Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

Only progessives think people are stupid enough to buy such obvious bullshit


And yet you present nothing to refute my position or to substantiate your own alleged view.
Just history. Your ignorance and lies cant stand up to it


Please feel free to quote the legitimate historians who would in any way validate your opinions.
How about the fact that all of them were socialists you idiot

All of who?
Nazi. The national scoialist workers party for one you lying scumbag. Then we can add stalin, Mao, pol pot, and ever other mass murdering asshole since 1913

This thread shows all progressives are liars and all socialists are traitors to the constitutional republic of the United States of America

And yet you present nothing to refute my position or to substantiate your own alleged view.
Just history. Your ignorance and lies cant stand up to it


Please feel free to quote the legitimate historians who would in any way validate your opinions.
How about the fact that all of them were socialists you idiot

All of who?
Nazi. The national scoialist workers party for one you lying scumbag. Then we can add stalin, Mao, pol pot, and ever other mass murdering asshole since 1913


Now perhaps you can explain how that makes them not a right wing reactionary movement. Please feel free to explain the difference. What does a right wing reactionary movement actually look like?
Just history. Your ignorance and lies cant stand up to it


Please feel free to quote the legitimate historians who would in any way validate your opinions.
How about the fact that all of them were socialists you idiot

All of who?
Nazi. The national scoialist workers party for one you lying scumbag. Then we can add stalin, Mao, pol pot, and ever other mass murdering asshole since 1913


Now perhaps you can explain how that makes them not a right wing reactionary movement. Please feel free to explain the difference. What does a right wing reactionary movement actually look like?
Since they are progressive socialists like you.

Please feel free to quote the legitimate historians who would in any way validate your opinions.
How about the fact that all of them were socialists you idiot

All of who?
Nazi. The national scoialist workers party for one you lying scumbag. Then we can add stalin, Mao, pol pot, and ever other mass murdering asshole since 1913


Now perhaps you can explain how that makes them not a right wing reactionary movement. Please feel free to explain the difference. What does a right wing reactionary movement actually look like?
Since they are progressive socialists like you.


About what I expected......more of the same nothing.
I read what you posted. That doesn't mean I agree with you. And just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I'm not reading what you post.

So Hitler gave paid vacation, breaks were longer, job security and a social system. And because you see this, somehow this automatically makes Hitler left wing, just based on this. What nonsense.
No, you didn't read the post(s). I said that's socialism, not right wing. I said it more closely resembles the left than the right. Socialism is on the left in most people's books.
If you look at what else was written you'll see ""Every member of an Aryan enterprise community shall assume the responsibilities required by his position in the said common enterprise." In other words, at the head of the company or the enterprise would be a living, breathing executive in charge, not a moneybags with unconditional power."

Aryan enterprise community. Seem a little suspicious to you? The reality is that Aryans got a higher status. Others got nothing. Jews did not get any of this. Nor slavs. Hitler merely changed the order of things. The Hierarchy was no longer the Emperor at the top and then working down to the working class people. Hitler had it so that the "Aryans" or Germanic people were pushed up ahead of all others.
You are flopping around all over the place here, they were national socialists. That means they were still socialists but with a racial slant. That doesn't change their social control over economics. A capitalist can be a nationalist too.
Similar to much of the far right in Europe now and what they want.

Also, you have to remember that this is about ethnic Nationalism, always was. This is considered right wing to far right.

Again, you're putting US politics today into German 1920s and 1930s. The working people had suffered a lot in the history of the world, Hitler was one of these. Giving working class people better conditions is not necessarily left wing, and it certainly doesn't cancel out all of the right wing policies that were implemented.
So if they killed everyone not Aryan, set up a socialist run economic system, it can't be called socialism?

You say for the collective good is socialism. So when the US goes to war in Iraq or Afghanistan supposedly for the good of the country, this is in fact Socialist George Bush going to war? Or are you saying he only went to war for a few rich people?

