Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

Begs the question: Are these people stupid on purpose or by design?

The strong anti-Intellectual themes they parrot are little more than a conditioned response. Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck and others have convinced them that the word "elite" does not mean the actual elites in this country -- the captains of industry and such -- but anybody who furthers their education at a University. It is just an old trick demagogues have always used to drum up popular support as they create the sense of resentment and then offer the reward. In this case, the resentment is based upon education while the reward offered is to call all those who agree with the demagogue the real smart people.

So, to answer the question, I would say both. The people who repeat all the stale framing devices are stupid, but there is a definite design to it. It may not be by their own design, but it is by design nevertheless.
Begs the question: Are these people stupid on purpose or by design?

The strong anti-Intellectual themes they parrot are little more than a conditioned response. Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck and others have convinced them that the word "elite" does not mean the actual elites in this country -- the captains of industry and such -- but anybody who furthers their education at a University. It is just an old trick demagogues have always used to drum up popular support as they create the sense of resentment and then offer the reward. In this case, the resentment is based upon education while the reward offered is to call all those who agree with the demagogue the real smart people.

So, to answer the question, I would say both. The people who repeat all the stale framing devices are stupid, but there is a definite design to it. It may not be by their own design, but it is by design nevertheless.
LOL. Arrogant liberal asshole!
Begs the question: Are these people stupid on purpose or by design?

The strong anti-Intellectual themes they parrot are little more than a conditioned response. Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck and others have convinced them that the word "elite" does not mean the actual elites in this country -- the captains of industry and such -- but anybody who furthers their education at a University. It is just an old trick demagogues have always used to drum up popular support as they create the sense of resentment and then offer the reward. In this case, the resentment is based upon education while the reward offered is to call all those who agree with the demagogue the real smart people.

So, to answer the question, I would say both. The people who repeat all the stale framing devices are stupid, but there is a definite design to it. It may not be by their own design, but it is by design nevertheless.
all that text to just spout more ignorance. Face it left wing is the wing of death and totalitarianism. From the days to keeping the blacks in chains till today

Iceweasel -

It's in the Nazi economy that we see the hallmarks of right wing government - very strong use of investment and dividends from the private sector, and a close relationship with the aristocracy as a result. This is crucial in understanding both the emphasis on class as well.

Thus, it is in this context that I also talk about small government as being a modern concept, unknown to the architects of the Nazi economy.

I'd be happy to recommend books on this if you are interested - particularly this one by the always excellent Richard Overy:

http://www.amazon.com/Economic-Recovery-1932-1938-Studies-History/dp/0521557674/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1416671455&sr=1-5&keywords=the nazi economy

I really have little interest in the US context here - it just isn't relevant to fascism.

Socialism is not right wing government..

See how the far left does not understand beyond their limited programming.

Socialism can be authoritarian or democratic. Your ignorance never ceases to amaze.

All Socialism is authoritarian, as democratic socialism rests entirely in Deceit... its execution being exclusively Fraudulent and all of such resting in the Ignorance of the culture which succumbs to both.

You see scamp, absent Deceit, Fraud and Ignorance, socialism cannot exist.

It's how they all get the power they need. Like our Progressives, they lie and lie and lie and Lie and LIE and LIE about who they and what they are and what they want

All your examples of the lie and lie and lie and Lie and LIE and LIE about who they are and what they want seem to be missing, Did someone censor your post CF, or is it possible your hyperbole is nothing but a pile of bull shit?
Iceweasel -

It's in the Nazi economy that we see the hallmarks of right wing government - very strong use of investment and dividends from the private sector, and a close relationship with the aristocracy as a result. This is crucial in understanding both the emphasis on class as well.

Thus, it is in this context that I also talk about small government as being a modern concept, unknown to the architects of the Nazi economy.

I'd be happy to recommend books on this if you are interested - particularly this one by the always excellent Richard Overy:

http://www.amazon.com/Economic-Recovery-1932-1938-Studies-History/dp/0521557674/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1416671455&sr=1-5&keywords=the nazi economy

I really have little interest in the US context here - it just isn't relevant to fascism.

Socialism is not right wing government..

See how the far left does not understand beyond their limited programming.

Socialism can be authoritarian or democratic. Your ignorance never ceases to amaze.

All Socialism is authoritarian, as democratic socialism rests entirely in Deceit... its execution being exclusively Fraudulent and all of such resting in the Ignorance of the culture which succumbs to both.

