Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

^ One Note Samba
That's how I respond to one note retards who think Nazis are left wing. I have to dumb it down for you.

Maybe it's not really their fault they are so ignorant, perhaps they just need a little education but no one took the time to explain things to them. I think we should be more charitable with people who's somewhat modest intellectual endowment prevents them from fully comprehending actual facts of history. We can do a real public service by educating these people. So lets begin with lesson one.....pay attention dummies, there will be a quiz later.

We noticed you never have any of your own answers, you just link to irrelevant items. Does Obama pay you by the post?

You've just confirmed a theory I've had some time. I believe there are liberals on this forum who pose as right wing conservatives. The purpose of the subterfuge is to make conservatives look just as stupid as possible. You are obviously a liberal provocateur, a double agent, a spy for the left. Good work by the way.

^ paid by the post, no quality control oversight

Sorry, didn't mean to blow your cover.
Based on what I've seen so far I'd be very surprised if some foundation hadn't already offered funding for you to start your own think tank.

Why? LOL! Because I own YOU?

As impressive as you might be sure that is, in reality, it ain't much. In most of the US, all I'm pointing out here what is otherwise recognized as basic common sense.

It only appears to be HIGH-REASON, when its set against the abyss of Left-think.
Yay! Another self-proclaimed victory! You can't lose can you.

It has become obvious, Keys can play with himself and lose. He mentally masturbates and loses his mind.

I wonder if it could be more obvious that dummies like that don't actually believe anything they say, they are completely dishonest. No one could actually be that stupid and still retain autonomic functions.

I don't know, have you read any of the Idiot-grams posted by CrusaderFrank? The insanity of Keys may mitigate his general dishonesty, reality is a challenge to him.

dear, if you disagree with Frank on a substantive matter please say what it is or admit you lack the IQ to be here. thanks
And you are aware that Arendt's boyfriend worked for the Nazi Party at the time, right?

So how left wing is she, would you say?
What does that mean? Socialists are big on authority, working for the party doesn't demonstrate anything.
It doesn't matter how much actual legitimate history you cite. They can't comprehend it because it doesn't fit with their superficial definitions or half wit rhetoric.
When do you stop gazing into the mirror?

How many of the half dozen authors cited have you read, Weasel?

Because the ones listed are about the most reknowned people working in this field, and any history course on Fascist Politics will include 2 or 3 of them.

Do you really think you can come to understand something as complex as Fascist theory by spending 5 minutes on Wikipedia?

He obviously never read a book in his life. Just goes to show that people can't learn as much from websites as they thought.
I have a college degree and you pooped your pants again.

From John Dean's book, Conservatives Without Conscience.

"Authoritarianism is not well understood and seldom discussed in the context of American government and politics, yet it now constitutes the prevailing thinking and behavior among conservatives."

excerpts from the book Conservatives Without Conscience by John Dean
That makes number two on the ignore list....reserved for only the very stupidest people.

Well, I really don't see that ya had any choice. Given that you lack the minimal intellectual means to sustain a dam' thing ya say.

You're among the weakest contributors on this site... you make Wry Catcher look like a genius!

So, I gotta say that was a good call.

You make Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski appear sane

His mindless droning makes Kaczynski's Manifesto look succinct

ROFL! I so adore the sweeter ironies.
That makes number two on the ignore list....reserved for only the very stupidest people.

Well, I really don't see that ya had any choice. Given that you lack the minimal intellectual means to sustain a dam' thing ya say.

You're among the weakest contributors on this site... you make Wry Catcher look like a genius!

So, I gotta say that was a good call.

You make Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski appear sane

His mindless droning makes Kaczynski's Manifesto look succinct

that's Grauchos 1243rd post without any substance whatsoever. Someone he finds wasting time meaningful!!
Why? LOL! Because I own YOU?

As impressive as you might be sure that is, in reality, it ain't much. In most of the US, all I'm pointing out here what is otherwise recognized as basic common sense.

It only appears to be HIGH-REASON, when its set against the abyss of Left-think.
Yay! Another self-proclaimed victory! You can't lose can you.