Nationalism is often about the good of a collective group, patriotism is also the same thing, trying to bring people together under the flag, the anthem and all that. Or are you suggesting that anyone patriotic is just a schmuck who is being taken for a ride by the rich?
You are confusing terms. Doing what one sees as good for America doesn't make them a socialist. Stripping away individual rights for the good of the collective does. That's what a collective is. You become a worker bee in the hive. That isn't right wing.
Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

Hitler was a GERMAN ETHNIC NATIONALIST. There were Germanic peoples in various border countries of Germany.
As for the rest, the Slavs and anyone else, they weren't being brought into the fold, they were generally being enslaved, especially the Slavs and the Jews.
Russia was going to be made into a new homeland for the German people, good farm land would be settled and within a few generations after the victory in WW2 the whole area would have forgotten about the Slavic peoples.
Yes, the master race would remain the master race but the common people would be slaves of the state too. That's socialism. Not right wing.
Really? Coming from someone who seems to know have the slightest clue what he's talking about. Posting quotes that don't prove your point but you start insulting when someone tells you that you don't have anything to go on. Making leaps of faith with this too and pretending that it's all left wing without so much as a decent argument.

Then fluffing up history so much that it was if Hitler was offering the Slavs and Jews a nice cup of tea and then amazing job opportunities, especially in the camps I'd not doubt.

Give me a break.
So your stinking word farts are supposed to overide the quotes that demonstrate it was socialism? LOL. You don't like the fact that the Nazis had a socialist system, we get it. Tough shit tough, facts are stubborn things.
I read what you posted. That doesn't mean I agree with you. And just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I'm not reading what you post.

So Hitler gave paid vacation, breaks were longer, job security and a social system. And because you see this, somehow this automatically makes Hitler left wing, just based on this. What nonsense.
No, you didn't read the post(s). I said that's socialism, not right wing. I said it more closely resembles the left than the right. Socialism is on the left in most people's books.
If you look at what else was written you'll see ""Every member of an Aryan enterprise community shall assume the responsibilities required by his position in the said common enterprise." In other words, at the head of the company or the enterprise would be a living, breathing executive in charge, not a moneybags with unconditional power."

Aryan enterprise community. Seem a little suspicious to you? The reality is that Aryans got a higher status. Others got nothing. Jews did not get any of this. Nor slavs. Hitler merely changed the order of things. The Hierarchy was no longer the Emperor at the top and then working down to the working class people. Hitler had it so that the "Aryans" or Germanic people were pushed up ahead of all others.
You are flopping around all over the place here, they were national socialists. That means they were still socialists but with a racial slant. That doesn't change their social control over economics. A capitalist can be a nationalist too.
Similar to much of the far right in Europe now and what they want.

Also, you have to remember that this is about ethnic Nationalism, always was. This is considered right wing to far right.

Again, you're putting US politics today into German 1920s and 1930s. The working people had suffered a lot in the history of the world, Hitler was one of these. Giving working class people better conditions is not necessarily left wing, and it certainly doesn't cancel out all of the right wing policies that were implemented.
So if they killed everyone not Aryan, set up a socialist run economic system, it can't be called socialism?

You say for the collective good is socialism. So when the US goes to war in Iraq or Afghanistan supposedly for the good of the country, this is in fact Socialist George Bush going to war? Or are you saying he only went to war for a few rich people?

Nationalism is often about the good of a collective group, patriotism is also the same thing, trying to bring people together under the flag, the anthem and all that. Or are you suggesting that anyone patriotic is just a schmuck who is being taken for a ride by the rich?
You are confusing terms. Doing what one sees as good for America doesn't make them a socialist. Stripping away individual rights for the good of the collective does. That's what a collective is. You become a worker bee in the hive. That isn't right wing.
Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

Hitler was a GERMAN ETHNIC NATIONALIST. There were Germanic peoples in various border countries of Germany.
As for the rest, the Slavs and anyone else, they weren't being brought into the fold, they were generally being enslaved, especially the Slavs and the Jews.
Russia was going to be made into a new homeland for the German people, good farm land would be settled and within a few generations after the victory in WW2 the whole area would have forgotten about the Slavic peoples.
Yes, the master race would remain the master race but the common people would be slaves of the state too. That's socialism. Not right wing.
Really? Coming from someone who seems to know have the slightest clue what he's talking about. Posting quotes that don't prove your point but you start insulting when someone tells you that you don't have anything to go on. Making leaps of faith with this too and pretending that it's all left wing without so much as a decent argument.

