftie call a rightie Facist, when he lives in a country that DICTATES his health care


You post something as batshit crazy as that and then claimed that I am brainwashed??!!

Really....why not do a little research so that you are at least somewhere in contact with reality?
Nazism is not Fascist, as there are clear differences between Italian Fascism, Spanish Fascism and Nazism. As for 'left' and 'right' scales, they are useless for anything but populist media debates. Authoritarian scales are better, but they don't allow the media to divide society into two camps.

Nazism is an example of fascism. You are right that there are minor differences between different examples of fascism.

One of the strange things on this thread is posters lining up to change the meaning of the word 'fascism' so that it fits their prejudices mor comfortably, but unable to explan where they would then place Antonescu, Stroessner or Franco on a political map.

There are good reasons why Hitler is considered right wing, and one of them is the clear links between fascism and strong right-wing administrations like those of Pinochet.
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Iceweasel -

If you thought history were important you would probably be interested in the books mentioned earlier. You'd probably also be interested in getting the facts straight, but you aren't in the slightest.

I suggest we leave it at that.
LOL. We can leave it at you being a smear monger and a thread FAIL.

Firstly, stating clear, known historical facts that you could confirm in 30 seconds on google is not a 'smear'.

Secondly, it has become very clear on this thread that you have precious little interest in history, and even less knowledge of politics.

You might want to think about why that is, rather than blame everyone around you for your own quite extraordinary ignorance.

As I suggested before - take a look at the books I recommended, pick 1 or 2 that you think look objective and authoritive, read them, and THEN start posting on the topic. As long as you can't even figure out who was on what side in WWII your opinions aren't of tremendous value.
Nazism is not Fascist, as there are clear differences between Italian Fascism, Spanish Fascism and Nazism. As for 'left' and 'right' scales, they are useless for anything but populist media debates. Authoritarian scales are better, but they don't allow the media to divide society into two camps.

Nazism is an example of fascism. You are right that there are minor differences between different examples of fascism.

One of the strange things on this thread is posters lining up to change the meaning of the word 'fascism' so that it fits their prejudices mor comfortably, but unable to explan where they would then place Antonescu, Stroessner or Franco on a political map.

There are good reasons why Hitler is considered right wing, and one of them is the clear links between fascism and strong right-wing administrations like those of Pinochet.

As regards the individuals who lived within their borders what were the differences between Soviet Russia, and Nazi Germany? How were they different to the people who lived there?

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