You see scamp, absent Deceit, Fraud and Ignorance, socialism cannot exist.

It's how they all get the power they need. Like our Progressives, they lie and lie and lie and Lie and LIE and LIE about who they and what they are and what they want

All your examples of the lie and lie and lie and Lie and LIE and LIE about who they are and what they want seem to be missing, Did someone censor your post CF, or is it possible your hyperbole is nothing but a pile of bull shit?
You just hate to look at what true socialism is don't you?

Iceweasel -

It's in the Nazi economy that we see the hallmarks of right wing government - very strong use of investment and dividends from the private sector, and a close relationship with the aristocracy as a result. This is crucial in understanding both the emphasis on class as well.

Thus, it is in this context that I also talk about small government as being a modern concept, unknown to the architects of the Nazi economy.

I'd be happy to recommend books on this if you are interested - particularly this one by the always excellent Richard Overy:

http://www.amazon.com/Economic-Recovery-1932-1938-Studies-History/dp/0521557674/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1416671455&sr=1-5&keywords=the nazi economy

I really have little interest in the US context here - it just isn't relevant to fascism.

Socialism is not right wing government..

See how the far left does not understand beyond their limited programming.

Socialism can be authoritarian or democratic. Your ignorance never ceases to amaze.

All Socialism is authoritarian, as democratic socialism rests entirely in Deceit... its execution being exclusively Fraudulent and all of such resting in the Ignorance of the culture which succumbs to both.

You see scamp, absent Deceit, Fraud and Ignorance, socialism cannot exist.

It's how they all get the power they need. Like our Progressives, they lie and lie and lie and Lie and LIE and LIE about who they and what they are and what they want

All your examples of the lie and lie and lie and Lie and LIE and LIE about who they are and what they want seem to be missing, Did someone censor your post CF, or is it possible your hyperbole is nothing but a pile of bull shit?

There's no lying there. Hitler, Mao, Stalin were all left wingers in that they believed that government was the ultimate arbiter of social power. Individuals had no power and merely existed for the benefit of the State. That's the very DEFINITION of leftwing. Remember right wing is no government (anarchy), left wing is total government control.

It's really quite simple. The best governments (as far as the people who live within their borders go) are those that are a healthy mix of the two philosophies. Progressives try and hide the fact that they are the party of Stalin and Hitler, but the historical evidence is overwhelming.

That and the simple logic of what rightwing vs leftwing actually means.
Nazism is not Fascist, as there are clear differences between Italian Fascism, Spanish Fascism and Nazism. As for 'left' and 'right' scales, they are useless for anything but populist media debates. Authoritarian scales are better, but they don't allow the media to divide society into two camps.
No doubt all the capitalists who made huge profits under Nazism and Fascism were greatly concerned about these socialist tendencies.
State run markets isn't free market capitalism, as you claimed earlier.

Please feel free to describe exactly how free market capitalists were discouraged from making profits in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany.
Already did that, Slick.

Please feel free to point out the operative passage.
Socialism is not right wing government..

See how the far left does not understand beyond their limited programming.

Socialism can be authoritarian or democratic. Your ignorance never ceases to amaze.

All Socialism is authoritarian, as democratic socialism rests entirely in Deceit... its execution being exclusively Fraudulent and all of such resting in the Ignorance of the culture which succumbs to both.

You see scamp, absent Deceit, Fraud and Ignorance, socialism cannot exist.

It's how they all get the power they need. Like our Progressives, they lie and lie and lie and Lie and LIE and LIE about who they and what they are and what they want

All your examples of the lie and lie and lie and Lie and LIE and LIE about who they are and what they want seem to be missing, Did someone censor your post CF, or is it possible your hyperbole is nothing but a pile of bull shit?

There's no lying there. Hitler, Mao, Stalin were all left wingers in that they believed that government was the ultimate arbiter of social power. Individuals had no power and merely existed for the benefit of the State. That's the very DEFINITION of leftwing. Remember right wing is no government (anarchy), left wing is total government control.

It's really quite simple. The best governments (as far as the people who live within their borders go) are those that are a healthy mix of the two philosophies. Progressives try and hide the fact that they are the party of Stalin and Hitler, but the historical evidence is overwhelming.

That and the simple logic of what rightwing vs leftwing actually means.

Simple? Yes, very simple.

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