Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

One claim that I'veseen quite often made on this board is that Hitler was left-wing, and not right-wing as almost every book on the subject states.

Look its not rocket science, the left has aborted more than 50 million human babies, does that sound like Hilter? Well there you go.

Hyperbole squared? Conservative women never have an abortion? 50 Million? Post a credible source that this number is factual and during what time period?

Abortions worldwide this year:
Sources and methods:
Definition: An abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the uterus, resulting in or caused by its death. An abortion can occur spontaneously due to complications during pregnancy or can be induced. (definition from Wikipedia)

as a term most commonly - and in the statistics presented here - refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy, while spontaneous abortions are usually termed miscarriages.

"This year" refers to the period from Jan 1 at 00:00 up to now.

The data on abortions displayed on the Worldometers' counter is based on the latest statistics on worldwide abortions published by the World Health Organization (WHO).

According to WHO, every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day.

In the USA, where nearly half of pregnancies are unintended and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion [1] , there are over 3,000 abortions per day. Twenty-two percent of all pregnancies in the USA (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion. [2]

References and useful links:
  • Abortion (Wikipedia)
  • World Health Organization (WHO) - Statistics by the World Health Organization
  • [1] Finer LB and Henshaw SK, Disparities in rates of unintended pregnancy in the United States, 1994 and 2001, Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 2006, 38(2):90–96.
  • [2] Jones RK et al., Abortion in the United States: incidence and access to services, 2005, Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 2008, 40(1):6–16
Abortion Statistics - Worldometers

Now FTR: Since 1973 in the US, ~50,000,000 abortions.

  1. Abortion Statistics - Worldometers
    Worldometers - real time world statisticsabortions/

    According to WHO, every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day.
  2. Number of Abortions US & Worldwide - USabortionclock
    discuss abortion adoption pro-lifeabortioncounters.html

    Each abortion counter is a real-time estimate of the number of abortion in the US and the number of abortions worldwide based on the very latest data of the ...
  3. Shock: estimated 54,559,615 abortions since Roe v. Wade ...

    2 days ago - January 23, 2012 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A new analysis from the National Right to Life Committee's (NCLC) education department estimates ...
  4. 55772015 Abortions in America Since Roe v. Wade in 1973
    55 772 015 Abortions in America Since Roe vs. Wade in 1973 LifeNews.comabortions-in-america-sin...

    Jan 18, 2013 - An estimate published by the National Right to Life Committee this time in 2011 indicated there have been an estimated 54,559,615 abortions ...
  5. Facts on Induced Abortion Worldwide - Guttmacher Institute
    Facts on Induced Abortion Worldwide
    Guttmacher Institute

    The estimated annual number of deaths from unsafe abortion declined from 56,000 in 2003 to 47,000 in 2008. Complications from unsafe abortion accounted for ...
  6. Lifetime Abortion Rate In Iran Is Estimated to Be One Per ...
    Guttmacher Institute

    In Iran, where abortion is severely restricted by law, married women aged 15–49 have an estimated 73,000 abortions per year, according to a recent analysis of ...
  7. Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics - Abort73.com
    Abort73.com Abortion UnfilteredFacts About Abortion

    Jul 28, 2014 - In 2011, approximately 1.06 million abortions took place in the U.S., down from an estimated 1.21 million abortions in 2008, 1.29 million in 2002 ...
  8. Chris Smith says more than 54 million abortions have been ...

    Mar 18, 2012 - The National Right to Life Committee estimates the total through 2011 by assuming the number of abortions in 2008 -- about 1.2 million ...
  9. Education > Abortion > Abortion Statistics - 07/26/2012 | ALL ...
    Education ALL.org
    American Life League

    Jul 26, 2012 - Statistics. Abortions in the United States. Total number of abortions in the U.S. 1973-2011: 54.5 million+ 234 abortions per 1,000 live births ...
  10. CDC - CDCs Abortion Surveillance System FAQs ...
    United States Centers for Disease Control and Preve...

    Dec 13, 2012 - CDC began abortion surveillance in 1969 to document the number and ... these reporting areas collect to produce national estimates. CDC's ...
    Private Abortion-Aborto‎
So yeah... we're talking murder on a scale that would have caused Mao to blush. And who is responsible for THAT? The ever so tolerant, always compassionate, defenders of the weak and downtrodden.... the Liberal-Progressives of the IDEOLOGICAL LEFT... Advocates of MASS MURDER of 100s of MILLIONS OF THE MOST INNOCENT AND THE MOST DEFENSELESS OF HUMAN LIFE; 50 million in the US ALONE!