It has become obvious, Keys can play with himself and lose. He mentally masturbates and loses his mind.

I wonder if it could be more obvious that dummies like that don't actually believe anything they say, they are completely dishonest. No one could actually be that stupid and still retain autonomic functions.

I don't know, have you read any of the Idiot-grams posted by CrusaderFrank? The insanity of Keys may mitigate his general dishonesty, reality is a challenge to him.

dear, if you disagree with Frank on a substantive matter please say what it is or admit you lack the IQ to be here. thanks

Maybe if you repeat that phrase again it will raise your IQ.
And you are aware that Arendt's boyfriend worked for the Nazi Party at the time, right?

So how left wing is she, would you say?
What does that mean? Socialists are big on authority, working for the party doesn't demonstrate anything.
It doesn't matter how much actual legitimate history you cite. They can't comprehend it because it doesn't fit with their superficial definitions or half wit rhetoric.
When do you stop gazing into the mirror?

How many of the half dozen authors cited have you read, Weasel?

Because the ones listed are about the most reknowned people working in this field, and any history course on Fascist Politics will include 2 or 3 of them.

Do you really think you can come to understand something as complex as Fascist theory by spending 5 minutes on Wikipedia?

He obviously never read a book in his life. Just goes to show that people can't learn as much from websites as they thought.
I have a college degree and you pooped your pants again.

From John Dean's book, Conservatives Without Conscience.

"Authoritarianism is not well understood and seldom discussed in the context of American government and politics, yet it now constitutes the prevailing thinking and behavior among conservatives."

excerpts from the book Conservatives Without Conscience by John Dean

Based upon what? And PLEASE, be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow.

"Mommy is not a teacher"
Now I say that Authoritarianism is an axiomatic function of the Ideological Left and I submit this testimony from a mother of a child whom the school claims to have authority over and who ''taught' her child that her mommy is NOT A TEACHER... would ya say that you feel that this is a demonstration of authoritarianism, or not?

(she won't be able to say... but in fairness... I only ask to help her prove that.)
Why? LOL! Because I own YOU?

As impressive as you might be sure that is, in reality, it ain't much. In most of the US, all I'm pointing out here what is otherwise recognized as basic common sense.

It only appears to be HIGH-REASON, when its set against the abyss of Left-think.
Yay! Another self-proclaimed victory! You can't lose can you.

It has become obvious, Keys can play with himself and lose. He mentally masturbates and loses his mind.

I wonder if it could be more obvious that dummies like that don't actually believe anything they say, they are completely dishonest. No one could actually be that stupid and still retain autonomic functions.

I don't know, have you read any of the Idiot-grams posted by CrusaderFrank? The insanity of Keys may mitigate his general dishonesty, reality is a challenge to him.

dear, if you disagree with Frank on a substantive matter please say what it is or admit you lack the IQ to be here. thanks

You wouldn't know substance if it kicked you in the balls. Things like you don't live outside hair brain rhetoric and childish dogma.
Yay! Another self-proclaimed victory! You can't lose can you.

It has become obvious, Keys can play with himself and lose. He mentally masturbates and loses his mind.

I wonder if it could be more obvious that dummies like that don't actually believe anything they say, they are completely dishonest. No one could actually be that stupid and still retain autonomic functions.

I don't know, have you read any of the Idiot-grams posted by CrusaderFrank? The insanity of Keys may mitigate his general dishonesty, reality is a challenge to him.

dear, if you disagree with Frank on a substantive matter please say what it is or admit you lack the IQ to be here. thanks

Maybe if you repeat that phrase again it will raise your IQ.
that's Grauchos 1244rd post without any substance whatsoever. Somehow he finds wasting time meaningful as a typical braindead liberal!!
It has become obvious, Keys can play with himself and lose. He mentally masturbates and loses his mind.

I wonder if it could be more obvious that dummies like that don't actually believe anything they say, they are completely dishonest. No one could actually be that stupid and still retain autonomic functions.