Then fluffing up history so much that it was if Hitler was offering the Slavs and Jews a nice cup of tea and then amazing job opportunities, especially in the camps I'd not doubt.

Give me a break.
So your stinking word farts are supposed to overide the quotes that demonstrate it was socialism? LOL. You don't like the fact that the Nazis had a socialist system, we get it. Tough shit tough, facts are stubborn things.

No doubt all the capitalists who made huge profits under Nazism and Fascism were greatly concerned about these socialist tendencies.
I wonder if any of these esteemed scholars can define what right wing means? They want to make the distinction but they only want to characterize what is left while completely avoiding any definition of what constitutes right.
The beauty of these boards is that there doesn't have to be any scholarship of note. Tie an opinion to politics and start a chant, soon others will pick up the chant and the chant becomes believable for a few.
How do historians, political scientists, and other Social Scientists, those that teach in our universities, define and place Nazism, as socialist or fascist?
The beauty of these boards is that there doesn't have to be any scholarship of note. Tie an opinion to politics and start a chant, soon others will pick up the chant and the chant becomes believable for a few.
How do historians, political scientists, and other Social Scientists, those that teach in our universities, define and place Nazism, as socialist or fascist?
If they are in universities they are likely spinning it to avoid any association with socialism. While enjoying fucking the students out of a LOT of money.
Saying Hitler was a leftist or socialist will get you thrown out of any college or university in the country that isn't a joke run by some a-hole New BS GOP RWer (Actually, none I know of- must be someone lol). One book, Liberal Fascism (The Economist: "Pure drivel") started this, fed by demagogues like Beck...

A horrible RW joke.
No doubt all the capitalists who made huge profits under Nazism and Fascism were greatly concerned about these socialist tendencies.
State run markets isn't free market capitalism, as you claimed earlier.

Please feel free to describe exactly how free market capitalists were discouraged from making profits in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany.
Saying Hitler was a leftist or socialist will get you thrown out of any college or university in the country that isn't a joke run by some a-hole New BS GOP RWer (Actually, none I know of- must be someone lol). One book, Liberal Fascism (The Economist: "Pure drivel") started this, fed by demagogues like Beck...

A horrible RW joke.

democrat, hater Dupes always blaming others, no responsibility
Saying Hitler was a leftist or socialist will get you thrown out of any college or university in the country that isn't a joke run by some a-hole New BS GOP RWer (Actually, none I know of- must be someone lol). One book, Liberal Fascism (The Economist: "Pure drivel") started this, fed by demagogues like Beck...

A horrible RW joke.

democrat, hater Dupes always blaming others, no responsibility

I'm going to guess stupid by design for this one.
Saying Hitler was a leftist or socialist will get you thrown out of any college or university in the country that isn't a joke run by some a-hole New BS GOP RWer (Actually, none I know of- must be someone lol). One book, Liberal Fascism (The Economist: "Pure drivel") started this, fed by demagogues like Beck...

A horrible RW joke.

democrat, hater Dupes always blaming others, no responsibility
Take a year off from trolling and read....idiot.
Saying Hitler was a leftist or socialist will get you thrown out of any college or university in the country that isn't a joke run by some a-hole New BS GOP RWer (Actually, none I know of- must be someone lol). One book, Liberal Fascism (The Economist: "Pure drivel") started this, fed by demagogues like Beck...

A horrible RW joke.
I quoted his own words where he said he was. But you're right, I'd probably get kicked out. Maybe carried out if I waved an American flag.

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