Yessir... You people are GENUINE EVIL!
So, the left wing is to be judged on a sliding scale of relativism but the right wing is to be grouped with every right wing form of government no matter how extreme it is?

No, not at all. I have absolutely no idea where you got that from.

Any political spectrum is going to position ideologies along a kind of sliding scale, obviously.

So what does your "sliding scale" measure? What is the quantity that varies?
Begs the question: Are these people stupid on purpose or by design?

The strong anti-Intellectual themes they parrot are little more than a conditioned response. Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck and others have convinced them that the word "elite" does not mean the actual elites in this country -- the captains of industry and such -- but anybody who furthers their education at a University. It is just an old trick demagogues have always used to drum up popular support as they create the sense of resentment and then offer the reward. In this case, the resentment is based upon education while the reward offered is to call all those who agree with the demagogue the real smart people.

So, to answer the question, I would say both. The people who repeat all the stale framing devices are stupid, but there is a definite design to it. It may not be by their own design, but it is by design nevertheless.
LOL. Arrogant liberal asshole!
Are anti-intellectualism and name calling the best you've got?
Begs the question: Are these people stupid on purpose or by design?

The strong anti-Intellectual themes they parrot are little more than a conditioned response. Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck and others have convinced them that the word "elite" does not mean the actual elites in this country -- the captains of industry and such -- but anybody who furthers their education at a University. It is just an old trick demagogues have always used to drum up popular support as they create the sense of resentment and then offer the reward. In this case, the resentment is based upon education while the reward offered is to call all those who agree with the demagogue the real smart people.

So, to answer the question, I would say both. The people who repeat all the stale framing devices are stupid, but there is a definite design to it. It may not be by their own design, but it is by design nevertheless.
LOL. Arrogant liberal asshole!
Are anti-intellectualism and name calling the best you've got?

LOL! Now isn't that precious?

I guess I will never tire of the sweeter ironies... .
Begs the question: Are these people stupid on purpose or by design?

The strong anti-Intellectual themes they parrot are little more than a conditioned response. Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck and others have convinced them that the word "elite" does not mean the actual elites in this country -- the captains of industry and such -- but anybody who furthers their education at a University. It is just an old trick demagogues have always used to drum up popular support as they create the sense of resentment and then offer the reward. In this case, the resentment is based upon education while the reward offered is to call all those who agree with the demagogue the real smart people.

So, to answer the question, I would say both. The people who repeat all the stale framing devices are stupid, but there is a definite design to it. It may not be by their own design, but it is by design nevertheless.


Not just Anti-intellectual themes, but STRONG Anti-intellectual themes... ?

Oh my!

And this from the Intellectually Less Fortunate?

LOL! Folks, you can NOT make this crap up.
One claim that I'veseen quite often made on this board is that Hitler was left-wing, and not right-wing as almost every book on the subject states.

Look its not rocket science, the left has aborted more than 50 million human babies, does that sound like Hilter? Well there you go.

Hyperbole squared? Conservative women never have an abortion? 50 Million? Post a credible source that this number is factual and during what time period?

Do you deny that Democrats, and liberals in particular are not the champions who are defending the right to horribly mutilate helpless human life forms in the womb? How many has the left killed 5x as many as Hitler?
Yes. We want women to have the freedom to end unwanted pregnancies, which the SUPREME COURT has ruled is not a human being for the first 3 months. Or in a few cases, to save the life of the woman after that, brainwashed one trick pony. Choice is freedom, you are a brainwashed fascist. We have lots of intelligent conservative allies,too. The new choice of free birth control will cut the number of abortions greatly. More freedom. From liberals of course.
And now, freedom to get free birth control, saving EVERYONE money.

Free contraceptives would go along way in preventing unwanted pregnancies, yet many of the anti abortion crowd opposes providing contraceptives freely to everyone of child bearing age, and opposing age appropriate sex education in the public schools.

Anyone who thinks through this issue must conclude that those who hold these positions must be stupid, or want to control the behavior of millions of others. I suppose for some it's both.
And now, freedom to get free birth control, saving EVERYONE money.