I don't know, have you read any of the Idiot-grams posted by CrusaderFrank? The insanity of Keys may mitigate his general dishonesty, reality is a challenge to him.

dear, if you disagree with Frank on a substantive matter please say what it is or admit you lack the IQ to be here. thanks

Maybe if you repeat that phrase again it will raise your IQ.
that's Grauchos 1244rd post without any substance whatsoever. Somehow he finds wasting time meaningful as a typical braindead liberal!!

And now that you've repeated it again the substance is so much more apparent.

“I wonder if it could be more obvious that dummies like that don't actually believe anything they say, they are completely dishonest. No one could actually be that stupid and still retain autonomic functions.”


One must entertain the possibility that they're well-disciplined liberal trolls successfully making conservatives look ridiculous.
that's Grauchos 1244rd post without any substance whatsoever. Somehow he finds wasting time meaningful as a typical braindead liberal!!
Dude, I had to kick that jackass to ignore, she simply did not meet the minimal standard required to qualify her reasoning for consideration. You would be AMAZED at how it has cleaned up this thread.

“I wonder if it could be more obvious that dummies like that don't actually believe anything they say, they are completely dishonest. No one could actually be that stupid and still retain autonomic functions.”


One must entertain the possibility that the Liberals are actually right wingers pretending to be Liberals, to make them look stupid!,.


So the notion that "All the Leftists in this site are actually Right Wingers Pretending to BE Leftists, to make us look stupid!", is gathering a following!

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“I wonder if it could be more obvious that dummies like that don't actually believe anything they say, they are completely dishonest. No one could actually be that stupid and still retain autonomic functions.”


One must entertain the possibility that they're well-disciplined liberal trolls successfully making conservatives look ridiculous.

I think you may have uncovered the true earth shattering facts of this diabolical conspiracy.
So lets begin with lesson one.....pay attention dummies, there will be a quiz later.
Facts have been posted. You reject them because you need to apparently. Leftists are the true authoritarians. Big government and more control is NOT the hallmark of the right. You bought lies, just like the Nazis did!
Adolf Hitler announces his country club will now accept Jewish members:


"Mazel Tov!"
No collective economy duh. German corporate elites worked hand in hand with Hitler to make MONEY in their war economy.
Yes, as long as they weren't Jews. But the government called the shots. Literally.

Hitler's Socialist Deeds

When in power Hitler also implemented a quite socialist programme. Like F.D. Roosevelt, he provided employment by a much expanded programme of public works (including roadworks) and his Kraft durch Freude ("power through joy") movement was notable for such benefits as providing workers with subsidized holidays at a standard that only the rich could formerly afford. And while Hitler did not nationalize all industry, there was extensive compulsory reorganization of it and tight party control over it. It might be noted that even in the post-war Communist bloc there was never total nationalization of industry. In fact, in Poland, most agriculture always remained in private hands.

For more details of how socialist the German economy was under the Nazis, see Reisman. Excerpt:

"What Mises identified was that private ownership of the means of production existed in name only under the Nazis and that the actual substance of ownership of the means of production resided in the German government. For it was the German government and not the nominal private owners that exercised all of the substantive powers of ownership: it, not the nominal private owners, decided what was to be produced, in what quantity, by what methods, and to whom it was to be distributed, as well as what prices would be charged and what wages would be paid, and what dividends or other income the nominal private owners would be permitted to receive.

The position of the alleged private owners, Mises showed, was reduced essentially to that of government pensioners.
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BERLIN - In a completely unsurprising move yesterday, Herr Hilter appointed the Reich's first black, homosexual Public Enlightenment and Propaganda Minister. Rufus Magenta, a long time flaming advocate of Der Fuehrer's depurification programs, promised an exciting future of films which will highlight the Fatherland's rich cultural diversity and tolerance.

"I'm thinking lots of brown and tan and yellow faces," lisped an obviously titillated Herr Rufus. "And, of course, there will be a place for my LGBT brothers and sisters in my next epic production. What do you think of the title Mein Kampf: One Man's Journey To A Liberal Paradise?

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