Free contraceptives would go along way in preventing unwanted pregnancies, yet many of the anti abortion crowd opposes providing contraceptives freely to everyone of child bearing age, and opposing age appropriate sex education in the public schools.

Anyone who thinks through this issue must conclude that those who hold these positions must be stupid, or want to control the behavior of millions of others. I suppose for some it's both.

What is it with you people and your consistent inability to take responsibility for your own behavior?

Buy your own contraceptives and where that doesn't work, raise your kids!

If you can't DO THAT, then you have no business engaging in intercourse.

You aren't entitled to other people's property to make your life easier... and it is not someone else's responsibility to raise your children.

What you don't seem to understand is that where you are incapable of taking responsibility for yourselves, then you aren't qualified for freedom. And it is as simple as THAT.
One claim that I'veseen quite often made on this board is that Hitler was left-wing, and not right-wing as almost every book on the subject states.

Look its not rocket science, the left has aborted more than 50 million human babies, does that sound like Hilter? Well there you go.

Hyperbole squared? Conservative women never have an abortion? 50 Million? Post a credible source that this number is factual and during what time period?

Do you deny that Democrats, and liberals in particular are not the champions who are defending the right to horribly mutilate helpless human life forms in the womb? How many has the left killed 5x as many as Hitler?
Yes. We want women to have the freedom to end unwanted pregnancies, which the SUPREME COURT has ruled is not a human being for the first 3 months. Or in a few cases, to save the life of the woman after that, brainwashed one trick pony. Choice is freedom, you are a brainwashed fascist. We have lots of intelligent conservative allies,too. The new choice of free birth control will cut the number of abortions greatly. More freedom. From liberals of course.

Newsflash God overruled the liberal infested SCOTUS.
Leftists don't love corporations and titled aristocrats, dupe. lol. It's pretty damn simple...
Neither did the Nazis.
Idiot. Ever heard of Messerschmidt, Krupp, Porsche, Mercedes, Volkswagen, Toldt, Heinkel, etc etc, or Baron von Ribbentropp? OR for that matter Mitsubishi and Hirohito. That's RW totalitarianism or fascism. LW totalitarianism is communism- NO corporations or aristocratic titles. RW per se meaning small gov't and freedom is the New BS GOP propaganda, dupes. Socialism can just as easily be small gov't and freedom. Of course, you brainwashed chumpsw "think" socialism is communism...

For private ownership to have any meaning it requires private control. Under the Nazis, government bureaucrats made all the business decisions. They decided what was produced, how much of it was produced, how much the workers were paid, who got promoted, etc., etc., etc.. Private ownership was a fiction in Nazi Germany. The so-called "owners" were little more than factory managers.
Leftists don't love corporations and titled aristocrats, dupe. lol. It's pretty damn simple...
Neither did the Nazis.
Idiot. Ever heard of Messerschmidt, Krupp, Porsche, Mercedes, Volkswagen, Toldt, Heinkel, etc etc, or Baron von Ribbentropp? OR for that matter Mitsubishi and Hirohito. That's RW totalitarianism or fascism. LW totalitarianism is communism- NO corporations or aristocratic titles. RW per se meaning small gov't and freedom is the New BS GOP propaganda, dupes. Socialism can just as easily be small gov't and freedom. Of course, you brainwashed chumpsw "think" socialism is communism...

For private ownership to have any meaning it requires private control. Under the Nazis, government bureaucrats made all the business decisions. They decided what was produced, how much of it was produced, how much the workers were paid, who got promoted, etc., etc., etc.. Private ownership was a fiction in Nazi Germany. The so-called "owners" were little more than factory managers.
Your post sounds like fiction from the Far Right Wing of American Politics.
And now, freedom to get free birth control, saving EVERYONE money.

Free contraceptives would go along way in preventing unwanted pregnancies, yet many of the anti abortion crowd opposes providing contraceptives freely to everyone of child bearing age, and opposing age appropriate sex education in the public schools.

Anyone who thinks through this issue must conclude that those who hold these positions must be stupid, or want to control the behavior of millions of others. I suppose for some it's both.

What is it with you people and your consistent inability to take responsibility for your own behavior?

Buy your own contraceptives and where that doesn't work, raise your kids!

If you can't DO THAT, then you have no business engaging in intercourse.

You aren't entitled to other people's property to make your life easier... and it is not someone else's responsibility to raise your children.

What you don't seem to understand is that where you are incapable of taking responsibility for yourselves, then you aren't qualified for freedom. And it is as simple as THAT.

Yep, you want to control others, and thus really don't care to reduce the number of abortions. In fact, if there were zero abortions you would still want to control the sexual life of others - but deny you're an authoritarian. You'd make a 'good' Nazi.
One claim that I'veseen quite often made on this board is that Hitler was left-wing, and not right-wing as almost every book on the subject states.

Look its not rocket science, the left has aborted more than 50 million human babies, does that sound like Hilter? Well there you go.

Hyperbole squared? Conservative women never have an abortion? 50 Million? Post a credible source that this number is factual and during what time period?

Do you deny that Democrats, and liberals in particular are not the champions who are defending the right to horribly mutilate helpless human life forms in the womb? How many has the left killed 5x as many as Hitler?
Yes. We want women to have the freedom to end unwanted pregnancies, which the SUPREME COURT has ruled is not a human being for the first 3 months. Or in a few cases, to save the life of the woman after that, brainwashed one trick pony. Choice is freedom, you are a brainwashed fascist. We have lots of intelligent conservative allies,too. The new choice of free birth control will cut the number of abortions greatly. More freedom. From liberals of course.

Newsflash God overruled the liberal infested SCOTUS.

Are you nuts, or trying to pass off a big lie?
Leftists don't love corporations and titled aristocrats, dupe. lol. It's pretty damn simple...
Neither did the Nazis.
Idiot. Ever heard of Messerschmidt, Krupp, Porsche, Mercedes, Volkswagen, Toldt, Heinkel, etc etc, or Baron von Ribbentropp? OR for that matter Mitsubishi and Hirohito. That's RW totalitarianism or fascism. LW totalitarianism is communism- NO corporations or aristocratic titles. RW per se meaning small gov't and freedom is the New BS GOP propaganda, dupes. Socialism can just as easily be small gov't and freedom. Of course, you brainwashed chumpsw "think" socialism is communism...

For private ownership to have any meaning it requires private control. Under the Nazis, government bureaucrats made all the business decisions. They decided what was produced, how much of it was produced, how much the workers were paid, who got promoted, etc., etc., etc.. Private ownership was a fiction in Nazi Germany. The so-called "owners" were little more than factory managers.
They worked together, lots of money for all- much like the Reagan and W Bush defense/war economy. But Nazi totalitarian, of course. A war economy see FDR.
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Every college or university book store usually has little booklets on political ideologies; I have seven on my shelves. The booklets usually cover the gamut from Fascism on the right to communism on the left. Why this topic is even on these board beats me, except Hitler used the socialist thing in the Nazi title to con the people, and apparently some diehards believe Hitler would not tell a lie. Pretty soon we will be hearing about Hitler cutting down a cherry tree or something.
And now, freedom to get free birth control, saving EVERYONE money.

Free contraceptives would go along way in preventing unwanted pregnancies, yet many of the anti abortion crowd opposes providing contraceptives freely to everyone of child bearing age, and opposing age appropriate sex education in the public schools.

Anyone who thinks through this issue must conclude that those who hold these positions must be stupid, or want to control the behavior of millions of others. I suppose for some it's both.

What is it with you people and your consistent inability to take responsibility for your own behavior?

Buy your own contraceptives and where that doesn't work, raise your kids!

If you can't DO THAT, then you have no business engaging in intercourse.

You aren't entitled to other people's property to make your life easier... and it is not someone else's responsibility to raise your children.

What you don't seem to understand is that where you are incapable of taking responsibility for yourselves, then you aren't qualified for freedom. And it is as simple as THAT.

Yep, you want to control others, and thus really don't care to reduce the number of abortions. In fact, if there were zero abortions you would still want to control the sexual life of others - but deny you're an authoritarian. You'd make a 'good' Nazi.

So making people responsible for their actions is now controlling?

Buy your own contraceptives is controlling?

Raising the children that are yours is controlling?
I wonder if all the people in Finland is brainwashed?

A leftie call a rightie Facist, when he lives in a country that DICTATES his health care

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